internal void Synchronize(string url, DownloadMode mode, string directory, bool deleteRemovedSongs, string clientId) { verifyParameters( new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"URL", url}, {"Directory", directory}, {"Client ID", clientId} } ); ResetProgress(); string apiURL = null; switch (mode) { case DownloadMode.Playlist: // determine whether it is an api url or a normal url. if it is a normal url, get the api url from it // and then call SynchronizeFromPlaylistAPIUrl. Otherwise just call that method directly if (!url.Contains("")) { apiURL = determineAPIUrlForNormalUrl(url, clientId,"playlists"); } else { apiURL = url; } SynchronizeFromPlaylistAPIUrl(apiURL, clientId, directory, deleteRemovedSongs); break; case DownloadMode.Favorites: // get the username from the url and then call SynchronizeFromProfile string username = parseUserIdFromProfileUrl(url); SynchronizeFromProfile(username, clientId, directory, deleteRemovedSongs); break; case DownloadMode.Artist: if (!url.Contains("")) { apiURL = determineAPIUrlForNormalUrl(url, clientId,"tracks"); } else { apiURL = url; } SynchronizeFromArtistUrl(apiURL, clientId, directory, deleteRemovedSongs); break; default: IsError = true; throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown download mode"); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Program program = new Program(); while (true) { try { Console.WriteLine("Operation mode :"); Console.WriteLine("\t 1. Normal"); Console.WriteLine("\t 2. AsyncAndWait"); Console.WriteLine("\t 3. AsyncParalel"); Console.WriteLine("\t 0. Quit"); Console.Write("Input operation mode (1/2/3/0): "); string inputText = Console.ReadLine(); int inputInt = int.Parse(inputText); if (inputInt == 0) { break; } DownloadMode mode = (DownloadMode)inputInt; program.Execute(mode); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error process, try again"); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Finish"); }
public static AssetBundleInfo FromString(string str) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(null); } try { JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(str); string name = (string)node[FileNamePattern]; long asInt = node[FileCompressedSizePattern].AsInt; string crc = (string)node[FileCrcPattern]; UnloadMode unloadMode = (UnloadMode)node[FileUnloadModePattern].AsInt; DownloadMode downloadMode = (DownloadMode)node[FileDownloadModePattern].AsInt; BundleType bundleType = (BundleType)node[FileBundleTypePattern].AsInt; bool asBool = node[RemainPattern].AsBool; string remoteDir = (string)node[RemoteDirPattern]; HashSet <string> assetPathSet = new HashSet <string>(); JSONArray asArray = node[AssetPathSetPattern].AsArray; for (int i = 0; i < asArray.Count; i++) { assetPathSet.Add((string)asArray[i]); } HashSet <string> parentFileNameSet = new HashSet <string>(); JSONArray array2 = node[ParentFileNamePattern].AsArray; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Count; j++) { parentFileNameSet.Add((string)array2[j]); } return(new AssetBundleInfo(name, asInt, crc, parentFileNameSet, assetPathSet, unloadMode, downloadMode, bundleType, asBool, remoteDir)); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
internal static async Task <FileInfo> DownloadNupkgV3Async( CatalogEntry entry, IEnumerable <DirectoryInfo> storagePaths, DownloadMode mode, ILogger log, ILogger deepLog, CancellationToken token) { FileInfo result = null; DirectoryInfo rootDir = null; var lastCreated = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; // Check if the nupkg already exists on another drive. foreach (var storagePath in storagePaths) { var currentResolver = new VersionFolderPathResolver(storagePath.FullName); var checkNupkgPath = currentResolver.GetPackageFilePath(entry.Id, entry.Version); if (File.Exists(checkNupkgPath)) { // Use the existing path lastCreated = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(checkNupkgPath); rootDir = storagePath; break; } } if (rootDir == null) { // Not found, use the path with the most space rootDir = GetPathWithTheMostFreeSpace(storagePaths); } // id/version/id.version.nupkg var versionFolderResolver = new VersionFolderPathResolver(rootDir.FullName); var outputDir = versionFolderResolver.GetInstallPath(entry.Id, entry.Version); var hashPath = versionFolderResolver.GetHashPath(entry.Id, entry.Version); var nuspecPath = versionFolderResolver.GetManifestFilePath(entry.Id, entry.Version); var nupkgPath = versionFolderResolver.GetPackageFilePath(entry.Id, entry.Version); // Download var nupkgFile = await entry.DownloadNupkgAsync(outputDir, mode, token); if (File.Exists(nupkgPath)) { var currentCreated = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(nupkgPath); // Clean up nuspec and hash if the file changed if (lastCreated < currentCreated || !File.Exists(hashPath) || !File.Exists(nuspecPath)) { result = nupkgFile; log.LogInformation(nupkgFile.FullName); FileUtility.Delete(hashPath); FileUtility.Delete(nuspecPath); using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(nupkgFile.FullName)) { var packageHash = Convert.ToBase64String(new CryptoHashProvider("SHA512").CalculateHash(fileStream)); fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Write nuspec using (var reader = new PackageArchiveReader(fileStream)) { var nuspecFile = reader.GetNuspecFile(); reader.ExtractFile(nuspecFile, nuspecPath, deepLog); } // Write package hash File.WriteAllText(hashPath, packageHash); } } } return(result); }
