private static void RunTest() { const uint limit = 1000000; const int row = 0; const int col = 0; const int height = 16; int width = Console.WindowWidth > 32 ? 32 : Console.WindowWidth; int partialWidth = width; int partialHeight = height; DoubleComplex min = new DoubleComplex(-2, -1.5); DoubleComplex max = new DoubleComplex(1, 1.5); ComputationRequest request = new ComputationRequest(min, max, width, height, partialWidth, partialHeight, limit, row, col, ComputationType.Render); DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; int[] iframe = InvokeCompute(request); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; WriteFrame(iframe, width, height, limit); Console.WriteLine($"(frame size: {width}:{height}) {(end - begin).TotalSeconds}s"); }
/// <summary> /// checks to see whether the solution number eigenvalue and eigenvector is unphysical and therefore shouldn't be added /// to the boundary condition matrix /// </summary> bool Add_BC_EigenSolution(int solution_no, DoubleComplexEigDecomp eig_decomp, Boundary boundary) { double eigenvalue_norm = DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenValue(solution_no)); // check for propagating solutions if (Math.Abs(eigenvalue_norm - 1.0) < propagating_mode_error) { if (eig_decomp.EigenValue(solution_no).Imag > 0 && boundary == Boundary.left) { return(true); } else if (eig_decomp.EigenValue(solution_no).Imag < 0 && boundary == Boundary.right) { return(true); } else if (eig_decomp.EigenValue(solution_no).Imag == 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } // for evanescent solutions, check for unphysical solutions, ie. |alpha| > 1 for left lead else if (eigenvalue_norm > 1.0 && boundary == Boundary.left) { return(true); } // and |alpha| < 1 for right lead else if (eigenvalue_norm < 1.0 && boundary == Boundary.right) { return(true); } // if these properties are not satisfied, do not add the eigenvalue and eigenvector to the BC (default behaviour) return(false); }
/// <summary> /// returns an eigenvector decomposition for the x-direction after having calculated the density in the /// y-direction and storing it in "charge_density" /// </summary> /// <param name="dft_pot"></param> /// <param name="charge_density"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DoubleHermitianEigDecomp Solve_Eigenvector_Problem(Band_Data dft_pot, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density) { DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp; double[] x_energy = new double[nx]; DoubleMatrix dens_up = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); DoubleMatrix dens_down = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); // cycle over x-direction calculating the ground state energy and eigenstate in the y-direction for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { // pull out the chemical potential for this slice double[] y_dft_pot = new double[ny]; for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { y_dft_pot[j] = dft_pot.mat[i, j]; } // calculate its eigendecomposition DoubleHermitianMatrix h_y = Create_Hamiltonian(y_dft_pot, ty, ny); eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(h_y); // insert the eigenstate into density and record the local confinement energy x_energy[i] = eig_decomp.EigenValue(0); for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double dens_tot = DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(0)[j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(0)[j]); dens_up[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_tot; dens_down[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_tot; } } // check whether to enforce symmetry in the transverse direction if (force_symmetry) { for (int i = nx / 2 + 1; i < nx; i++) { x_energy[i] = x_energy[nx - i - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { dens_up[i, j] = dens_up[nx - i - 1, j]; dens_down[i, j] = dens_down[nx - i - 1, j]; } } } // calculate the eigenstates in the x-direction DoubleHermitianMatrix h_x = Create_Hamiltonian(x_energy, tx, nx); eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(h_x); energies = eig_decomp.EigenValues; // put the calculated densities into charge_density charge_density = new SpinResolved_Data(new Band_Data(dens_up), new Band_Data(dens_down)); return(eig_decomp); }
