コード例 #1
        private async Task SyncAllFilesFolders()
                //*** Set Variables
                int intCount = 0, intSuccess = 0, intFailed = 0;
                Session["SyncAllNumbers"] = "";
                string strFolderGUID = "";
                string strFolderpath = "";

                //*** Loop on All Objects on DropBox Grid View
                foreach (GridViewRow itemRow in grdVWDropBoxFilesFolderList.Rows)
                    strFolderpath = "";

                    //*** Refresh Counts
                    intCount += 1;

                    //*** set Session Variable (Shared Variable)
                    Session["SyncAllNumbers"] = grdVWDropBoxFilesFolderList.Rows.Count.ToString() + "," + intCount.ToString() + "," + intSuccess.ToString() + "," + intFailed.ToString();

                    //*** Check on Drop Box Enity
                    if (bool.Parse(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblisFolder")).Text))   //**** If Folder
                        //**** Create Folder on ExactOnline
                        //**** Construct Exact Online Class
                        ExactOnlineConnector objExactOnlineConnector = new ExactOnlineConnector(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientId"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientSecret"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineEndPoint"], new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Session["exactOnlineReturnBackURL"].ToString()), Session["ExactOnlineReturnCode"].ToString());

                        if (Application["ExactOnlineAccessToken"] != null)
                            objExactOnlineConnector.AccessToken = Application["ExactOnlineAccessToken"].ToString();

                        strFolderGUID = objExactOnlineConnector.CreateDocumentFolder(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text, Session["CurrentExactFolderGUID"].ToString());
                        if (strFolderGUID == "")
                            //*** If Error returned
                            intFailed += 1;
                            intSuccess += 1;
                    else  //**** If File
                        //**** Get File Stream then upload it to ExactOnline & Flush
                        //*** Construct Parent Folder Path String
                        string strParentFolderpath = "";
                        if ((List <string>)Session["FolderPath"] != null)
                            foreach (var item in (List <string>)Session["FolderPath"])
                                strParentFolderpath += "/" + item;

                        string strPath = strParentFolderpath + "/" + ((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text;
                        strFolderpath = strPath;

                        //*** Create Folder Function
                        Stream fnStreamResult = await DropBoxConnector.Download(Application["dropBoxClientObj"], strPath);

                        if (DropBoxConnector.MsgError != "")    //*** If error
                            intFailed += 1;
                            //*** Convert File to Byte Array and upload it to Exact Online
                            //**** Construct Exact Online Class
                            ExactOnlineConnector objExactOnlineConnector = new ExactOnlineConnector(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientId"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientSecret"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineEndPoint"], new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Session["exactOnlineReturnBackURL"].ToString()), Session["ExactOnlineReturnCode"].ToString());

                            if (Application["ExactOnlineAccessToken"] != null)
                                objExactOnlineConnector.AccessToken = Application["ExactOnlineAccessToken"].ToString();

                            strFolderGUID = objExactOnlineConnector.CreateDocumentWithAttachment(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text, Session["CurrentExactFolderGUID"].ToString(), Common.ConvertStreamtoByteArr(fnStreamResult));
                            if (strFolderGUID == "")
                                intFailed += 1;
                                intSuccess += 1;

                    //*** The Add to update record into DB
                    if (bool.Parse(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblisFolder")).Text))    //*** If Folder
                        if ((List <string>)Session["FolderPath"] != null)
                            foreach (var item in (List <string>)Session["FolderPath"])
                                strFolderpath += "/" + item;
                        strFolderpath += "/" + ((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text;

                    FilesDocumentsEntities objFilesDocumentsEntities = new FilesDocumentsEntities();

                    //*** Check First if File Already exisit into DB
                    DropBoxExactOnline objRecord = objFilesDocumentsEntities.DropBoxExactOnlines.Where(i => i.DropBoxPath == strFolderpath).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (objRecord != null)
                        //**** Update DB
                        objRecord.DropBoxPath     = strFolderpath;
                        objRecord.ExactOnlineGUID = strFolderGUID;
                        if (bool.Parse(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblisFolder")).Text))
                            objRecord.isFile = 0;
                            objRecord.isFile = 1;

