public async Task UploadLog(RepairLog log) { FirestoreDb db = connection.GetFirestoreDb(); CollectionReference colRef = db .Collection("activity-log"); DocumentReference docRef = null; Dictionary <string, object> repairIdDoc = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "RepairId", log.RepairId } }; await db.RunTransactionAsync(async t => { docRef = await colRef.AddAsync(repairIdDoc); }); CollectionReference subDocRef = docRef.Collection("logs"); await db.RunTransactionAsync(async t => { await subDocRef.AddAsync(log); }); }
public async Task <SharedDocumentData[]> getSharedDocument(string email) { int sharedDocumentCount = 0; Boolean connectionResult = connectToFirebase(); DocumentReference documentReference = db.Collection("SharedDocuments").Document(email); IAsyncEnumerable <CollectionReference> collectionRefrences = documentReference.ListCollectionsAsync(); IAsyncEnumerator <CollectionReference> enumerator = collectionRefrences.GetAsyncEnumerator(); while (await enumerator.MoveNextAsync()) { CollectionReference collectionReference = enumerator.Current; Query allDocumentsQuery = documentReference.Collection(collectionReference.Id); QuerySnapshot snaps = await allDocumentsQuery.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot snap in snaps) { sharedDocumentCount++; } } SharedDocumentData[] sharedDocuments = new SharedDocumentData[sharedDocumentCount]; IAsyncEnumerator <CollectionReference> enumerator1 = collectionRefrences.GetAsyncEnumerator(); int i = 0; while (await enumerator1.MoveNextAsync()) { CollectionReference collectionReference = enumerator1.Current; Query allDocumentsQuery = documentReference.Collection(collectionReference.Id); QuerySnapshot snaps = await allDocumentsQuery.GetSnapshotAsync(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot snap in snaps) { DBSharedDocumentData dBSharedDocumentData = snap.ConvertTo <DBSharedDocumentData>(); sharedDocuments[i] = new SharedDocumentData(); sharedDocuments[i].fileName = dBSharedDocumentData.fileName; sharedDocuments[i].fileLink = dBSharedDocumentData.fileLink; sharedDocuments[i].sharedBy = dBSharedDocumentData.sharedBy; i++; } } return(sharedDocuments); }
public async Task Save(CalendarViewModel calendarViewModel, string userId, string userName) { var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment string downloadUrl = ""; var file = calendarViewModel.Image; if (file != null) { using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { file.CopyTo(stream); } var str = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open); var task = new FirebaseStorage("", new FirebaseStorageOptions()) .Child(file.FileName) .PutAsync(str); downloadUrl = await task; str.Dispose(); File.Delete(filePath); } else if (calendarViewModel.DownloadUrl != null) { downloadUrl = calendarViewModel.DownloadUrl; } DocumentReference tasksRef; var usersRef = db.Collection("users").Document(userId); await usersRef.SetAsync(new { Name = userName }); if (calendarViewModel.Id != null) { tasksRef = usersRef.Collection(DateTime.Parse(calendarViewModel.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) .ToString("MM.yyyy")).Document("tasks").Collection("tasks").Document(calendarViewModel.Id); } else { tasksRef = usersRef.Collection(DateTime.Parse(calendarViewModel.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) .ToString("MM.yyyy")).Document("tasks").Collection("tasks").Document(); } tasksRef?.SetAsync(new { title = calendarViewModel.Name, description = calendarViewModel.Description, downloadUrl }, SetOptions.MergeAll); DocumentReference dateRef = db.Collection("users").Document(userId) .Collection(DateTime.Parse(calendarViewModel.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) .ToString("MM.yyyy")).Document(calendarViewModel.Date.ToString("dd")); await dateRef.SetAsync(new { month = calendarViewModel.Date.ToString("MM.yyyy") }); var taskRef = dateRef.Collection("tasks").Document(calendarViewModel.Id ?? tasksRef?.Id); taskRef?.SetAsync(new { reference = tasksRef, hours = calendarViewModel.Hours }, SetOptions.MergeAll); }
/// <summary> /// Increment a randomly picked shard by 1. /// </summary> /// <param name="docRef">The document reference <see cref="DocumentReference"/></param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Task"/></returns> private static async Task IncrementCounterAsync(DocumentReference docRef, int numOfShards) { int documentId; lock (s_randLock) { documentId = s_rand.Next(numOfShards); } var shardRef = docRef.Collection("shards").Document(documentId.ToString()); await shardRef.UpdateAsync("count", FieldValue.Increment(1)); }
