コード例 #1
ファイル: UIMapManager.cs プロジェクト: GiovannyJTT/GCS
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        ServerMessages.IPSFrameData frameData = DroneModule.DequeueIPSDronFrame();
        if (frameData != null)
            drone.transform.position = frameData.position;
            drone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(frameData.rotation);

        //if (droneFlying) {
        //    if (!anchorsActivated) {
        //        anchorIDParent.SetActive(true);
        //        anchorsActivated = true;
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(Camera.main), anchors[i].GetComponent<Collider>().bounds))
        //        {
        //            anchorIDPos[i] = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(anchors[i].transform.position);
        //            anchorIDs[i].anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchorIDPos[i].x - 125, anchorIDPos[i].y + 25);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            anchorIDs[i].anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-400, -400);
        //        }
        //    }
コード例 #2
    void Update()
        //This if are consulted when the user presses the use last session configuration. It will enter if there is positioning and anchors.
        if (PozyxModule.positiningIsValid && skipClicked && CalibrationSettings.anchorConfigData[0] != null)
            PozyxModule.positiningIsValid = false;
            if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Mapping)
            else if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Recording)
        //If an error was received when trying to use the last session config, it will enter here
        else if (skipClicked && state == TagsConfigState.ErrorReceived)
            skipEverythingButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable    = true;
            skipEverythingButton.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1f);

            discoverAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable    = true;
            discoverAnchorsButton.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1f);
            state = TagsConfigState.Idle;
        //Meanwhile, it will enter here to rotate the throbber
        else if (skipClicked)
            tagsThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
        switch (state)
        case TagsConfigState.Idle:
            // Caso para comprobación de estado

        //Not used for the moment
        case TagsConfigState.SearchTagsReturn:
            discoverAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true;
            //We leave it idle while the user configs which tag is where
            state = TagsConfigState.Idle;

        //This case happens once the user clicked on the discover button
        case TagsConfigState.SearchingTags:
            tagsThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            if (camOffsetReceived && tagInfoReceived && droneFilterReceived)
                state = TagsConfigState.TagsFound;

        //Once the app gets the tag list, it enters here and displays them
        case TagsConfigState.TagsFound:
            if (!panelInstantiated)
                panelInstantiated = true;
                int      width        = Screen.width;
                int      height       = Screen.height;
                string[] tagsFoundStr = PozyxModule.decAnchors.Split('\n');
                tagsFoundCount = tagsFoundStr.Length - 1;
                tagsText.text  = PozyxModule.textMsg;

                Vector2 inputSize  = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.3f, panelSize.y / 12);
                Vector2 buttonSize = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, panelSize.y / 10);
                //All of this resizes and positions the tag selection and configurations panel
                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.018f);

                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.018f);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().textComponent.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.018f);

                widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(WidthInputText);
                heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(HeightInputText);
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputXText);
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputYText);
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(CamDistInputZText);
                updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(UpdatePeriodText);
                movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().onValueChanged.AddListener(MovementFreedomText);

                widthLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize           = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                heightLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize          = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelX.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelY.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                camDistLabelZ.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize        = (int)(width * 0.0225f);
                updatePeriodLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize    = (int)(width * 0.02f);
                movementFreedomLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.02f);

                tagsFoundLabel.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(inputSize.x * 0.1f, inputSize.y * 1.5f);
                tagsFoundLabel.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                tagsFoundLabel.GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = (int)(width * 0.03f);

                widthInput.sizeDelta           = inputSize;
                heightInput.sizeDelta          = inputSize;
                camDistInputX.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistInputY.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistInputZ.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                updatePeriodInput.sizeDelta    = inputSize;
                movementFreedomInput.sizeDelta = inputSize;

                widthLabel.sizeDelta           = inputSize;
                heightLabel.sizeDelta          = inputSize;
                camDistLabelX.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistLabelY.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                camDistLabelZ.sizeDelta        = inputSize;
                updatePeriodLabel.sizeDelta    = inputSize;
                movementFreedomLabel.sizeDelta = inputSize;

                tagsFoundCount = tagsFoundCount > 10 ? 10 : tagsFoundCount;