                        //*** add to DB
                        DropBoxExactOnline objRecordNew = new DropBoxExactOnline();
                        objRecordNew.DropBoxPath     = strFolderpath;
                        objRecordNew.ExactOnlineGUID = strFolderGUID;
                        if (bool.Parse(((Label)itemRow.FindControl("lblisFolder")).Text))
                            objRecordNew.isFile = 0;
                            objRecordNew.isFile = 1;


                    //*** set Session Variable (Shared Variable)
                    Session["SyncAllNumbers"] = grdVWDropBoxFilesFolderList.Rows.Count.ToString() + "," + intCount.ToString() + "," + intSuccess.ToString() + "," + intFailed.ToString();

                //*** Rebind Exact Online Grid
            catch (Exception e)
                lblExactOnlineMsg.Text = e.ToString();

                //*** Show Error
                divExactOnlineAlert.Visible = true;
コード例 #2
        //*** Download Button
        protected async void lnkbtnDownload_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            //*** Construct Parent Folder Path String
            string strParentFolderpath = "";

            if ((List <string>)Session["FolderPath"] != null)
                foreach (var item in (List <string>)Session["FolderPath"])
                    strParentFolderpath += "/" + item;

            //*** Loop on Items to see file is checked to download
            foreach (GridViewRow row in grdVWFilesFolderList.Rows)
                if (((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkItem")).Checked)
                    //*** Check if Selected is Folder
                    if (bool.Parse(((Label)row.FindControl("lblisFolder")).Text))
                        //*** Folder Already Exist
                        lblDropBoxMsg.Text = "Only Files can be downloaded";

                        //*** Show Error with grid
                        divDropBoxAlert.Visible = true;
                        divFileGrid.Visible     = true;

                        //*** Exit from function
                        //*** Checked is Files
                        string strPath = strParentFolderpath + "/" + ((Label)row.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text;

                        //*** Create Folder Function
                        Stream fnStreamResult = await DropBoxConnector.Download(Application["dropBoxClientObj"], strPath);

                        if (DropBoxConnector.MsgError != "")    //*** If error
                            lblDropBoxMsg.Text = DropBoxConnector.MsgError;

                            //*** Show Error
                            divDropBoxAlert.Visible = true;

                            //*** Exit from function
                            //*** Save file to tmp Folder and direct user to it
                            // Create a FileStream object to write a stream to a file
                            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["downloadFolderRelPath"] + ((Label)row.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

                            //*** Then redirect to that file to download it
                            DownloadFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port > 0)
                                DownloadFilePath += ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port.ToString();
                            DownloadFilePath   += "/" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["downloadFolderRelPath"].Replace("\\", "/") + ((Label)row.FindControl("lblFileName")).Text;
                            divFileGrid.Visible = true;
                            pnlDownload.Visible = true;

                            //*** Exit from function
コード例 #3
        //*** Major Sync Function with Exact online store
        /// <summary>
        /// *** Sync Function which Sync all Modified files with Exact Online Store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstDropBoxFile">Dropbox files in List Format</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SyncAllFilesFolders(List <DropBoxFile> lstDropBoxFile)

                //*** Set Variables
                int intCount = 0, intSuccess = 0, intFailed = 0;
                Session["SyncAllNumbers"] = "";
                string strExactFileGUID    = "";
                string strFolderpath       = "";
                string strParentFolderpath = "";
                CloudStorageEntities objCloudStorageEntities = new CloudStorageEntities();

                //**** Construct Exact Online Class
                ExactOnlineConnector objExactOnlineConnector = new ExactOnlineConnector(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientId"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineClientSecret"], System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineEndPoint"], new Uri(Session["exactOnlineReturnBackURL"].ToString()), Session["ExactOnlineReturnCode"].ToString());

                //*** First Reset All "FileStillAlive" Flag into DB
                (from p in objCloudStorageEntities.DropBoxExactOnlines
                 where p.Id >= 0
                 select p).ToList().ForEach(x => x.FileStillAlive = 0);

                //*** Loop on All Objects on DropBox Grid View
                foreach (var DropBoxFile in lstDropBoxFile)
                    strFolderpath = "";

                    //*** Refresh Counts
                    intCount += 1;

