public void EditOrder(Domain.Order order) { if (_db.Order.Find(order.Orderid) != null) { _db.Order.Update(Mapper.Map(order)); } }
public void Handle(StartNewOrder message) { ValidateProduct(message.ProductId); var order = new Domain.Order(message.Id, message.ProductId, message.Quantity); repository.Save(order); }
public async Task CompleteOrder(Domain.Order completedOrder) { var potentialOrders = _context.Orders .Where(x => !x.ActualCostPerShare.HasValue && !x.ActualSharesBought.HasValue && x.Position.StockSymbol == completedOrder.StockSymbol) .Select(x => new { ShareDiff = Math.Abs(x.AttemptedSharesBought - completedOrder.SharesBought), Value = x }) .OrderBy(x => x.ShareDiff) .ToList(); if (potentialOrders.Any()) { // If there are more than one portential orders, we just want to pick one closet to the attempted shares bought and assign it. var order = potentialOrders.Select(x => x.Value).First(); order.ActualCostPerShare = completedOrder.MarketPrice; order.ActualSharesBought = completedOrder.SharesBought; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } else if (potentialOrders.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to find potential order that matched. Ignoring for now"); } }
// CRUD Orders /// <summary> /// Returns the list of all Orders in the database. /// </summary> /// <returns> List<Order> toReturn </returns> public List <Domain.Order> GetAllOrders() { var dbOrders = _context.Set <Order>().ToList(); List <Domain.Order> toReturn = new List <Domain.Order>(); foreach (var o in dbOrders) { var n = new Domain.Order(o.Id, o.CustomerId, o.LocationId) { Time = (DateTimeOffset)o.Time }; var lines = _context.Set <OrderLine>().Where(i => i.OrderId == o.Id).ToList(); foreach (var i in lines) { var dbProduct = _context.Set <Product>().Where(p => p.Id == i.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); var domProduct = new Domain.Product(dbProduct.Id, dbProduct.Name, (decimal)dbProduct.Price); n.SetItemAmount(domProduct, i.Amount); } toReturn.Add(n); } return(toReturn); }
public async Task <bool> CreateInvoiceAsync(Domain.Order order) { var customer = await getOrCreateCustomer(order); var service = new StripeInvoiceItemService(); foreach (var line in order.OrderLines) { var createInvoiceLineOptions = new StripeInvoiceItemCreateOptions { Amount = (int)(line.LineTotal * 100m), // inclusive of quantity & tax Currency = "nok", // TODO: read this from config CustomerId = customer.Id, Description = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.ProductVariantName) ? $"{line.ProductName} ({line.ProductVariantName})" : line.ProductName, }; var invoiceLineItem = await service.CreateAsync(createInvoiceLineOptions); } var eventInfo = order.Registration.EventInfo; var createInvoiceOptions = new StripeInvoiceCreateOptions { Billing = StripeBilling.SendInvoice, DaysUntilDue = eventInfo.DateStart.HasValue ? ((eventInfo.LastCancellationDate ?? eventInfo.LastRegistrationDate ?? eventInfo.DateStart) - DateTime.UtcNow).Value.Days : 30, Description = $"Deltakelse for {order.Registration.ParticipantName} på {order.Registration.EventInfo.Title} " }; var createInvoiceService = new StripeInvoiceService(); await createInvoiceService.CreateAsync(customer.Id, createInvoiceOptions); return(true); }
private void SendNotification(Domain.Order stocks, OrderUpdateCommand notification) { MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mailMessage.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append($"\nItems:"); foreach (var item in notification.Items) { sb.Append($"\n ProductId - {item.ProductId}"); sb.Append($"\t Quantity - {item.Quantity}"); sb.Append($"\t Price - ${item.Price}"); } mailMessage.Body = $"Your order {stocks.OrderId} has been {stocks.Status}. {sb}"; mailMessage.Subject = "subject"; mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false; SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(""); client.UseDefaultCredentials = true; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "AES123456@"); client.Port = 587; client.EnableSsl = true; client.Send(mailMessage); }