                widthInput.anchoredPosition           = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 0 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                heightInput.anchoredPosition          = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 1 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputX.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 2 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputY.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 3 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistInputZ.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 4 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                updatePeriodInput.anchoredPosition    = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 5 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                movementFreedomInput.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.6f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 6 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));

                widthLabel.anchoredPosition           = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 0 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                heightLabel.anchoredPosition          = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 1 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelX.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 2 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelY.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 3 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                camDistLabelZ.anchoredPosition        = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 4 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                updatePeriodLabel.anchoredPosition    = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 5 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                movementFreedomLabel.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.1f, (-panelSize.y / 7) * 6 - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * 7)) / (7 * 2)));
                //This creates a button for each tag found
                for (int i = 0; i < tagsFoundCount; i++)
                    GameObject inputGO = Instantiate(idGroupPrefab, inputParent.transform);
                    inputGO.name = tagsFoundStr[i];
                    //inputGO.name = i.ToString();

                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta        = buttonSize;
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(panelSize.x * 0.2f, (-panelSize.y / tagsFoundCount) * (i) - ((panelSize.y - (inputSize.y * tagsFoundCount)) / (tagsFoundCount * 2)));    //  - (inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y * 1.1f)
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().fontSize      = (int)(width * 0.025f);
                    //int hex = -1;
                    //if (!int.TryParse(inputGO.name, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out hex))
                    //    UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Unable to parse anchor Value!");
                    //inputGO.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = hex.ToString("X");
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "0x" + int.Parse(inputGO.name).ToString("x");
                    //And assigns a function for each tag button clicked
                    inputGO.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SelectTagId(inputGO.name, inputGO.transform.parent));
                //Gets the current offset of the camera
                Vector3 camInfo = DroneModule.GetCamOffset();
                camDistValueX = camInfo.x;
                camDistValueY = camInfo.y;
                camDistValueZ = camInfo.z;
                camDistInputX.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueX.ToString();
                camDistInputY.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueY.ToString();
                camDistInputZ.GetComponent <InputField>().text = camDistValueZ.ToString();
                camDistTextMesh.text = "(" + camDistValueX + ", " + camDistValueY + ", " + camDistValueZ + ")";
                //Gets the tag configuration (which tag belongs to which part of the drone, the widht and height ...
                ServerMessages.IPSDroneTag tagData = PozyxModule.GetTagFrame();
                if (tagData != null)
                    widthInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = tagData.width.ToString();
                    widthValue = tagData.width;
                    heightInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = tagData.height.ToString();
                    heightValue = tagData.height;
                    updatePeriodInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text    = PozyxModule.updatePeriod.ToString();
                    movementFreedomInput.GetComponent <InputField>().text = PozyxModule.movementFreedom.ToString();
                    //Here it is assigned to which drawing of the tag do they belong
                    for (int i = 0; i < tagsFoundCount; i++)
                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idSW.ToString())
                            swTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idSW.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            swValue = tagData.idSW;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idNW.ToString())
                            nwTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idNW.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            nwValue = tagData.idNW;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idNE.ToString())
                            neTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idNE.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            neValue = tagData.idNE;

                        if (inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).name == tagData.idSE.ToString())
                            seTextMesh.text = "0x" + tagData.idSE.ToString("x");
                            inputParent.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
                            seValue = tagData.idSE;

                state = TagsConfigState.ConfiguringTags;

        case TagsConfigState.ConfiguringTags:
            // Caso para comprobación de estado


        case TagsConfigState.ConfigurationSent:
            //After the user presses the confirm configuration, it enters here
            sendingDataThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            if (camOffsetConfirmed && tagInfoConfirmed)
                state = TagsConfigState.ConfigurationAccepted;

        case TagsConfigState.ConfigurationAccepted:
            //  We go here and start anchors calibration once the app sends all configurations
            state               = TagsConfigState.Idle;
            camOffsetReceived   = false;
            tagInfoReceived     = false;
            droneFilterReceived = false;

            camOffsetConfirmed = false;
            tagInfoConfirmed   = false;

