コード例 #1
ファイル: GpuParticles.cs プロジェクト: ARLM-Attic/xna-xen
        private Texture2D CreateTexture(DrawState state)
            Texture2D texture;

            ushort[] pixels = new ushort[Resolution * Resolution * 2];

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length;)
                //gpu shaders will vary the random numbers by +/- 1/256

                //first values are linear rand
                ushort linearRand = (ushort)(rand.Next(ushort.MaxValue - 512) + 256);

                //second are non linear

                int randBase = rand.Next(ushort.MaxValue - 512) + 256;
                //get a non-linear squared version..
                int rand0 = randBase - ushort.MaxValue / 2;
                rand0 = (rand0 * Math.Abs(rand0)) / (ushort.MaxValue / 2) + ushort.MaxValue / 2;
                //then average it with the original linear
                //so it's half linear, half squared non-linear
                rand0 = (rand0 + randBase) >> 1;

                ushort nonLinearRand = (ushort)rand0;

#if !XBOX360
                pixels[i++] = linearRand;
                pixels[i++] = nonLinearRand;
                //on the xbox, storage order is reversed. Thanks to Arc for spotting this.
                pixels[i++] = nonLinearRand;
                pixels[i++] = linearRand;

            GraphicsDevice device = state.BeginGetGraphicsDevice(StateFlag.None);
            texture = new Texture2D(device, Resolution, Resolution, 1, TextureUsage.None, SurfaceFormat.Rg32);


コード例 #2
        private void Draw(DrawState state, Vector2 scale, byte clipDepth)
            Element parent = this.parent;

            Matrix         matrix;
            GraphicsDevice device = null;

            if (parent == null)
                if (state.DrawTarget.MultiSampleType != MultiSampleType.None)
                    device = state.BeginGetGraphicsDevice(StateFlag.None);
                    device.RenderState.MultiSampleAntiAlias = false;

                this.clipTestActive = false;

                DeviceRenderState rstate = new DeviceRenderState();
                rstate.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;
                rstate.DepthColourCull.DepthTestEnabled  = false;

                state.PushRenderState(ref rstate);

                if (camera == null)
                    camera = state.UserValues[cameraID] as Xen.Camera.Camera2D;
                    if (camera == null)
                        camera = new Xen.Camera.Camera2D(true);
                        state.UserValues[cameraID] = camera;

                this.clipTestActive = parent.clipTestActive | parent.ClipsChildren;

            StencilTestState stencilState = new StencilTestState();

            if (clipTestActive)
                stencilState.Enabled              = true;
                stencilState.ReferenceValue       = clipDepth;
                stencilState.StencilFunction      = CompareFunction.Equal;
                stencilState.StencilPassOperation = StencilOperation.Keep;

            bool clearStencil = false;

            if (this.ClipsChildren)
                clearStencil = clipDepth == 255;

                if (!clipTestActive)
                    //check there actually is a stencil buffer
                    DepthFormat format = state.DrawTarget.SurfaceDepthFormat ?? DepthFormat.Unknown;

                    if (format != DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("ElementRect.ClipChildren requires the DrawTarget has a valid Depth Buffer with an 8bit Stencil Buffer");

                    stencilState.Enabled              = true;
                    stencilState.ReferenceValue       = clipDepth;
                    stencilState.StencilPassOperation = StencilOperation.Replace;
                    stencilState.StencilPassOperation = StencilOperation.Decrement;

            if ((scale.X != 0 && scale.Y != 0))
                Vector2 size = ElementSize;
                GetDisplayMatrix(out matrix, scale, ref size);

                state.PushWorldMatrixMultiply(ref matrix);

                BindShader(state, false);

                state.RenderState.AlphaBlend  = blend;
                state.RenderState.StencilTest = stencilState;

                if (!UseSize)
                    size = new Vector2(1, 1);
                if (IsNormalised)
                    size *= scale;



                List <Element> children = Children;
                if (children != null)
                    foreach (Element child in children)
                        if (((IDraw)child).CullTest(state))
                            child.Draw(state, size, clipDepth);

                if (clearStencil)
                    BindShader(state, true);
                    stencilState                      = new StencilTestState();
                    stencilState.Enabled              = true;
                    stencilState.StencilFunction      = CompareFunction.Never;
                    stencilState.StencilFailOperation = StencilOperation.Zero;
                    state.RenderState.StencilTest     = stencilState;



            if (parent == null)

            if (device != null)
                device.RenderState.MultiSampleAntiAlias = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Stats.cs プロジェクト: ARLM-Attic/xna-xen
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the statistics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            float fade = 8 - state.TotalTimeSeconds * 0.5f;
            if (fade > 1)
                fade = 1;
            if (fade < 0)
                fade = 0;

            if (!enabled)
                if (toggleTextDisplay != null && fade > 0)
                    this.toggleTextDisplay.ColourFloat = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, fade);


            if (fillRateQuery == null)
                GraphicsDevice device = state.BeginGetGraphicsDevice(StateFlag.None);
                fillRateQuery = new OcclusionQuery(device);

                if (fillRateQuery.IsSupported)
                    fillRateQueryActive = true;

            if (fillRateQuery.IsSupported)
                if (fillRateQueryActive)
                    fillRateQueryActive = false;