public async Task <PlaceOrderResponse> PlaceOrder(PlaceOrderRequest request) { //Perform domain validation if (CanPlaceOrder(request)) { var domainOrder = new Domain.Order() { DatePlaced = DateTime.Now, CustomerId = request.Order.CustomerId, PromotionCode = request.Order.PromotionCode, BillingAddress = request.Order.BillingAddress, OrderLines = request.Order.OrderLines, ShippingAddress = request.Order.ShippingAddress, ShippingCost = request.Order.ShippingCost, TotalCost = request.Order.TotalCost, TransitLocations = request.Order.TransitLocations }; //store the order in the repository await _unitOfWork.OrderRepos.AddAsync(domainOrder); _unitOfWork.Complete(); var response = PlaceOrderResponse.Create(true, string.Empty, domainOrder.Id); //publish //_publisher.Publish(MapToContract(domainOrder, orderId)); return(response); } else { var response = PlaceOrderResponse.Create(false, "Order validation failed", null); return(response); } }
private Order MapToContract(Domain.Order order, int?orderId = null) { return(Order.Create( orderId: orderId ?? order.OrderId, orderLines: order.OrderLines.Select(line => OrderLine.Create( product: Product.Create( stockcode: line.Product.Stockcode, productImageUrl: line.Product.ProductImageUrl, volumetricWeight: line.Product.VolumetricWeight ), quantity: line.Quantity, unitPrice: line.UnitPrice )).ToList(), customerId: order.CustomerId, totalCost: order.TotalCost, shippingCost: order.ShippingCost, billingAddress: Address.Create(order.BillingAddress.AddressLine1, order.BillingAddress.AddressLine2, order.BillingAddress.Country), shippingAddress: Address.Create(order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1, order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine2, order.ShippingAddress.Country), promotionCode: order.PromotionCode, datePlaced: order.DatePlaced)); }
public async Task <Result <Guid> > Handle(CreateConsumerOrderCommand request, CancellationToken token) { var cartProductsResult = await _orderService.GetCartProductsAsync(request.Products, token); if (!cartProductsResult.Succeeded) { return(Failure <Guid>(cartProductsResult)); } var cartDeliveriesResult = await _orderService.GetCartDeliveriesAsync(request.ProducersExpectedDeliveries, cartProductsResult.Data, token); if (!cartDeliveriesResult.Succeeded) { return(Failure <Guid>(cartDeliveriesResult)); } Domain.User user = request.UserId.HasValue && request.UserId != Guid.Empty ? await _context.Users.SingleAsync(e => e.Id == request.UserId.Value, token) : null; var order = new Domain.Order(Guid.NewGuid(), request.Donation, cartProductsResult.Data, _pspOptions.FixedAmount, _pspOptions.Percent, _pspOptions.VatPercent, user); order.SetDeliveries(cartDeliveriesResult.Data); await _context.AddAsync(order, token); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(token); return(Success(order.Id)); }
public async Task Handle(CreateOrder command) { Domain.Order order = new Domain.Order { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), BookId = command.BookId }; try { await _repository.Add(order); OrderCreated orderCreated = new OrderCreated { OrderId = order.Id, TransactionId = command.TransactionId }; await _bus.PublishAsync(orderCreated); } catch (Exception exception) { CreateOrderFailed failed = new CreateOrderFailed { OrderId = order.Id, Message = exception.Message }; await _bus.PublishAsync(failed); } }
public void SaveWithUser(Domain.Order order) { Data.Order Dorder = Mapper.DomOrder2DataOrder(order); context.Attach(Dorder.Customer); context.Order.Add(Dorder); context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given Order to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="o"></param> public void AddOrder(Domain.Order o) { using var logStream = new StreamWriter("bkdb-logs.txt", append: false) { AutoFlush = true }; using var _context = GenerateDBContext(logStream); Order entity = new Order() { CustomerId = o.CustomerID, LocationId = o.LocationID, Time = o.Time.UtcDateTime, TotalPrice = (decimal)o.Total }; _context.Set <Order>().Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); foreach (var kv in o.Items) { OrderLine ol = new OrderLine() { OrderId = entity.Id, ProductId = kv.Key.ID, Amount = kv.Value }; _context.Set <OrderLine>().Add(ol); } _context.