public void RenderArcTest() { var arc = new DxfArc(new DxfPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 4.0, 0.0, 90.0); var path = arc.GetSvgPath(); Assert.Equal(2, path.Segments.Count); var first = (SvgMoveToPath)path.Segments[0]; AssertClose(5.0, first.LocationX); AssertClose(2.0, first.LocationY); var arcPathSegment = (SvgArcToPath)path.Segments[1]; AssertClose(1.0, arcPathSegment.EndPointX); AssertClose(6.0, arcPathSegment.EndPointY); Assert.Equal(4.0, arcPathSegment.RadiusX); Assert.Equal(4.0, arcPathSegment.RadiusY); Assert.Equal(0.0, arcPathSegment.XAxisRotation); Assert.False(arcPathSegment.IsLargeArc); Assert.True(arcPathSegment.IsCounterClockwiseSweep); var expected = new XElement("path", new XAttribute("d", path.ToString()), new XAttribute("fill-opacity", "0"), new XAttribute("stroke-width", "1.0px"), new XAttribute("vector-effect", "non-scaling-stroke")); var actual = arc.ToXElement(); AssertXElement(expected, actual); }
public void ShouldNotContainAngle(double startAngle, double endAngle, double angle) { var radius = 1.0; var arc = new DxfArc(DxfPoint.Origin, radius, startAngle, endAngle); Assert.False(arc.ContainsAngle(angle)); }
public void ArcPathOf180DegreesTest() { var arc = new DxfArc(new DxfPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0, 0.0, 180.0); var path = arc.GetSvgPath(); Assert.Equal(3, path.Segments.Count); var move = (SvgMoveToPath)path.Segments[0]; AssertClose(1.0, move.LocationX); AssertClose(0.0, move.LocationY); // 180 degree arcs are difficult to render; split it into two 90s var first = (SvgArcToPath)path.Segments[1]; AssertClose(0.0, first.EndPointX); AssertClose(1.0, first.EndPointY); Assert.Equal(1.0, first.RadiusX); Assert.Equal(1.0, first.RadiusY); Assert.Equal(0.0, first.XAxisRotation); Assert.False(first.IsLargeArc); Assert.True(first.IsCounterClockwiseSweep); var second = (SvgArcToPath)path.Segments[2]; AssertClose(-1.0, second.EndPointX); AssertClose(0.0, second.EndPointY); Assert.Equal(1.0, second.RadiusX); Assert.Equal(1.0, second.RadiusY); Assert.Equal(0.0, second.XAxisRotation); Assert.False(second.IsLargeArc); Assert.True(second.IsCounterClockwiseSweep); }
public void ShouldContainAngle(double startAngle, double endAngle, double angle) { var radius = 1.0; // negative radius only for DxfVertex.Bulge, but not for arcs (?) var arc = new DxfArc(DxfPoint.Origin, radius, startAngle, endAngle); Assert.True(arc.ContainsAngle(angle)); }
internal static SvgPath GetSvgPath(this DxfArc arc) { var startAngle = arc.StartAngle * Math.PI / 180.0; var endAngle = arc.EndAngle * Math.PI / 180.0; return(SvgPath.FromEllipse(arc.Center.X, arc.Center.Y, arc.Radius, 0.0, 1.0, startAngle, endAngle)); }
private void WriteArc(DxfArc arc) { WriteItemType(DxbItemType.Arc); WriteN(arc.Center.X); WriteN(arc.Center.Y); WriteN(arc.Radius); WriteA(arc.StartAngle); WriteA(arc.EndAngle); }
public static XElement ToXElement(this DxfArc arc) { var path = arc.GetSvgPath(); return(new XElement(DxfToSvgConverter.Xmlns + "path", new XAttribute("d", path.ToString()), new XAttribute("fill-opacity", 0)) .AddStroke(arc.Color) .AddStrokeWidth(arc.Thickness) .AddVectorEffect()); }
public float GetEntityLength(DxfArc dxfArc) { var startAngle = (float)dxfArc.StartAngle; var endAngle = (float)dxfArc.EndAngle; startAngle *= -1; endAngle *= -1; var sweep = (endAngle - startAngle - 360) % 360; return((float)(2 * Math.PI * dxfArc.Radius * Math.Abs(sweep) / 360f)); }
public void ArcFlagsSizeTest2() { // arc from 350->10 var arc = new DxfArc(new DxfPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 4.0, 350.0, 10.0); var path = arc.GetSvgPath(); Assert.Equal(2, path.Segments.Count); var arcTo = (SvgArcToPath)path.Segments[1]; Assert.False(arcTo.IsLargeArc); Assert.True(arcTo.IsCounterClockwiseSweep); }
public void ShouldContainStartAndEndAngle() { var radius = 1.0; // negative radius only for DxfVertex.Bulge, but not for arcs (?) for (var start = 0; start <= 360; start += 10) { for (var end = 0; end <= 360; end += 10) { var arc = new DxfArc(DxfPoint.Origin, radius, start, end); Assert.True(arc.ContainsAngle(start), $"{start}°=>{end}° arc contains {start}°"); Assert.True(arc.ContainsAngle(end), $"{start}°=>{end}° arc contains {end}°"); } } }
void ProcessDxfArc(DxfArc dxfArc) { double angle0 = dxfArc.StartAngle; double angle1 = dxfArc.EndAngle; double angle = dxfArc.EndAngle - dxfArc.StartAngle; if (angle > 0.0) { PicArc picArc = Factory.AddArc( DxfColor2PicLT(dxfArc), DxfLayer2PicGrp(dxfArc.Layer), 0 , new Vector2D(dxfArc.Center.X, dxfArc.Center.Y) , dxfArc.Radius , angle0, angle1 ); } else { while (angle < 0) { angle += 360.0; } while (angle > 360.0) { angle -= 360.0; } angle0 += angle; angle1 -= angle; while (angle0 < 0.0) { angle0 += 360.0; angle1 += 360.0; } while (angle0 >= 360.0) { angle0 -= 360.0; } PicArc picArc = Factory.AddArc( DxfColor2PicLT(dxfArc), DxfLayer2PicGrp(dxfArc.Layer), 0 , new Vector2D(dxfArc.Center.X, dxfArc.Center.Y) , dxfArc.Radius , angle0, angle1 ); } }
private static IEnumerable <IPdfPathItem> ConvertArc(DxfArc arc, DxfLayer layer, Matrix4 affine, Matrix4 scale) { var pdfStreamState = new PdfStreamState( strokeColor: GetPdfColor(arc, layer), strokeWidth: GetStrokeWidth(arc, layer)); var center = affine.Transform(arc.Center).ToPdfPoint(PdfMeasurementType.Point); var radius = scale.Transform(new Vector(arc.Radius, arc.Radius, arc.Radius)) .ToPdfPoint(PdfMeasurementType.Point); const double rotation = 0; double startAngleRad = arc.StartAngle * Math.PI / 180; double endAngleRad = arc.EndAngle * Math.PI / 180; yield return(new PdfEllipse(center, radius.X, radius.Y, rotation, startAngleRad, endAngleRad, pdfStreamState)); }
