protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check if any relationship exists DataSet dsRel = RelationshipNameInfoProvider.GetRelationshipNames("RelationshipAllowedObjects LIKE '%" + ObjectHelper.GROUP_DOCUMENTS + "%' AND RelationshipNameID IN (SELECT RelationshipNameID FROM CMS_RelationshipNameSite WHERE SiteID = " + SiteContext.CurrentSiteID + ")", null, 1, "RelationshipNameID"); if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsRel)) { relatedDocuments.Visible = false; ShowInformation(ResHelper.GetString("relationship.norelationship")); } else { if (Node != null) { bool enabled = true; // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { relatedDocuments.Enabled = enabled = false; } } } pnlContent.Enabled = !DocumentManager.ProcessingAction; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetPropertyTab(TAB_LINKEDDOCS); if (Node != null) { // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { pnlContainer.Enabled = false; } } currentSiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName.ToLowerCSafe(); gridDocs.OnExternalDataBound += gridDocuments_OnExternalDataBound; gridDocs.OnAction += gridDocs_OnAction; gridDocs.OnDataReload += gridDocs_OnDataReload; gridDocs.ShowActionsMenu = true; gridDocs.Columns = "NodeAliasPath, SiteName, NodeParentID, DocumentName, DocumentNamePath, ClassDisplayName"; // Get all possible columns to retrieve gridDocs.AllColumns = SqlHelper.JoinColumnList(ObjectTypeManager.GetColumnNames(PredefinedObjectType.NODE, PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENTLOCALIZATION)); pnlContainer.Enabled = !DocumentManager.ProcessingAction; }
/// <summary> /// Fires when the page loads /// </summary> private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { var page = (CMSPage)Control.Page; var manager = page.DocumentManager; manager.RedirectForNonExistingDocument = false; manager.Tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture = false; var node = manager.Node; if (node != null) { Node = node; ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(Control.Page, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/EditTabs.js"); // Document from different site if (node.NodeSiteID != SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) { URLHelper.Redirect(DocumentUIHelper.GetPageNotAvailable(string.Empty, false, node.DocumentName)); } showProductTab = node.HasSKU; DocumentUIHelper.EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(page.PageBreadcrumbs, node, null, null); } else { // Document does not exist -> redirect to new culture version creation dialog RedirectToNewCultureVersionPage(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetPropertyTab(TAB_RELATEDDOCS); // Check if any relationship exists DataSet dsRel = RelationshipNameInfoProvider.GetRelationshipNames("RelationshipAllowedObjects LIKE '%" + ObjectHelper.GROUP_DOCUMENTS + "%' AND RelationshipNameID IN (SELECT RelationshipNameID FROM CMS_RelationshipNameSite WHERE SiteID = " + SiteContext.CurrentSiteID + ")", null, 1, "RelationshipNameID"); if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsRel)) { relatedDocuments.Visible = false; ShowInformation(ResHelper.GetString("relationship.norelationship")); } else { if (Node != null) { bool enabled = true; // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { relatedDocuments.Enabled = enabled = false; } menuElem.AddExtraAction(new HeaderAction() { Enabled = enabled, Text = GetString("relationship.addrelateddocs"), RedirectUrl = "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Properties/Relateddocs_Add.aspx?nodeid=" + NodeID }); } } pnlContent.Enabled = !DocumentManager.ProcessingAction; }
private bool TryGetUrl(out string url) { try { var queryStringParameters = GetQueryStringParameters(); url = PageBuilderHelper.GetPreviewModeUrl(Node, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserGUID, queryStringParameters); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { LogAndShowError("PageEdit", "PreviewLinkGeneration", ex); url = null; return(false); } if (url == null) { url = DocumentUIHelper.GetPageNotAvailableUrl(); return(false); } if (DocumentManager.AllowSave) { url = PageBuilderHelper.AddEditModeParameter(url); } if (dataPropagated) { url = PageBuilderHelper.AddClearPageCacheParameter(url); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Fires when the page loads /// </summary> private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { var page = (CMSPage)Control.Page; var manager = page.DocumentManager; manager.RedirectForNonExistingDocument = false; manager.Tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture = false; var node = manager.Node; if (node != null) { Node = node; ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(Control.Page, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/EditTabs.js"); // Document from different site if (node.NodeSiteID != SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) { URLHelper.Redirect(DocumentUIHelper.GetPageNotAvailable(string.Empty, false, node.DocumentName)); } showProductTab = node.HasSKU; // Initialize required variables isWireframe = node.IsWireframe(); hasWireframe = isWireframe || (node.NodeWireframeTemplateID > 0); try { var pi = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(node.NodeSiteName, node.NodeAliasPath, node.DocumentCulture, node.DocumentUrlPath, false); if ((pi != null) && (pi.DesignPageTemplateInfo != null)) { var pti = pi.DesignPageTemplateInfo; showMasterPage = pti.IsPortal && ((node.NodeAliasPath == "/") || pti.ShowAsMasterTemplate); showDesign = ((pti.PageTemplateType == PageTemplateTypeEnum.Portal) || (pti.PageTemplateType == PageTemplateTypeEnum.AspxPortal)); } } catch { // Page info not found - probably tried to display document from different site } if (node.NodeClassName.EqualsCSafe("CMS.File", true)) { showDesign = false; showMasterPage = false; } DocumentUIHelper.EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(page.PageBreadcrumbs, node, null, null); } else if (!PortalContext.ViewMode.IsDesign(true)) { // Document does not exist -> redirect to new culture version creation dialog RedirectToNewCultureVersionPage(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check UI Analytics.Settings var ui = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; if (!ui.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "Analytics.Settings")) { RedirectToUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "Analytics.Settings"); } EditedObject = Node; // Set disabled module info ucDisabledModule.SettingsKeys = "CMSAnalyticsEnabled;"; ucDisabledModule.ParentPanel = pnlDisabled; ucConversionSelector.SelectionMode = SelectionModeEnum.SingleTextBox; ucConversionSelector.IsLiveSite = false; // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { DocumentManager.DocumentInfo = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), Node.NodeAliasPath); // Disable save button CurrentMaster.HeaderActions.Enabled = false; } if ((Node != null) && !URLHelper.IsPostback()) { ReloadData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the callback event. /// </summary> public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { string[] argumentParts = eventArgument.Split(';'); if (argumentParts.Length > 0) { string action = argumentParts[0]; switch (action) { // Get edit page url (also consider custom document type urls) case "editurl": { int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(argumentParts[1], 0); // Prepare url retriever settings UIPageURLSettings settings = new UIPageURLSettings(); settings.AllowSplitview = false; settings.NodeID = nodeId; settings.AdditionalQuery = "dialog=1"; settings.Mode = "editform"; settings.Action = null; settings.Culture = preferredCultureCode; // Get edit page url callbackResult = DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentPageUrl(settings); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptHelper.RegisterJQuery(Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterModule(Page, "CMS/HeaderShadow"); // Setup Edit menu bool preview = PortalContext.ViewMode.IsPreview(); editMenu.ShowProperties = false; editMenu.ShowSpellCheck = true; editMenu.ShowSave = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckIn = !preview; editMenu.ShowUndoCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowApplyWorkflow = !preview; editMenu.NodeID = NodeID; editMenu.CultureCode = CultureCode; editMenu.UseSmallIcons = true; editMenu.IsLiveSite = false; viewPage = DocumentUIHelper.GetViewPageUrl(); // Bind external buttons (i.e. Persona selector) var extensionTarget = editMenu as IExtensibleEditMenu; extensionTarget.InitializeExtenders("Content"); // Preview link is not valid after going through workflow because DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID has changed if (Node != null) { DocumentManager.OnAfterAction += (obj, args) => viewPage = new PreviewLinkGenerator(Node).GeneratePreviewModeUrl(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserGUID, embededInAdministration: true); } }
/// <summary> /// Fires when the page loads /// </summary> private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { var page = (CMSPage)Control.Page; var manager = page.DocumentManager; manager.RedirectForNonExistingDocument = false; manager.Tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture = false; var node = manager.Node; if (node != null) { Node = node; ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(Control.Page, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/EditTabs.js"); // Document from different site if (node.NodeSiteID != SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) { URLHelper.Redirect(DocumentUIHelper.GetPageNotAvailable(string.Empty, false, node.DocumentName)); } showProductTab = node.HasSKU; try { var pageInfo = new PageInfo(); pageInfo.LoadVersion(node); var template = pageInfo.DesignPageTemplateInfo; if (template != null) { showMasterPage = template.IsPortal && ((node.NodeAliasPath == "/") || template.ShowAsMasterTemplate); ConfigureShowDesignIfAuthorized(node, template); } } catch { // Page