private static int DoGet(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); string id; string userName; byte[] password; bool enabled; string status; string data; try { invocation.ReadStart(); id = invocation.ReadString("Id"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Get(invocation, id, out userName, out password, out enabled, out status, out data); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Get"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "Get" })); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Get" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteString("UserName", userName); invocation.WriteBinary("Password", password); invocation.WriteBool("Enabled", enabled); invocation.WriteString("Status", status); invocation.WriteString("Data", data); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Get" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoDetails(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgInfo1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgInfo1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint duration; uint bitRate; uint bitDepth; uint sampleRate; bool lossless; string codecName; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Details(invocation, out duration, out bitRate, out bitDepth, out sampleRate, out lossless, out codecName); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Details"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "Details")); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Details", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteUint("Duration", duration); invocation.WriteUint("BitRate", bitRate); invocation.WriteUint("BitDepth", bitDepth); invocation.WriteUint("SampleRate", sampleRate); invocation.WriteBool("Lossless", lossless); invocation.WriteString("CodecName", codecName); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Details", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoSoftwareUpdate(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderLinnCoUkVolkano1 self = (DvProviderLinnCoUkVolkano1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool aAvailable; string aSoftwareVersion; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.SoftwareUpdate(invocation, out aAvailable, out aSoftwareVersion); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "SoftwareUpdate"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "SoftwareUpdate" })); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "SoftwareUpdate" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("aAvailable", aAvailable); invocation.WriteString("aSoftwareVersion", aSoftwareVersion); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "SoftwareUpdate" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoAudio(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgSender1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgSender1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool value; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Audio(invocation, out value); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Audio"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "Audio" })); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Audio" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("Value", value); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Audio" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoGetStatus(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderUpnpOrgSwitchPower1 self = (DvProviderUpnpOrgSwitchPower1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool resultStatus; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetStatus(invocation, out resultStatus); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "GetStatus"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "GetStatus")); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetStatus", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("ResultStatus", resultStatus); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetStatus", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoGetControlEnabled(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderLinnCoUkCloud1 self = (DvProviderLinnCoUkCloud1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool enabled; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetControlEnabled(invocation, out enabled); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "GetControlEnabled"); return(-1); } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "GetControlEnabled" })); return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "GetControlEnabled" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return(-1); } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("Enabled", enabled); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return(-1); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "GetControlEnabled" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return(0); }
private static int DoPlaylistArraysChanged(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgPlaylistManager1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgPlaylistManager1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint token; bool value; try { invocation.ReadStart(); token = invocation.ReadUint("Token"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.PlaylistArraysChanged(invocation, token, out value); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "PlaylistArraysChanged"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "PlaylistArraysChanged")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "PlaylistArraysChanged", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("Value", value); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "PlaylistArraysChanged", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoGetLoudness(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation, uint aVersion) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderUpnpOrgRenderingControl1 self = (DvProviderUpnpOrgRenderingControl1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint instanceID; string channel; bool currentLoudness; try { invocation.ReadStart(); instanceID = invocation.ReadUint("InstanceID"); channel = invocation.ReadString("Channel"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetLoudness(aVersion, instanceID, channel, out currentLoudness); } catch (ActionError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError can be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("CurrentLoudness", currentLoudness); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } return 0; }
private static int DoGetIsRamping(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation, uint aVersion) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderUpnpOrgDimming1 self = (DvProviderUpnpOrgDimming1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool retIsRamping; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetIsRamping(aVersion, out retIsRamping); } catch (ActionError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError can be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("retIsRamping", retIsRamping); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } return 0; }