        case TagsConfigState.ErrorReceived:
            if (tagsFound.gameObject != null)
                tagsText.text = PozyxModule.errorMsg;
                state         = TagsConfigState.SearchingTags;
            // ## TODO: Mostrar error recibido en escena?
コード例 #3
ファイル: UIRecordingManager.cs プロジェクト: GiovannyJTT/GCS
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        //We get the drone position to reflect it on the screen
        ServerMessages.IPSFrameData frameData = DroneModule.DequeueIPSDronFrame();
        if (frameData != null)
            drone.transform.position = frameData.position;
            drone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(frameData.rotation);
            //Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(drone.transform.position.x, drone.transform.position.y + 10, drone.transform.position.z) ;
        //We get the anchors to paint them
        ServerMessages.IPSFrameAnchorData anchorData = PozyxModule.DequeueIPSAnchorFrame();
        if (anchorData != null)
            anchorParent.transform.Find("Anchor" + anchorID).position = anchorData.position;
            if (anchorID == 9)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("All anchors positioned");
        //Here we should do a takeoff
        switch (states)
        case FlyingStates.IDLE:

        case FlyingStates.STARTFLYING:
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            if (time >= 2.0f)
                clientUnity.client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.PLAN_EXECUTOR_MODULE, (byte)PlanExecutorCommandType.PLAN_EXEC_TAKEOFF);

                states = FlyingStates.FLYING;

        case FlyingStates.FLYING:


        //If the drone reached its destination, we activate the button that returns to general
        if (flightEnded)
            flightEnded = false;

         * if (indexWaypoints >= waypoints.Count || TotalindexMiddlePoints >= path.middlePointsTop.Count)
         * {
         *  active = false;
         * }
         * if (active && time < 1)
         * {
         *  drone.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(actualWaypoint, nextWaypoint, time);
         *  //camToTravel.transform.position = nextWaypoint * Time.deltaTime * 0.001f;
         *  if (waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().BlockDirection)
         *  {
         *      drone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().GimbalRotation.z, waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().GimbalRotation.y - 90, waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().GimbalRotation.x);
         *      //blockedDIrection = true;
         *  }
         *  else if (!waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().BlockDirection)
         *  {
         *      drone.transform.LookAt(waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().Poi);
         *  }
         *  time += Time.deltaTime;
         * }
         * if (active && time >= 1)
         * {
         *  actualWaypoint = nextWaypoint;
         *  UnityEngine.Debug.Log(waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().Segments);
         *  if (waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().Segments <= 3)
         *  {
         *      if (waypoints.Count - 1 > indexWaypoints)
         *      {
         *          indexWaypoints++;
         *          TotalindexMiddlePoints++;
         *          nextWaypoint = waypoints[indexWaypoints].transform.position;
         *          indexMiddlePoints = 0;
         *      }
         *      //blockedDIrection = false;
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      if (waypoints[indexWaypoints].GetComponent<PathPoint>().Segments == indexMiddlePoints + 1)
         *      {
         *          indexWaypoints++;
         *          TotalindexMiddlePoints++;
         *          if (TotalindexMiddlePoints < path.middlePointsTop.Count)
         *              nextWaypoint = path.middlePointsTop[TotalindexMiddlePoints];
         *          indexMiddlePoints = 0;
         *          //blockedDIrection = false;
         *      }
         *      else if (path.middlePointsTop.Count > TotalindexMiddlePoints)
         *      {
         *          indexMiddlePoints++;
         *          TotalindexMiddlePoints++;
         *          if (TotalindexMiddlePoints < path.middlePointsTop.Count)
         *              nextWaypoint = path.middlePointsTop[TotalindexMiddlePoints];
         *      }
         *  }
         *  time = 0;
         * }
コード例 #4
ファイル: DroneTaskRunner.cs プロジェクト: juankakode/Drone
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the tasks from the given module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
        /// <param name="taskNames">The task names.</param>
        /// <param name="env">The env.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">module
        /// or
        /// taskNames
        /// or
        /// config</exception>
        public IList<DroneTaskResult> Run(DroneModule module, IEnumerable<string> taskNames, DroneEnv env)
            if (module == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("module");

