コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// Contains design info for the Duel Gump
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Mobile the gump is displayed to</param>
        /// <param name="stone">Duel Stone the gump is linked to</param>
        public DuelGump(Mobile from, DuelStone stone) : base(20, 30)
            m_Owner = from;
            m_Stone = stone;

            this.Closable   = false;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable   = true;
            this.Resizable  = false;

            AddBackground(100, 100, 276, 331, 9350);
            AddHtml(117, 115, 241, 32, @"<center>Duel Terms</center>", (bool)true, (bool)false);
            AddLabel(122, 164, 0, @"Duel Fee(%):");
            AddLabel(122, 201, 0, @"Gear:");
            AddLabel(122, 239, 0, @"Time Limit:");
            AddLabel(124, 278, 0, @"Rules:");
            AddHtml(202, 159, 153, 30, m_Stone.Fee.ToString(), (bool)true, (bool)false);                              // Duel Fee
            AddHtml(202, 195, 153, 30, m_Stone.SuppliedDuel ? "Provided":"User", (bool)true, (bool)false);            // Gear
            AddHtml(202, 233, 153, 30, m_Stone.MaxDuelTime.TotalMinutes.ToString() + "min", (bool)true, (bool)false); // Time Limit
            AddHtml(202, 272, 153, 30, @"Field", (bool)true, (bool)false);                                            // Ruleset
            AddLabel(140, 319, 0, @"How much do you wish to wager?");
            AddBackground(124, 342, 230, 33, 9350);
            AddButton(222, 393, 247, 248, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(291, 393, 241, 242, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddTextEntry(129, 346, 217, 23, 0, 0, m_Stone.MinimumWager.ToString());

            m_InTime = new InternalTimer(m_Owner, m_Stone);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Timer constructer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">Mobile that has either the gumps or the target option</param>
 /// <param name="stone">Duel Stone that is linked to these events</param>
 public InternalTimer(Mobile m, DuelStone stone) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0))
     m_StartTime = DateTime.Now;
     m_EndTime   = m_StartTime + m_ChoiceTime;
     m_Owner     = m;
     m_Stone     = stone;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Contains the design infor for the Duel Confirmation gump
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Mobile requesting the duel</param>
        /// <param name="to">Mobile requested to duel</param>
        /// <param name="stone">Duel Stone the gump is linked to</param>
        public DuelConfirmGump(Mobile from, Mobile to, DuelStone stone) : base(20, 30)
            m_Requester = from;
            m_Acceptor  = to;
            m_Stone     = stone;

            this.Closable   = false;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable   = true;
            this.Resizable  = false;

            AddBackground(100, 100, 276, 331, 9350);
            AddHtml(117, 115, 241, 32, @"<center>Duel Terms</center>", (bool)true, (bool)false);
            AddLabel(122, 164, 0, @"Duel Fee(%):");
            AddLabel(122, 201, 0, @"Gear:");
            AddLabel(122, 239, 0, @"Time Limit:");
            AddLabel(124, 278, 0, @"Rules:");
            AddLabel(124, 312, 0, @"Opponent");
            AddLabel(124, 347, 0, @"Wager");
            AddHtml(202, 159, 153, 30, m_Stone.Fee.ToString(), (bool)true, (bool)false);                              // Duel Fee
            AddHtml(202, 195, 153, 30, m_Stone.SuppliedDuel ? "Provided" : "User", (bool)true, (bool)false);          // Gear
            AddHtml(202, 233, 153, 30, m_Stone.MaxDuelTime.TotalMinutes.ToString() + "min", (bool)true, (bool)false); // Time Limit
            AddHtml(202, 272, 153, 30, @"Field", (bool)true, (bool)false);                                            // Ruleset
            AddHtml(202, 306, 153, 30, m_Requester.Name, (bool)true, (bool)false);
            AddHtml(202, 341, 153, 30, m_Stone.Wager.ToString(), (bool)true, (bool)false);
            AddButton(222, 393, 247, 248, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(291, 393, 241, 242, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            m_InTime = new InternalTimer(m_Acceptor, m_Stone);
コード例 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Used to allow the mobile to target its duel opponent
            /// and send the duel request
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="owner">Mobile requesting the duel</param>
            /// <param name="stone">Duel Stone linked to the targetting</param>
            public InternalTarget(Mobile owner, DuelStone stone) : base(5, true, TargetFlags.None)
                m_Owner = owner;
                m_Stone = stone;

                m_InTime = new InternalTimer(m_Owner, m_Stone);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d1">Duelist One</param>
        /// <param name="d2">Duelist Two</param>
        /// <param name="item">Duel Stone that contains the Duel info</param>
        public DuelTimer(Mobile d1, Mobile d2, DuelStone item) : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0))
            m_Duelist1 = d1;
            m_Duelist2 = d2;
            m_Stone    = item;