private static int DoAudio(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgSender1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgSender1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool value; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Audio(invocation, out value); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Audio"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "Audio" })); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Audio" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("Value", value); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Audio" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoDetails(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgInfo1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgInfo1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint duration; uint bitRate; uint bitDepth; uint sampleRate; bool lossless; string codecName; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Details(invocation, out duration, out bitRate, out bitDepth, out sampleRate, out lossless, out codecName); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Details"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "Details")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Details", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteUint("Duration", duration); invocation.WriteUint("BitRate", bitRate); invocation.WriteUint("BitDepth", bitDepth); invocation.WriteUint("SampleRate", sampleRate); invocation.WriteBool("Lossless", lossless); invocation.WriteString("CodecName", codecName); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Details", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoSource(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgProduct1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgProduct1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint index; string systemName; string type; string name; bool visible; try { invocation.ReadStart(); index = invocation.ReadUint("Index"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Source(invocation, index, out systemName, out type, out name, out visible); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Source"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", new object[] { "Source" })); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Source" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteString("SystemName", systemName); invocation.WriteString("Type", type); invocation.WriteString("Name", name); invocation.WriteBool("Visible", visible); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0} thrown by {1}", new object[] { e, "Source" }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoGetIsRamping(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderUpnpOrgDimming1 self = (DvProviderUpnpOrgDimming1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); bool retIsRamping; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetIsRamping(invocation, out retIsRamping); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "GetIsRamping"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "GetIsRamping")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetIsRamping", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("retIsRamping", retIsRamping); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetIsRamping", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoSource(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation, uint aVersion) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgProduct1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgProduct1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint index; string systemName; string type; string name; bool visible; try { invocation.ReadStart(); index = invocation.ReadUint("Index"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Source(aVersion, index, out systemName, out type, out name, out visible); } catch (ActionError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError can be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteString("SystemName", systemName); invocation.WriteString("Type", type); invocation.WriteString("Name", name); invocation.WriteBool("Visible", visible); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } return 0; }
private static int DoGetMultiple(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderOpenhomeOrgTestBasic1 self = (DvProviderOpenhomeOrgTestBasic1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint valueUint; int valueInt; bool valueBool; try { invocation.ReadStart(); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetMultiple(invocation, out valueUint, out valueInt, out valueBool); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "GetMultiple"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "GetMultiple")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetMultiple", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteUint("ValueUint", valueUint); invocation.WriteInt("ValueInt", valueInt); invocation.WriteBool("ValueBool", valueBool); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetMultiple", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoIdArrayChanged(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation, uint aVersion) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgRadio1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgRadio1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint token; bool value; try { invocation.ReadStart(); token = invocation.ReadUint("Token"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.IdArrayChanged(aVersion, token, out value); } catch (ActionError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, "Invalid XML"); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError can be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("Value", value); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2}", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } return 0; }
private static int DoGetMute(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderUpnpOrgRenderingControl2 self = (DvProviderUpnpOrgRenderingControl2)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); uint instanceID; string channel; bool currentMute; try { invocation.ReadStart(); instanceID = invocation.ReadUint("InstanceID"); channel = invocation.ReadString("Channel"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.GetMute(invocation, instanceID, channel, out currentMute); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "GetMute"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "GetMute")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetMute", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteBool("CurrentMute", currentMute); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "GetMute", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }
private static int DoGet(IntPtr aPtr, IntPtr aInvocation) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(aPtr); DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1 self = (DvProviderAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1)gch.Target; DvInvocation invocation = new DvInvocation(aInvocation); string id; string userName; byte[] password; bool enabled; string status; string data; try { invocation.ReadStart(); id = invocation.ReadString("Id"); invocation.ReadEnd(); self.Get(invocation, id, out userName, out password, out enabled, out status, out data); } catch (ActionError e) { invocation.ReportActionError(e, "Get"); return -1; } catch (PropertyUpdateError) { invocation.ReportError(501, String.Format("Invalid value for property {0}", "Get")); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Get", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError or PropertyUpdateError should be thrown by actions"); return -1; } try { invocation.WriteStart(); invocation.WriteString("UserName", userName); invocation.WriteBinary("Password", password); invocation.WriteBool("Enabled", enabled); invocation.WriteString("Status", status); invocation.WriteString("Data", data); invocation.WriteEnd(); } catch (ActionError) { return -1; } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: unexpected exception {0}(\"{1}\") thrown by {2} in {3}", e.GetType(), e.Message, "Get", e.TargetSite.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Only ActionError can be thrown by action response writer"); } return 0; }