            if (taskNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("taskNames");

            if(env == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("env");

            var names = taskNames.ToList();
            var results = new List<DroneTaskResult>();
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            if (names.Count == 0)
                this.log.Debug("no task names provided, trying to run default task");

                var result = this.TryRunDefaultTask(module, env);

                this.log.Debug("checking task names exist...");

                this.EnsureTaskNamesExists(module, names);

                this.log.Debug("all task names found");

                var taskFaulted = false;

                this.log.Debug("running tasks...");

                foreach(var taskName in names)
                    this.log.Debug("finding task '{0}'", taskName);

                    var task = module.TryGet(taskName);

                        this.log.Debug("skipping task '{0}' due to previous task failure", taskName);
                        results.Add(new DroneTaskResult(task, DroneTaskState.NotRan, TimeSpan.Zero, Option.None<Exception>()));

                    this.log.Debug("task '{0}' found!, running...", taskName);

                    var result = this.Run(module, task.Value, env, true);


                    if (!result.IsSuccess)
                        this.log.Debug("task '{0}' has failed, skipping all other tasks", taskName);

                        taskFaulted = true;


                this.log.Debug("all tasks completed");

            if(results.Count == 0)
                return results;

            var maxNameLen = results.Max(x => x.Task.Get(t => t.Name.Length, 0));

            var totalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(results.Select(x => x.TimeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds).Sum());

            var summaryTitle = string.Format("tasks: ({0})", HumanTime.Format(totalTime));

            this.log.Info(string.Join(string.Empty, Enumerable.Repeat("-", summaryTitle.Length)));

            foreach(var result in results)
                var glyph = this.GetTaskStateGlyph(result.State);
                var state = this.GetTaskStateDesc(result.State);
                var name = result.Task.Get(x => x.Name, "[null]");
                var time = string.Format("({0})", this.GetTaskStateFormatedTime(result.State, result.TimeElapsed));
                var fmt = string.Format("{{0}} {{1, -{0}}} {{2, -10}} {{3, -10}}", maxNameLen);
                this.log.Info(fmt, glyph, name, state, time);

            this.log.Info("total time: ({0})", HumanTime.Format(sw.Elapsed));

            return results;
コード例 #5
ファイル: DroneTaskRunner.cs プロジェクト: juankakode/Drone
        private Option<DroneTaskResult> TryRunDefaultTask(DroneModule module, DroneEnv env)
            var task = module.TryGet(DroneModule.DefaultTaskName);

                this.log.Debug("default task found, running...");
                return Option.From(this.Run(module, task.Value, env, true));
                this.log.Warn("no default task found");
                return Option.None<DroneTaskResult>();
コード例 #6
ファイル: DroneTaskRunner.cs プロジェクト: juankakode/Drone
        private DroneTaskResult Run(DroneModule module, DroneTask task, DroneEnv env, bool logErrors)
            var taskLog = DroneLogManager.GetTaskLog(task.Name);

            var taskContext = new DroneTaskContext(module, task, env, taskLog, (t, e) =>
                var childTaskResult = this.Run(module, t, e, false);

                    this.log.Debug("child task '{0}' has failed", t.Name);
                    throw childTaskResult.Exception.Value;

            this.log.Info("running '{0}'", task.Name);

            var handler = this.factory.TryGetHandler(task);

            var result = FuncStopwatch.Run(() =>
                    throw DroneTaskHandlerNotFoundException.Get(task);

            if (result.IsSuccess)
                this.log.Info("task '{0}' completed ({1})", task.Name, HumanTime.Format(result.TimeElapsed));
                return new DroneTaskResult(Option.From(task), DroneTaskState.Completed, result.TimeElapsed, Option.None<Exception>());
                var state = DroneTaskState.Faulted;
                var stateName = "failed";

                this.log.Info("task '{0}' {1} ({2})", task.Name, stateName, HumanTime.Format(result.TimeElapsed));


                return new DroneTaskResult(Option.From(task), state, result.TimeElapsed, Option.From(result.Exception));
コード例 #7
ファイル: DroneTaskRunner.cs プロジェクト: juankakode/Drone
        private void EnsureTaskNamesExists(DroneModule module, IList<string> taskNames)
            var tasksNotFound = taskNames
                        .Where(x => !module.TryGet(x).HasValue)

            if (tasksNotFound.Count > 0)
                throw DroneTasksNotFoundException.Get(tasksNotFound);
コード例 #8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        //If clientunity object is already present on the scene, the new one gets destroyed
        if (FindObjectsOfType(GetType()).Length > 1)

        //The first ClientUnity is common for every scene

        //FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Update/airt-project-0.1.1-.deb");
        //FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Update/airt-project-0.1.1-.deb");
        //ulong fileSize = (ulong)fileInfo.Length;
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("File size: " + fileSize);
        //byte[] fileBytes = new byte[4096];
        //BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
        //ulong bytesRead = 0;
        //while (bytesRead < fileSize)
        //    int readCount = br.Read(fileBytes, (int)0, 4096);
        //    bytesRead += 4096;
        //    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("READING");
        //Drone ip
        if (GlobalSettings.Instance.getIP() == "")

        //Every module
        client = new Client();

        stdManager             = new StandardModule();
        atreyuManager          = new AtreyuModule();
        osManager              = new OSModule(FileManager.debFilePath, FileManager.debFileName + ".deb");
        fpvManager             = new FPVModule();
        FCS_Module             = new FCSModule();
        libraryManager         = new LibraryModule();
        missionExecutorManager = new MissionExecutorModule();
        pozyxManager           = new PozyxModule();
        pointCloudManager      = new MapperModule();
        droneManager           = new DroneModule();
        recCamModule           = new RecCamModule();
        //mhandlers.Add(new MsgHandler((byte)Modules.POINTCLOUD_MODULE, (byte)PointcloudNotificationType.PCL_SINGLE, onPclData));  // data

        cli_thread = new Thread(() => client.run(mhandlers));
        //We start quering atreyu state to see if the app should jump to mapping or recording, as the drone can't do anything other than mapping or recording if it is
        //is those states
        if (client.isConnected)
            tryReconnect = false;
            client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.ATREYU_MODULE, (byte)AtreyuCommandType.ATREYU_QUERY_SYSTEM_STATE);
            tryReconnect = true;
        //client.sendCommand((byte)Modules.ATREYU_MODULE, (byte)AtreyuCommandType.ATREYU_QUERY_SERVER_VERSION);
コード例 #9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        switch (state)
        case CalibrationState.IDLE:
            //The spinning wheel(throbber) rotates
            if (autocalibratingThrobber.activeInHierarchy)
                autocalibratingThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);

        case CalibrationState.DISCOVERING:
            searchingLabel.transform.GetChild(0).Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);

        case CalibrationState.RECEIVING_DISCOVER_ANCHORS:

            List <int> anchorsIDList = PozyxModule.GetAnchorList();
                dicoveredAnchors.text = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < anchorsIDList.Count; i++)
                    //Writing the anchor list received inside the TextBoxes that can be clicked, with the HorizontalGroup name
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Reading Anchor List Element: " + i);
                    //anchorParent.transform.Find("Cube" + anchorID).position = anchorData.position;
                    //anchor1Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchorData.position);
                    //transform.Find("Cube" + anchorID + "ID").GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor1Pos.x - 40, anchor1Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
                    dicoveredAnchors.text += "Anchor: " + i + " ID: " + "0x" + anchorsIDList[i].ToString("x") + "\n";
                    anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (i + 1)).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "0x" + anchorsIDList[i].ToString("x");
                    anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (i + 1)).GetChild(0).name = anchorsIDList[i].ToString();

                //Activate the button that lets the user give the correct position to the anchors
                configAnchorsButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true;
                configAnchorsButton.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("All anchors positioned");
                state = CalibrationState.RECEIVED_DISCOVER_ANCHORS;

        case CalibrationState.RECEIVED_DISCOVER_ANCHORS:
            //Having done previously that, is this state necessary?
            if (PozyxModule.anchorsReceived)
                PozyxModule.anchorsReceived = false;
                state = CalibrationState.DISCOVERED;

        case CalibrationState.DISCOVERED:

            anchorReadCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                ServerMessages.IPSFrameAnchorData anchorData = CalibrationSettings.GetAnchorData(i);
                //anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (anchorData.order + 1)).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = anchorData.id.ToString();
                //anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (anchorData.order + 1)).GetChild(0).name = anchorData.id.ToString();