            double fee = (double)m_Stone.Wager * ((double)m_Stone.Fee / 100);

            m_CalcFee = (int)fee;

            m_Staging = DateTime.Now + m_Stone.StagingTime;
コード例 #6
            protected override void OnTick()
                int thishour = DateTime.Now.Hour;
                if (thishour == OpeningHour1 || thishour == OpeningHour2)
                    if (dsBrit == null)
                        dsBrit = new DuelStone();
                        dsBrit.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(1433, 1691, 20), Map.Felucca);
                    if (dsBuccDen == null)
                        dsBuccDen = new DuelStone();
                        dsBuccDen.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2677, 2124, 0), Map.Felucca);
                    if ((thishour != m_LastAnnounce) && (AnnounceOpening))
                            foreach (NetState ns in NetState.Instances)
                                Mobile m = ns.Mobile;

                                if (m != null  && !(m.Region is Server.Regions.Jail))
                                    m.SendMessage(0x482, "Message from the Duelmaster:");
                                    m.SendMessage(0x482, "The Duel Arena has just opened. If you wish to challenge someone to a duel now is the time to do it! The arena will close again after 1 hour.");
                            m_LastAnnounce = thishour;
                } else
                    if (dsBrit != null) {
                        dsBrit = null;
                    if (dsBuccDen != null) {
                        dsBuccDen = null;
コード例 #7
		public static void ResetTimers( DuelStone ds )
			if( ds == null )

			if( ds.CountTimer != null )
				ds.CountTimer = null;

			if( ds.MoveTimer != null )
				ds.MoveTimer = null;

			if( ds.EndDuelTimer != null )
				ds.EndDuelTimer = null;

			ds.EndTimer = false;
コード例 #8
		public static void GiveGold( DuelStone ds, Mobile to )
			if( ds.DuelCost != 0 && !ds.StoneType.ToString().Contains( "Loot" ) )
				to.Backpack.AddItem( new Gold( (int)( ds.DuelCost * 0.9 ) ) );
				to.SendAsciiMessage( (int)( ds.DuelCost * 0.9 ) + " gold has been added to your backpack." );
コード例 #9
		public static void EndTeleOut( DuelStone ds, Mobile toTele )
			if( toTele != null )
				if( ds != null )
					if( !ds.StoneType.ToString().Contains( "Loot" ) && !toTele.Alive )
						if( toTele.Corpse != null )
							toTele.MoveToWorld( toTele.Corpse.Location, toTele.Corpse.Map );

					else if( toTele.Alive )
						toTele.Hits = toTele.HitsMax;
						toTele.Mana = toTele.ManaMax;
						toTele.Stam = toTele.StamMax;

					toTele.Location = ds.AfterDuelLocation;
					toTele.Frozen = false;

					if( !toTele.Alive )

					(toTele).HasFilter = false;

                    // Clear aggressor list
                    List<AggressorInfo> toRemove = new List<AggressorInfo>();
                    foreach (AggressorInfo aI in toTele.Aggressors)
                        if (aI.Attacker == toTele || aI.Defender == toTele)
                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (AggressorInfo aI in toRemove)

                    foreach (AggressorInfo aI in toTele.Aggressed)
                        if (aI.Attacker == toTele || aI.Defender == toTele)
                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (AggressorInfo aI in toRemove)

                    //AggressorInfo toRemove = null;
                    //foreach (AggressorInfo aI in toTele.Aggressors)
                    //    if (aI.Attacker == toTele) // Might also want to 
                    //        toRemove = aI; //Add a break here

					toTele.SendAsciiMessage( "Error with the stone, page a GM" );
コード例 #10
		public static void JoinDuel( DuelStone ds, Mobile to )
			if( to != null && ds.DuelerLocation1 != new Point3D( 0, 0, 0 ) && ( ds.Combatant1 == null || ds.Combatant2 == null ) )
				if( ds.CountTimer != null )
					to.SendAsciiMessage( "The stone is busy!" );

				if( !AffordsDuel( ds, to, ds.DuelCost ) )

				to.Location = ds.DuelerLocation1;

				if( ds.Combatant1 == null )
					ds.Combatant1 = to;
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant1).DuelStone = ds;
				else if( ds.Combatant2 == null )
					ds.Combatant2 = to;
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant2).DuelStone = ds;

				if( ds.Combatant1 != null && ds.Combatant2 != null )
					ResetTimers( ds );

					ds.EndDuelTimer = Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( maxDuelLenght ), TimeSpan.FromMinutes( maxDuelLenght ), 2, new TimerStateCallback( EndLongDuel ), ds );

					ds.Combatant1.SendAsciiMessage( "The duel will end in " + maxDuelLenght + " minutes if both players are still alive." );
					ds.Combatant2.SendAsciiMessage( "The duel will end in " + maxDuelLenght + " minutes if both players are still alive." );