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the list of Orders placed at the Location with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="locationID"></param> /// <returns> List<Order> toReturn </returns> public List <Domain.Order> GetOrdersByLocationID(int locationID) { using var logStream = new StreamWriter("bkdb-logs.txt", append: false) { AutoFlush = true }; using var _context = GenerateDBContext(logStream); var dbOrders = _context.Set <Order>().Where(i => i.LocationId == locationID).ToList(); List <Domain.Order> toReturn = new List <Domain.Order>(); foreach (var o in dbOrders) { var n = new Domain.Order(o.Id, o.CustomerId, o.LocationId) { Time = (DateTimeOffset)o.Time }; var lines = _context.Set <OrderLine>().Where(i => i.OrderId == o.Id).ToList(); foreach (var i in lines) { var dbProduct = _context.Set <Product>().Where(p => p.Id == i.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); var domProduct = new Domain.Product(dbProduct.Name, (decimal)dbProduct.Price); n.SetItemAmount(domProduct, i.Amount); } toReturn.Add(n); } return(toReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the specific Order matching the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns> Order ord </returns> public Domain.Order GetOrderByID(int id) { using var logStream = new StreamWriter("bkdb-logs.txt", append: false) { AutoFlush = true }; using var _context = GenerateDBContext(logStream); var o = _context.Set <Order>().Find(id); var ord = new Domain.Order(o.Id, o.CustomerId, o.LocationId) { Time = (DateTimeOffset)o.Time }; var items = _context.Set <OrderLine>().Where(i => i.OrderId == id).ToList(); foreach (var i in items) { var dbProduct = _context.Set <Product>().Where(p => p.Id == i.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); var domProduct = new Domain.Product(dbProduct.Name, (decimal)dbProduct.Price); ord.SetItemAmount(domProduct, i.Amount); } return(ord); }
public async Task <PaymentServiceResponseDTO> CreateInvoice(Domain.Order order) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AZTu0aTctY3TsQRanLBGIjRYVhzo7rc25etnkVduypxV38zDdRja0Z6_adpN7nakww62w667wNh4_OKT", "EPT6TcCPEuAbNrCatN0_FyrWFTGtO6-1c77lhSj_pMrIx3o2V09BnpZnhLe3CfGO0wtW0IULHGI4yrGc"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); int totalPrice = 0; foreach (var product in order.ProductsInOrder) { totalPrice += product.Product.Price; } var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { ItemList = new ItemList(), Amount = new Amount() { Total = totalPrice.ToString(), Currency = "USD" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "", ReturnUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(new PaymentServiceResponseDTO { PaymentUrl = result.Links.FirstOrDefault(link => link.Rel == APPROVAL_URL).Href }); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(null); } }
public OrderNotifier(Domain.Order order) { if (order == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("order"); } Order = order; }
public static OrderApiDto FromDomain(Domain.Order order) { return(new OrderApiDto() { Id = order.Id, OrderedAt = order.OrderedAt }); }
private void PrepareHeader(Domain.Order entry, OrderCreateCommand command) { entry.Status = Common.Enums.OrderStatus.Pending; entry.PaymentType = command.PaymentType; entry.ClientId = command.ClientId; entry.CreateAt = DateTime.UtcNow; entry.Total = entry.Items.Sum(x => x.Total); }
public async Task <CompleteOrderResponse> CompleteOrder(CompleteOrderRequest request) { Domain.Order order = await repo.GetOrder(request.OrderId); order.Confirm(); order = await repo.SaveAsync(order); return(new CompleteOrderResponse(true, ResponseAction.Updated)); }
public async Task <CancelOrderResponse> CancelOrder(CancelOrderRequest request) { Domain.Order order = await repo.GetOrder(request.OrderId); order.Cancel(); order = await repo.SaveAsync(order); return(new CancelOrderResponse(true, ResponseAction.Updated)); }
public Task CreateAsync(Domain.Order order) { var id = _orders.Keys.Max() + 1; order.Id = id; _orders.Add(order.Id, order); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public static Data.Entities.Order Map(Domain.Order dmOrder) { Data.Entities.Order deOrder = new Entities.Order(); deOrder.Orderid = dmOrder.Orderid; deOrder.Ocustomerid = dmOrder.Ocustomerid; deOrder.Datetime = dmOrder.Datetime; return(deOrder); }
private void PrepareDetail(Domain.Order order, OrderCreateCommand command) { order.Items = command.Items.Select(x => new OrderDetail { ProductId = x.ProductId, Quantity = x.Quantity, UnitPrice = x.Price, Total = x.Price * x.Quantity }).ToList(); }