                //Writing the corresponding id of an anchor to a cube
                anchorCubeParent.transform.Find("Anchor" + (anchorData.order + 1) + "Cube").GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "0x" + anchorData.id.ToString("x");
                anchorCubeParent.transform.Find("Anchor" + (anchorData.order + 1) + "Cube").GetChild(1).localPosition = anchorData.position;
                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                    //Writing the received position of the anchors
                    if (anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(0).name == anchorData.id.ToString())
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text = anchorData.position.x.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text = anchorData.position.y.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(3).GetComponent <InputField>().text = anchorData.position.z.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color     = new Vector4(0, 255, 0, 150);
                        //Writing the received position of the anchor list when autocalibration is pressed
                        if (autoCalib && (anchorData.order == 1 || anchorData.order == 5))
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = "AUTO";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text         = "0";
                        else if (autoCalib && (anchorData.order == 3 || anchorData.order == 7))
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "0";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = "AUTO";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                        else if (autoCalib && (anchorData.order == 2 || anchorData.order == 6))
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = "AUTO";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text         = "";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = "AUTO";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                        else if (autoCalib)
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "0";
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text = "0";

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Anclas coincidentes: " + anchorReadCount);
            //Activates button to confirm configuration
            if (anchorReadCount == 8)
                confirmManual.interactable = true;
                confirmManual.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(255, 255, 255, 255);

            state = CalibrationState.IDLE;

            //anchorParent.transform.Find("Cube" + anchorID).position = anchorData.position;
            //anchor1Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchorData.position);
            //transform.Find("Cube" + anchorID + "ID").GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor1Pos.x - 40, anchor1Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            //dicoveredAnchors.text += "Tag: " + anchorID + " ID: " + anchorData.id + "\n";
            //anchorList.transform.Find("Anchor" + anchorID).GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = "Anchor ID: " + anchorData.id;
            //anchorList.transform.Find("Anchor" + anchorID).name = anchorData.id.ToString();

            //configAnchorsButton.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = true;
            //configAnchorsButton.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("All anchor data received and ready to be used");
            //ipsCommandSent = false;

        case CalibrationState.MANUAL_ACCEPTED:
            //Sending the configuration and wait for positioning
            clientUnity.client.SendCommand((byte)Modules.POSITIONING_MODULE, (byte)PositioningCommandType.IPS_UPDATE_SETTINGS);
            state = CalibrationState.TRY_START_POSITIONING;

        case CalibrationState.AUTOCALIBRATION_RECEIVED:

            autocalibratingThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            anchorReadCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                ServerMessages.IPSFrameAnchorData anchorData = CalibrationSettings.GetAnchorData(i);
                //anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (anchorData.order + 1)).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = anchorData.id.ToString();
                //anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + (anchorData.order + 1)).GetChild(0).name = anchorData.id.ToString();

                anchorCubeParent.transform.Find("Anchor" + (anchorData.order + 1) + "Cube").GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "0x" + anchorData.id.ToString("x");
                anchorCubeParent.transform.Find("Anchor" + (anchorData.order + 1) + "Cube").GetChild(1).localPosition = anchorData.position;
                //Receiving the anchors position from autocalibration
                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                    if (anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(0).name == anchorData.id.ToString())
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().text         = anchorData.position.x.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().text         = anchorData.position.y.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(3).GetComponent <InputField>().text         = anchorData.position.z.ToString();
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>().interactable     = false;
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(3).GetComponent <InputField>().interactable = false;
                        anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color             = new Vector4(0, 255, 0, 150);
                        //Painting orange the autocalibrated anchors
                        if (anchorData.order == 1 || anchorData.order == 2 || anchorData.order == 5 || anchorData.order == 6)
                            ColorBlock cb = anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().colors;
                            cb.disabledColor    = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.4f);
                            cb.normalColor      = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
                            cb.highlightedColor = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(1).GetComponent <InputField>().colors = cb;
                        if (anchorData.order == 2 || anchorData.order == 3 || anchorData.order == 6 || anchorData.order == 7)
                            ColorBlock cb = anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().colors;
                            cb.disabledColor    = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.4f);
                            cb.normalColor      = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
                            cb.highlightedColor = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
                            anchorList.transform.Find("HorizontalGroup" + j).GetChild(2).GetComponent <InputField>().colors = cb;