            DrawStatistics stats;
            state.GetPreviousFrameStatistics(out stats);

            stats -= previousFrameOverhead;

            if (graphs == null)
                const int   width       = 210;
                const int   height      = 128;
                const int   fontPix     = 20;
                List <Call> calls       = new List <Call>();
                List <bool> visibleList = new List <bool>();

                Callback <Graph, string, Call, bool, float> add         = delegate(string name, Call call, bool visible, float good) { calls.Add(call); visibleList.Add(visible); return(new Graph(name, width, height, width - fontPix / 2, fontPix, 0, font, -good)); };
                Callback <Graph, string, Call, bool, float> addHalf     = delegate(string name, Call call, bool visible, float good) { calls.Add(call); visibleList.Add(visible); return(new Graph(name, width / 2, height, width / 2 - fontPix / 2, fontPix, 0, font, -good)); };
                Callback <Graph, string, Call, bool, float> addHalfMin1 = delegate(string name, Call call, bool visible, float good) { calls.Add(call); visibleList.Add(visible); return(new Graph(name, width / 2, height, width / 2 - fontPix / 2, fontPix, 1, font, -good)); };

                graphs = new Graph[]
                    add("Frame Rate (Approx)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return((float)dstate.ApproximateFrameRate); }, true, -20),

                    add("Frame Draw Time (Ticks)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return(s.ApproximateDrawTimeTicks); }, false, 1.0f / 20.0f),

                    addHalf("Draw Target Passes", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)s.DrawTargetsPassCount); }, false, 10),

                    add("Primitives Drawn", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return((float)(s.TrianglesDrawn + s.LinesDrawn + s.PointsDrawn)); }, true, 1000000),

#if XBOX360
                    addHalf("Pixels Drawn\n(Approx)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Math.Max(0, pixelsFillled - (float)s.XboxPixelFillBias)); }, true, 20000000),             // not accurate
                    addHalf("Pixels Drawn", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Math.Max(0, pixelsFillled)); }, true, 18000000),

                    addHalf("Lines Drawn", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.LinesDrawn)); }, false, 1000000),
                    addHalf("Points Drawn", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.PointsDrawn)); }, false, 1000000),

                    addHalf("Draw Calls", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.DrawIndexedPrimitiveCallCount + s.DrawPrimitivesCallCount)); }, true, 300),
                    addHalf("Draw Calls (Indexed)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.DrawIndexedPrimitiveCallCount)); }, false, 300),

                    addHalf("Instances Drawn", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.InstancesDrawn)); }, false, 1000),
                    addHalf("Inst.Batch Size (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.InstancesDrawn, s.InstancesDrawBatchCount)); }, false, 1000),

                    addHalf("Set Camera Count", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)s.SetCameraCount); }, false, 1000),

                    addHalf("Shader Bind Count", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)s.ShaderBindCount); }, false, 1000),

                    addHalf("Shader Constant Bytes", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.VertexShaderConstantBytesSetTotalCount + s.PixelShaderConstantBytesSetTotalCount)); }, false, 2000000),

                    addHalf("VS Constant Bytes (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.VertexShaderConstantBytesSetTotalCount, s.VertexShaderConstantBytesSetCount)); }, false, 1000),
                    addHalf("PS Constant Bytes (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.PixelShaderConstantBytesSetTotalCount, s.PixelShaderConstantBytesSetCount)); }, false, 1000),

                    addHalf("VS Complexity (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.VertexShaderApproximateInstructionsTotal, s.VertexShaderBoundWithKnownInstructionsCount)); }, false, 64),
                    addHalf("PS Complexity (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.PixelShaderApproximateInstructionsTotal, s.PixelShaderBoundWithKnownInstructionsCount)); }, false, 32),

                    addHalf("VS Preshader Complexity (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.VertexShaderApproximatePreshaderInstructionsTotal, s.VertexShaderBoundWithKnownInstructionsCount)); }, false, 512),
                    addHalf("PS Preshader Complexity (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.PixelShaderApproximatePreshaderInstructionsTotal, s.PixelShaderBoundWithKnownInstructionsCount)); }, false, 512),

                    addHalf("Dirty Render State Count", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)s.DirtyRenderStateCount); }, false, 2),

                    add("Vertex Bytes Copied", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return((float)(s.VertexBufferByesCopied + s.DynamicVertexBufferByesCopied)); }, false, 1000000),
                    add("Index Bytes Copied", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return((float)(s.IndexBufferByesCopied + s.DynamicIndexBufferByesCopied)); }, false, 1000000),