public void ArcBoundingBox() { var radius = 1.0; var startAngle = 90; var endAngle = 180; var arc = new DxfArc(DxfPoint.Origin, radius, startAngle, endAngle); var bb = arc.GetBoundingBox().Value; var expectedMin = new DxfPoint(-1, 0, 0); var expectedMax = new DxfPoint(0, 1, 0); Assert.Equal(expectedMin.X, bb.MinimumPoint.X, 10); Assert.Equal(expectedMin.Y, bb.MinimumPoint.Y, 10); Assert.Equal(expectedMin.X, bb.MinimumPoint.X, 10); Assert.Equal(expectedMax.Y, bb.MaximumPoint.Y, 10); }
public string EntityToJson(DxfArc dxfArc) { // float startAngle = (float)dxfArc.StartAngle; // float endAngle = (float)dxfArc.EndAngle; // startAngle *= -1; // endAngle *= -1; // // float sweep = (endAngle - startAngle - 360) % 360; return(string.Format(Format, "[\"arc\",{0:F},{1:F},{2:F},{3:F},{4:F}]", dxfArc.Center.X, dxfArc.Center.Y, dxfArc.Radius, dxfArc.StartAngle, dxfArc.EndAngle)); }
public void RenderEntity(DxfArc dxfArc, Graphics graphics, int height) { var startAngle = (float)dxfArc.StartAngle; var endAngle = (float)dxfArc.EndAngle; startAngle *= -1; endAngle *= -1; var sweep = (endAngle - startAngle - 360) % 360; graphics.DrawArc(Pens.Black, (float)(dxfArc.Center.X - dxfArc.Radius) * ScaleFactor + OffsetX, height - (float)(dxfArc.Center.Y + dxfArc.Radius) * ScaleFactor + OffsetY, (float)dxfArc.Radius * 2f * ScaleFactor, (float)dxfArc.Radius * 2f * ScaleFactor, startAngle, sweep); }
/// <summary> /// Visits the specified entity. /// See the <see cref="IEntityVisitor"/> for more details. /// </summary> public override void Visit(DxfArc arc) { HandleEntity(arc); }
public virtual void Visit(DxfArc arc) { }
public static completeDxfStruct processDxfFile(string in_obtainedFileName) { completeDxfStruct valueToReturn = new completeDxfStruct(); DxfFile dxfFile; using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(in_obtainedFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)) { dxfFile = DxfFile.Load(fs); IList <DxfBlock> allBlocks = dxfFile.Blocks; IList <DxfEntity> usedEntities; if ((allBlocks.Count == 0) || (allBlocks[0].Name.ToUpper().Contains("MODEL") == false)) { usedEntities = dxfFile.Entities; } else { usedEntities = allBlocks[0].Entities; } foreach (DxfEntity entity in dxfFile.Entities) { switch (entity.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.Line: { DxfLine line = (DxfLine)entity; MyDxfLine TransfLine = new MyDxfLine(line.P1.X, line.P1.Y, line.P2.X, line.P2.Y, line.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfLine); break; } case DxfEntityType.Arc: { DxfArc arc = (DxfArc)entity; MyDxfArc TransfArc = new MyDxfArc(arc.Center.X, arc.Center.Y, arc.StartAngle, arc.EndAngle, arc.Radius, arc.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfArc); break; } case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: { //polyline. It has vertices. DxfLwPolyline polylineS = entity as DxfLwPolyline; int totalnumberOfVertices = polylineS.Vertices.Count; for (int i = 0; i < totalnumberOfVertices - 1; i++) { //iterate through vertices, taking them by 2. A figure is between these two DxfLwPolylineVertex point1 = polylineS.Vertices[i]; DxfLwPolylineVertex point2 = polylineS.Vertices[i + 1]; if (point1.Bulge == 0) { MyDxfLine TransfLine = new MyDxfLine(point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, polylineS.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfLine); } else //it is arc // The bulge is the tangent of one fourth the included angle for an arc segment, // made negative if the arc goes clockwise from the start point to the endpoint. // A bulge of 0 indicates a straight segment, and a bulge of 1 is a semicircle { double angleOfArcRad = System.Math.Atan(Math.Abs(point1.Bulge)) * 4; // // tides of Internet have almost washed this post in forum double xA; double xB; double yA; double yB; if (point1.Bulge < 0) { xA = point2.X; yA = point2.Y; xB = point1.X; yB = point1.Y; } else { xA = point1.X; yA = point1.Y; xB = point2.X; yB = point2.Y; } double d_square = (xA - xB) * (xA - xB) + (yA - yB) * (yA - yB); double r_square = (d_square) / (2.0 * (1.0 - Math.Cos(angleOfArcRad))); double m = (xA - xB) / (yB - yA); double a = Math.Sqrt(r_square - d_square / 4.0); double xM = (xA + xB) / 2.0; double yM = (yA + yB) / 2.0; double xC_plus = xM + a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double xC_minus = xM - a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double yC_plus = yM + m * a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double yC_minus = yM - m * a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); // double usedXCenter; double usedYCenter; double usedAngle1; double usedAngle2; // double angle1_candidate1 = (Math.Atan2(yA - yC_plus, xA - xC_plus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle2_candidate1 = (Math.Atan2(yB - yC_plus, xB - xC_plus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle1_candidate2 = (Math.Atan2(yA - yC_minus, xA - xC_minus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle2_candidate2 = (Math.Atan2(yB - yC_minus, xB - xC_minus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; //mydxfarc expects angles counterclockwise if (point1.Bulge > 0) { if (angle1_candidate1 < angle2_candidate1) { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate1; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate1; usedXCenter = xC_plus; usedYCenter = yC_plus; } else { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate2; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate2; usedXCenter = xC_minus; usedYCenter = yC_minus; } } else { if (angle1_candidate1 > angle2_candidate1) { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate2; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate2; usedXCenter = xC_minus; usedYCenter = yC_minus; } else { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate1; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate1; usedXCenter = xC_plus; usedYCenter = yC_plus; } } MyDxfArc TransfArc = new MyDxfArc(usedXCenter, usedYCenter, usedAngle1, usedAngle2, Math.Sqrt(r_square), polylineS.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfArc); } } if (polylineS.IsClosed) { DxfLwPolylineVertex point1 = polylineS.Vertices[totalnumberOfVertices - 1]; DxfLwPolylineVertex point2 = polylineS.Vertices[0]; if (point1.Bulge == 0) { MyDxfLine TransfLine = new MyDxfLine(point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y, polylineS.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfLine); } else // arc // I so like the code above, so I cannot resist to copypaste it { double angleOfArcRad = System.Math.Atan(Math.Abs(point1.Bulge)) * 4; double xA; double xB; double yA; double yB; if (point1.Bulge < 0) { xA = point2.X; yA = point2.Y; xB = point1.X; yB = point1.Y; } else { xA = point1.X; yA = point1.Y; xB = point2.X; yB = point2.Y; } double d_square = (xA - xB) * (xA - xB) + (yA - yB) * (yA - yB); double r_square = (d_square) / (2.0 * (1.0 - Math.Cos(angleOfArcRad))); double m = (xA - xB) / (yB - yA); double a = Math.Sqrt(r_square - d_square / 4.0); double xM = (xA + xB) / 2.0; double yM = (yA + yB) / 2.0; double xC_plus = xM + a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double xC_minus = xM - a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double yC_plus = yM + m * a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); double yC_minus = yM - m * a / Math.Sqrt(m * m + 1); // double usedXCenter; double usedYCenter; double usedAngle1; double usedAngle2; // double angle1_candidate1 = (Math.Atan2(yA - yC_plus, xA - xC_plus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle2_candidate1 = (Math.Atan2(yB - yC_plus, xB - xC_plus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle1_candidate2 = (Math.Atan2(yA - yC_minus, xA - xC_minus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; double angle2_candidate2 = (Math.Atan2(yB - yC_minus, xB - xC_minus) * 180 / Math.PI + 360) % 360; //mydxfarc expects angles counterclockwise if (point1.Bulge > 0) { if (angle1_candidate1 < angle2_candidate1) { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate1; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate1; usedXCenter = xC_plus; usedYCenter = yC_plus; } else { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate2; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate2; usedXCenter = xC_minus; usedYCenter = yC_minus; } } else { if (angle1_candidate1 > angle2_candidate1) { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate2; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate2; usedXCenter = xC_minus; usedYCenter = yC_minus; } else { usedAngle1 = angle1_candidate1; usedAngle2 = angle2_candidate1; usedXCenter = xC_plus; usedYCenter = yC_plus; } } MyDxfArc TransfArc = new MyDxfArc(usedXCenter, usedYCenter, usedAngle1, usedAngle2, Math.Sqrt(r_square), polylineS.Layer); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfArc); } } break; } case DxfEntityType.Polyline: { //this is a spawn of autocad. Either copypaste code from LwPolyline section. Or just save the file in QCad. //QCad replaces all polylines by lwPolylines // DxfPolyline polyline = entity as DxfPolyline; break; } } } } return(valueToReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Parse DXF into VectorShape list. /// </summary> public static List <VectorShape> ReadDXF(Stream dxfStream) { List <VectorShape> shapes = new List <VectorShape>(); DxfFile dxfFile = DxfFile.Load(dxfStream); Dictionary <string, Color32> layerColors = new Dictionary <string, Color32>(); foreach (DxfLayer layer in dxfFile.Layers) { layerColors.Add(layer.Name, ConvertColor(layer.Color)); } foreach (DxfEntity entity in dxfFile.Entities) { VectorShape shape = null; switch (entity.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.Point: DxfModelPoint point = entity as DxfModelPoint; shape = new PointShape(ConvertPoint(point.Location)); break; case DxfEntityType.Line: DxfLine line = entity as DxfLine; Vector2[] endpoints = new Vector2[2]; endpoints[0] = ConvertPoint(line.P1); endpoints[1] = ConvertPoint(line.P2); shape = new PolyShape(endpoints); break; case DxfEntityType.Spline: DxfSpline spline = entity as DxfSpline; if ((spline.NumberOfControlPoints % spline.DegreeOfCurve) != 1) { Debug.LogError("Invalid spline data! Wrong number of points. " + spline); break; } Vector2[] controlPoints = new Vector2[spline.NumberOfControlPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.Length; i++) { controlPoints[i] = ConvertPoint(spline.ControlPoints[i]); } shape = new PolyShape(controlPoints[0]); PolyShape shapeSpline = shape as PolyShape; switch (spline.DegreeOfCurve) { case 