            if (anchorReadCount == 8)
                //Habilitating the three buttons
                // ## Se puede sacar fuera del if todo
                editConfig.interactable = true;
                editConfig.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                redoAutocalibration.interactable = true;
                redoAutocalibration.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                confirmAuto.interactable = true;
                confirmAuto.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                //acceptConfig.interactable = true;
                //acceptConfig.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().color = new Vector4(255, 255, 255, 255);

            state = CalibrationState.AUTOCALIBRATION_FINNISHED;


        case CalibrationState.AUTOCALIBRATION_ACCEPTED:
            autocalibratingThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);
            // Used to check the current state

        case CalibrationState.AUTOCALIBRATION_FINNISHED:
            // Used to check the current state

        case CalibrationState.CALIBRATION_PREVIEW:
            //Nobody uses this state ??
            ServerMessages.IPSFrameData frameData = DroneModule.DequeueIPSDronFrame();
            if (frameData != null)
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Position: " + frameData.position);
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Rotation: " + frameData.rotation);
                drone.transform.position = frameData.position;
                drone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(frameData.rotation);

            anchor1Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor1GO.transform.position);
            anchor2Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor2GO.transform.position);
            anchor3Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor3GO.transform.position);
            anchor4Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor4GO.transform.position);
            anchor5Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor5GO.transform.position);
            anchor6Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor6GO.transform.position);
            anchor7Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor7GO.transform.position);
            anchor8Pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor8GO.transform.position);

            // ## TODO: Incluir en el if de arriba buscando cada anchorID según el ID actual y asociar su posición
            anchor1ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor1Pos.x - 40, anchor1Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor2ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor2Pos.x - 40, anchor2Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor3ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor3Pos.x - 40, anchor3Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor4ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor4Pos.x - 40, anchor4Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor5ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor5Pos.x - 40, anchor5Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor6ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor6Pos.x - 40, anchor6Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor7ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor7Pos.x - 40, anchor7Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);
            anchor8ID.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(anchor8Pos.x - 40, anchor8Pos.y - Screen.height * 0.15f);

        case CalibrationState.TRY_START_POSITIONING:
            //Check for positioning
            if (PozyxModule.positiningIsValid)
                firstPositionTry = true;
                state            = CalibrationState.POSITIONING_CONFIRMED;
                if (firstPositionTry)
                    autocalibratingThrobber.transform.parent.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Waiting for positioning";
                    firstPositionTry = false;
                autocalibratingThrobber.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -200 * Time.deltaTime);

        case CalibrationState.POSITIONING_CONFIRMED:
            //Change scene, positioning received
            state = CalibrationState.IDLE;
            //You can access the scene from both buttons, as calibrating is always necessary, that is way there is a button to use last calibration and skip the process
            if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Mapping)
            else if (GeneralSceneManager.appState == GeneralSceneManager.ApplicationState.Recording)

        case CalibrationState.LAST_REQ_FAILED:
            if (discoverPanel.activeInHierarchy)
            {     // Something failed discovering anchors, retry
                dicoveredAnchors.text = PozyxModule.errorMsg;
                state = CalibrationState.DISCOVERING;
            {     // Something failed with anchors configuration, let the user change the config and try again
                state = CalibrationState.IDLE;
                if (confirmManual.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    confirmManual.interactable = true;
                    confirmManual.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                else if (confirmAuto.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    confirmAuto.interactable = true;
                    confirmAuto.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                    editConfig.interactable = true;
                    editConfig.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                    redoAutocalibration.interactable = true;
                    redoAutocalibration.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().color = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
