コード例 #1
        public void Encode()
            if (this.trackGain == null && this.drMeter == null)
                throw new SkipEncodingItemException("Neither ReplayGain nor DynamicRange to calculate.");

            AudioBuffer buffer = new AudioBuffer(audioSource.PCM, FileEncoderBase.BufferSize);

            while (audioSource.Read(buffer, FileEncoderBase.BufferSize) > 0)
                if (this.trackGain != null)
                    DspHelper.AnalyzeSamples(this.trackGain, buffer);
                if (this.drMeter != null)
                    this.drMeter.Feed(buffer.Samples, buffer.Length);

                ProgressChangedEventArgs eventArgs = new ProgressChangedEventArgs((double)this.audioSource.Position / this.audioSource.Length);
                if (eventArgs.Cancel)
                    this.trackGain = null;
                    this.drMeter   = null;

            if (this.drMeter != null)
コード例 #2
        public IEncoder CreateEncoder(int threadNumber, IParallelTask _task)
            if (_task is ReplayGainTask)
                ReplayGainTask task = (ReplayGainTask)_task;
                return(new ReplayGainTagEncoder(task));
            else if (_task is FileEncodeTask)
                FileEncodeTask task        = (FileEncodeTask)_task;
                IAudioSource   audioSource = task.AudioSourceLazy();
                if (audioSource == null)
                    throw new SkipEncodingItemException("Unsupported audio format.");
                if (this.CalculateReplayGain)
                    task.TrackGain = DspHelper.CreateTrackGain(audioSource);
                if (this.CalculateDynamicRange)
                    task.DrMeter = DspHelper.CreateDrMeter(audioSource);
                return(new DspCalculatorEncoder(audioSource, task.TrackGain, task.DrMeter));

            throw new NotSupportedException();
コード例 #3
        protected IAudioSource SetupTask(FileEncodeTask task)
            IAudioSource audioSource = task.AudioSourceLazy();

            if (audioSource == null)
                throw new SkipEncodingItemException("Audio source is not supported.");
            if (this.CalculateRg)
                task.TrackGain = DspHelper.CreateTrackGain(audioSource);
            if (this.CalculateDr)
                task.DrMeter = DspHelper.CreateDrMeter(audioSource);
コード例 #4
        public void Encode()
            AudioBuffer buffer = new AudioBuffer(audioSource.PCM, BufferSize);

            this.AudioDest.FinalSampleCount = this.audioSource.Length;

            while (audioSource.Read(buffer, BufferSize) > 0)
                if (this.trackGain != null)
                    DspHelper.AnalyzeSamples(this.trackGain, buffer);
                if (this.drMeter != null)
                    this.drMeter.Feed(buffer.Samples, buffer.Length);


                ProgressChangedEventArgs eventArgs = new ProgressChangedEventArgs((double)this.audioSource.Position / this.audioSource.Length);
                if (eventArgs.Cancel)
                    this.AudioDest = null;

            if (this.drMeter != null)

            this.AudioDest = null;

            if (this.tags != null)
コード例 #5
        private void UpdateUI()

            if (this.releases == null)
            else if (this.releases.Length == 1)
                this.columnArtists.Width = this.releases[0].HasTrackArtists ? 240 : 0;
                this.columnDisc.Width    = this.releases[0].DiscCount != 1 ? 28 : 0;

                this.columnArtists.Width = this.releases.Any(r => r.HasTrackArtists) ? 240 : 0;
                this.columnDisc.Width    = this.releases.Any(r => r.DiscCount != 1) ? 28 : 0;

                foreach (Release release in this.releases)
                    this.listTracks.Items.Add(new CustomListViewItem()
                        JoinedArtists = release.JoinedAlbumArtists,
                        Title         = release.Title,
                        FontWeight    = FontWeights.Bold,

                        DynamicRange      = DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(release.DynamicRange),
                        DynamicRangeBrush = UIHelper.GetDrBrush(DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(release.DynamicRange), drAlpha),

                        AlbumGain = FormatGain(release.ReplayGainAlbumGain)

コード例 #6
        private void AddItemsForRelease(Release release)
            int currentDisc = 0;

            foreach (Track track in release.Tracklist)
                if (release.DiscCount != 1 && track.Disc != currentDisc)
                    currentDisc = track.Disc;
                    this.listTracks.Items.Add(new CustomListViewItem()
                        Title     = "Disc " + currentDisc,
                        FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic,

                        DynamicRange      = DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(release.DynamicRange),
                        DynamicRangeBrush = UIHelper.GetDrBrush(DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(release.DynamicRange), drAlpha),

                        AlbumGain = FormatGain(release.ReplayGainAlbumGain)

                this.listTracks.Items.Add(new CustomListViewItem()
                    Disc          = track.Disc.ToString(),
                    Position      = track.Position.ToString(),
                    JoinedArtists = track.JoinedArtists,
                    Title         = track.Title,

