public override void _Ready() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); Assets = new Assets(Folder); VisualServer.SetDefaultClearColor(new Color(Assets.BackgroundColor)); Level level = new Level() { Assets = Assets, Map = Assets.Maps[0], }; AddChild(level); AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Dopefish lives!", Theme = new Theme() { DefaultFont = Assets.Fonts[0], }, }); }
public void VSwapTest() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); VSwap vSwap = VSwap.Load(Folder, XML); Console.WriteLine("Number of graphics pages: " + vSwap.Pages.Length.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Number of DigiSounds: " + vSwap.DigiSounds.Length.ToString()); }
public void LengthsTest() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); uint[] head; using (FileStream vgaHead = new FileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(Folder, XML.Element("VgaGraph").Attribute("VgaHead").Value), FileMode.Open)) head = VgaGraph.ParseHead(vgaHead); uint[] lengths = new uint[head.Length - 1]; using (FileStream vgaGraphStream = new FileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(Folder, XML.Element("VgaGraph").Attribute("VgaGraph").Value), FileMode.Open)) using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(vgaGraphStream)) for (uint i = 0; i < lengths.Length; i++) { vgaGraphStream.Seek(head[i], 0); lengths[i] = binaryReader.ReadUInt32(); } Console.WriteLine("Lengths from start of each chunk: "); foreach (uint length in lengths) { Console.Write(length.ToString() + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sizes from chunk 0: "); VgaGraph vgaGraph = VgaGraph.Load(Folder, XML); foreach (ushort[] size in vgaGraph.Sizes) { Console.Write((size[0] * size[1]).ToString() + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pic sizes / 4: "); foreach (byte[] pic in vgaGraph.Pics) { if (pic != null) { Console.Write((pic.Length / 4).ToString() + ", "); } } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void FontTest() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); VgaGraph vgaGraph = VgaGraph.Load(Folder, XML); uint font = 0; char letter = 'A'; Console.Write("Writing letter \"" + letter + "\":"); for (uint i = 0; i < vgaGraph.Fonts[font].Character[letter].Length; i++) { if (i % (vgaGraph.Fonts[font].Width(letter) * 4) == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.Write( vgaGraph.Fonts[font].Character[letter][i] == 0 ? "0" : "1" ); } Console.WriteLine(); string str = "Ab"; Console.Write("Writing string \"" + str + "\":"); byte[] test = vgaGraph.Fonts[font].Line(str); uint width = vgaGraph.Fonts[font].CalcWidth(str) * 4; for (uint i = 0; i < test.Length; i++) { if (i % width == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.Write( test[i] == 0 ? "0" : "1" ); } }
public void GameMapsTest() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); GameMap[] maps = GameMap.Load(Folder, XML); GameMap map = maps[0]; Console.WriteLine(map.Name + ": "); for (uint i = 0; i < map.MapData.Length; i++) { Console.Write(map.MapData[i].ToString("D3")); if (i % map.Width == map.Width - 1) { Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.Write(" "); } } }
public void VgaGraphTest() { DownloadShareware.Main(new string[] { Folder }); VgaGraph vgaGraph = VgaGraph.Load(Folder, XML); if (vgaGraph.Sizes != null) { Console.Write("Image sizes: "); foreach (ushort[] size in vgaGraph.Sizes) { if (size != null) { Console.Write("(" + size[0].ToString() + ", " + size[1].ToString() + ") "); } } Console.WriteLine(); } //uint chunk = 0; //Console.Write("Chunk " + chunk.ToString() + " contents: "); //foreach (byte bite in vgaGraph.File[chunk]) // Console.Write(bite.ToString() + ", "); //Console.WriteLine(); }