info not found - probably tried to display document from different site } if (node.IsFile()) { showDesign = false; showMasterPage = false; } DocumentUIHelper.EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(page.PageBreadcrumbs, node, null, null); } else if (!PortalContext.ViewMode.IsDesign(true)) { // Document does not exist -> redirect to new culture version creation dialog RedirectToNewCultureVersionPage(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string url = QueryHelper.GetString("splitUrl", null); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && UIContext.DisplaySplitMode) { // Register script files ltlScript.Text += ScriptHelper.GetScriptTag("~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/SplitView.js"); // Decode URL url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(url); docSplitView.NodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(URLHelper.GetQueryValue(url, "nodeid"), 0); docSplitView.Culture = ValidationHelper.GetString(URLHelper.GetQueryValue(url, "culture"), null); // Update view mode (e.g. to remember edit tabs) PortalContext.UpdateViewMode(PortalContext.ViewMode); // Set frame1 URL docSplitView.Frame1Url = url; // Get the URL of the compare frame UIPageURLSettings settings = new UIPageURLSettings { Mode = Mode, NodeID = NodeID, Culture = UIContext.SplitModeCultureCode, SplitViewSourceURL = url, TransformToCompareUrl = true }; // Get URL docSplitView.Frame2Url = DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentPageUrl(settings); StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.Append( @" function InitSplitViewSyncScroll(frameElement, body, refreshSameCulture, unbind) { if (InitSyncScroll) { InitSyncScroll(frameElement, body, refreshSameCulture, unbind); } } function SplitModeRefreshFrame() { if (FSP_SplitModeRefreshFrame) { FSP_SplitModeRefreshFrame(); } } var FSP_appPref = '", URLHelper.GetFullApplicationUrl(), @"'; var FSP_cntPref = '", ScriptPrefix, @"'; "); ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "splitViewSync_" + Page.ClientID, script.ToString(), true); } }
/// <summary> /// Fires when a tab is created and hides ui elements which should not be visible for content only classes. /// </summary> private void OnTabCreated(object sender, TabCreatedEventArgs e) { if (e.Tab == null) { return; } if (DocumentUIHelper.IsElementHiddenForNode(e.UIElement, node)) { e.Tab = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetPropertyTab(TAB_TEMPLATE); // Setup child controls inheritElem.Node = Node; // Keep information whether current user has modify permission if (node != null) { PageTemplateCategoryInfo category = PageTemplateCategoryInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateCategoryInfo("/"); int id = (category != null) ? category.CategoryId : 0; hasModifyPermission = DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(node, PermissionsEnum.Modify); btnSelect.OnClientClick = "modalDialog('" + ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/PortalEngine/UI/Layout/PageTemplateSelector.aspx") + "?rootcategoryid=" + id + "&documentid=" + node.DocumentID + "&nodeguid=" + node.NodeGUID + "', 'PageTemplateSelection', '90%', '85%'); return false;"; } btnSelect.Text = GetString("PageProperties.Select"); btnClone.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetLocalizedString("Template.ConfirmClone") + ");"; ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "SelectTemplate", ScriptHelper.GetScript( @" function RefreshPage() { document.location.replace(document.location); } function SetTemplateToHdnField(templateId) { document.getElementById('" + hdnSelected.ClientID + @"').value = templateId; } function OnSaveAsNewPageTemplate(templateId, selectorId) { SetTemplateToHdnField(templateId); RefreshPage(); } function OnSelectPageTemplate(templateId, selectorId) { SetTemplateToHdnField(templateId); " + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnSelect, String.Empty) + @" }")); // Reflect processing action pnlInherits.Enabled = DocumentManager.AllowSave; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { LoadData(); } ReloadControls(); HandleCultureSettings(); }
/// <summary> /// External data binding handler. /// </summary> protected object gridDocuments_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter) { DataRowView data; switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe()) { case "documentname": { data = (DataRowView)parameter; string name = ValidationHelper.GetString(data["NodeAliasPath"], ""); string siteName = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteName(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(data["NodeSiteID"], 0)); int currentNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(data["NodeID"], 0); int currentNodeParentId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(data["NodeParentID"], 0); string result; if (currentSiteName == siteName.ToLowerCSafe()) { result = "<a href=\"javascript: SelectItem(" + currentNodeId + ", " + currentNodeParentId + ");\">" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(TextHelper.LimitLength(name, 50)) + "</a>"; } else { result = "<span>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(TextHelper.LimitLength(name, 50)) + "</span>"; } // Show document mark only if method is not called from grid export bool isLink = (data["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value); if ((sender != null) && isLink) { result += DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(this, DocumentMarkEnum.Link); } return(result); } case "documentnametooltip": data = (DataRowView)parameter; return(UniGridFunctions.DocumentNameTooltip(data)); case "deleteaction": { GridViewRow container = (GridViewRow)parameter; int currentNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(((DataRowView)container.DataItem)["NodeID"], 0); bool current = (Node.NodeID == currentNodeId); ((Control)sender).Visible = ((((DataRowView)container.DataItem)["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value) && !current); ((CMSGridActionButton)sender).CommandArgument = currentNodeId.ToString(); break; } } return(parameter); }
protected void btnCheckin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Check permissions if (!WorkflowManager.CheckStepPermissions(Node, WorkflowActionEnum.Approve) || ((versionsElem.CheckedOutByUserID != MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID) && !versionsElem.CanCheckIn)) { DisableForm(); return; } // Check in the document string version = null; if (txtVersion.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { version = txtVersion.Text.Trim(); } string comment = null; if (txtComment.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { comment = txtComment.Text.Trim(); } VersionManager.CheckIn(Node, version, comment); txtComment.Text = ""; txtVersion.Text = ""; DocumentManager.ClearContentChanged(); // Refresh tree if icon checked out was displayed if (DocumentUIHelper.IsIconUsed(IconType.CheckedOut, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)) { AddAfterActionScript(); } ReloadData(); versionsElem.ReloadData(); } catch (WorkflowException) { ShowError(GetString("EditContent.DocumentCannotCheckIn")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Log exception EventLogProvider.LogException("Content", "CHECKIN", ex); ShowError(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptHelper.RegisterJQuery(Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterModule(Page, "CMS/HeaderShadow"); // Setup Edit menu bool preview = PortalContext.ViewMode.IsPreview(); editMenu.ShowProperties = false; editMenu.ShowSpellCheck = true; editMenu.ShowSave = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckIn = !preview; editMenu.ShowUndoCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowApplyWorkflow = !preview; editMenu.NodeID = NodeID; editMenu.CultureCode = CultureCode; editMenu.UseSmallIcons = true; editMenu.IsLiveSite = false; var pageUrl = string.Empty; pageUrl = DocumentUIHelper.GetViewPageUrl(); ucView.ViewPage = pageUrl; ucView.RotateDevice = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(CookieHelper.GetValue(CookieName.CurrentDeviceProfileRotate), false); const string deviceRotateScript = @" $cmsj(document).ready(function () { if (window.CMSDeviceProfile) { CMSDeviceProfile.OnRotationFunction = (function() { CMSView.InitializeFrame(CMSView.PreviewWidth, CMSView.PreviewHeight, !CMSView.Rotated); CMSView.DeviceWindowResize(); }); } });"; ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "deviceRotateScript", deviceRotateScript, true); // Bind external buttons (i.e. Persona selector) var extensionTarget = editMenu as IExtensibleEditMenu; extensionTarget.InitializeExtenders("Content"); if (Node.NodeIsContentOnly) { // Preview link is not valid after going through worflow because DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID has changed DocumentManager.OnAfterAction += (obj, args) => { ucView.ViewPage = Node.GetPreviewLink(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserName); }; } }
private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { var page = (CMSPage)Control.Page; // Setup the document manager var manager = page.DocumentManager; manager.RedirectForNonExistingDocument = false; ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(Control.Page, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/View/ViewTabs.js"); var node = manager.Node; if (node != null) { DocumentUIHelper.EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(page.PageBreadcrumbs, node, null, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds document to list. /// </summary> /// <param name="dr">Data row with document</param> private void AddToList(DataRow dr) { int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["NodeID"], 0); int linkedNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"], 0); int documentCheckedOutByUserID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["DocumentCheckedOutByUserID"], 0); string name = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["DocumentName"], string.Empty)); if (documentCheckedOutByUserID != 0) { name += " " + DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.CheckedOut); } if (linkedNodeId != 0) { name += " " + DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link); } name += "<br />"; list[nodeId] = name; }