private static async Task AddSubcollection(string project) { FirestoreDb db = FirestoreDb.Create(project); // [START fs_add_subcollection] DocumentReference cityRef = db.Collection("cities").Document("SF"); CollectionReference subcollectionRef = cityRef.Collection("neighborhoods"); Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "name", "Marina" }, }; await subcollectionRef.Document("Marina").SetAsync(data); // [END fs_add_subcollection] Console.WriteLine("Added data to the Marina document in the neighborhoods subcollection in the SF document in the cities collection."); }
// [END fs_counter_classes] // [START fs_create_counter] /// <summary> /// Create a given number of shards as a /// subcollection of specified document. /// </summary> /// <param name="docRef">The document reference <see cref="DocumentReference"/></param> private static async Task CreateCounterAsync(DocumentReference docRef, int numOfShards) { CollectionReference colRef = docRef.Collection("shards"); var tasks = new List <Task>(); // Initialize each shard with Count=0 for (var i = 0; i < numOfShards; i++) { tasks.Add(colRef.Document(i.ToString()).SetAsync(new Shard() { Count = 0 })); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); }
static async Task <ModuleResources> GetModuleResources(DocumentReference moduleRef) { var resourceQuery = await moduleRef.Collection(ResourceCollection).GetSnapshotAsync(); var resourceSnapshots = resourceQuery.Documents; var list = new Improbable.Collections.List <ResourceInfo>(resourceQuery.Count); for (int i = 0; i < resourceQuery.Count; i++) { var resourceSnapshot = resourceSnapshots[i]; var resource = resourceSnapshot.ConvertTo <Resource>(); list.Add(new ResourceInfo(resourceSnapshot.Id, resource.Type, resource.Quantity)); } return(new ModuleResources(list)); }
static async Task <ResourceInventoryData> GetResourceInventory(DocumentReference shipRef) { var resourceQuery = await shipRef.Collection(ResourceCollection).GetSnapshotAsync(); var resourceSnapshots = (DocumentSnapshot[])resourceQuery.Documents; var resources = new Improbable.Collections.Map <int, ResourceInfo>(resourceQuery.Count); for (int i = 0; i < resourceQuery.Count; i++) { var snapshot = resourceSnapshots[i]; var resource = snapshot.ConvertTo <Resource>(); resources[i] = new ResourceInfo(snapshot.Id, resource.Type, resource.Quantity); } return(new ResourceInventoryData(resources)); }
public async Task <Dictionary <string, int> > GetAll(string userId, DateTime date) { DocumentReference usersRef = db.Collection("users").Document(userId); CollectionReference colRef = usersRef.Collection(date.ToString("MM.yyyy")); QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await colRef.GetSnapshotAsync(); Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var temp in querySnapshot) { var day = temp.Id; var tasks = await temp.Reference.Collection("tasks").GetSnapshotAsync(); int hours = 0; foreach (var temp2 in tasks) { hours += int.Parse(temp2.ToDictionary()["hours"].ToString()); } dictionary.Add(day, hours); } return(dictionary); }
/// <summary> /// Get total count across all shards. /// </summary> /// <param name="docRef">The document reference <see cref="DocumentReference"/></param> /// <returns>The <see cref="int"/></returns> private static async Task <int> GetCountAsync(DocumentReference docRef) { var snapshotList = await docRef.Collection("shards").GetSnapshotAsync(); return(snapshotList.Sum(shard => shard.GetValue <int>("count"))); }
private async void simulateData() { CollectionReference orderColl = db.Collection("order"); CollectionReference invoiceColl = db.Collection("invoice"); CollectionReference stockColl = db.Collection("stock"); QuerySnapshot stockSnap = await stockColl.GetSnapshotAsync(); List <Stock> stockList = new List <Stock>(); foreach (DocumentSnapshot stockDocsnap in stockSnap.Documents) { Stock stock = stockDocsnap.ConvertTo <Stock>(); stockList.Add(stock); } Order order = new Order(); order.order_id = ""; order.order_status = ""; Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); invoice.invoice_id = -1; invoice.invoice_num = "dummyinvoicenumber"; Random random = new Random(); for (int year = 2020; year <= 2020; year++) { if (year == 2019) { for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++) { //simulate new invoices at start of every month foreach (Stock stock in stockList) { Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "invoice_date", new DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) }, { "invoice_id", invoice.invoice_id }, { "invoice_num", invoice.invoice_num }, { "vendor_id", stock.vendor_id } }; DocumentReference invoiceDocref = await invoiceColl.AddAsync(data); Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stock.item_id }, { "item_name", stock.item_name }, { "quantity", 100 }, { "wholesale_price", stock.wholesale_price } }; await invoiceDocref.Collection("invoice_items").AddAsync(data2); } //simulate sales order everyday for (int day = 1; day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); day++) { //loop through stock for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int orderRand = random.Next(0, 10); //if 0 means the item has no sales, else sell according to the number for quantity if (orderRand > 0) { Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "order_date", new DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) }, { "order_id", "dummyorderid" }, { "order_status", "dummy" }, }; DocumentReference orderDocref = await orderColl.AddAsync(data); Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stockList[i].item_id }, { "quantity", orderRand }, }; await orderDocref.Collection("order_items").AddAsync(data2); } } } } } else { for (int month = 12; month <= 12; month++) { foreach (Stock stock in stockList) { Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "invoice_date", new DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) }, { "invoice_id", invoice.invoice_id }, { "invoice_num", invoice.invoice_num }, { "vendor_id", stock.vendor_id } }; DocumentReference invoiceDocref = await invoiceColl.AddAsync(data); Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stock.item_id }, { "item_name", stock.item_name }, { "quantity", 100 }, { "wholesale_price", stock.wholesale_price } }; await invoiceDocref.Collection("invoice_items").AddAsync(data2); } for (int day = 1; day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); day++) { //loop through stock for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int orderRand = random.Next(0, 10); //if 0 means the item has no sales, else sell according to the number for quantity if (orderRand > 0) { Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "order_date", new DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) }, { "order_id", "dummyorderid" }, { "order_status", "dummy" }, }; DocumentReference orderDocref = await orderColl.AddAsync(data); Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stockList[i].item_id }, { "quantity", orderRand }, }; await orderDocref.Collection("order_items").AddAsync(data2); } } } } } } }
private async void uploadInvoice(String file) { Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(file); object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; foreach (Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet in xlWorkBook.Worksheets) { try { string temp; temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Vendor_Name"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Invoice_Number"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Invoice_Date"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Number"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Desc"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Price"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Total_Price"].Value2.ToString(); temp = xlWorkSheet.Range["Total_Balance"].Value2.ToString(); CollectionReference icoll = db.Collection("invoice"); Query iquery = icoll.WhereEqualTo("invoice_num", xlWorkSheet.Range["Invoice_Number"].Value2.ToString()); QuerySnapshot isnap = await iquery.GetSnapshotAsync(); Query iquery2 = icoll.OrderByDescending("invoice_id").Limit(1); QuerySnapshot isnap2 = await iquery2.GetSnapshotAsync(); int invoiceid = isnap2.Documents[0].ConvertTo <Invoice>().invoice_id; if (isnap.Count == 0) { try { for (int count = 0; ; count++) { newInvoiceStock.Add(xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Desc"].Row + count, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Desc"].Column].Value2.ToString()); } } catch { CollectionReference coll = db.Collection("stock"); Query query2 = coll.OrderByDescending("item_id").Limit(1); QuerySnapshot stocksnap = await query2.GetSnapshotAsync(); int stockid = stocksnap.Documents[0].ConvertTo <Stock>().item_id; int vendor_id = await updateVendorDb(xlWorkSheet.Range["Vendor_Name"].Value2.ToString()); DateTime date = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(xlWorkSheet.Range["Invoice_Date"].Value2.ToString())); DateTime.SpecifyKind(date, DateTimeKind.Utc); invoiceid = invoiceid + 1; Dictionary <string, object> idata = new Dictionary <string, object>() { //auto generate invoice id { "invoice_date", Timestamp.FromDateTimeOffset(date) }, { "invoice_id", invoiceid }, { "invoice_num", xlWorkSheet.Range["Invoice_Number"].Value2.ToString() }, { "vendor_id", vendor_id } }; DocumentReference idoc = await icoll.AddAsync(idata); for (int i = 0; i < newInvoiceStock.Count; i++) { //query need to repeat to verify existence of item Query query = coll .WhereEqualTo("item_name", newInvoiceStock[i].ToString()) .WhereEqualTo("vendor_id", vendor_id); QuerySnapshot snap = await query.