private void AddDrugButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (drugs == null) { drugs = database.GetAllEntitiesOfType <Drug>().Where(x => x.Refunds.Count > 0).Take(10).ToList(); } var selector = new DrugSelector(drugs); selector.ShowDialog(); if (selector.SelectedDrug != null) { Prescription.Drugs.Add(selector.SelectedDrug); Prescription.DrugsListChanged(); } }
/// <summary> /// Opens the observation orders selection browse in clarion /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override IQOpResult <int> OpenEditor(int currentValue, IQVarElementTarget target) { //OnBeforeClarionEditorInvoke(this); //int prsId = CallClarion.CallDrgBro(true, true); //OnAfterClarionEditorInvoke(this); //If the user hit "close", don't update the primaryKeyValue //return (prsId != 0) // ? new IQOpResult<int> { Result = OpResultEnum.Completed, Value = Drug.GetEntityByID(prsId).DRG_ID } // : new IQOpResult<int> { Result = OpResultEnum.Cancelled }; var editor = new DrugSelector { Value = currentValue }; return(editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK ? new IQOpResult <int> { Result = OpResultEnum.Completed, Value = editor.Value } : new IQOpResult <int> { Result = OpResultEnum.Cancelled }); }