コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Orientation which will be used for the drag drop action.
        /// Normally it will be look up to find the correct orientaion of the inner ItemsPanel,
        /// but sometimes it's necessary to force the oreintation, if the look up is wrong.
        /// If so, the ItemsPanelOrientation value is taken.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemsControl">The ItemsControl for the look up.</param>
        /// <returns>Orientation for the given ItemsControl.</returns>
        public static Orientation GetItemsPanelOrientation(this ItemsControl itemsControl)
            var itemsPanelOrientation = DragDrop.GetItemsPanelOrientation(itemsControl);

            if (itemsPanelOrientation.HasValue)

            if (itemsControl is TabControl)
                //HitTestUtilities.HitTest4Type<TabPanel>(sender, elementPosition)
                //var tabPanel = itemsControl.GetVisualDescendent<TabPanel>();
                var tabControl = (TabControl)itemsControl;
                return(tabControl.TabStripPlacement == Dock.Left || tabControl.TabStripPlacement == Dock.Right ? Orientation.Vertical : Orientation.Horizontal);

            var itemsPresenter = itemsControl.GetVisualDescendent <ItemsPresenter>() ?? itemsControl.GetVisualDescendent <ScrollContentPresenter>() as UIElement;

            if (itemsPresenter != null && VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(itemsPresenter) > 0)
                var itemsPanel          = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(itemsPresenter, 0);
                var orientationProperty = itemsPanel.GetType().GetProperty("Orientation", typeof(Orientation));
                if (orientationProperty != null)
                    return((Orientation)orientationProperty.GetValue(itemsPanel, null));

            // Make a guess!