コード例 #1
        void renderScene(IDeviceContext ic, ITextureView swapChainRgb, ITextureView swapChainDepthStencil)
            ic.SetRenderTarget(swapChainRgb, swapChainDepthStencil, ResourceStateTransitionMode.Transition);

            // Clear the back buffer
            ic.ClearRenderTarget(swapChainRgb, clearColor);
            ic.ClearDepthStencil(swapChainDepthStencil, ClearDepthStencilFlags.DepthFlag, 1.0f, 0);

            // Map the buffer and write current world-view-projection matrix
            Matrix4x4 transposed = worldViewProjMatrix.transposed();

            ic.writeBuffer(vsConstants, ref transposed);

            // Bind vertex and index buffers
            ic.SetVertexBuffer(0, cubeVertexBuffer, 0);
            ic.SetIndexBuffer(cubeIndexBuffer, 0);

            // Set the pipeline state
            // Commit shader resources. RESOURCE_STATE_TRANSITION_MODE_TRANSITION mode makes sure that resources are transitioned to required states.

            DrawIndexedAttribs draw = new DrawIndexedAttribs(false)
                IndexType  = GpuValueType.Uint16,
                NumIndices = 36,
                Flags      = DrawFlags.VerifyAll

            ic.DrawIndexed(ref draw);
コード例 #2
 internal IndexedMesh(IBuffer vb, IBuffer ib, int countIndices, GpuValueType indexType, BoundingBox?bbox = null)
     vertexBuffer        = vb;
     indexBuffer         = ib;
     drawCall            = new DrawIndexedAttribs(true);
     drawCall.NumIndices = countIndices;
     drawCall.IndexType  = indexType;
     drawCall.Flags      = DrawFlags.VerifyAll;
     boundingBox         = bbox;
コード例 #3
        public void flush()

            // The commented out code doesn't work.
            // Might be a bug in the native code which results in false positive eClipResult.FillsEntireViewport result.
            // Spent couple hours trying to debug but failed, then disabled the optimization.

            /* int topmostFillingCmd = 0;
             * for( int i = calls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
             * {
             *      ref sDrawCall dc = ref calls[ i ];
             *      if( dc.order.sn < 0 )
             *              continue;
             *      ref sPendingDrawCall pdc = ref drawMeshes.meshes[ dc.order.sn ];
             *      eRenderPassFlags rpf = pdc.mesh.drawInfo.renderPassFlags;
             *      passFlags |= rpf;
             *      eClipResult clipResult = pdc.mesh.clipResult;
             *      if( clipResult != eClipResult.FillsEntireViewport )
             *              continue;
             *      if( rpf != eRenderPassFlags.Opaque )
             *              continue;
             *      if( !pdc.mesh.sourcePath.flags.HasFlag( ePathFlags.AnyFilledFigures ) )
             *              continue;
             *      // Detected an opaque mesh that fills entire clip area. Discarding all draw commands before that.
             *      ConsoleLogger.logDebug( "Commands [ 0 - {0} ] are occluded, only rendering [ {1} - {2} ]", i - 1, i, calls.length - 1 );
             *      topmostFillingCmd = i;
             *      break;
             * }
             * Span<sDrawCall> drawCallsSpan = calls.read().Slice( topmostFillingCmd ); */

            Span <sDrawCall> drawCallsSpan = calls.read();

            drawMeshes.summarize(ref passFlags, out eShaderMacros drawFeatures);
            if (passFlags == eRenderPassFlags.None)

            if (drawFeatures.HasFlag(eShaderMacros.TextRendering))

            // Vertex/index buffers are concatenated and shared across the two passes.
            // The trade off here is "very rarely save few kb of bandwidth with 16 bit indices" versus "always save map/unmap interop calls and kernel calls"
            // Also, this slightly simplifies command lists implementation.

            var ic = resources.context.context;

            uploadVertices(ic, drawCallsSpan);

            GpuValueType indexType = uploadIndices(ic, drawCallsSpan);

            ic.SetIndexBuffer(resources.indexBuffer, 0);

            bool anyOpaqueMeshes = false;

            if (buffersLayout.drawInfo.opaqueIndices > 0)
                VrmacStateBase state = states.getState(drawCallsSpan.Length, true, drawFeatures);
                state.uploadDrawCalls(ic, drawCallsSpan, depthValues, ref drawMeshes);
                DrawIndexedAttribs opaqueCall = buffersLayout.opaqueDrawAttribs(indexType);
                ic.DrawIndexed(ref opaqueCall);
                anyOpaqueMeshes = true;

            if (buffersLayout.drawInfo.transparentIndices > 0)
                VrmacStateBase state = states.getState(drawCallsSpan.Length, false, drawFeatures);
                // The draw calls buffer is the same. Only uploading here if there were no opaque meshes.
                // The reason we can't do that in advance outside these if-s - different GPU states upload to different locations.
                if (!anyOpaqueMeshes)
                    state.uploadDrawCalls(ic, drawCallsSpan, depthValues, ref drawMeshes);

                DrawIndexedAttribs transparentCall = buffersLayout.transparentDrawAttribs(indexType);
                ic.DrawIndexed(ref transparentCall);

            // Clear everything, but keep the Z
            int z = currentZ;

            currentZ = z;