public int ToDoubleComplex(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int count, out DoubleComplex[] values) { values = new DoubleComplex[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ToDoubleComplex(bytes, startIndex + i * 16, out values[i]); } return(count * 16); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the charge density for this potential /// NOTE!!! that the boundary potential is (essentially) set to infty by ringing the density with a set of zeros. /// this prevents potential solvers from extrapolating any residual density at the edge of the eigenstate /// solution out of the charge density calculation domain /// </summary> /// <param name="layers"></param> /// <param name="charge_density"></param> /// <param name="chem_pot"></param> public override void Get_ChargeDensity(ILayer[] layers, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density, Band_Data chem_pot) { // convert the chemical potential into a quantum mechanical potential Band_Data dft_pot = chem_pot.DeepenThisCopy(); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); DoubleHermitianMatrix hamiltonian = Create_Hamiltonian(layers, dft_pot); DoubleHermitianEigDecompServer eig_server = new DoubleHermitianEigDecompServer(); eig_server.ComputeEigenValueRange(dft_pot.mat.Min(), no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature); eig_server.ComputeVectors = true; DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = eig_server.Factor(hamiltonian); int max_wavefunction = 0; if (eig_decomp.EigenValues.Length != 0) { double min_eigval = eig_decomp.EigenValues.Min(); max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; } for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double dens_val = 0.0; // do not add anything to the density if on the edge of the domain if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1) { charge_density.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] = 0.0; charge_density.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] = 0.0; continue; } for (int k = 0; k < max_wavefunction; k++) { // and integrate the density of states at this position for this eigenvector from the minimum energy to // (by default) 50 * k_b * T above mu = 0 dens_val += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * Get_OneD_DoS(eig_decomp.EigenValue(k), no_kb_T); } // just share the densities (there is no spin polarisation) charge_density.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_val; charge_density.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_val; } } // and multiply the density by -e to get the charge density (as these are electrons) charge_density = unit_charge * charge_density; }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the charge density for this potential /// NOTE!!! that the boundary potential is (essentially) set to infty by ringing the density with a set of zeros. /// this prevents potential solvers from extrapolating any residual density at the edge of the eigenstate /// solution out of the charge density calculation domain /// </summary> /// <param name="layers"></param> /// <param name="charge_density_deriv"></param> /// <param name="chem_pot"></param> public void Get_ChargeDensity_Deriv(ILayer[] layers, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density_deriv, Band_Data chem_pot) { // interpolate the input charge density and chemical potential onto a reduced domain to simplify DFT solve SpinResolved_Data dft_dens_deriv = new SpinResolved_Data(nz); Get_ChargeDensity(layers, ref charge_density_deriv, chem_pot); Band_Data dft_pot = new Band_Data(new DoubleVector(nz)); Interpolate_DFT_Grid(ref dft_dens_deriv, ref dft_pot, charge_density_deriv, chem_pot); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); // // set dft_dens to zero so that the hamiltonian doesn't include the XC term // dft_dens = 0.0 * dft_dens; DoubleHermitianMatrix hamiltonian = Create_Hamiltonian(layers, dft_pot); DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(hamiltonian); double min_eigval = eig_decomp.EigenValues.Min(); max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; DoubleVector dens_up_deriv = new DoubleVector(nz, 0.0); DoubleVector dens_down_deriv = new DoubleVector(nz, 0.0); for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++) { double dens_val = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < max_wavefunction; i++) { // and integrate the density of states at this position for this eigenvector from the minimum energy to // (by default) 50 * k_b * T above mu = 0 //dens_val += dens_of_states.Integrate(min_eigval, no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature); dens_val += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(i)[j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(i)[j]) * Get_TwoD_DoS_Deriv(eig_decomp.EigenValue(i), no_kb_T);// *mass / (2.0 * Math.PI * Physics_Base.hbar * Physics_Base.hbar); } // just share the densities (there is no spin polarisation) dens_up_deriv[j] = 0.5 * dens_val; dens_down_deriv[j] = 0.5 * dens_val; } // and multiply the density derivative by e to get the charge density and by e to convert it to d/dphi (as increasing phi decreases the charge: dn/dphi*-e^2 ) dft_dens_deriv = -1.0 * unit_charge * unit_charge * new SpinResolved_Data(new Band_Data(dens_up_deriv), new Band_Data(dens_down_deriv)); Insert_DFT_Charge(ref charge_density_deriv, dft_dens_deriv); }