internal static async Task <FileInfo> DownloadNupkgV2Async( CatalogEntry entry, IEnumerable <DirectoryInfo> storagePaths, DownloadMode mode, ILogger log, CancellationToken token) { FileInfo result = null; DirectoryInfo rootDir = null; var lastCreated = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; // Check if the nupkg already exists on another drive. foreach (var storagePath in storagePaths) { var checkOutputDir = Path.Combine(storagePath.FullName, entry.Id.ToLowerInvariant()); var checkNupkgPath = Path.Combine(checkOutputDir, $"{entry.FileBaseName}.nupkg"); if (File.Exists(checkNupkgPath)) { // Use the existing path lastCreated = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(checkNupkgPath); rootDir = storagePath; break; } } // Does not exist, use the path with the most free space. if (rootDir == null) { rootDir = GetPathWithTheMostFreeSpace(storagePaths); } // id/id.version.nupkg var outputDir = Path.Combine(rootDir.FullName, entry.Id.ToLowerInvariant()); var nupkgPath = Path.Combine(outputDir, $"{entry.FileBaseName}.nupkg"); // Download var nupkgFile = await entry.DownloadNupkgAsync(outputDir, mode, token); if (File.Exists(nupkgPath)) { var currentCreated = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(nupkgPath); if (lastCreated < currentCreated) { result = nupkgFile; log.LogInformation(nupkgFile.FullName); } else { log.LogDebug($"Skipping. Current file is the same or newer. {lastCreated.ToString("o")} {currentCreated.ToString("o")}" + nupkgFile.FullName); } } else { log.LogDebug($"Nupkg skipped. " + nupkgFile.FullName); } return(result); }
static public void ImportHistoricalData(DataClientBase dcb, string Username, string Password, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, DownloadMode DownloadMode) { if (FuncMsg == null) { FuncMsg = "Importing historical data, Data Feed = " + dcb + ";Mode=" + DownloadMode + ";Start date=" + StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); FuncStartTime = DateTime.Now; try { if (DataFeedAvailable(dcb, Username, Password)) { DataManagerBase dmb = Utils.GetDataManager(Config.DefaultDataManager); int i = 1; string[] ss = dmb.GetSymbolStrings(null, null, null); int succ = 0; int failed = 0; string LastError = ""; if (ss.Length == 0) { Msg = "No symbols in current database"; } foreach (string s in ss) { try { CommonDataProvider cdp; bool b = true; if (DownloadMode == DownloadMode.DownloadIfNoData) { cdp = (CommonDataProvider)dmb[s, 1]; b = cdp.Count == 0; } if (b) { Msg = "Importing historical data " + i + "/" + ss.Length + ";" + s + ";succ=" + succ + ";failed=" + failed + ";LastError=" + LastError; cdp = dcb.GetHistoricalData(s, StartTime, EndTime); if (cdp.Count != 0) { dmb.SaveData(s, cdp, false); } } succ++; i++; } catch (Exception e) { LastError = e.Message; failed++; } } } } finally { FuncMsg = null; } } }
public DownloadManager(DownloadMode dwnmode) { InitializeComponent(); this.Dwnmode = dwnmode; }
internal static async Task DownloadFileAsync(Stream stream, FileInfo outputFile, DateTimeOffset created, DownloadMode mode, CancellationToken token) { if (outputFile.Exists && IsValidNupkg(outputFile)) { if (mode == DownloadMode.FailIfExists) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"File already exists: {outputFile.FullName}"); } else if (mode == DownloadMode.SkipIfExists) { // noop return; } else if (mode == DownloadMode.OverwriteIfNewer) { if (created <= outputFile.LastWriteTimeUtc) { // noop return; } } } var tmp = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputFile.Directory.FullName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); try { outputFile.Directory.Create(); using (var outputStream = new FileStream(tmp.FullName, FileMode.CreateNew)) { await stream.CopyToAsync(outputStream, 8192, token); } FileUtility.Delete(outputFile.FullName); FileUtility.Move(tmp.FullName, outputFile.FullName); File.SetCreationTimeUtc(outputFile.FullName, created.UtcDateTime); File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(outputFile.FullName, created.UtcDateTime); } finally { // Clean up if needed FileUtility.Delete(tmp.FullName); } }