1: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i++) { shapeSpline.LineTo(controlPoints[i]); } break; case 2: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i += 2) { shapeSpline.CurveTo(controlPoints[i + 1], controlPoints[i]); } break; case 3: for (int i = 1; i < controlPoints.Length; i += 3) { shapeSpline.CurveTo(controlPoints[i + 2], controlPoints[i], controlPoints[i + 1]); } break; default: Debug.LogWarning("Spline with unsupported curve of degree: " + spline.DegreeOfCurve); break; } break; case DxfEntityType.Arc: DxfArc arc = entity as DxfArc; // If the arc is a complete circle just make one of those float startAngle = (float)arc.StartAngle; while (startAngle < 0f) { startAngle += 360f; } float endAngle = (float)arc.EndAngle; while (endAngle < startAngle) { endAngle += 360f; } float sweep = endAngle - startAngle; shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(arc.Center), (float)arc.Radius, startAngle, sweep); break; case DxfEntityType.Circle: DxfCircle circle = entity as DxfCircle; shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(circle.Center), (float)circle.Radius * dxfScale); break; case DxfEntityType.Ellipse: DxfEllipse ellipse = entity as DxfEllipse; // If the ellipse is actually a circle just make one of those if (Mathf.Approximately((float)ellipse.MinorAxisRatio, 1f)) { shape = new CircleShape(ConvertPoint(ellipse.Center), (float)ellipse.MajorAxis.Length * dxfScale); } else { shape = new EllipseShape(ConvertPoint(ellipse.Center), ConvertVector(ellipse.MajorAxis), (float)ellipse.MinorAxisRatio); } break; case DxfEntityType.Polyline: DxfPolyline polyline = entity as DxfPolyline; if (polyline.ContainsVertices) { Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[polyline.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i] = ConvertPoint(polyline.Vertices[i].Location); } shape = new PolyShape(vertices[0]); PolyShape shapePolyline = shape as PolyShape; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; i++) { float bulge = (float)polyline.Vertices[i - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[i], bulge); } if (polyline.IsClosed) { float bulge = (float)polyline.Vertices[vertices.Length - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[0], bulge); shape.Closed = true; } } break; case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: { DxfLwPolyline lwPolyline = entity as DxfLwPolyline; Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[lwPolyline.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { DxfLwPolylineVertex lwpVertex = lwPolyline.Vertices[i]; vertices[i] = ConvertPoint(lwpVertex.X, lwpVertex.Y); } shape = new PolyShape(vertices[0]); PolyShape shapePolyline = shape as PolyShape; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; i++) { float bulge = (float)lwPolyline.Vertices[i - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[i], bulge); } if (lwPolyline.IsClosed) { float bulge = (float)lwPolyline.Vertices[vertices.Length - 1].Bulge; shapePolyline.ArcToDXF(vertices[0], bulge); shape.Closed = true; } } break; default: Debug.Log("Unhandled entity of type: " + entity.EntityType); break; } if (shape != null) { if (entity.IsVisible) { Color32 shapeColor = ConvertColor(entity.Color); //layerColors.TryGetValue(entity.Layer, out shapeColor); shape.colorOutline = shapeColor; shapes.Add(shape); } } } return(shapes); }
public static RawDetail LoadDxf(string path) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); DxfFile dxffile = DxfFile.Load(fi.FullName); RawDetail s = new RawDetail(); s.Name = fi.FullName; IEnumerable <DxfEntity> entities = dxffile.Entities.ToArray(); List <LineElement> elems = new List <LineElement>(); foreach (DxfEntity ent in entities) { switch (ent.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: { DxfLwPolyline poly = (DxfLwPolyline)ent; if (poly.Vertices.Count() < 2) { continue; } LocalContour points = new LocalContour(); foreach (DxfLwPolylineVertex vert in poly.Vertices) { points.Points.Add(new PointF((float)vert.X, (float)vert.Y)); } for (int i = 0; i < points.Points.Count; i++) { var p0 = points.Points[i]; var p1 = points.Points[(i + 1) % points.Points.Count]; elems.Add(new LineElement() { Start = p0, End = p1 }); } } break; case DxfEntityType.Arc: { DxfArc arc = (DxfArc)ent; List <PointF> pp = new List <PointF>(); if (arc.StartAngle > arc.EndAngle) { arc.StartAngle -= 360; } for (double i = arc.StartAngle; i < arc.EndAngle; i += 15) { var tt = arc.GetPointFromAngle(i); pp.Add(new PointF((float)tt.X, (float)tt.Y)); } var t = arc.GetPointFromAngle(arc.EndAngle); pp.Add(new PointF((float)t.X, (float)t.Y)); for (int j = 1; j < pp.Count; j++) { var p1 = pp[j - 1]; var p2 = pp[j]; elems.Add(new LineElement() { Start = new PointF((float)p1.X, (float)p1.Y), End = new PointF((float)p2.X, (float)p2.Y) }); } } break; case DxfEntityType.Circle: { DxfCircle cr = (DxfCircle)ent; LocalContour cc = new LocalContour(); for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i += 15) { var ang = i * Math.PI / 180f; var xx = cr.Center.X + cr.Radius * Math.Cos(ang); var yy = cr.Center.Y + cr.Radius * Math.Sin(ang); cc.Points.Add(new PointF((float)xx, (float)yy)); } for (int i = 1; i < cc.Points.Count; i++) { var p1 = cc.Points[i - 1]; var p2 = cc.Points[i]; elems.Add(new LineElement() { Start = p1, End = p2 }); } } break; case DxfEntityType.Line: { DxfLine poly = (DxfLine)ent; elems.Add(new LineElement() { Start = new