/// <summary> /// returns an eigenvector decomposition for the xy-plane after having calculated the density in the /// z-direction and storing it in "charge_density" /// </summary> /// <param name="dft_pot"></param> /// <param name="charge_density"></param> /// <returns></returns> private double[,] Solve_Eigenvector_Problem(Band_Data dft_pot, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density) { DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp; double[,] xy_energy = new double[nx, ny]; Band_Data dens_up = new Band_Data(nx, ny, nz, 0.0); Band_Data dens_down = new Band_Data(nx, ny, nz, 0.0); // cycle over xy-plane calculating the ground state energy and eigenstate in the growth direction for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { // pull out the chemical potential for this slice double[] z_dft_pot = new double[nz]; for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) { z_dft_pot[k] = dft_pot.vol[k][i, j]; } // calculate its eigendecomposition DoubleHermitianMatrix h_z = Create_Hamiltonian(z_dft_pot, tz, nz); eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(h_z); // insert the eigenstate into density and record the local confinement energy xy_energy[i, j] = eig_decomp.EigenValue(0); for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double dens_tot = DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(0)[k]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(0)[k]); dens_up.vol[k][i, j] = 0.5 * dens_tot; dens_down.vol[k][i, j] = 0.5 * dens_tot; } } } // calculate the eigenstates in the xy-plane /*DoubleHermitianMatrix h_xy = Create_2DEG_Hamiltonian(xy_energy, tx, ty, nx, ny, true, false); * eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(h_xy); * energies = eig_decomp.EigenValues;*/ // put the calculated densities into charge_density charge_density = new SpinResolved_Data(dens_up, dens_down); return(xy_energy); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the charge density for this potential /// NOTE!!! that the boundary potential is (essentially) set to infty by ringing the density with a set of zeros. /// this prevents potential solvers from extrapolating any residual density at the edge of the eigenstate /// solution out of the charge density calculation domain /// </summary> /// <param name="layers"></param> /// <param name="charge_density_deriv"></param> /// <param name="chem_pot"></param> public override void Get_ChargeDensity_Deriv(ILayer[] layers, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density_deriv, Band_Data chem_pot) { // convert the chemical potential into a quantum mechanical potential Band_Data dft_pot = chem_pot.DeepenThisCopy(); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); DoubleHermitianMatrix hamiltonian = Create_Hamiltonian(layers, dft_pot); DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(hamiltonian); double min_eigval = eig_decomp.EigenValues.Min(); int max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double dens_val_deriv = 0.0; // do not add anything to the density if on the edge of the domain if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1) { charge_density_deriv.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] = 0.0; charge_density_deriv.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] = 0.0; continue; } for (int k = 0; k < max_wavefunction; k++) { // and integrate the density of states at this position for this eigenvector from the minimum energy to // (by default) 50 * k_b * T above mu = 0 dens_val_deriv += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * Get_OneD_DoS_Deriv(eig_decomp.EigenValue(k), no_kb_T); } // just share the densities (there is no spin polarisation) charge_density_deriv.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_val_deriv; charge_density_deriv.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] = 0.5 * dens_val_deriv; } } // and multiply the density derivative by e to get the charge density and by e to convert it to d/dphi (as increasing phi decreases the charge: dn/dphi*-e^2 ) charge_density_deriv = unit_charge * unit_charge * charge_density_deriv; }
