public async void LoadBulk_NoStoredProcedure_ThrowsException() { // Arrange var mockClient = new Mock <IDocumentClient>(); mockClient.Setup(c => c.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync <bool>( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <RequestOptions>(), It.IsAny <Object>())) .ThrowsAsync(new ArgumentNullException()); DocumentLoader sut = new DocumentLoader( mockClient.Object, "", ""); List <IAmDocument> docs = new List <IAmDocument>() { new DocumentBase() { PartitionKey = "a" }, new DocumentBase() { PartitionKey = "a" } }; // Act var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => sut.LoadBulk(docs)); // Assert Assert.Contains("Error initializing tasks for bulk import on groupedDoc a with 2 measurements.", exception.Message); }
public async void LoadBulk_ExceptionWithTwoFailedGroups_MessageIndicatesTwoExceptions() { // Arrange var mockClient = new Mock <IDocumentClient>(); mockClient.Setup(c => c.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync <bool>( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <RequestOptions>(), It.IsAny <Object>())) .ThrowsAsync(new ArgumentNullException()); DocumentLoader sut = new DocumentLoader( mockClient.Object, "", ""); List <IAmDocument> docs = new List <IAmDocument>() { new DocumentBase() { PartitionKey = "b" }, new DocumentBase() { PartitionKey = "bb" } }; // Act var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => sut.LoadBulk(docs)); // Assert //Assert.Contains("2 stored procedures failed out of a total of 2 sprocs for 2 measurements.", exception.Message); Assert.Contains("Error initializing tasks for bulk import on groupedDoc b with 1 measurements.", exception.Message); }
public async Task SoilGridPointSurveyV1ToCosmos_ActualData_CreatesExpectedRecords() { // Arrange var extractor = new TidyDataCsvExtractor( pathToFileWithValidSoilGridPointSurveyV1Data, pathToFileWithValidSoilGridPointSurveyV1Dictionary); EtlEvent etlEvent = new EtlEvent( "EtlEvent", "LocalProcess", "", "CookEastSoilGridPointSurvey", "0.1", "", DateTime.UtcNow); var transformer = new CosmosDBSqlApiSampleV2Transformer <SoilGridPointSurveyV1, SoilSample>( new MapFromSoilGridPointSurveyToSoilSample(), "", etlEvent.Id, "CookEastSoilGridPointSurvey", "CookEast", "SoilSample"); var loader = new DocumentLoader( client, "cafdb", "items"); // Act TidyData extracted = extractor.Extract <SoilGridPointSurveyV1>(); List <SoilSample> transformed = transformer.Transform(extracted); StoredProcedureResponse <bool>[] results = await loader.LoadBulk(transformed); Assert.Equal(30, transformed.Count); Assert.NotEmpty(results); }
public static async Task Run( [BlobTrigger("ectower-cookeast/raw/Flux/{name}", Connection = "ltarcafdatastreamConnectionString")] Stream myBlob, string name, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context) { log.Info($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes"); //var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() // .SetBasePath(context.FunctionAppDirectory) // .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true) // .AddEnvironmentVariables() // .Build(); EtlEvent etlEvent = new EtlEvent( "EtlEvent", "AzureFunction", "", "CafMeteorologyEcTower", "1.1", "LoggerNetFluxToCosmosDBSqlApiMeasurementCookEast", DateTime.UtcNow); etlEvent.Outputs = null; etlEvent.Inputs.Add($"ectower-cookeast/raw/Flux/{name}"); etlEvent.Logs.Add($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myBlob); string contents = ""; log.Info("About to read contents"); try { contents = reader.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { etlEvent.Logs.Add( $"Error reading Blob: {e.Message}"); } //DocumentClient client = new DocumentClient( // new Uri( // config["Values:AzureCosmosDBUri"]), // config["Values:AzureCosmosDBKey"]); DocumentClient client; try { client = new DocumentClient( new Uri( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureCosmosDBUri"]), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureCosmosDBKey"]); } catch (Exception e) { etlEvent.Logs.Add( $"Error creating DocumentClient: {e.Message}"); log.Error($"Error creating DocumentClient: {e.Message}"); throw new Exception("Error creating DocumentClient", e); } DocumentLoader loader = new DocumentLoader( client, "cafdb", "items"); log.Info("Created client and loader"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contents)) { try { log.Info("Attempting extract and transform"); TOA5Extractor extractor = new TOA5Extractor( name, contents, -8); TOA5 fluxTable = extractor.GetTOA5 <Flux>(); // TODO: Move strings and such to settings file DocumentDbMeasurementV2Transformer transformer = new DocumentDbMeasurementV2Transformer( new MapFromFluxDataTableToCafStandards(), "", etlEvent.Id, "Measurement", "CafMeteorologyEcTower", 1800); List <MeasurementV2> measurements = transformer.ToMeasurements(fluxTable); log.Info("Attempting load"); /// Using the bulkImport sproc doesn't provide much benefit since /// most data tables will only have a few measurements with the /// same partition key. But it's better than nothing. StoredProcedureResponse <bool>[] results = await loader.LoadBulk(measurements); log.Info($"Loaded {results.Length.ToString()} measurements"); } catch (Exception e) { etlEvent.Logs.Add( $"Error in ETL pipeline: {e.Message}"); log.Error($"Error in ETL pipeline: {e.Message}"); throw new Exception("Error in ETL pipeline", e); } finally { log.Info("Loading etlEvent to db"); etlEvent.DateTimeEnd = DateTime.UtcNow; ResourceResponse <Document> result = await loader.LoadNoReplace(etlEvent); log.Info($"Result of writing EtlEvent: {result.StatusCode.ToString()}"); } log.Info("Function completed"); } }