コード例 #1
ファイル: CmdReplaceAll.cs プロジェクト: ProtheanGod/KingMC
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            BrushArgs args  = new BrushArgs(p, message.ToLower(), ExtBlock.Air);
            Brush     brush = BrushFactory.Find("replace").Construct(args);

            if (brush == null)

            Vec3S32 max = new Vec3S32(p.level.Width - 1, p.level.Height - 1, p.level.Length - 1);

            Vec3S32[] marks = new Vec3S32[] { Vec3S32.Zero, max };

            MeasureDrawOp measure = new MeasureDrawOp();

            DrawOpPerformer.Setup(measure, p, marks);
            measure.Perform(marks, brush, null);

            if (measure.Total > p.group.DrawLimit)
                Player.Message(p, "You tried to replace " + measure.Total + " blocks.");
                Player.Message(p, "You cannot draw more than " + p.group.DrawLimit + ".");

            DrawOp op = new CuboidDrawOp();

            op.AffectedByTransform = false;
            if (!DrawOpPerformer.Do(op, brush, p, marks, false))
            Player.Message(p, "&4/replaceall finished!");
コード例 #2
        static void HighlightPlayer(Player p, TimeSpan delta, string who, int[] ids, Vec3S32[] marks)
            HighlightDrawOp op = new HighlightDrawOp();

            op.Start = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(delta);
            op.who   = who; op.ids = ids;
            DrawOpPerformer.Setup(op, p, marks);

            BufferedBlockSender buffer = new BufferedBlockSender(p);

            op.Perform(marks, null,
                       P => {
                int index = p.level.PosToInt(P.X, P.Y, P.Z);
                buffer.Add(index, P.Block);

            if (op.found)
                p.Message("Now highlighting past &b{0} %Sfor {1}",
                          delta.Shorten(true), PlayerInfo.GetColoredName(p, who));
                p.Message("%WUse /reload to un-highlight");
                p.Message("No changes found by {1} %Sin the past &b{0}",
                          delta.Shorten(true), PlayerInfo.GetColoredName(p, who));