public override void Get_ChargeDensity(ILayer[] layers, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density, Band_Data chem_pot) { // convert the chemical potential into a quantum mechanical potential Band_Data dft_pot = chem_pot.DeepenThisCopy(); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = Solve_Eigenvector_Problem(dft_pot, ref charge_density); int max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; double[] dens_x = new double[nx]; // and generate a density for the y-direction for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < max_wavefunction; k++) { dens_x[i] += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i]) * Get_OneD_DoS(energies[k], no_kb_T); } } // multiply the z-densities by the y-density for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { // do not add anything to the density if on the edge of the domain if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1) { charge_density.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] *= 0.0; charge_density.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] *= 0.0; } charge_density.Spin_Up.mat[i, j] *= dens_x[i]; charge_density.Spin_Down.mat[i, j] *= dens_x[i]; } } // and multiply the density by -e to get the charge density (as these are electrons) charge_density = unit_charge * charge_density; }
void Write_Out_Wavefunction_Densities(DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp) { double min_eigval = eig_decomp.EigenValues.Min(); int max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; for (int k = 0; k < max_wavefunction; k++) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("dens_wavefunction_" + k.ToString("00")); DoubleMatrix tmp = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { // do not add anything to the density if on the edge of the domain if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1) { continue; } // and integrate the density of states at this position for this eigenvector from the minimum energy to // (by default) 50 * k_b * T above mu = 0 tmp[i, j] = unit_charge * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i * ny + j]) * Get_OneD_DoS(eig_decomp.EigenValue(k), no_kb_T); } } for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { sw.Write(tmp[i, j].ToString() + '\t'); if (j == ny - 1) { sw.WriteLine(); } } } sw.Close(); } }
public Band_Data Get_KS_KE(ILayer[] layers, Band_Data chem_pot) { // convert the chemical potential into a quantum mechanical potential Band_Data dft_pot = chem_pot.DeepenThisCopy(); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); // create temporary density for input into... DoubleMatrix dens_up = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); DoubleMatrix dens_down = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); SpinResolved_Data dens = new SpinResolved_Data(new Band_Data(dens_up), new Band_Data(dens_down)); // calculate eigenvectors DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = Solve_Eigenvector_Problem(dft_pot, ref dens); int max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; // generate kinetic energy data Band_Data ke = new Band_Data(nx, ny, 0.0); Band_Data dens_tot = dens.Spin_Summed_Data; double ke_prefactor = -0.5 * Physics_Base.hbar * Physics_Base.hbar / mass; for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < max_wavefunction; k++) { double dy2psi = (dens_tot.mat[i, j + 1] + dens_tot.mat[i, j - 1] - 2.0 * dens_tot.mat[i, j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i]); double dx2psi = DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i + 1] + eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i - 1] - 2.0 * eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i]) * dens_tot.mat[i, j]; double psi_div2psi = (dens_tot.mat[i, j] * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(k)[i])) * (dx2psi + dy2psi); ke.mat[i, j] += ke_prefactor * psi_div2psi * Get_OneD_DoS(eig_decomp.EigenValue(k), no_kb_T); } } } return(ke); }
