コード例 #1
        //public void Notify(View view, int action, string by, OldNewValue[] oldNewValues, string pk, DataRow prevRow)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.HistoryNotifyList))
        //            return;

        //        string host = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["host"]);
        //        int port = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["port"]);
        //        string username = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["username"]);
        //        string password = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["password"]);

        //        string[][] distributionLists = GetDistributionLists(view.HistoryNotifyList);
        //        string[] to = distributionLists[0];
        //        string[] cc = distributionLists[1];

        //        string message = string.Empty;
        //        string userFullName = Map.Database.GetUserFullName(by);
        //        string usernameAndFullName = userFullName + " (" + by + ") ";
        //        message += "The following changes were made:<br>View: {0}<br>User: {1}<br>Time: {2}<br>Action {3}<br>Primary Key Value: {4}<br>{5}: {6}<br>";
        //        bool displayValueChanged = false;
        //        string oldNewValuesMessage = GetOldNewValues(view, oldNewValues, out displayValueChanged);

        //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldNewValuesMessage))
        //        {
        //            message += oldNewValuesMessage;

        //            string displayValue = null;
        //            if (prevRow == null || displayValueChanged)
        //            {
        //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk))
        //                {
        //                    displayValue = string.Empty;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    DataRow row = view.GetDataRow(pk);
        //                    if (row == null)
        //                    {
        //                        displayValue = string.Empty;
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        displayValue = view.GetDisplayValue(row);
        //                        if (displayValue == null)
        //                            displayValue = string.Empty;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                displayValue = view.GetDisplayValue(prevRow);
        //            }
        //            message = string.Format(message, view.DisplayName, usernameAndFullName, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), GetAction(action), pk, view.DisplayField.DisplayName, displayValue);
        //            Durados.Cms.DataAccess.Email.Send(host, false, port, username, password, false, to, cc, null, GetSubject(view), message, GetFrom(view), null, null);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch( Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Map.Logger.Log("Workflow.HistoryNotifier", "Notify", null, ex, 1,"");
        //    }

        public void Notify(View view, int action, string by, OldNewValue[] oldNewValues, string pk, DataRow prevRow, object controller, Dictionary <string, object> values, string siteWithoutQueryString, string mainSiteWithoutQueryString)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.HistoryNotifyList))

                string host     = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["host"]);
                int    port     = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"]);
                string username = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"]);
                string password = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]);

                string[][] distributionLists = GetDistributionLists(view.HistoryNotifyList, (Database)view.Database);
                string[]   to = distributionLists[0];
                string[]   cc = distributionLists[1];

                bool   displayValueChanged = false;
                string oldNewValuesMessage = GetOldNewValues(view, oldNewValues, out displayValueChanged);

                Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.CrmController crmController = (Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.CrmController)controller;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldNewValuesMessage))
                    string message = string.Empty;
                    string subject = string.Empty;

                    message += "<html dir=\"ltr\"><head><style><!--";

                    string css = ".tableCss {margin-top:5px; border:solid 1px #9ca3ad;} .tdCss, .tdCssalt, .oldVal, .oldValalt {padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; vertical-align: top; color: #000000; border-bottom:solid 1px #e8eaec; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:5px; background: #f8f8f9;} .tdCssalt{ background: #CEE3F6;} .oldVal{ text-decoration: line-through;} .oldValalt{ background: #CEE3F6; text-decoration: line-through;}";
                    message += css;
                    message += "--></style></head><body>";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.NotifySubjectKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.NotifySubjectKey))
                        string[] s = base.GetSubjectAndMessage(crmController, view.NotifySubjectKey, view.NotifyMessageKey, view, values, pk, siteWithoutQueryString, mainSiteWithoutQueryString);
                        subject  = s[0];
                        message += s[1];
                        message += GetMessage(view, action, by, pk, prevRow, crmController, values, siteWithoutQueryString, mainSiteWithoutQueryString);
                        subject  = GetSubject(view, action, by, pk, prevRow, crmController, values, siteWithoutQueryString, mainSiteWithoutQueryString);
                    message += oldNewValuesMessage;
                    message += "</body></html>";
                    Durados.Cms.DataAccess.Email.Send(host, view.Database.UseSmtpDefaultCredentials, port, username, password, false, to, cc, null, subject, message, GetFrom(view), null, null, ((Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.CrmController)controller).DontSend, view.Database.Logger);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ((Database)view.Database).Map.Logger.Log("Workflow.HistoryNotifier", "Notify", null, ex, 1, "");
コード例 #2
 protected virtual string GetSubject(View view, int action, string by, string pk, DataRow prevRow, Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.CrmController controller, Dictionary <string, object> values, string siteWithoutQueryString, string mainSiteWithoutQueryString)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.NotifySubjectKey))
         return("Changes at " + view.Database.SiteInfo.GetTitle() + " " + view.DisplayName);
         return(base.GetMessage(controller, view.NotifySubjectKey, view, values, pk, siteWithoutQueryString, mainSiteWithoutQueryString));
コード例 #3
        private string GetMessage(View view, int action, string by, string pk, DataRow prevRow, Durados.Web.Mvc.Controllers.CrmController controller, Dictionary <string, object> values, string siteWithoutQueryString, string mainSiteWithoutQueryString)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.NotifyMessageKey))
                string message             = string.Empty;
                string userFullName        = controller.Map.Database.GetUserFullName(by);
                string usernameAndFullName = userFullName + " (" + by + ") ";
                message += "The following changes were made:<br>View: {0}<br>User: {1}<br>Time: {2}<br>Action {3}<br>Primary Key Value: {4}<br>{5}: {6}<br>";
                bool displayValueChanged = false;

                string displayValue = null;
                if (prevRow == null || displayValueChanged)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk))
                        displayValue = string.Empty;
                        DataRow row = view.GetDataRow(pk);
                        if (row == null)
                            displayValue = string.Empty;
                            displayValue = view.GetDisplayValue(row);
                            if (displayValue == null)
                                displayValue = string.Empty;
                    displayValue = view.GetDisplayValue(prevRow);
                message = string.Format(message, view.DisplayName, usernameAndFullName, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), GetAction(action), pk, view.DisplayField.DisplayName, displayValue);

                return(base.GetMessage(controller, view.NotifyMessageKey, view, values, pk, siteWithoutQueryString, mainSiteWithoutQueryString));