                    add("Resource Device Bytes (Tracked)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return((float)(Resource.GetAllAllocatedDeviceBytes())); }, false, 100000000),
                    addHalf("Resource Count (Tracked)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(Resource.GetResourceCount())); }, false, 50),
                    addHalf("Resource Managed Bytes (Tracked)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(Resource.GetAllAllocatedManagedBytes())); }, false, 100000000),
                    addHalf("Unused Resources (Tracked)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(Resource.CountResourcesNotUsedByDevice())); }, false, 10),

                    addHalfMin1("Culler Efficiency (Sphere)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                                { return(1 - Avg(s.DefaultCullerTestSphereCulledCount, s.DefaultCullerTestSphereCount)); }, false, 1000),
                    addHalfMin1("Culler Efficiency (Box)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                                { return(1 - Avg(s.DefaultCullerTestBoxCulledCount, s.DefaultCullerTestBoxCount)); }, false, 1000),

                    addHalf("AlphaBlend State Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.RenderStateAlphaBlendChangedCount)); }, false, 300),
                    addHalf("AlphaTest State Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.RenderStateAlphaTestChangedCount)); }, false, 300),
                    addHalf("StencilTest State Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.RenderStateStencilTestChangedCount)); }, false, 300),
                    addHalf("Depth/FrustumCull State Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.RenderStateDepthColourCullChangedCount)); }, false, 300),

                    addHalf("Tex Sampler Address Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.TextureSamplerAddressStateChanged)); }, false, 200),
                    addHalf("Tex Sampler Filter Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.TextureSamplerFilterStateChanged)); }, false, 200),
                    addHalf("Texture Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.TextureUnitTextureChanged)); }, false, 100),
                    addHalf("Vertex Texture Changed", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return((float)(s.VertexTextureUnitTextureChanged)); }, false, 50),

                    add("Bound Textures (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        { return(Avg(s.BoundTextureCount, s.BoundTextureCountTotalSamples)); }, false, 4),
                    addHalf("Vertex Textures (Avg)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                            { return(Avg(s.BoundVertexTextureCount, s.BoundTextureCountTotalSamples)); }, false, 1),

                    addHalf("Garbage Collected", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                        if (garbageTracker.Target == null)
                            garbageTracker.Target = new object(); return(1);
                    }, true, 0),

#if XBOX360
                    addHalfMin1("CPU Usage\n(Primary)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                                { return(threads[0].Usage); }, true, -0.5f),
                    addHalfMin1("CPU Usage\n(Task Threads)", delegate(ref DrawStatistics s, DrawState dstate)
                                { return((threads[1].Usage + threads[2].Usage + threads[3].Usage) / 3.0f); }, true, -0.25f),

                this.graphVisible  = visibleList.ToArray();
                this.setGraphCalls = calls.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++)
                if (graphVisible[i] || this.displayAll)
                    graphs[i].SetGraphValue(setGraphCalls[i](ref stats, state));
                    graphs[i].Visible = true;
                    graphs[i].Visible = false;


            DrawStatistics currentPreDraw;
            state.GetCurrentFrameStatistics(out currentPreDraw);

            for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++)
                if (graphs[i].Visible)

            DrawStatistics currentPostDraw;
            state.GetCurrentFrameStatistics(out currentPostDraw);

            previousFrameOverhead = currentPostDraw - currentPreDraw;

            if (fillRateQuery.IsSupported)
                if (fillRateQuery.IsComplete)
                    pixelsFillled = (float)fillRateQuery.PixelCount;

                    fillRateQueryActive = true;
                pixelsFillled = -1;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the predicate, and if the predicate draws at least <see cref="MinimumPixelCount"/> pixels, the 'complex' object will be drawn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void Draw(DrawState state)
            int frame = state.FrameIndex;

            if (!supported || frame == frameIndex)
                if (item.CullTest(state))

            if (resetOnCullChange && frameIndex != frame - 1)
                //XNA requires IsComplete to be checked.
                if (query != null)
                    queryInProgress = query.IsComplete;

                queryInProgress = false;                //reset the query
                queryPixelCount = ushort.MaxValue;

            if (queryInProgress && query.IsComplete)
                queryInProgress      = false;
                this.queryPixelCount = (ushort)query.PixelCount;

            if (!queryInProgress)
                GraphicsDevice device = state.BeginGetGraphicsDevice(Xen.Graphics.State.StateFlag.None);

                //run the query
                if (query == null)
                    query = new OcclusionQuery(device);
                    if (query.IsSupported == false)
                        supported = false;
                        query = null;

                        if (item.CullTest(state))



                state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.DepthWriteEnabled = false;
                state.RenderState.DepthColourCull.ColourWriteMask   = ColorWriteChannels.None;
                state.RenderState.AlphaBlend = new AlphaBlendState();




                queryInProgress = true;


            frameIndex = frame;

            if (queryPixelCount >= pixelCount && item.CullTest(state))