public override void Get_ChargeDensity(ILayer[] layers, ref SpinResolved_Data charge_density, Band_Data chem_pot) { // interpolate the input charge density and chemical potential onto a reduced domain to simplify DFT solve SpinResolved_Data dft_dens = new SpinResolved_Data(nz); Band_Data dft_pot = new Band_Data(new DoubleVector(nz)); Interpolate_DFT_Grid(ref dft_dens, ref dft_pot, charge_density, chem_pot); Get_Potential(ref dft_pot, layers); DoubleHermitianMatrix hamiltonian = Create_Hamiltonian(layers, dft_pot); DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp = new DoubleHermitianEigDecomp(hamiltonian); double min_eigval = eig_decomp.EigenValues.Min(); max_wavefunction = (from val in eig_decomp.EigenValues where val < no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature select val).ToArray().Length; DoubleVector dens_up = new DoubleVector(nz, 0.0); DoubleVector dens_down = new DoubleVector(nz, 0.0); for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++) { double dens_val = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < max_wavefunction; i++) { // and integrate the density of states at this position for this eigenvector from the minimum energy to // (by default) 50 * k_b * T above mu = 0 //dens_val += dens_of_states.Integrate(min_eigval, no_kb_T * Physics_Base.kB * temperature); dens_val += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(i)[j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenVector(i)[j]) * Get_TwoD_DoS(eig_decomp.EigenValue(i), no_kb_T); } // just share the densities (there is no spin polarisation) dens_up[j] = 0.5 * dens_val; dens_down[j] = 0.5 * dens_val; } // and multiply the density by -e to get the charge density (as these are electrons) dft_dens = unit_charge * new SpinResolved_Data(new Band_Data(dens_up), new Band_Data(dens_down)); Insert_DFT_Charge(ref charge_density, dft_dens); }
public static double Calculate(int log2FftSize, int fftRepeat) { int i; int size = 1 << log2FftSize; var xy = new DoubleComplex[size]; var xy_out = new DoubleComplex[xy.Length]; for (i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { xy[i] = new DoubleComplex(1.0f, 0.0f); } for (i = size / 2; i < size; i++) { xy[i] = new DoubleComplex(-1.0f, 0.0f); } var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (i = 0; i < fftRepeat; i++) { fft(log2FftSize, xy_out, xy); } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Total ({fftRepeat}): {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); var tpp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (float)fftRepeat; Console.WriteLine($"{fftRepeat} piece(s) of {1 << log2FftSize} pt FFT; {tpp} ms/piece\n"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", i, xy_out[i]); } return(tpp); }
SpinResolved_Data Calculate_Density_Derivative(DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp_old, DoubleHermitianEigDecomp eig_decomp_new, int wavefunction) { DoubleMatrix dens_up_deriv = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); DoubleMatrix dens_down_deriv = new DoubleMatrix(nx, ny, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { // do not add anything to the density if on the edge of the domain if (i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1) { continue; } // calculate the density of this spin configuration this hamiltonian dens_up_deriv[i, j] += g_1D * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp_old.EigenVector(wavefunction)[i * ny + j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp_old.EigenVector(wavefunction)[i * ny + j]) * Interpolate_Fermi_Function_Derivative(eig_decomp_old, eig_decomp_new, wavefunction); dens_down_deriv[i, j] += g_1D * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp_old.EigenVector(wavefunction)[i * ny + j + nx * ny]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp_old.EigenVector(wavefunction)[i * ny + j + nx * ny]) * Interpolate_Fermi_Function_Derivative(eig_decomp_old, eig_decomp_new, wavefunction); } } // and multiply the density by -e to get the charge density (as these are electrons) return(unit_charge * unit_charge * new SpinResolved_Data(new Band_Data(dens_up_deriv), new Band_Data(dens_down_deriv))); }
unsafe public void GetBytes(DoubleComplex value, byte[] bytes, int startIndex) { GetBytes((byte *)&value, bytes, startIndex, 16); }
public int ToDoubleComplex(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, out DoubleComplex value) { value = ToDoubleComplex(bytes, startIndex); return(16); }