                    //**** Check If File item exist into DB with same Modified Date or not
                    //*** 1. Exist with Same Modified Date, Do Nothing
                    //*** 2. Not Exist, So Add File to Exact Online and DB
                    //*** 3. Exist with Different Modified Date, So Update File into Exact Online and Modified Date into DB

                    DropBoxExactOnline objRecord = objCloudStorageEntities.DropBoxExactOnlines.Where(i => i.DropBoxPath == DropBoxFile.FileName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (objRecord == null || (objRecord != null && DropBoxFile.ModificationDate != objRecord.DropBoxFileModifiedDate))   //*** Not Exist Or File Exist with Different Modification Date
                        //*** Add File to Exact Online

                        //**** Get File Stream then upload it to ExactOnline & Flush
                        //*** Construct Parent Folder Path String
                        strParentFolderpath = "";
                        if ((List <string>)Session["FolderPath"] != null)
                            foreach (var item in (List <string>)Session["FolderPath"])
                                strParentFolderpath += "/" + item;

                        string strPath = strParentFolderpath + "/" + DropBoxFile.FileName;
                        strFolderpath = strPath;

                        //*** Create Folder Function
                        Stream fnStreamResult = await DropBoxConnector.Download(Session["dropBoxClientObj"], strPath);

                        if (DropBoxConnector.MsgError != "")    //*** If error
                            intFailed += 1;
                            //*** Convert File to Byte Array and upload it to Exact Online
                            if (Session["ExactOnlineAccessToken"] != null)
                                objExactOnlineConnector.AccessToken = Session["ExactOnlineAccessToken"].ToString();

                            //**** Get Document Folder GUID
                            Session["CurrentExactFolderGUID"] = string.Empty;       //*** Root Folder

                            //*** If File already exisit then Delete it first
                            if (objRecord != null && DropBoxFile.ModificationDate != objRecord.DropBoxFileModifiedDate)
                                objExactOnlineConnector.DeleteDocument(objRecord.ExactOnlineGUID);  //**** Call Delete Document

                            strExactFileGUID = objExactOnlineConnector.CreateDocumentWithAttachment(DropBoxFile.FileName, Session["CurrentExactFolderGUID"].ToString(), Common.ConvertStreamtoByteArr(fnStreamResult));
                            if (strExactFileGUID == "")
                                intFailed += 1;
                                intSuccess += 1;

                        if (objRecord == null)
                            //*** add to DB
                            DropBoxExactOnline objRecordNew = new DropBoxExactOnline();
                            objRecordNew.DropBoxPath             = DropBoxFile.FileName;
                            objRecordNew.DropBoxFileModifiedDate = DropBoxFile.ModificationDate;
                            objRecordNew.ExactOnlineGUID         = strExactFileGUID;
                            objRecordNew.isFile         = 1;
                            objRecordNew.FileStillAlive = 1;

                            //**** Update DB
                            objRecord.DropBoxFileModifiedDate = DropBoxFile.ModificationDate;
                            objRecord.ExactOnlineGUID         = strExactFileGUID;
                            objRecord.FileStillAlive          = 1;


                    //*** If File still exit and not changed
                    if (objRecord != null && DropBoxFile.ModificationDate == objRecord.DropBoxFileModifiedDate)
                        objRecord.FileStillAlive = 1;


                    //*** set Session Variable (Shared Variable)
                    Session["SyncAllNumbers"] = lstDropBoxFile.Count.ToString() + "," + intCount.ToString() + "," + intSuccess.ToString() + "," + intFailed.ToString();
                }   //*** For Loop

                //*** Then Check For Not Alive Files to Delete from DB and Exact Online
                List <DropBoxExactOnline> lstFiles = objCloudStorageEntities.DropBoxExactOnlines.Where(item => item.FileStillAlive == 0).ToList();

                foreach (var file in lstFiles)
                    //**** Delete File from Exact Online
                    if (file.ExactOnlineGUID != "")
                        //*** Delete File on Exact Online also
                        if (Session["ExactOnlineAccessToken"] != null)
                            objExactOnlineConnector.AccessToken = Session["ExactOnlineAccessToken"].ToString();

                        //**** Call Delete Document

                    //*** Delete From DB
                }   //*** For Loop

                //*** Submit Delete from DB
            catch (Exception e)
                Session["lblDropBoxMsg"] = "SyncAllFilesFolders Error: " + e.ToString();