public void Run() { while (true) { int result = view.GetMenuChoice("Choose 1 of 5 options: 1 for Create, 2 for List All, 3 for Find By Id, 4 for Edit and 5 for Remove:"); switch (result) { case 1: CreateDvd(); Success(); break; case 2: DisplayDvds(); Success(); break; case 3: SearchDvds(); Success(); break; case 4: EditDvd(); Success(); break; case 5: RemoveDvd(); Success(); break; default: break; } string user_continue_usage_response = view.UserchoiceYesorNo("Do you want to continue to use the application? Enter Yes or No!"); if (user_continue_usage_response.ToUpper() == "NO") { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for using the application!"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit the application."); Console.ReadKey(); break; //Control goes to the end of the while loop! } else { Console.WriteLine("Good Choice! Enjoy using the application!"); } } }
public void Run() //TO DO: use while loop { Console.WriteLine("Welcome To Dvd Manager"); bool inChoice = false; while (!inChoice) { DvdView view = new DvdView(); int pass = view.GetMenuChoice(); if (pass == 1) { inChoice = true; CreateDvd(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back."); Console.ReadKey(); inChoice = false; } else if (pass == 2) { inChoice = true; DisplayDvds(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back."); Console.ReadKey(); inChoice = false; } else if (pass == 3) { inChoice = true; SearchDvds(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back."); Console.ReadKey(); inChoice = false; } else if (pass == 4) { inChoice = true; var myEditId = new DvdView(); var myId = myEditId.SearchDvd(); var id = _dvds.ReadById(myId); //search in list repo if (id == null) { Console.WriteLine("Not in list."); } else { var getDvd = view.EditDvdInfo(id); EditDvd(myId, getDvd); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back."); Console.ReadKey(); inChoice = false; } else if (pass == 5) { inChoice = true; RemoveDvd(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back."); Console.ReadKey(); inChoice = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }