public void CheckThatTheDownloaderIsCalledForEachEnumeration() { var collection = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List<IEnumerable<string>> { new List<string> { "A", "B" }, new List<string> { "D", "E", "F" }, new List<string> { "G", "H", "I" } }, "{0}{1}{2}"); var mockDownloader = new Mock<IDownloader>(); mockDownloader.Setup(d => d.Download(collection, It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new Task<bool>(() => true)); var manager = new DownloadManager(new List<DownloadCollection> { collection }) { Downloader = new FakeDownloader() //mockDownloader.Object }; manager.StartDownloading(); var bob = false; while(!bob) { } //mockDownloader.Verify(d => d.Download(collection, It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(18)); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize setup with the xml file. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlFile">The xml file to load</param> /// <returns>Pass or Fail</returns> public bool Initalize(string xmlFile) { if (!File.Exists(xmlFile)) { ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("\"{0}\" does not exist.", ConsoleColor.Red, xmlFile); return(false); } FileInfo info = new FileInfo(xmlFile); if (!string.Equals(info.Extension, ".xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("\"{0}\" doesn't seem to be an xml file.", ConsoleColor.Red, xmlFile); return(false); } // Initialize Data. Setup result = this.Deserialize(xmlFile); this.Downloads = result.Downloads; this.Scripts = result.Scripts; // Write Details. ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteSubHeader("Details"); ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("\"{0}\" File(s) to download.", Downloads == null ? 0 : Downloads.Count); ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("\"{0}\" Script(s) to execute.", Scripts.Count); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Fetches the associated downloads by product id. /// </summary> /// <param name="productId">The product id.</param> /// <returns></returns> public DownloadCollection FetchAssociatedDownloadsByProductId(int productId) { IDataReader reader = SPs.FetchAssociatedDownloadsByProductId(productId).GetReader(); DownloadCollection artifactCollection = new DownloadCollection(); artifactCollection.LoadAndCloseReader(reader); return artifactCollection; }
public void DownloadCollectionEnumeratesToCorrectValues() { var collection = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List<IEnumerable<string>> { new List<string> { "A", "B" }, new List<string> { "D", "E", "F" }, new List<string> { "G", "H", "I" } }, "{0}#{1}.{2}"); var items = collection.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(18, items.Count(), "The collection returned was not the right length"); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.G", items[0]); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.H", items[1]); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.I", items[2]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.G", items[3]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.H", items[4]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.I", items[5]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.G", items[6]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.H", items[7]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.I", items[8]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.G", items[9]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.H", items[10]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.I", items[11]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.G", items[12]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.H", items[13]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.I", items[14]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.G", items[15]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.H", items[16]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.I", items[17]); }
public DownloadCollection FetchAll() { DownloadCollection coll = new DownloadCollection(); Query qry = new Query(Download.Schema); coll.LoadAndCloseReader(qry.ExecuteReader()); return coll; }
public DownloadCollection FetchPurchasedDownloadsByUserId(Guid userId) { IDataReader reader = SPs.FetchPurchasedDownloadsByUserId(userId).GetReader(); DownloadCollection downloadCollection = new DownloadCollection(); downloadCollection.LoadAndCloseReader(reader); return downloadCollection; }
/// <summary> /// The main program method /// </summary> /// <param name="args"> /// The arguments /// </param> public static void Main(string[] args) { var collection = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List<IEnumerable<string>> { new List<string> { "A", "B" }, new List<string> { "D", "E", "F" }, new List<string> { "G", "H", "I" } }, "{0}{1}{2}"); var collection2 = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List<IEnumerable<string>> { new List<string> { "1", "2" }, new List<string> { "3", "4", "5" }, new List<string> { "6", "7", "8" } }, "{0}{1}{2}") { Pause = 0 }; var manager = new DownloadManager(new List<DownloadCollection> { collection, collection2 }) { Downloader = new FakeDownloader(), LoggingAction = a => Console.WriteLine(a) }; manager.StartDownloading(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public BrowserForm() { // See Program.cs for WebCore initialization. InitializeComponent(); _downloads = new DownloadCollection(); }
public void PowershellScript_ResultFail() { Script script = new Script(); script.Name = "Powershell test script."; // The powershell script. script.Executable = new Executable() { Path = Utilities.GetIncludedFile("Scripts/PowershellTest_ScriptFail.ps1") }; // Exit Codes ExitCodeCollection exitCollection = new ExitCodeCollection(); exitCollection.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 0, Message = "Success", IsSuccess = true }); exitCollection.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 1, Message = "Failure" }); // Add all elements into the single script file. script.ExitCodes = exitCollection; // Add the single script above into a collection of scripts. ScriptCollection scriptCollection = new ScriptCollection(); scriptCollection.Add(script); // No Downloads. DownloadCollection downloadCollection = new DownloadCollection(); // Add the 2 main elements, the scripts to run and the downloads to download. Setup setup = new Setup(); setup.Scripts = scriptCollection; setup.Downloads = downloadCollection; int exitCode = -1; if (setup.Initalize()) { exitCode = setup.Execute(); } // The exit code should be 1, since the script did not match IsSuccess ExitCode. Assert.IsTrue(exitCode == 1); }
private static DownloadCollection DBMapping(DBDownloadCollection dbCollection) { if (dbCollection == null) return null; DownloadCollection collection = new DownloadCollection(); foreach (DBDownload dbItem in dbCollection) { Download item = DBMapping(dbItem); collection.Add(item); } return collection; }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { var downloads = new DownloadCollection(); using (var database = new DatabaseEntities()) { var item = database.ItemById(id); if (item == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } downloads.PrimaryItem = new ItemViewModel(item); AddDependencies(downloads, item); } return(Json(downloads, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void AddDependencies(DownloadCollection collection, Item item) { collection.Items.Add(new ItemViewModel(item)); foreach (var blob in item.Blobs) { collection.Downloads.Add(new Download { DestinationPath = blob.DestinationPath, DownloadUrl = blob.DownloadUrl }); } foreach (var dependency in item.Dependencies) { AddDependencies(collection, dependency.Item); } }
private static DownloadCollection DBMapping(DBDownloadCollection dbCollection) { if (dbCollection == null) { return(null); } DownloadCollection collection = new DownloadCollection(); foreach (DBDownload dbItem in dbCollection) { Download item = DBMapping(dbItem); collection.Add(item); } return(collection); }
private static async Task <DownloadCollection> GetDownloadables(string url, string extension) { var downloadResults = new DownloadCollection(); var uri = new Uri(url); var httpHandler = new HttpClientHandler() { MaxConnectionsPerServer = int.MaxValue }; using (var wc = new HttpClient(httpHandler)) { Console.WriteLine("Scraping: " + url); var data = await wc.GetByteArrayAsync(url); if (data != null && data.Length > 0) { var source = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length - 1); source = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(source); var resultat = new HtmlDocument(); resultat.LoadHtml(source); //Parse results var resultLinks = resultat.DocumentNode.Descendants().Where (x => (x.Name == "a" && x.Attributes["href"] != null && (extension == null || x.InnerText.ToLower().EndsWith("/") || x.InnerText.ToLower().EndsWith(extension.ToLower())))).ToList(); foreach (var results in resultLinks) { var name = results.InnerText.Trim(); if (name.EndsWith("/") || name.Contains('.')) { downloadResults.Add(new DownloadResult { Name = name, Url = string.Concat(url.ToString(), "/", name), BaseUrl = url }); } } } }//WebClient return(downloadResults); }
public void DownloadCollectionEnumeratesToCorrectValues() { var collection = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List <IEnumerable <string> > { new List <string> { "A", "B" }, new List <string> { "D", "E", "F" }, new List <string> { "G", "H", "I" } }, "{0}#{1}.{2}"); var items = collection.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(18, items.Count(), "The collection returned was not the right length"); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.G", items[0]); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.H", items[1]); Assert.AreEqual("A#D.I", items[2]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.G", items[3]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.H", items[4]); Assert.AreEqual("A#E.I", items[5]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.G", items[6]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.H", items[7]); Assert.AreEqual("A#F.I", items[8]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.G", items[9]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.H", items[10]); Assert.AreEqual("B#D.I", items[11]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.G", items[12]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.H", items[13]); Assert.AreEqual("B#E.I", items[14]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.G", items[15]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.H", items[16]); Assert.AreEqual("B#F.I", items[17]); }
public void CheckThatTheDownloaderIsCalledForEachEnumeration() { var collection = new DownloadCollection( string.Empty, new List <IEnumerable <string> > { new List <string> { "A", "B" }, new List <string> { "D", "E", "F" }, new List <string> { "G", "H", "I" } }, "{0}{1}{2}"); var mockDownloader = new Mock <IDownloader>(); mockDownloader.Setup(d => d.Download(collection, It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(new Task <bool>(() => true)); var manager = new DownloadManager(new List <DownloadCollection> { collection }) { Downloader = new FakeDownloader() //mockDownloader.Object }; manager.StartDownloading(); var bob = false; while (!bob) { } //mockDownloader.Verify(d => d.Download(collection, It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(18)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a template xml to base custom scripts off of. /// </summary> /// <param name="savePath">The location the template will be saved.</param> public void GenerateXmlTemplate(string savePath) { ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteHeader("Generating Xml Template..."); #region Script 1 Script script = new Script(); script.Name = "Script 1"; script.Description = "Does nothing"; Executable executable = new Executable(); executable.Path = "C:/Temp/nothing.ps1"; ArgumentCollection argCollection = new ArgumentCollection(); argCollection.Add(new Argument() { Key = "-i", Value = "C:/Temp/something.bin" }); argCollection.Add(new Argument() { Key = "-x", Value = "" }); ExitCodeCollection exitCollection = new ExitCodeCollection(); exitCollection.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 0, Message = "Files deleted", IsSuccess = true }); exitCollection.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 1, Message = "Files failed to delete" }); exitCollection.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 2, Message = "Couldn't find any files" }); // Add all elements into the single script file. script.Arguments = argCollection; script.ExitCodes = exitCollection; script.Executable = executable; #endregion #region Script 2 Script script2 = new Script(); script2.Name = "Script 2"; script2.Description = "Does nothing"; Executable executable2 = new Executable(); executable2.Path = "C:/Temp/Downloads/Extracted/SomethingThatWasInAZip.exe"; ArgumentCollection argCollection2 = new ArgumentCollection(); argCollection2.Add(new Argument() { Key = "-install" }); argCollection2.Add(new Argument() { Key = "-silent" }); ExitCodeCollection exitCollection2 = new ExitCodeCollection(); exitCollection2.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 0, Message = "Script 2 has installed", IsSuccess = true }); exitCollection2.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 1, Message = "Failed to install." }); exitCollection2.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 2, Message = "Installed but limited." }); // Add all elements into the single script file. script2.Arguments = argCollection; script2.ExitCodes = exitCollection; script2.Executable = executable; // Add the single script above into a collection of scripts. ScriptCollection scriptCollection = new ScriptCollection(); scriptCollection.Add(script); scriptCollection.Add(script2); #endregion ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("Generating Download Collection..."); DownloadCollection downloadCollection = new DownloadCollection(); downloadCollection.TimeOut = 60; downloadCollection.RefreshRate = 10; downloadCollection.Add(new Download() { Name = "Nothing Powershell Script", Description = "This script does nothing", DownloadUrl = "", DestinationPath = "C:/Temp/Downloads/nothing.ps1" }); downloadCollection.Add(new Download() { Name = "Test Zip File", Description = "This zip has nothing", DownloadUrl = "", DestinationPath = "C:/Temp/Downloads", ExtractionPath = "C:/Temp/Downloads/Extracted" }); // Add the 2 main elements, the scripts to run and the downloads to download. Setup setup = new Setup(); setup.Scripts = scriptCollection; setup.Downloads = downloadCollection; ServiceManager.Services.LogService.WriteLine("Saving file to: \"{0}\"", savePath); setup.Serialize(savePath); }
public void PowershellScript_Both() { #region Script 1 Script script1 = new Script(); script1.Name = "Powershell test script 1."; script1.Executable = new Executable() { Path = Utilities.GetIncludedFile("Scripts/PowershellTest_ScriptPass.ps1") }; // Exit Codes ExitCodeCollection exitCollection1 = new ExitCodeCollection(); exitCollection1.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 0, Message = "Success", IsSuccess = true }); exitCollection1.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 1, Message = "Failure" }); // Add all elements into the script1 script1.ExitCodes = exitCollection1; #endregion #region Script 2 Script script2 = new Script(); script2.Name = "Powershell test script 2."; script2.Executable = new Executable() { Path = Utilities.GetIncludedFile("Scripts/PowershellTest_ScriptFail.ps1") }; // Exit Codes ExitCodeCollection exitCollection2 = new ExitCodeCollection(); exitCollection2.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 0, Message = "Success", IsSuccess = true }); exitCollection2.Add(new ExitCode() { Value = 1, Message = "Failure" }); // Add all elements into the script1 script2.ExitCodes = exitCollection2; #endregion // Add the single script above into a collection of scripts. ScriptCollection scriptCollection = new ScriptCollection(); scriptCollection.Add(script1); scriptCollection.Add(script2); // No Downloads. DownloadCollection downloadCollection = new DownloadCollection(); // Add the 2 main elements, the scripts to run and the downloads to download. Setup setup = new Setup(); setup.Scripts = scriptCollection; setup.Downloads = downloadCollection; int exitCode = -1; if (setup.Initalize()) { exitCode = setup.Execute(); } // Exit code should be 1 as 1 of the 2 scripts didn't have the expected result. Assert.IsTrue(exitCode == 1); }
/// <summary> /// Neue Write() /// 03.07.2009 Lars /// 04.07.2009 Lars (!HasInformation und SectorsMap) /// 09.07.2009 Lars (Falls StealthNet abstürzt, wird die downloads.xml nicht mehr "gekillt") /// </summary> public static void Write(string downloadsFilePath, DownloadCollection downloads) { if (downloadsFilePath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadsFilePath"); if (downloadsFilePath == string.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(); if (downloads == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("downloads"); if (!m_IsReady) return; try { try { if (File.Exists(downloadsFilePath)) { string backupFilePath = string.Format("{0}.bak", downloadsFilePath); if (File.Exists(backupFilePath)) { string backupBackupFilePath = string.Format("{0}.bak", backupFilePath); if (File.Exists(backupBackupFilePath)) File.Delete(backupBackupFilePath); File.Move(backupFilePath, backupBackupFilePath); } File.Move(downloadsFilePath, backupFilePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_Logger.Log(ex, "An exception was thrown while archiving the downloads.xml!"); } XmlWriterSettings downloadsXmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings(); downloadsXmlWriterSettings.CloseOutput = true; downloadsXmlWriterSettings.Indent = true; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriter downloadsXmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(memoryStream, downloadsXmlWriterSettings); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("downloads"); foreach (Download download in downloads.Values) { string fileHashString = download.FileHashString; long fileSize = download.FileSize; string fileName = download.FileName; DateTime? lastSeen = download.LastSeen; DateTime? lastReception = download.LastReception; string subFolder = download.SubFolder; byte[] sectorsMap = download.SectorsMap; if (fileHashString == null || fileHashString.Length != 128 || fileSize < 0 || fileName == null || fileName == string.Empty || (download.HasInformation && sectorsMap == null)) { m_Logger.Log("A download could not be saved because of invalid information about it!\n\nFile Hash: {0}\nFile Size: {1}\nFile Name: {2}\nSectors Map: {3}", fileHashString, fileSize, fileName, sectorsMap); continue; } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("download"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("hash", fileHashString); if (!download.HasInformation) downloadsXmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("hasinformation", "none"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("filesize"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(fileSize); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); if (download.HasInformation) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("sectorsmap"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(Convert.ToBase64String(sectorsMap)); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("filename"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(fileName); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); if (lastSeen != null && lastSeen.HasValue) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("lastseen"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(lastSeen.Value.ToString()); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (lastReception != null && lastReception.HasValue) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("lastreception"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(lastReception.Value.ToString()); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (subFolder != null && subFolder != string.Empty) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("subfolder"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(subFolder); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); downloadsXmlWriter.Flush(); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(downloadsFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); byte[] buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); downloadsXmlWriter.Close(); fileStream.Flush(); fileStream.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { m_Logger.Log(ex, "An exception was thrown while writing the downloads.xml!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the download /// </summary> /// <param name="collection"> /// The collection. /// </param> /// <param name="file"> /// The name of the file to download. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Whether to continue or move to the next enumeration /// </returns> public async Task<bool> Download(DownloadCollection collection, string file) { await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Thread.Sleep(5000)); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Starts the download /// </summary> /// <param name="collection"> /// The collection. /// </param> /// <param name="file"> /// The name of the file to download. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Whether to continue or move to the next enumeration /// </returns> public async Task<bool> Download(DownloadCollection collection, string file) { bool returnValue = false; string remoteFile = Path.Combine(collection.RemotePath, file); string localFile = Path.Combine(collection.LocalPath, file); var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(remoteFile); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(collection.UserName, collection.Password); Stream reader = null; FileStream fileStream = null; try { int startPosition = FileLength(localFile); request.AddRange(startPosition); var response = await request.GetResponseAsync() as HttpWebResponse; if (response != null && (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)) { Console.WriteLine("Downloading {0} ({1} bytes)", file, response.ContentLength); reader = response.GetResponseStream(); fileStream = new FileStream(localFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); if (reader != null) { // It will store the current number of bytes we retrieved from the server int bytesSize; // A buffer for storing and writing the data retrieved from the server var downBuffer = new byte[2048]; int offset = 0; Console.WriteLine(); int totalSize = (int)fileStream.Length + (int)response.ContentLength; // Loop through the buffer until the buffer is empty while ((bytesSize = reader.Read(downBuffer, offset, downBuffer.Length)) > 0) { fileStream.Write(downBuffer, 0, bytesSize); offset = 0; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Success: {0}", remoteFile); returnValue = true; } } } catch (IOException ex) { Console.WriteLine("File error: {0}", remoteFile); Console.Write(ex.Message); returnValue = true; } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Skipping file: {0}", file); returnValue = ((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed: {0}", remoteFile); Console.Write(ex.Message); returnValue = false; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } if (fileStream != null) { fileStream.Close(); } } return returnValue; }
public DownloadCollection FetchByID(object DownloadId) { DownloadCollection coll = new DownloadCollection().Where("DownloadId", DownloadId).Load(); return coll; }
public DownloadCollection FetchByQuery(Query qry) { DownloadCollection coll = new DownloadCollection(); coll.LoadAndCloseReader(qry.ExecuteReader()); return coll; }
/// <summary> /// Process a <see cref="DownloadCollection"/> collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="collection"> /// The collection to process /// </param> /// <param name="semaphore">The semaphore to limit the concurrent tasks</param> private void ProcessCollection(DownloadCollection collection, SemaphoreSlim semaphore) { foreach (var downloadItem in collection) { string item = downloadItem; Task.Factory.StartNew( async () => { semaphore.Wait(); Debug.WriteLine("Debugging"); InvokeResponse("Downloading {0}", item); await Downloader.Download(collection, item); InvokeResponse("Releasing {0}", item); Interlocked.Decrement(ref this._counter); semaphore.Release(); }); if (collection.Pause > 0) { InvokeResponse("Waiting {0} seconds after {1}", collection.Pause, item); Thread.Sleep(collection.Pause * 1000); } } }
/// <summary> /// Neue Write() /// 03.07.2009 Lars /// 04.07.2009 Lars (!HasInformation und SectorsMap) /// 09.07.2009 Lars (Falls StealthNet abstürzt, wird die downloads.xml nicht mehr "gekillt") /// </summary> public static void Write(string downloadsFilePath, DownloadCollection downloads) { if (downloadsFilePath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadsFilePath"); } if (downloadsFilePath == string.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException(); } if (downloads == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("downloads"); } if (!m_IsReady) { return; } try { try { if (File.Exists(downloadsFilePath)) { string backupFilePath = string.Format("{0}.bak", downloadsFilePath); if (File.Exists(backupFilePath)) { string backupBackupFilePath = string.Format("{0}.bak", backupFilePath); if (File.Exists(backupBackupFilePath)) { File.Delete(backupBackupFilePath); } File.Move(backupFilePath, backupBackupFilePath); } File.Move(downloadsFilePath, backupFilePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_Logger.Log(ex, "An exception was thrown while archiving the downloads.xml!"); } XmlWriterSettings downloadsXmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings(); downloadsXmlWriterSettings.CloseOutput = true; downloadsXmlWriterSettings.Indent = true; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriter downloadsXmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(memoryStream, downloadsXmlWriterSettings); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("downloads"); foreach (Download download in downloads.Values) { string fileHashString = download.FileHashString; long fileSize = download.FileSize; string fileName = download.FileName; DateTime?lastSeen = download.LastSeen; DateTime?lastReception = download.LastReception; string subFolder = download.SubFolder; byte[] sectorsMap = download.SectorsMap; if (fileHashString == null || fileHashString.Length != 128 || fileSize < 0 || fileName == null || fileName == string.Empty || (download.HasInformation && sectorsMap == null)) { m_Logger.Log("A download could not be saved because of invalid information about it!\n\nFile Hash: {0}\nFile Size: {1}\nFile Name: {2}\nSectors Map: {3}", fileHashString, fileSize, fileName, sectorsMap); continue; } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("download"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("hash", fileHashString); if (!download.HasInformation) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("hasinformation", "none"); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("filesize"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(fileSize); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); if (download.HasInformation) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("sectorsmap"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(Convert.ToBase64String(sectorsMap)); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("filename"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(fileName); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); if (lastSeen != null && lastSeen.HasValue) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("lastseen"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(lastSeen.Value.ToString()); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (lastReception != null && lastReception.HasValue) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("lastreception"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(lastReception.Value.ToString()); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (subFolder != null && subFolder != string.Empty) { downloadsXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("subfolder"); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteValue(subFolder); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); downloadsXmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); downloadsXmlWriter.Flush(); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(downloadsFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); byte[] buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); downloadsXmlWriter.Close(); fileStream.Flush(); fileStream.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { m_Logger.Log(ex, "An exception was thrown while writing the downloads.xml!"); } }