コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a DTLS handshake test between two threads on a loopback address. The main motivation for
        /// this test was that the first DTLS handshake between this application and a client browser
        /// was often substantially slower and occasionally failed. By doing a loopback test the idea
        /// is that the internal OpenSSL state is initialised.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoDtlsHandshakeLoopbackTest()
            IPAddress testAddr = IPAddress.Loopback;

            Socket svrSock = new Socket(testAddr.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            svrSock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(testAddr, 9000));
            int           svrPort      = ((IPEndPoint)svrSock.LocalEndPoint).Port;
            DtlsHandshake svrHandshake = new DtlsHandshake(_dtlsCertificatePath, _dtlsKeyPath);
            //svrHandshake.Debug = true;
            var svrTask = Task.Run(() => svrHandshake.DoHandshakeAsServer((ulong)svrSock.Handle));

            Socket cliSock = new Socket(testAddr.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            cliSock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(testAddr, 0));
            cliSock.Connect(testAddr, svrPort);
            DtlsHandshake cliHandshake = new DtlsHandshake();
            //cliHandshake.Debug = true;
            var cliTask = Task.Run(() => cliHandshake.DoHandshakeAsClient((ulong)cliSock.Handle, (short)testAddr.AddressFamily, testAddr.GetAddressBytes(), (ushort)svrPort));

            bool result = Task.WaitAll(new Task[] { svrTask, cliTask }, TEST_DTLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a DTLS handshake test between two threads on a loopback address. The main motivation for
        /// this test was that the first DTLS handshake between this application and a client browser
        /// was often substantially slower and occasionally failed. By doing a loopback test the idea
        /// is that the internal OpenSSL state is initialised.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DoDtlsHandshakeLoopbackTest()
            IPAddress testAddr = IPAddress.Loopback;

            //var dtlsFingerprint = DTLS_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT.Substring(DTLS_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT.Length + 1).Trim().Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "");
            //var dtlsFingerprintBuffer = SIPSorcery.Sys.ByteBufferInfo.ParseHexStr(dtlsFingerprint);

            Socket svrSock = new Socket(testAddr.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            svrSock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(testAddr, 9000));
            int           svrPort      = ((IPEndPoint)svrSock.LocalEndPoint).Port;
            DtlsHandshake svrHandshake = new DtlsHandshake(DTLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH, DTLS_KEY_PATH);

            svrHandshake.Debug = true;
            byte[] clientFingerprint = null;
            var    svrTask           = Task.Run(() => svrHandshake.DoHandshakeAsServer((ulong)svrSock.Handle, ref clientFingerprint));

            Socket cliSock = new Socket(testAddr.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

            cliSock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(testAddr, 0));
            cliSock.Connect(testAddr, svrPort);
            DtlsHandshake cliHandshake = new DtlsHandshake();

            cliHandshake.Debug = true;
            byte[] serverFingerprint = null;
            var    cliTask           = Task.Run(() => cliHandshake.DoHandshakeAsClient((ulong)cliSock.Handle, (short)testAddr.AddressFamily, testAddr.GetAddressBytes(), (ushort)svrPort, ref serverFingerprint));

            bool result = Task.WaitAll(new Task[] { svrTask, cliTask }, TEST_DTLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT);