                    DynamicRange      = DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(track.DynamicRange),
                    DynamicRangeBrush = UIHelper.GetDrBrush(DspHelper.GetRoundedDr(release.DynamicRange), drAlpha),

                    AlbumGain = FormatGain(release.ReplayGainAlbumGain),
                    TrackGain = FormatGain(track.ReplayGainTrackGain)
コード例 #7
        // private double _doubleReadCounter;
        // private int _doubleReadFloor;


        #region Methods

        /// <returns>Length *in shorts* of the decoded data</returns>
        public int ReadSamples(short[] outputBuffer)
            int  length   = 0;
            bool isSilent = false;

            lock (_queue)
                // If there are too many frames in the queue, pull them out one by one and decode them (so the speex buffer stays OK),
                // but don't bother playing them.  This is a case where downsampling would be helpful, but we'll ignore it for now.
                while (_queue.Count > queuedFramesTargetMax)
                    var entry = _queue.Dequeue();
                    AudioDecoder = _codecFactory.GetAudioDecoder(entry.AudioCodecType);
                    AudioDecoder.Decode(entry.Frame, 0, entry.DataLength, outputBuffer, length, entry.IsSilent);

                // If we haven't lost any frames since the last check, pull one frame out of the queue to reduce latency.
                // This is a case where downsampling would be helpful, but we'll ignore it for now.
                if (++_framesSinceLastCheck > _framesBetweenChecks && _firstPacketReceived)
                    // Keep a record of the queue size, so that we can know how "bad" it is when we miss a packet.
                    // It's not a big deal to miss a read when the queue size is stable at < 4 frames,
                    // but it's a pretty big deal when the queue size is jumping around between 0 and 50.
                    while (_queueSizes.Count > maxQueueSizeEntries)

                    if (_framesLostSinceLastCheck == 0 && _queue.Count > queuedFramesTargetMin)
                        var entry = _queue.Dequeue();
                        AudioDecoder = _codecFactory.GetAudioDecoder(entry.AudioCodecType);
                        AudioDecoder.Decode(entry.Frame, 0, entry.DataLength, outputBuffer, length, entry.IsSilent);

                        if (_framesBetweenChecks > framesBetweenChecksMin)
                            _framesBetweenChecks -= goodTrafficAdjustment;                             // Speed up (slightly) the rate at which we can decrease the queue size.
                    _framesLostSinceLastCheck = 0;
                    _framesSinceLastCheck     = 0;

                // Calculate the number of packets we should retrieve.
                // Here's the logic. Let's say that we're only reading packets every 23.3 milliseconds instead of every 20 milliseconds.
                // This means that for about 3.3/20 = 16.5% of the reads, we actually need to request *two* packets.
                // So each time we read, we add .165 to a counter, and then take its floor. As soon as the counter floor
                // rolls over to a new integer, we know that we need to read a second packet.
                // Unfortunately, dammit, it doesn't look like this works. We'll need to create a better approach,
                // presumably using a resampler.

                //_doubleReadCounter += _logger.OverageRatio;
                //int packetsToRead = 1;
                //var newDoubleReadFloor = (int)Math.Floor(_doubleReadCounter);
                //if (newDoubleReadFloor > _doubleReadFloor)
                //    packetsToRead += newDoubleReadFloor - _doubleReadFloor;
                //    _doubleReadFloor = newDoubleReadFloor;
                //    _logger.LogMultipleRead();

                //for (int i = 0; i < packetsToRead; i++)
                    if (_queue.Count > 0)
                        // If we have anything in the queue, fulfill the request.
                        var entry = _queue.Dequeue();
                        isSilent = entry.IsSilent;
                        _lastSequenceNumberRead = entry.SequenceNumber;
                        AudioDecoder            = _codecFactory.GetAudioDecoder(entry.AudioCodecType);

                        length += AudioDecoder.Decode(entry.Frame, 0, entry.DataLength, outputBuffer, length, entry.IsSilent);
                        _firstPacketReceived = true;
                        // Record the fact that we missed a read, so the rest of the system can adjust.
                        if (_firstPacketReceived)
                            double stdDev = DspHelper.GetStandardDeviation(_queueSizes);
                            _videoQualityController.LogGlitch((int)Math.Floor(stdDev) + 1);

                        // If the frame hasn't arrived yet, let the last audio codec interpolate the missing packet.
                        // Most likely, the additional frames will arrive in a bunch by the time the next read happens.
                        // We may want to investigate our own upsampling algorithm at some point.
                        length += AudioDecoder.Decode(null, 0, 0, outputBuffer, length, true);
                        if (_framesBetweenChecks < framesBetweenChecksMax && _firstPacketReceived)
                            _framesBetweenChecks += badTrafficAdjustment;                             // Slow down (substantially) the rate at which we decrease the queue size.
            _logger.LogRead(_queue, _framesBetweenChecks, isSilent);