protected void OnTabCreated(object sender, TabCreatedEventArgs e) { if (e.Tab == null) { return; } var tab = e.Tab; var element = e.UIElement; var manager = DocumentManager; var node = manager.Node; bool splitViewSupported = PortalContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.EditLive; string elementName = element.ElementName.ToLowerCSafe(); if (DocumentUIHelper.IsElementHiddenForNode(element, node)) { e.Tab = null; return; } switch (elementName) { case "properties.languages": splitViewSupported = false; break; case "": case "properties.relateddocs": case "properties.linkeddocs": splitViewSupported = false; break; } // Ensure split view mode if (splitViewSupported && PortalUIHelper.DisplaySplitMode) { tab.RedirectUrl = DocumentUIHelper.GetSplitViewUrl(tab.RedirectUrl); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Load event of the Page control. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptHelper.RegisterJQuery(Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterModule(Page, "CMS/HeaderShadow"); ucView.ViewPage = DocumentUIHelper.GetViewPageUrl(); ucView.RotateDevice = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(CookieHelper.GetValue(CookieName.CurrentDeviceProfileRotate), false); // Setup Edit menu bool preview = PortalContext.ViewMode.IsPreview(); editMenu.ShowProperties = false; editMenu.ShowSpellCheck = true; editMenu.ShowSave = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowCheckIn = !preview; editMenu.ShowUndoCheckOut = !preview; editMenu.ShowApplyWorkflow = !preview; editMenu.NodeID = NodeID; editMenu.CultureCode = CultureCode; editMenu.UseSmallIcons = true; editMenu.IsLiveSite = false; // Bind external buttons (i.e. Persona selector) var extensionTarget = editMenu as IExtensibleEditMenu; extensionTarget.InitializeExtenders("Content"); const string deviceRotateScript = @" $cmsj(document).ready(function () { if (window.CMSDeviceProfile) { CMSDeviceProfile.OnRotationFunction = (function() { CMSView.InitializeFrame(CMSView.PreviewWidth, CMSView.PreviewHeight, !CMSView.Rotated); CMSView.DeviceWindowResize(); }); } });"; ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(String), "deviceRotateScript", deviceRotateScript, true); }
protected void btnUndoCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Check permissions if (!WorkflowManager.CheckStepPermissions(Node, WorkflowActionEnum.Approve)) { DisableForm(); return; } // Undo check out VersionManager.UndoCheckOut(Node); txtComment.Text = ""; txtVersion.Text = ""; DocumentManager.ClearContentChanged(); // Refresh tree if icon checked out was displayed if (DocumentUIHelper.IsIconUsed(IconType.CheckedOut, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)) { AddAfterActionScript(); } ReloadData(); versionsElem.ReloadData(); } catch (WorkflowException) { ShowError(GetString("EditContent.DocumentCannotUndoCheckOut")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Log exception EventLogProvider.LogException("Content", "UNDOCHECKOUT", ex); ShowError(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Handling page reload /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender object</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditedObject = Node; // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { DocumentManager.DocumentInfo = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), Node.NodeAliasPath); // Disable save button CurrentMaster.HeaderActions.Enabled = false; } if (Node != null && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ReloadData(); } else { ShowControls(chkEnableAmpFilter.Checked); } }
/// <summary> /// Callback event handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Callback argument</param> public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(eventArgument)) { return; } var parts = eventArgument.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length == 2) { mNodePreviewUrl = DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentPageUrl(new UIPageURLSettings { NodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parts[0], 0), Culture = parts[1], Mode = ViewModeEnum.Preview.ToString(), AllowViewValidate = false, }); } mNodePreviewUrl = mNodePreviewUrl ?? DocumentUIHelper.GetPageNotAvailableUrl(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns URL of modal dialog for creating new page. /// </summary> private string GetCreateNewPageDialogUrl() { var path = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue("CMSCampaignNewPageLocation", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName); var tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); var node = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, path, SiteContext.CurrentSite.DefaultVisitorCulture, true); if (node == null) { node = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "/", SiteContext.CurrentSite.DefaultVisitorCulture, true); } // General url settings var settings = new UIPageURLSettings { AllowSplitview = false, NodeID = node.NodeID, Culture = node.DocumentCulture, Action = "new", AdditionalQuery = "dialog=1&action=new&hidecontentonly=true" }; return(DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentPageUrl(settings)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string nodeIdsString = QueryHelper.GetString("sourcenodeids", string.Empty); // Load node IDs to session for the first time if (!URLHelper.IsPostback() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIdsString)) { StringBuilder aliasPaths = new StringBuilder(); TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, TreeProvider.ALL_DOCUMENTS, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, String.Format("NodeID IN ({0})", nodeIdsString.Trim('|').Replace("|", ",")), null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",NodeParentID, DocumentName, NodeAliasPath, NodeLinkedNodeID"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { const string lineBreak = "<br />"; // Create list of paths foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { aliasPaths.Append(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["NodeAliasPath"], string.Empty)); if (ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"], 0) != 0) { aliasPaths.Append(DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link)); } aliasPaths.Append(lineBreak); } // Trim last line break if (aliasPaths.Length > lineBreak.Length) { aliasPaths = aliasPaths.Remove(aliasPaths.Length - lineBreak.Length, lineBreak.Length); } } SessionHelper.SetValue("CopyMoveDocAliasPaths", aliasPaths.ToString()); SessionHelper.Remove("CopyMoveDocCopyPermissions"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditedObject = Node; // Set disabled module info ucDisabledModule.ParentPanel = pnlDisabled; ucConversionSelector.SelectionMode = SelectionModeEnum.SingleTextBox; ucConversionSelector.IsLiveSite = false; // Check modify permissions if (!DocumentUIHelper.CheckDocumentPermissions(Node, PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { DocumentManager.DocumentInfo = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), Node.NodeAliasPath); // Disable save button CurrentMaster.HeaderActions.Enabled = false; } if ((Node != null) && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ReloadData(); } }
protected void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Check permissions if (!WorkflowManager.CheckStepPermissions(Node, WorkflowActionEnum.Approve)) { DisableForm(); return; } VersionManager.EnsureVersion(Node, Node.IsPublished); // Check out the document VersionManager.CheckOut(Node); // Refresh tree if icon checked out should be displayed if (DocumentUIHelper.IsIconUsed(IconType.CheckedOut, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)) { AddAfterActionScript(); } ReloadData(); versionsElem.ReloadData(); } catch (WorkflowException) { ShowError(GetString("EditContent.DocumentCannotCheckOut")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Log exception EventLogProvider.LogException("Content", "CHECKOUT", ex); ShowError(ex.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register script files ScriptHelper.RegisterCMS(this); ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Operation.js"); if (!QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash")) { pnlContent.Visible = false; ShowError(GetString("dialogs.badhashtext")); return; } // Setup page title text and image PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.TranslateTitle"); EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(PageBreadcrumbs, action: PageTitle.TitleText); if (IsDialog) { RegisterModalPageScripts(); RegisterEscScript(); plcInfo.Visible = false; pnlButtons.Visible = false; } if (!TranslationServiceHelper.IsTranslationAllowed(CurrentSiteName)) { pnlContent.Visible = false; ShowError(GetString("translations.translationnotallowed")); return; } // Initialize current user currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; // Initialize events ctlAsyncLog.OnFinished += ctlAsyncLog_OnFinished; ctlAsyncLog.OnError += ctlAsyncLog_OnError; ctlAsyncLog.OnCancel += ctlAsyncLog_OnCancel; isSelect = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("select", false); if (isSelect) { pnlDocList.Visible = false; pnlDocSelector.Visible = true; translationElem.DisplayMachineServices = false; } var currentCulture = LocalizationContext.CurrentCulture.CultureCode; var displayTargetLanguage = !IsDialog || isSelect; translationElem.DisplayTargetlanguage = displayTargetLanguage; // Get target culture(s) targetCultures = displayTargetLanguage ? translationElem.TargetLanguages : new HashSet <string>(new[] { QueryHelper.GetString("targetculture", currentCulture) }); // Set the target settings var settings = new TranslationSettings(); settings.TargetLanguages.AddRange(targetCultures); var useCurrentAsDefault = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("currentastargetdefault", false); if (!currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin) && currentUser.UserHasAllowedCultures && !currentUser.IsCultureAllowed(currentCulture, CurrentSiteName)) { // Do not use current culture as default if user has no permissions to edit it useCurrentAsDefault = false; } translationElem.UseCurrentCultureAsDefaultTarget = useCurrentAsDefault; // Do not include default culture if it is current one string defaultCulture = CultureHelper.GetDefaultCultureCode(CurrentSiteName); if (useCurrentAsDefault && !string.Equals(currentCulture, defaultCulture, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { settings.TargetLanguages.Add(currentCulture); } translationElem.TranslationSettings = settings; allowTranslate = true; if (RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { return; } // If not in select mode, load all the document IDs and check permissions // In select mode, documents are checked when the button is clicked if (!isSelect) { DataSet allDocs = null; TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(); // Current Node ID to translate string parentAliasPath = string.Empty; if (Parameters != null) { parentAliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentaliaspath"], string.Empty); nodeIdsArr = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["nodeids"], string.Empty).Trim('|').Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath)) { if (nodeIdsArr == null) { // One document translation is requested string nodeIdQuery = QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", ""); if (nodeIdQuery != "") { // Mode of single node translation pnlList.Visible = false; chkSkipTranslated.Checked = false; translationElem.NodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeIdQuery, 0); nodeIdsArr = new[] { nodeIdQuery }; } else { nodeIdsArr = new string[] { }; } } foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr) { int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0); if (id != 0) { nodeIds.Add(id); } } } else { // Exclude root of the website from multiple translation requested by document listing bulk action var where = new WhereCondition(WhereCondition) .WhereNotEquals("ClassName", SystemDocumentTypes.Root); allDocs = tree.SelectNodes(CurrentSiteName, parentAliasPath.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' }) + "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, ClassID > 0 ? DataClassInfoProvider.GetClassName(ClassID) : TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES, where.ToString(true), "DocumentName", AllLevels ? TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS : 1, false, 0, DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",DocumentName,NodeParentID,NodeSiteID,NodeAliasPath"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(allDocs)) { foreach (DataTable table in allDocs.Tables) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0)); } } } } if (nodeIds.Count > 0) { var where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds).ToString(true); DataSet ds = allDocs ?? tree.SelectNodes(CurrentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "DocumentName", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { string docList = null; cancelNodeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath) ? DataHelper.GetIntValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeParentID") : TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByAliasPath(CurrentSiteName, parentAliasPath); foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables) { foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { bool isLink = (dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value); string name = (string)dr["DocumentName"]; docList += HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(name); if (isLink) { docList += DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link); } docList += "<br />"; lblDocuments.Text = docList; // Set visibility of checkboxes TreeNode node = TreeNode.New(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty), dr); if (!TranslationServiceHelper.IsAuthorizedToTranslateDocument(node, currentUser, targetCultures)) { allowTranslate = false; plcMessages.AddError(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtotranslatedocument"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath))); } } } if (!allowTranslate && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { // Hide UI only when security check is performed within first load, if postback used user may loose some setting HideUI(); } } // Display check box for separate submissions for each document if there is more than one document translationElem.DisplaySeparateSubmissionOption = (nodeIds.Count > 1); } else { // Hide everything pnlContent.Visible = false; } } // Register the dialog script ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(this); ctlAsyncLog.TitleText = GetString("contentrequest.starttranslate"); // Set visibility of panels pnlContent.Visible = true; pnlLog.Visible = false; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the tree node. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceNode">Source node</param> /// <param name="index">Node index</param> /// <param name="childNode">True if the node is child node</param> protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode CreateNode(TreeSiteMapNode sourceNode, int index, bool childNode) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode newNode = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode(); ISimpleDataContainer container = sourceNode; int nodeId = (int)container.GetValue("NodeID"); int nodeLevel = (int)container.GetValue("NodeLevel"); if (nodeId < 0) { newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None; newNode.Text = GetString("ContentTree.ReadDocumentDenied"); newNode.NavigateUrl = (DeniedNodePostback ? mBasePath + "#" : string.Empty); return(newNode); } // Show complete node if index is lower than MaxTreeNodes or level is lower than RootNodeLevel if ((MaxTreeNodes <= 0) || (index < MaxTreeNodes) || (nodeLevel <= MapProvider.RootNodeLevel + 1)) { allNodes[nodeId] = newNode; // Set the base data newNode.Value = nodeId.ToString(); newNode.NavigateUrl = "javascript:void(0);"; int classId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(container.GetValue("NodeClassID"), 0); DataClassInfo ci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(classId); if (ci == null) { throw new Exception("[ContentTree.CreateNode]: Node class not found."); } string className = ci.ClassName; // Use file type icons for file var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (UseCMSFileIcons && string.Equals(className, SystemDocumentTypes.File, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string extension = ValidationHelper.GetString(container.GetValue("DocumentType"), string.Empty); string image = UIHelper.GetFileIcon(Page, extension, FontIconSizeEnum.Standard, CMSFileIconSet); sb.Append(image); } // Use class icons else { var iconClass = ValidationHelper.GetString(ci.GetValue("ClassIconClass"), String.Empty); var icon = UIHelper.GetDocumentTypeIcon(Page, className, iconClass); sb.Append(icon); } string imageTag = sb.ToString(); string nodeName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(container.GetValue("DocumentName"), string.Empty)); string nodeNameJava = ScriptHelper.GetString(nodeName); string marks = ""; // Render special marks only if allowed if (AllowMarks) { int workflowStepId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(container.GetValue("DocumentWorkflowStepID"), 0); WorkflowStepTypeEnum stepType = WorkflowStepTypeEnum.Undefined; if (workflowStepId > 0) { WorkflowStepInfo stepInfo = WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowStepInfo(workflowStepId); if (stepInfo != null) { stepType = stepInfo.StepType; } } // Add icons marks = DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarks(Page, SiteName, Culture, stepType, sourceNode, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marks)) { marks = string.Format("<span class=\"tn-group\">{0}</span>", marks); } } string template; if ((SelectedNode != null) && (nodeId == SelectedNode.NodeID)) { template = SelectedNodeTextTemplate; selectedRendered = true; } else { template = NodeTextTemplate; } // Prepare the node text newNode.Text = ResolveNode(template, nodeName, imageTag, nodeNameJava, nodeId, marks); // Drag and drop envelope if (AllowDragAndDrop) { sb.Length = 0; if (childNode) { sb.Append("<span id=\"target_", nodeId, "\"><span class=\"DDItem\" id=\"node_", nodeId, "\"><span class=\"DDHandle\" id=\"handle_", nodeId, "\" onmousedown=\"return false;\" onclick=\"return false;\">", newNode.Text, "</span></span></span>"); } else { sb.Append("<span id=\"target_", nodeId, "\" class=\"RootNode\"><span class=\"DDItem\" id=\"node_", nodeId, "\">", newNode.Text, "</span></span>"); } newNode.Text = sb.ToString(); } bool nodeHasChildren = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(container.GetValue("NodeHasChildren"), false); // Check if can expand if (!nodeHasChildren) { newNode.PopulateOnDemand = false; newNode.Expanded = true; } else { if ((sourceNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) || !sourceNode.ChildNodesLoaded) { newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; } } // Set expanded status string aliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(container.GetValue("NodeAliasPath"), string.Empty); newNode.Expanded = aliasPath.Equals(MapProvider.Path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || expandNodes.Contains(nodeId); } else { string parentNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetString(container.GetValue("NodeParentID"), string.Empty); newNode.Value = nodeId.ToString(); newNode.Text = MaxTreeNodeText.Replace("##PARENTNODEID##", parentNodeId); newNode.NavigateUrl = "#"; } return(newNode); }
/// <summary> /// Redirects to new document language version page. /// </summary> protected virtual void RedirectToNewCultureVersionPage() { URLHelper.Redirect(DocumentUIHelper.GetNewCultureVersionPageUrl()); }