private DoubleComplexMatrix Calculate_Boundary_Conditions(Boundary boundary, double energy) { DoubleComplexMatrix bc_matrix = new DoubleComplexMatrix(2 * ny, 2 * ny); // generate Hamiltonians for the boundaries DoubleComplexMatrix tmp_slice; if (boundary == Boundary.left) { tmp_slice = Generate_Slice_Hamiltonian(-0.5 * (nx - 1) * dx); } else if (boundary == Boundary.right) { tmp_slice = Generate_Slice_Hamiltonian(0.5 * (nx - 1) * dx); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } DoubleComplexMatrix tmp_hopping_trans = Generate_Hopping_Hamiltonian().Transpose(); // create temporary matrix for top-left of BC matrix DoubleComplexMatrix tmp_matrix = Product(tmp_hopping_trans, (new DoubleComplexMatrix(energy * DoubleMatrix.Identity(ny)) - tmp_slice)); // fill with transfer matrix for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { bc_matrix[i, j] = tmp_matrix[i, j]; bc_matrix[i + ny, j] = tmp_hopping_trans[i, j]; bc_matrix[i, j + ny] = -1.0 * tmp_hopping_trans[i, j]; } } // solve eigen-problem for transfer matrix DoubleComplexEigDecomp eig_decomp = new DoubleComplexEigDecomp(bc_matrix); DoubleComplexEigDecompServer server = new DoubleComplexEigDecompServer(); eig_decomp = server.Factor(bc_matrix); // fill the eigenvalue matrix, excluding unphysical solutions which blow-up in the wire DoubleComplexMatrix eig_vals = new DoubleComplexMatrix(ny, ny); DoubleComplexMatrix eig_vecs = new DoubleComplexMatrix(ny, ny); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * ny; i++) { if (Add_BC_EigenSolution(i, eig_decomp, boundary)) { // invert eigenvalues if calculating for the right lead if (boundary == Boundary.left) { eig_vals[count, count] = eig_decomp.EigenValue(i); } else if (boundary == Boundary.right) { eig_vals[count, count] = 1.0 / eig_decomp.EigenValue(i); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // insert corresponding (normalised) eigenvector into the matrix double norm = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { norm += DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.RightEigenVector(i)[j]) * DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.RightEigenVector(i)[j]); } double inv_norm = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(norm); for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { eig_vecs[j, count] = inv_norm * eig_decomp.RightEigenVector(i)[j]; } count++; } } // calculate coefficient matrix A and output Green's function DoubleComplexMatrix coefficient_matrix = new DoubleComplexMatrix(ny, ny); coefficient_matrix = Product(Product(tmp_hopping_trans.Transpose(), eig_vecs), eig_vals); DoubleComplexLUFact lu_fact = new DoubleComplexLUFact(coefficient_matrix); return(new DoubleComplexMatrix(Product(eig_vecs, lu_fact.Inverse()))); /* // allocate for evanescent modes * if (boundary == Boundary.left && DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenValue(i)) < 1.0 - propagating_mode_error) * eig_vals[i, i] = eig_decomp.EigenValue(i); * else if (boundary == Boundary.right && DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenValue(i)) > 1.0 + propagating_mode_error) * eig_vals[i, i] = 1.0 / eig_decomp.EigenValue(i); * // and for propagating modes * else if (Math.Abs(DoubleComplex.Norm(eig_decomp.EigenValue(i)) - 1.0) < propagating_mode_error) * eig_vals[i, i] * else * throw new InvalidArgumentException("Error - Cannot have eigenvalue of transfer matrix with value " + eig_decomp.EigenValue(i).ToString() + "!"); * * // fill the eigenvector matrix with only the top half of the eigenvector * DoubleComplexMatrix eig_vecs = new DoubleComplexMatrix(ny, ny); * DoubleComplexMatrix inv_eigvec = new DoubleComplexMatrix(ny, ny); * for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) * { * DoubleComplexVector tmpvec_right = eig_decomp.RightEigenVector(i); * DoubleComplexVector tmpvec_left = eig_decomp.LeftEigenVector(i); * * // normalise the top of half of the eigenvector * double norm2_right = 0.0; * double norm2_left = 0.0; * for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) * { * norm2_right += NMathFunctions.Abs(tmpvec_right[i]) * NMathFunctions.Abs(tmpvec_right[i]); * norm2_left += NMathFunctions.Abs(tmpvec_left[i]) * NMathFunctions.Abs(tmpvec_left[i]); * } * double norm_left = Math.Sqrt(norm2_left); * double norm_right = Math.Sqrt(norm2_right); * * // and insert it into the matrix * for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) * { * eig_vecs[j, i] = tmpvec_right[j] / norm_right; * inv_eigvec[i, j] = tmpvec_left[j] / norm_left; * } * } * * // get the inverse of the eigenvector matrix * // DoubleComplexMatrix tmp_eigvec = new DoubleComplexMatrix(eig_vecs); * // DoubleComplexMatrix inv_eigvec = NMathFunctions.PseudoInverse(tmp_eigvec); * //DoubleComplexLUFact eigvec_fact = new DoubleComplexLUFact(tmp_eigvec); * //DoubleComplexMatrix inv_eigvec = eigvec_fact.Inverse(); * * // Calculate the on-site Greens function of the end of the wire and return it * if (boundary == Boundary.left) * return Product(Product(Product(eig_vecs, eig_vals), inv_eigvec), tmp_hopping_trans); * else if (boundary == Boundary.right) * return Product(Product(Product(eig_vecs, eig_vals), inv_eigvec), tmp_hopping); * else * throw new NotImplementedException(); */ }