PointF((float)poly.P1.X, (float)poly.P1.Y), End = new PointF((float)poly.P2.X, (float)poly.P2.Y) }); break; } case DxfEntityType.Polyline: { DxfPolyline poly = (DxfPolyline)ent; if (poly.Vertices.Count() < 2) { continue; } LocalContour points = new LocalContour(); for (int i = 0; i < poly.Vertices.Count; i++) { DxfVertex vert = poly.Vertices[i]; points.Points.Add(new PointF((float)vert.Location.X, (float)vert.Location.Y)); } for (int i = 0; i < points.Points.Count; i++) { var p0 = points.Points[i]; var p1 = points.Points[(i + 1) % points.Points.Count]; elems.Add(new LineElement() { Start = p0, End = p1 }); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentException("unsupported entity type: " + ent); } ; } elems = elems.Where(z => z.Start.DistTo(z.End) > RemoveThreshold).ToList(); var cntrs2 = ConnectElements(elems.ToArray()); s.Outers.AddRange(cntrs2); if (s.Outers.Any(z => z.Points.Count < 3)) { throw new Exception("few points"); } return(s); }
static void FindEntities(DxfEntityCollection Entities) { foreach (var entityGroups in Entities) { if (typeof(DxfLine) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfLwPolyline) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfMText) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfText) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfCircle) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfHatch) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfInsert) != entityGroups.GetType() && typeof(DxfSpline) != entityGroups.GetType()) { // Console.WriteLine(entityGroups.GetType()); } dxfType.Add(entityGroups.GetType().Name); if (typeof(DxfLine) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfLine = entityGroups as DxfLine; int color; if (dxfLine.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfLine.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfLine.Color.Rgb; } CADLine cADLine = new CADLine { parentHandle = dxfLine.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfLine.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfLine.Transform.DebugString, startPoint = dxfLine.Start.ToString(), endPoint = dxfLine.End.ToString(), lineWeight = dxfLine.LineWeight }; cadEntities.Add(cADLine); } if (typeof(DxfLwPolyline) == entityGroups.GetType()) { //Console.WriteLine(dxfLwPolyline); dxfLwPolyline = entityGroups as DxfLwPolyline; string[] arrVertices = new string[dxfLwPolyline.Vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dxfLwPolyline.Vertices.Count; i++) { arrVertices[i] = dxfLwPolyline.Vertices[i].ToString(); } int color; if (dxfLwPolyline.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfLwPolyline.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfLwPolyline.Color.Rgb; } CADLwPolyLine cADLwPolyLine = new CADLwPolyLine { parentHandle = dxfLwPolyline.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfLwPolyline.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfLwPolyline.Transform.DebugString, vertices = arrVertices, closed = dxfLwPolyline.Closed.ToString(), }; cadEntities.Add(cADLwPolyLine); } if (typeof(DxfXLine) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfXLine = entityGroups as DxfXLine; } if (typeof(DxfSpline) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfSpline = entityGroups as DxfSpline; string[] arrFitPoints = new string[dxfSpline.FitPoints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dxfSpline.FitPoints.Count; i++) { arrFitPoints[i] = dxfSpline.FitPoints[i].ToString(); } int color; if (dxfSpline.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfSpline.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfSpline.Color.Rgb; } CADSpline cADSpline = new CADSpline { parentHandle = dxfSpline.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfSpline.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfSpline.Transform.DebugString, fitPoints = arrFitPoints, }; cadEntities.Add(cADSpline); } if (typeof(DxfCircle) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfCircle = entityGroups as DxfCircle; int color; if (dxfCircle.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfCircle.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfCircle.Color.Rgb; } CADCircle cADCircle = new CADCircle { parentHandle = dxfCircle.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfCircle.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfCircle.Transform.DebugString, center = dxfCircle.Center.ToString(), radius = dxfCircle.Radius }; cadEntities.Add(cADCircle); kcircle.Add(dxfCircle); } if (typeof(DxfArc) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfArc = entityGroups as DxfArc; int color; if (dxfArc.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfArc.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfArc.Color.Rgb; } CADArc cADArc = new CADArc { parentHandle = dxfArc.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfArc.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfArc.Transform.DebugString, center = dxfArc.Center.ToString(), startAngle = dxfArc.StartAngle, endAngle = dxfArc.EndAngle, radius = dxfArc.Radius }; cadEntities.Add(cADArc); } if (typeof(DxfEllipse) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfEllipse = entityGroups as DxfEllipse; int color; if (dxfEllipse.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfEllipse.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfEllipse.Color.Rgb; } CADEllipse cADEllipse = new CADEllipse { parentHandle = dxfEllipse.