/// <summary> /// 由编辑区的输入获得DomainObject /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override object GetEditObject() { // this.ValidateInput(); DBDateTime dbDateTime = FormatHelper.GetNowDBDateTime(this.DataProvider); if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } Doc doc = this._DocumentFacade.CreateNewDOC(); if (this.txtDocDirQuery.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { doc.Dirserial = int.Parse(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text.Trim()); } else { doc.Dirserial = 0; } if (this.txtDocSerialEdit.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { doc.Docserial = 0; } else { doc.Docserial = int.Parse(this.txtDocSerialEdit.Text.Trim()); } doc.MaintainUser = this.GetUserCode(); doc.Mdate = dbDateTime.DBDate; doc.Mtime = dbDateTime.DBTime; return(doc); }
/// <summary> /// 由编辑区的输入获得DomainObject /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override object GetEditObject() { // this.ValidateInput(); if (_facade == null) { _facade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } DBDateTime currentDateTime = FormatHelper.GetNowDBDateTime(this.DataProvider); DocDirForQuery docDir = new DocDirForQuery(); docDir.Dirserial = this.txtDirSerialEdit.Text == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(this.txtDirSerialEdit.Text); docDir.Dirseq = int.Parse(this.txtDirSequenceEdit.Text); docDir.Dirname = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDirNameEdit.Text, 40); docDir.Dirdesc = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtMemoEdit.Text, 100); docDir.Pdirserial = String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.drpParentDirCodeEdit.SelectedValue)?0:int.Parse(this.drpParentDirCodeEdit.SelectedValue); docDir.UploadUsergroupcode = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtUploadUserGroupEdit.Text, 200); docDir.QueryUsergroupcode = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtQueryUserGroupEdit.Text, 200); docDir.CheckUsergroupcode = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtCheckUserGroupEdit.Text, 200); docDir.Mdate = currentDateTime.DBDate; docDir.Mtime = currentDateTime.DBTime; docDir.MaintainUser = this.GetUserCode(); return(docDir); }
public void systemHandler(Dictionary<String, Object> data) { // Retrive context from dictionary HttpContext context = (HttpContext)data["HttpResponse"]; // Set type of expected string context.Response.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; // Initialize Value String userEventJSONObject = ""; String docUUID = ""; // Get parameters from url userEventJSONObject = context.Request.Params["event"]; docUUID = context.Request.Params["ticket"]; try { // Authenticate user to see if it has firstly logged in if not then // Redirect that person, also to see if event is not null as well as the uuid of new document if ((context.Session["userId"] == null && context.Session["userFistName"] == null && context.Session["userLastName"] == null) || (userEventJSONObject == null || userEventJSONObject == "") || (docUUID == null || docUUID == "")) { context.Response.Redirect("", false); context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } // get and set the properties to send across and insert them in database with extra property userId // The docVersion should not be hardcoded I am just tired and I want to get the big Pic done UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent( docUUID , "JSON" , "CE" , userEventJSONObject , 2 , DateTime.UtcNow , "UpdatedCalendarEvent" , (Decimal)context.Session["userId"]); //Send Object with all Data remotely to be stored eventually userDocumentsFacade = new DocumentFacade(); userDocumentsFacade.updateEvent(userEvent); // Send New Event back again context.Response.Write(userEventJSONObject); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }
private bool CheckDocumentLevelPermissions(int docid, string role) { int UserID = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["UserID"].Value); Document doc = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentDetails(docid); return(Framework.Security.SecurityBase.IsUserRoleAuthorized(UserID, doc.DepartmentID, doc.SubDepartmentID, role)); }
/// <summary> /// 由编辑区的输入获得DomainObject /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override object GetEditObject() { // this.ValidateInput(); DBDateTime dbDateTime = FormatHelper.GetNowDBDateTime(this.DataProvider); if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } Doc doc = this._DocumentFacade.CreateNewDOC(); if (this.txtDocDirQuery.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { doc.Dirserial = int.Parse(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text.Trim()); } else { doc.Dirserial = 0; } if (this.txtDocSerialEdit.