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (snap.Documents.Count <= 0) { //add new item Stock stock = new Stock(); stockid = stockid + 1; stock.item_id = stockid; stock.item_name = xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Desc"].Row + i, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Desc"].Column].Value2.ToString(); stock.vendor_id = vendor_id; stock.wholesale_price = Double.Parse(xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Price"].Row + i, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Price"].Column].Value2.ToString()); stock.quantity = Int32.Parse(xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Row + i, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Column].Value2.ToString()); add_coll.Add(stock); Dictionary <string, object> idata2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stock.item_id }, { "item_name", stock.item_name }, { "quantity", stock.quantity }, { "wholesale_price", stock.wholesale_price } }; await idoc.Collection("invoice_items").AddAsync(idata2); } else { //edit existing item string id = snap.Documents[0].Id; Stock stock = snap.Documents[0].ConvertTo <Stock>(); DocumentReference docref = coll.Document(id); Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "quantity", stock.quantity + Convert.ToInt32(xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Row + i, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Column].Value2) } }; await docref.UpdateAsync(data); Dictionary <string, object> idata2 = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "item_id", stock.item_id }, { "item_name", stock.item_name }, { "quantity", Convert.ToInt32(xlWorkSheet.Cells[xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Row + i, xlWorkSheet.Range["Item_Quantity"].Column].Value2) }, { "wholesale_price", stock.wholesale_price } }; await idoc.Collection("invoice_items").AddAsync(idata2); } } if (add_coll.Count > 0) { PriceEntryForm form = new PriceEntryForm(add_coll); form.Show(); form.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(Form_Closed); } else { refreshDGV(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invoice duplicate detected!"); } } catch { failedUpload.Add(Path.GetFileName(file)); } } xlWorkBook.Close(false, misValue, misValue); xlApp.Quit(); releaseObject(xlWorkBook); releaseObject(xlApp); finishLoad(); }
public ICollectionReference GetCollection(string collectionPath) { var collectionReference = _documentReference.Collection(collectionPath); return(new CollectionReferenceWrapper(collectionReference)); }
private async Task InitializeAsync(ulong id, CollectionReference playerCollection) { PlayerCollection = playerCollection; PlayerDoc = PlayerCollection.Document(id.ToString()); var playerDocSnap = await PlayerDoc.GetSnapshotAsync(); if (!playerDocSnap.Exists) { await PlayerDoc.CreateAsync(new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "boost", 0 }, { "demo-count", 0 }, { "death-count", 0 }, { "demo-rate", (DemoData.MinDemoChance + DemoData.MaxDemoChance) / 2 }, { "avoid-rate", (DemoData.MinAvoidChance + DemoData.MaxAvoidChance) / 2 }, { "avoid-count", 0 }, { "miss-count", 0 } }); playerDocSnap = await PlayerDoc.GetSnapshotAsync(); } if (!playerDocSnap.ContainsField("avoid-count")) { await PlayerDoc.UpdateAsync("avoid-count", 0); await PlayerDoc.UpdateAsync("miss-count", 0); } if (!playerDocSnap.TryGetValue("avoid-count", out int avoidCount)) { avoidCount = 0; } if (!playerDocSnap.TryGetValue("miss-count", out int missCount)) { missCount = 0; } if (!playerDocSnap.TryGetValue("boost-used", out int boostUsed)) { boostUsed = 0; } Data = new DemoData( playerDocSnap.GetValue <int>("boost"), playerDocSnap.GetValue <int>("demo-count"), playerDocSnap.GetValue <int>("death-count"), playerDocSnap.GetValue <double>("demo-rate"), playerDocSnap.GetValue <double>("avoid-rate"), avoidCount, missCount); RecentMessages = new List <DbMessage>(); var recentMsgSnap = await PlayerDoc.Collection("recent-messages").GetSnapshotAsync(); if (recentMsgSnap.Count > 0) { foreach (var message in recentMsgSnap) { //content, createTime if (!message.TryGetValue("content", out string content)) { content = ""; } if (!message.TryGetValue("create-time", out DateTime createTime)) { createTime = new DateTime(0); } if (!message.TryGetValue("is-successful-command", out bool isSuccessfulCommand)) { isSuccessfulCommand = false; } RecentMessages.Add(await DbMessage.CreateAsync(content, createTime, isSuccessfulCommand, id, PlayerCollection, message.Id)); } } }