private void PrepareDetail(Domain.Order entry, OrderCreateCommand notification) { entry.Items = notification.Items.Select(x => new OrderDetail { ProductId = x.ProductId, Quantity = x.Quantity, UnitPrice = x.Price, Total = x.Price * x.Quantity }).ToList(); }
private void PrepareHeader(Domain.Order order, OrderCreateCommand command) { order.Status = OrderStatus.Pending; order.PaymentType = command.PaymentType; order.ClientId = command.ClientId; order.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; // Sum order.Total = order.Items.Sum(x => x.Total); }
private void PrepareHeader(Domain.Order entry, OrderCreateCommand notification) { // Header information entry.Status = Common.Enums.OrderStatus.Pending; entry.PaymentType = notification.PaymentType; entry.ClientId = notification.ClientId; entry.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; // Sum entry.Total = entry.Items.Sum(x => x.Total); }
public async Task <PaymentServiceResponseDTO> CreateInvoice(Domain.Order order) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AVKtkv3o13BU3eqJMpxTDJepdIsPUy1wwZNItREABfTzfc5pVhunjudf5LhzctAPw_WTC6Vvgaap5HSu", "EFCsGNXXcPrxCGkyuJM5d4Ge-fKzBeBtvE6tcDk4LOAGAFghMXDIPai8hMWKah5LLmz2ZaIPzG69fyzY"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = "10", Currency = "USD" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "", ReturnUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(new PaymentServiceResponseDTO { PaymentUrl = result.Links.FirstOrDefault(link => link.Rel == APPROVAL_URL).Href }); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(null); } }
public void SaveOrder(Domain.Order order, Domain.Location loc, Domain.User u) { try { List <Data.Entities.Location> location = db.Location .Where(l => l.Name.ToLower().Equals(loc.Name.ToLower())) .ToList(); Data.Entities.Location locEntity = location.First(); List <Data.Entities.User> user = db.User .Where(us => us.Username.ToLower().Equals(u.Username.ToLower())) .ToList(); Data.Entities.User userEntity = user.First(); Data.Entities.Order result = new Data.Entities.Order(); result.User = userEntity; result.Loc = locEntity; foreach (var p in order._pizzas) { Data.Entities.Pizza pizzaEntity = new Data.Entities.Pizza(); Data.Entities.PizzaComponent cheeseEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent(); cheeseEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Cheese); Data.Entities.PizzaComponent crustEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent(); crustEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Crust); Data.Entities.PizzaComponent sizeEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent(); sizeEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Size); pizzaEntity.PizzaComponent.Add(cheeseEntity); pizzaEntity.PizzaComponent.Add(crustEntity); pizzaEntity.PizzaComponent.Add(sizeEntity); foreach (var t in p._toppings) { Data.Entities.PizzaComponent toppingEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent(); toppingEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(t); pizzaEntity.PizzaComponent.Add(toppingEntity); } result.Pizza.Add(pizzaEntity); } db.Add(result); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) { } }
public static object GetOrderNotifModel(this Domain.Order order, string purchaseOrderId) { return(new { PurchaseOrderId = purchaseOrderId, Status = order.Status, CreatedOn = order.CreatedOn, TotalPrice = order.TotalPrice, TotalOnSalePrice = order.TotalOnSalePrice, TotalWholeSalePrice = order.TotalWholeSalePrice }); }
public static OrderDto FromModel(Domain.Order order) { return(new OrderDto() { Id = order.Id, Company = order.Company, Country = order.ShipTo.Country, ShipToLine1 = order.ShipTo.Line1, ShipToLine2 = order.ShipTo.Line2, OrderedAt = order.OrderedAt }); }
public void Check_Customer_Modified_Since() { IEntity order = new Domain.Order() { Id = 1, PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.PartiallyRefunded }; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order, Formatting.Indented); //var client = new Client(this.ApiConfig); //var response1 = client.Utilities.GetTime(); //var date = response1.Data.Item.CurrentTime; //var filter = new FilterCustomers(); //filter.IfModifiedSince = ((DateTime)date).AddMinutes(-10); //var response2 = client.Customers.Get(filter); //var response3 = client.Customers.Count(filter); }