					(ds.Combatant1).HasFilter = true;
					(ds.Combatant2).HasFilter = true;
コード例 #11
		public static void GiveOpponentMoney( DuelStone ds, Mobile from )
			if( !from.Alive )
				if( ds.Combatant1 == from && ds.Combatant2 != null )
					GiveGold( ds, ds.Combatant2 );
				else if( ds.Combatant2 == from && ds.Combatant1 != null )
					GiveGold( ds, ds.Combatant1 );
			else if( ds.Combatant1 == from && ds.Combatant2 != null && !ds.Combatant2.Alive )
				GiveGold( ds, from );
			else if( ds.Combatant2 == from && ds.Combatant1 != null && !ds.Combatant1.Alive )
				GiveGold( ds, from );
コード例 #12
		public static void LeaveDuel( DuelStone ds, Mobile from )
			if( ( ( ds.Combatant1 == from && ds.Combatant2 != null && ds.Combatant2.Alive && ds.Combatant1.Alive && ds.MoveTimer == null ) || ( ds.Combatant2 == from && ds.Combatant1 != null && ds.Combatant1.Alive && ds.Combatant2.Alive && ds.MoveTimer == null ) ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "Someone has to die first!" );
				from.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, from.SpeechHue, true, "I am trying to escape a certain death!" );

			if( !from.Alive )
				if( ds.Combatant1 == from && ds.Combatant2 != null )
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant1).DuelStone = null;
					ds.Combatant1 = null;
				else if( ds.Combatant2 == from && ds.Combatant1 != null )
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant2).DuelStone = null;
					ds.Combatant2 = null;
			else if( ds.Combatant1 == from && ( ( ds.Combatant2 != null && !ds.Combatant2.Alive ) || ds.Combatant2 == null ) )
				GiveGold( ds, from );
				((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant1).DuelStone = null;
				ds.Combatant1 = null;

				if( ds.Combatant2 != null )
					EndTeleOut( ds, ds.Combatant2 );
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant2).DuelStone = null;
					ds.Combatant2 = null;

				//End movetimer
				if( ds.MoveTimer != null )
					ds.MoveTimer = null;
			else if( ds.Combatant2 == from && ( ( ds.Combatant1 != null && !ds.Combatant1.Alive ) || ds.Combatant1 == null ) )
				GiveGold( ds, from );
				((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant2).DuelStone = null;
				ds.Combatant2 = null;

				if( ds.Combatant1 != null )
					EndTeleOut( ds, ds.Combatant1 );
					((PlayerMobile)ds.Combatant1).DuelStone = null;
					ds.Combatant1 = null;

				//End movetimer
				if( ds.MoveTimer != null )
					ds.MoveTimer = null;

			ds.EndTimer = true;

            //if(ds.Combatant1 != null && ds.Combatant1 != from)
            //    if(from.Aggressors.Contains((AggressorInfo) ds.Combatant1))

			EndTeleOut( ds, from );
コード例 #13
		public static bool CanUseStone( DuelStone ds, Mobile from )
			#region MutualChecks
			if( ds.DuelerLocation1 == new Point3D( 0, 0, 0 ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "This stone has not yet been set, page a GM." );
				return false;

			if( ( ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Loot2vs2 || ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Money2vs2 ) && ds.DuelerLocation2 == new Point3D( null ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "This stone has not yet been set, page a GM." );
				return false;

			/*if( ( ds.DuelCost == 0 ) && ( ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Money1vs1 || ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Money2vs2 ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "This stone has not yet been set, page a GM." );
				return false;

			if( from.Hits != from.HitsMax && !ds.IsUsingStone( from ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "You do not have enough HP to join this duel." );
				return false;

			if( ( ( ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Money1vs1 || ds.StoneType == DuelStoneEventType.Loot1vs1 ) && ( ds.Combatant1 != null && ds.Combatant2 != null ) && ( ds.Combatant1 != from && ds.Combatant2 != from ) ) )
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "This stone is busy!" );
				return false;

			return true;
コード例 #14
		public static bool AffordsDuel( DuelStone ds, Mobile from, int price )
			if( price == 0 )
				return true;

			if( ds.IsUsingStone( from ) )
				return true;

			if( from.Backpack.TotalGold >= price )
				from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), price );
				from.SendAsciiMessage( price + " has been withdrawn from your account." );
				return true;
			else if( ( from.BankBox.TotalGold + from.Backpack.TotalGold ) >= price )
				from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), price - from.Backpack.TotalGold );
				from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), from.Backpack.TotalGold );
				from.SendAsciiMessage( price + " has been withdrawn from your account." );
				return true;
				from.SendAsciiMessage( "You do not have enough money for this duel!" );
				return false;