public AssetBundleInfo(string name, long compressedSize, string crc, HashSet <string> parentFileNameSet, HashSet <string> assetPathSet, UnloadMode unloadMode, DownloadMode downloadMode, BundleType bundleType, bool remain, string remoteDir) { this.FileName = name; this.FileCompressedSize = compressedSize; this.FileCrc = crc; this.ParentFileNameSet = parentFileNameSet; this.AssetPathSet = assetPathSet; this.FileUnloadMode = unloadMode; this.FileDownloadMode = downloadMode; this.FileBundleType = bundleType; this.RemainInInstallPackage = remain; this.RemoteDir = remoteDir; this._assetBundle = null; this._completeness = false; }
public (List <Dictionary <string, string> > games, List <string> headers) GetData(string gameCode, DownloadMode mode) { var url = $"{gameCode}/{mode.ToString()}?nocache={DateTime.Now.Millisecond}"; List <string> fileData = bnetWebClient.DownloadString(url).Trim().Lines().ToList(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > CreatedFileData = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); string[] headers = fileData[0].Split('|'); fileData.RemoveAt(0); for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { headers[i] = headers[i].Split('!')[0].SplitCamelCase(); } for (int i = 0; i < fileData.Count; i++) { Dictionary <string, string> item = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] line = fileData[i].Split('|'); for (int h = 0; h < headers.Length; h++) { item.Add(headers[h], line[h]); } CreatedFileData.Add(item); } return(games : CreatedFileData, headers : headers.ToList()); }
internal void Start(bool resume) { ClientEngine.MainLoop.QueueWait(delegate { CheckRegisteredAndDisposed(); this.Engine.Start(); // If the torrent was "paused", then just update the state to Downloading and forcefully // make sure the peers begin sending/receiving again if (this.State == TorrentState.Paused) { Mode = new DownloadMode(this); return; } if (!HasMetadata) { if (TrackerManager.CurrentTracker != null) { this.TrackerManager.Announce(TorrentEvent.Started); } Mode = new MetadataMode(this, _torrentSaveFolder); #if !DISABLE_DHT StartDht(); #endif return; } VerifyHashState(); // If the torrent has not been hashed, we start the hashing process then we wait for it to finish // before attempting to start again if (!HashChecked) { if (State != TorrentState.Hashing) { HashCheck(true); } return; } if (State == TorrentState.Seeding || State == TorrentState.Downloading) { return; } if (TrackerManager.CurrentTracker != null && !resume) { if (this.TrackerManager.CurrentTracker.CanScrape) { this.TrackerManager.Scrape(); } this.TrackerManager.Announce(TorrentEvent.Started); // Tell server we're starting } if (this.Complete && this.Settings.InitialSeedingEnabled && ClientEngine.SupportsInitialSeed) { Mode = new InitialSeedingMode(this); } else { Mode = new DownloadMode(this); } Engine.Broadcast(this); #if !DISABLE_DHT StartDht(); #endif this.StartTime = DateTime.Now; this.PieceManager.Reset(); ClientEngine.MainLoop.QueueTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), delegate { if (State != TorrentState.Downloading && State != TorrentState.Seeding) { return(false); } PieceManager.Picker.CancelTimedOutRequests(); return(true); }); }); }
public static Task <IReadOnlyList <FileInfo> > DownloadNupkgsAsync(string outputDirectory, DownloadMode mode, int maxConcurrentDownloads, CancellationToken token, IEnumerable <CatalogEntry> entries) { var entriesArray = entries.ToArray(); if (entries.Distinct().Count() != entriesArray.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Duplicate entries detected. Entries must be unique by id/version."); } return(RunAsync <FileInfo>( apply: e => e.DownloadNupkgAsync(outputDirectory, mode, token), maxThreads: maxConcurrentDownloads, token: token, entries: entriesArray)); }
public Patcher(string PatchList, string FilesPath, DownloadMode Mode = DownloadMode.HTTP, AuthMode Auth = AuthMode.NOAUTH) { this.PatchListPath = new Uri(PatchList); this.FilesPath = FilesPath; Authentication = Auth; if (Mode != DownloadMode.HTTP) { throw new NotImplementedException("FTP Downloading is not Supportet, yet."); } }
private void InitCreateResponse(string url) { _response = WebFactory.GetHttpResponse(url); _connectionEstablished = IsResponseValid(_response); _rangeFrom = Options.RangeFrom; _downloadMode = Options.DownloadMode; }
/// <summary> /// Download the nupkg to a folder. /// </summary> public Task <FileInfo> DownloadNupkgAsync(string outputDirectory, DownloadMode mode, CancellationToken token) { return(DownloadNupkgAsync(outputDirectory, mode, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, token)); }
public DownloadEvent(DownloadMode mode, string url, int num) : base(mode.ToString() + ": " + num.ToString() + " - " + url, null, (int)mode, num) { }