static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(args[0]); String CD = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); String[] fs = args[0].Split(';'); foreach (string dir in fs) { FS tln = new FS(); string[] d = dir.Split('='); tln.TLD = Path.Combine(CD, d[0]); if (d.Length == 2) { tln.P = fromstr(d[1]); } else { tln.P = RWPerm.RO; } Console.WriteLine(tln.P.ToString()); lfs.Add(tln); } WinUnion wu = new WinUnion(lfs); DokanOptions opt = DokanOptions.DebugMode; Dokan.Mount(wu, args[1], opt, new NullLogger()); }
public static void Mount(MountableFileSystem fs) { if (CanMount()) { char drive = GetAvailableDriveLetter(); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { DokanOptions options = DokanOptions.RemovableDrive; if (fs.Mode != OpenMode.ReadWrite) { options |= DokanOptions.WriteProtection; } Dokan.Mount(fs, $"{drive}:", options); } )); if (Mounted.ContainsKey(fs)) { Unmount(fs); } thread.Start(); Mounted[fs] = new Tuple <Thread, char>(thread, drive); } else { MessageBox.Show("Dokan driver seems to be missing. Install the driver and try again."); } }
public void Mount(string drive, string apiUrl, bool debugging) { if (apiUrl != null && apiUrl.Length > 0) { IpfsClient.DefaultApiUri = new Uri(apiUrl); } // Verify that the local IPFS service is up and running var x = new IpfsClient().IdAsync().Result; // CTRL-C will dismount and then exit. Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("shutting down..."); Unmount(drive); e.Cancel = true; }; // Mount IPFS, doesn't return until the drive is dismounted var options = DokanOptions.WriteProtection; if (debugging) { options |= DokanOptions.DebugMode; } Dokan.Mount(new IpfsDokan(), drive, options, new DokanLogger()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Memory Cached File System (MCFS). Copyright (C) acdra1n 2020.\n"); Console.ResetColor(); Dokan.Mount(new MCFSDrv(new MCFSParams() { TargetDataLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\fsroot", VolumeLabel = "mcfstest", Logger = new Logging.ConsoleLogger() }), "K:\\", DokanOptions.FixedDrive, 5, new Logger((a, b) => { }, (a, b) => { }, (a, b) => { }, (a, b) => { }, (a, b) => { })); }
public void Mount(String device, String path) //, DokanNet.DokanOptions d, int number) { /* * DokanOptions dokanOptions = new DokanOptions(); * dokanOptions.DebugMode = DebugMode; * dokanOptions.NetworkDrive = DiskOrFolder; * dokanOptions.MountPoint = MountPoint; * dokanOptions.UseKeepAlive = true; * dokanOptions.UseAltStream = true; * dokanOptions.VolumeLabel = strDriveLabel; * dokanOptions.ThreadCount = 1; */ nfsClient.MountDevice(device); Dokan.Mount(this, path, DokanOptions.FixedDrive | DokanOptions.DebugMode, 1); }
public static void Mount(MountableFileSystem fs) { if (CanMount()) { char drive = GetAvailableDriveLetter(); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Dokan.Mount(fs, $"{drive}:", DokanOptions.RemovableDrive | DokanOptions.WriteProtection); Mounted.Remove(fs); } )); if (Mounted.ContainsKey(fs)) { Unmount(fs); } thread.Start(); Mounted[fs] = new Tuple <Thread, char>(thread, drive); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine(@" __ _______ _________________ / / / / ___// ____/ ____/ ___/ / /_/ /\__ \/ / / /_ \__ \ / __ /___/ / /___/ __/ ___/ / /_/ /_//____/\____/_/ /____/ "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(@"HIGH SPEED COMPRESSION FILE SYSTEM VERSION {0} COPYRIGHT (C) 2020. ", HscfsImage.VER); Console.ResetColor(); HscfsDriver driver = new HscfsDriver(new HscfsImage()); Dokan.Mount(driver, "n:"); }
public static BuildFsFileSystem Mount(char letter, DokanOptions options) { Dokan.Unmount(letter); var fs = new BuildFsFileSystem(); fs.Letter = letter; var t = Task.Run(() => Dokan.Mount(fs, letter + ":", options, 1)); var e = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (e.ElapsedMilliseconds < 3000) { Thread.Sleep(200); if (t.Exception != null) { throw t.Exception; } if (Directory.Exists(letter + ":\\")) { return(fs); } } return(fs); }
public async void GetAccount() { var accinfo = await MegaClient.GetAccountInformationAsync(); static_quota_max = accinfo.TotalQuota; MGFuseMain.dynamic_quota_used = accinfo.UsedQuota; MGFuseMain.dynamic_quota_free = static_quota_max - dynamic_quota_used; storageLabel.Text = (static_quota_max / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + " GB total\n" + (dynamic_quota_used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + " GB used\n" + (dynamic_quota_free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + " GB free"; //Mount FUSE //dokan mount new Thread(() => { this.PerformSafely(() => { unmountBtn.Enabled = true; }); Dokan.Mount(new MegaFUSE.MFuseFS(new MegaFSHook()), DriveLetter.ToString() + ":\\", DokanOptions.FixedDrive, 5, null); }).Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dokan.Mount(new ProcFS(), "p:\\", DokanOptions.RemovableDrive, 4, new NullLogger()); }