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfEllipse.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfEllipse.Transform.DebugString, center = dxfEllipse.Center.ToString(), majorAxisEndPoint = dxfEllipse.MajorAxisEndPoint.ToString(), minorAxisEndPoint = dxfEllipse.MinorAxisEndPoint.ToString(), startParameter = dxfEllipse.StartParameter, endParameter = dxfEllipse.EndParameter }; cadEntities.Add(cADEllipse); } if (typeof(DxfMText) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfMText = entityGroups as DxfMText; int color; if (dxfMText.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfMText.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfMText.Color.Rgb; } if (dxfMText.SimplifiedText == "C座一层平面图") { ktls.Add(dxfMText); } CADMText cADMText = new CADMText { parentHandle = dxfMText.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfMText.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfMText.Transform.DebugString, simplifiedText = dxfMText.SimplifiedText.ToString(), fontStyle = dxfMText.Style.ToString(), size = dxfMText.Height, attachmentPoint = dxfMText.AttachmentPoint.ToString(), boxHeight = dxfMText.BoxHeight, boxWidth = dxfMText.BoxWidth }; cadEntities.Add(cADMText); if (dxfMText.SimplifiedText.ToString() == "图 纸 目 录") { //Console.WriteLine(222222); ktls.Add(dxfMText); } if (dxfMText.SimplifiedText.ToString() == "JS-T5-302") { //Console.WriteLine(222222); ktls.Add(dxfMText); } } if (typeof(DxfText) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfText = entityGroups as DxfText; int color; if (dxfText.Color.ColorType.ToString() == "ByLayer") { color = dxfText.Layer.Color.Rgb; } else { color = dxfText.Color.Rgb; } CADText cADText = new CADText { parentHandle = dxfText.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle, type = dxfText.GetType().Name, color = color, transform = dxfText.Transform.DebugString, simplifiedText = dxfText.SimplifiedText.ToString(), fontStyle = dxfText.Style.ToString(), size = dxfText.Height, alignMentPoint1 = dxfText.AlignmentPoint1.ToString(), rotationAngle = dxfText.Rotation, }; if (dxfText.SimplifiedText == "JS-T5-001 ") { ktest.Add(dxfText); } cadEntities.Add(cADText); } if (typeof(DxfInsert) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfInsert = entityGroups as DxfInsert; kins.Add(dxfInsert); if (dxfInsert.Block != null) { ulong count; if (dxfInsert.Block != null) { count = dxfInsert.Block.Handle; } else { count = 0; } CADInsert cADInsert = new CADInsert(); cADInsert.parentHandle = dxfInsert.OwnerObjectSoftReference.Handle; cADInsert.type = dxfInsert.GetType().Name; cADInsert.transform = dxfInsert.Transform.DebugString; cADInsert.insertPoint = dxfInsert.InsertionPoint.ToString(); cADInsert.rotationAngle = dxfInsert.Rotation; cADInsert.insertName = dxfInsert.Block.Name; cADInsert.nowHandle = count; cADInsert.insertScale = dxfInsert.ScaleFactor.ToString(); cadEntities.Add(cADInsert); FindEntities(dxfInsert.Block.Entities); } } if (typeof(DxfAttributeDefinition) == entityGroups.GetType()) { dxfAttributeDefinition = entityGroups as DxfAttributeDefinition; //Console.WriteLine(dxfAttributeDefinition); } if (typeof(DxfDimension.Linear) == entityGroups.GetType()) { Console.WriteLine(11111); } } }
private static List <DxfEntity> OffsetToNest(IList <DxfEntity> dxfEntities, DxfPoint pivot, DxfPoint offset, double rotationAngle) { List <DxfEntity> dxfreturn = new List <DxfEntity>(); List <DxfPoint> tmpPts; foreach (DxfEntity entity in dxfEntities) { switch (entity.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.Arc: DxfArc dxfArc = (DxfArc)entity; dxfArc.Center = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfArc.Center); dxfArc.Center += offset; dxfArc.StartAngle += rotationAngle; dxfArc.EndAngle += rotationAngle; dxfreturn.Add(dxfArc); break; case DxfEntityType.ArcAlignedText: DxfArcAlignedText dxfArcAligned = (DxfArcAlignedText)entity; dxfArcAligned.CenterPoint = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfArcAligned.CenterPoint); dxfArcAligned.CenterPoint += offset; dxfArcAligned.StartAngle += rotationAngle; dxfArcAligned.EndAngle += rotationAngle; dxfreturn.Add(dxfArcAligned); break; case DxfEntityType.Attribute: DxfAttribute dxfAttribute = (DxfAttribute)entity; dxfAttribute.Location = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfAttribute.Location); dxfAttribute.Location += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfAttribute); break; case DxfEntityType.AttributeDefinition: DxfAttributeDefinition dxfAttributecommon = (DxfAttributeDefinition)entity; dxfAttributecommon.Location = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfAttributecommon.Location); dxfAttributecommon.Location += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfAttributecommon); break; case DxfEntityType.Circle: DxfCircle dxfCircle = (DxfCircle)entity; dxfCircle.Center = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfCircle.Center); dxfCircle.Center += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfCircle); break; case DxfEntityType.Ellipse: DxfEllipse dxfEllipse = (DxfEllipse)entity; dxfEllipse.Center = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfEllipse.Center); dxfEllipse.Center += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfEllipse); break; case DxfEntityType.Image: DxfImage dxfImage = (DxfImage)entity; dxfImage.Location = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfImage.Location); dxfImage.Location += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfImage); break; case DxfEntityType.Leader: DxfLeader dxfLeader = (DxfLeader)entity; tmpPts = new List <DxfPoint>(); foreach (DxfPoint vrt in dxfLeader.Vertices) { var tmppnt = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, vrt); tmppnt += offset; tmpPts.Add(tmppnt); } dxfLeader.Vertices.Clear(); dxfLeader.Vertices.Concat(tmpPts); dxfreturn.Add(dxfLeader); break; case DxfEntityType.Line: DxfLine dxfLine = (DxfLine)entity; dxfLine.P1 = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfLine.P1); dxfLine.P2 = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, dxfLine.P2); dxfLine.P1 += offset; dxfLine.P2 += offset; dxfreturn.Add(dxfLine); break; case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: DxfPolyline dxfPoly = (DxfPolyline)entity; foreach (DxfVertex vrt in dxfPoly.Vertices) { vrt.Location = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, vrt.Location); vrt.Location += offset; } dxfreturn.Add(dxfPoly); break; case DxfEntityType.MLine: DxfMLine mLine = (DxfMLine)entity; tmpPts = new List <DxfPoint>(); mLine.StartPoint += offset; mLine.StartPoint = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, mLine.StartPoint); foreach (DxfPoint vrt in mLine.Vertices) { var tmppnt = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, vrt); tmppnt += offset; tmpPts.Add(tmppnt); } mLine.Vertices.Clear(); mLine.Vertices.Concat(tmpPts); dxfreturn.Add(mLine); break; case DxfEntityType.Polyline: DxfPolyline polyline = (DxfPolyline)entity; List <DxfVertex> verts = new List <DxfVertex>(); foreach (DxfVertex vrt in polyline.Vertices) { var tmppnt = vrt; tmppnt.Location = RotateLocation(rotationAngle, tmppnt.Location); tmppnt.Location += offset; verts.Add(tmppnt); } DxfPolyline polyout = new DxfPolyline(verts); polyout.Location = polyline.Location + offset; polyout.IsClosed = polyline.IsClosed; polyout.Layer = polyline.Layer; dxfreturn.Add(polyout); break; case DxfEntityType.Body: case DxfEntityType.DgnUnderlay: case DxfEntityType.Dimension: case DxfEntityType.DwfUnderlay: case DxfEntityType.Face: case DxfEntityType.Helix: case DxfEntityType.Insert: case DxfEntityType.Light: case DxfEntityType.ModelerGeometry: case DxfEntityType.MText: case DxfEntityType.OleFrame: case DxfEntityType.Ole2Frame: case DxfEntityType.PdfUnderlay: case DxfEntityType.Point: case DxfEntityType.ProxyEntity: case DxfEntityType.Ray: case DxfEntityType.Region: case DxfEntityType.RText: case DxfEntityType.Section: case DxfEntityType.Seqend: case DxfEntityType.Shape: case DxfEntityType.Solid: case DxfEntityType.Spline: case DxfEntityType.Text: case DxfEntityType.Tolerance: case DxfEntityType.Trace: case DxfEntityType.Underlay: case DxfEntityType.Vertex: case DxfEntityType.WipeOut: case DxfEntityType.XLine: throw new ArgumentException("unsupported entity type: " + entity.EntityType); } } return(dxfreturn); }
public void DrawArc( Pen pen, float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) { double a = -(double)startAngle * System.Math.PI / 180.0; double num1 = -(double)sweepAngle * System.Math.PI / 180.0; double b = a + num1; if (num1 < 0.0) { MathUtil.Swap(ref a, ref b); } double radius = 0.5 * (double)width; WW.Math.Point3D center = new WW.Math.Point3D((double)x + radius, -(double)y - 0.5 * (double)height, 0.0); if ((double)width == (double)height) { if (MathUtil.AreApproxEqual(System.Math.Abs(num1), 2.0 * System.Math.PI)) { DxfCircle dxfCircle = new DxfCircle(center, radius); dxfCircle.Color = EntityColor.CreateFrom((ArgbColor)pen.Color); this.list_0.Add((DxfEntity)dxfCircle); } else { DxfArc dxfArc = new DxfArc(center, radius, a, b); dxfArc.Color = EntityColor.CreateFrom((ArgbColor)pen.Color); this.list_0.Add((DxfEntity)dxfArc); } } else { double num2 = (double)System.Math.Abs(width); double num3 = (double)System.Math.Abs(height); double minorToMajorRatio; Vector3D majorAxisEndPoint; double num4; double num5; if (num2 > num3) { minorToMajorRatio = num3 / num2; majorAxisEndPoint = new Vector3D(0.5 * num2, 0.0, 0.0); num4 = a; num5 = b; } else { minorToMajorRatio = num2 / num3; majorAxisEndPoint = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.5 * num3, 0.0); if (MathUtil.AreApproxEqual(System.Math.Abs(num1), 2.0 * System.Math.PI)) { num4 = 0.0; num5 = 2.0 * System.Math.PI; } else { num4 = a - System.Math.PI / 2.0; num5 = b - System.Math.PI / 2.0; } } DxfEllipse dxfEllipse = new DxfEllipse(center, majorAxisEndPoint, minorToMajorRatio); dxfEllipse.Color = EntityColor.CreateFrom((ArgbColor)pen.Color); dxfEllipse.StartParameter = num4; dxfEllipse.EndParameter = num5; this.list_0.Add((DxfEntity)dxfEllipse); } }
public completeDxfStruct processDxfFile(string in_obtainedFileName) { completeDxfStruct valueToReturn = new completeDxfStruct(); DxfFile dxfFile; using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(in_obtainedFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)) { dxfFile = DxfFile.Load(fs); IList <DxfBlock> allBlocks = dxfFile.Blocks; IList <DxfEntity> usedEntities; if ((allBlocks.Count == 0) || (allBlocks[0].Name.ToUpper().Contains("MODEL") == false)) { usedEntities = dxfFile.Entities; } else { usedEntities = allBlocks[0].Entities; } foreach (DxfEntity entity in dxfFile.Entities) { switch (entity.EntityType) { case DxfEntityType.Line: { DxfLine line = (DxfLine)entity; MyDxfLine TransfLine = new MyDxfLine(line.P1.X, line.P1.Y, line.P2.X, line.P2.Y); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfLine); break; } case DxfEntityType.Arc: { DxfArc arc = (DxfArc)entity; MyDxfArc TransfArc = new MyDxfArc(arc.Center.X, arc.Center.Y, arc.StartAngle, arc.EndAngle, arc.Radius); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfArc); break; } case DxfEntityType.LwPolyline: { //polyline. It has vertices. DxfLwPolyline polylineS = entity as DxfLwPolyline; int totalnumberOfVertices = polylineS.Vertices.Count; for (int i = 0; i < totalnumberOfVertices - 1; i++) { //iterate through vertices, taking them by 2. A figure is between these two DxfLwPolylineVertex point1 = polylineS.Vertices[i]; DxfLwPolylineVertex point2 = polylineS.Vertices[i + 1]; if (point1.Bulge == 0) { MyDxfLine TransfLine = new MyDxfLine(point1.X, point1.Y, point2.X, point2.Y); valueToReturn.addDxfDrawingEntry(TransfLine); } else //it is arc // The bulge is the tangent of one fourth the included angle for an arc segment, // made negative if the arc goes clockwise from the start point to the endpoint. // A bulge of 0 indicates a straight segment, and a bulge of 1 is a semicircle { double angleOfArc = System.Math.Atan(point1.Bulge) * 180.0 / Math.PI * 4; double startAngle = Math.Atan(point1.Y / point1.X) * 180.0 / Math.PI; //double endAngle = } } break; } case DxfEntityType.Polyline: { // DxfPolyline polyline = entity as DxfPolyline; break; } } } } return(valueToReturn); }
public static Arc ToArc(this DxfArc arc) { return(new Arc(arc.Center.ToPoint(), arc.Radius, arc.StartAngle, arc.EndAngle, arc.Normal.ToVector(), arc.GetEntityColor(), arc, arc.Thickness)); }
/// <summary> /// 门把手绘制 /// </summary> /// <param name="dxf"></param> /// <param name="DLocation"></param> public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation) { double factor = 0.05f; double distance = 30; //底部小圆的圆心 Point3D sDxfCircle = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z); //上部同心圆圆心 Point3D bDxfCircle = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance*factor, DLocation.Z); double alpha = Math.Asin(3 / distance); double beta = Math.Acos(0.8); Point3D v1 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 10 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Y + 5 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Z); Point3D v2 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 10 * factor + double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Y + 5 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Z); Point3D v4 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 10 * factor -double.Parse((8*factor* Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor - double.Parse((8 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Z ); Point3D v5 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 10 * factor + double.Parse((8*factor*Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor - double.Parse((8 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()), DLocation.Z ); DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfLine14); DxfLine DxfLine25 = new DxfLine(v2, v5); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfLine25); //DxfArc DxfArc DxfArc = new DxfArc( new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor, DLocation.Z), 5 * factor, Convert.ToInt32(180 + alpha * 180 / Math.PI), Convert.ToInt32(360 - alpha * 180 / Math.PI)); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfArc); //DxfArcup DxfArc DxfArcup = new DxfArc( new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor, DLocation.Z), 8 * factor, Convert.ToInt32(-alpha * 180 / Math.PI), Convert.ToInt32(180 + alpha * 180 / Math.PI)); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfArcup); //DxfArcround DxfArc DxfArcround = new DxfArc( new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor, DLocation.Z), 10 * factor, Convert.ToInt32(-(alpha +beta) * 180 / Math.PI), Convert.ToInt32(180 + (alpha +beta) * 180 / Math.PI)); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfArcround); //DxfCircle Point3D centerWCS = new Point3D(DLocation.X+10*factor, DLocation.Y+5*factor+distance*factor, DLocation.Z); DxfCircle DxfCircle = new DxfCircle((Point3D)centerWCS, 7 * factor); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfCircle); //上部同心圆圆心 Point3D t1 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 8 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.7f, DLocation.Z); Point3D t2 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 8 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.5f, DLocation.Z); Point3D t3 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 8 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.3f, DLocation.Z); Point3D t4 = new Point3D( DLocation.X + 8 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.1f, DLocation.Z); //DxfText DxfText DxfText1 = new DxfText("A", t1, 0.2f); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfText1); //DxfText DxfText DxfText2 = new DxfText("A", t2, 0.2f); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfText2); //DxfText DxfText DxfText3 = new DxfText("O", t3, 0.2f); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfText3); //DxfText DxfText DxfText4 = new DxfText("N", t4, 0.2f); dxf.Entities.Add(DxfText4); }
public virtual void Visit(DxfArc arc) { this.VisitEntity((DxfEntity)arc); }
public void Visit(DxfArc arc) { this.method_0((DxfEntity)arc); }
public void Visit(DxfArc arc) { this.bool_0 = true; }