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { doc.Docserial = 0; } else { doc.Docserial = int.Parse(this.txtDocSerialEdit.Text.Trim()); } doc.Docname = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocNameEdit.Text, 100); doc.Docnum = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocNumEdit.Text, 100); doc.Doctype = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.drpDocTypeEdit.Text, 40); doc.Docver = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocVerEdit.Text, 100); doc.Docchgfile = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocChgFileEdit.Text, 100); doc.Docchgnum = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocChgNumEdit.Text, 40); doc.Keyword = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtKeyWordEdit.Text, 2000); doc.Itemlist = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtItemCodeEdit.Text, 400); doc.Validstatus = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.drpValidStatus.SelectedValue, 1); doc.Checkedstatus = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.HiddenCheckedstatus.Text, 1); doc.Oplist = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtOpCodeEdit.Text, 400); doc.Memo = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtMemoEdit.Text, 2000); doc.MaintainUser = this.GetUserCode(); doc.Mdate = dbDateTime.DBDate; doc.Mtime = dbDateTime.DBTime; //如果是编辑,且编辑的时候没有勾选“文件”进行新的文件的上传,则不修改上传时间和上传人 //也不清空ServerFullName(add by James) if (this.ViewState["actionType"].ToString() == "UPDATE") { doc.Upuser = this.HiddenUpuser.Text; doc.Upfiledate = FormatHelper.TODateInt(this.HiddenUpfiledate.Text); doc.ServerFileName = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.HiddenServerFullName.Text, 200); } else { doc.Upuser = this.GetUserCode(); doc.Upfiledate = dbDateTime.DBDate; } return(doc); }
private void RetrieveData() { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CRMDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); CurrentDocument = facade.RetrieveOrNewDocument(InstanceId, new DocumentConverter()); } }
public IFacadeUpdateResult <DocumentData> SaveDocument(DocumentDto document) { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CMSDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); return(facade.SaveDocument(DocumentConverter.ConvertToData(document))); } }
public DocumentDto GetDocument(int id) { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CMSDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); return(facade.RetrieveOrNewDocument(id, new DocumentConverter())); } }
public IEnumerable <DocumentDto> GetList(int folderId) { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CMSDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); return(facade.RetrieveAllDocument(new DocumentConverter())); } }
protected override int GetRowCount() { if (_facade == null) { _facade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } return(this._facade.QuerySubDOCDIRCount(int.Parse(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text)))); }
private ITreeObjectNode LoadDocumentTreeToApplication() { if (_facade == null) { _facade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } return(this._facade.BuildDocumentTree()); }
protected override int GetRowCount() { if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } return(this._DocumentFacade.QueryDocumentsCount(FormatHelper.PKCapitalFormat(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text)))); }
private void RetrieveData() { using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.Instance.Start(DataStoreResolver.CRMDataStoreKey)) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(uow); RetrieveInstances(facade); } }
protected override object[] LoadDataSource(int inclusive, int exclusive) { if (_facade == null) { _facade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } return(this._facade.QuerySubDOCDIR(int.Parse(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text)), inclusive, exclusive)); }
protected override object[] LoadDataSource(int inclusive, int exclusive) { if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } return(this._DocumentFacade.QueryDocuments(FormatHelper.PKCapitalFormat(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text)), inclusive, exclusive)); }
public void SetUp() { var solutionFacade = new SolutionFacade(@"C:\dev\diploma\CodeAnalyzing\Tests\TestSolutionFramework.sln"); var project = solutionFacade.GetProjects(x => x.Name == "TestFrameworkProject").First(); var projectFacade = new ProjectFacade(project); var document = projectFacade.GetDocuments(x => x.Name == "TestClassForNamesGetting.cs").First(); _documentFacade = new DocumentFacade(document); }
protected override void Grid_ClickCell(GridRecord row, string commandName) { try { if (commandName == "DOCNAME") { if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(this.DataProvider); } if (_DocumentFacade.GetDocDirRight(int.Parse(this.txtDocDirQuery.Text.Trim()), this.GetUserCode(), "QUERY")) { //下载文件 //if (_facade == null) //{ // _facade = new SystemSettingFacade(this.DataProvider); //} //object parameter = _facade.GetParameter("DOCDIRPATH", "DOCDIRPATHGROUP"); //if (parameter != null) //{ // //服务器目录路径 // string filePath = ((Domain.BaseSetting.Parameter)parameter).ParameterAlias; // if (filePath.LastIndexOf('\\') == filePath.Length - 1) // { // filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 1); // } string filePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "FileUpload"; #region 载文件 FileInfo currentFile = new FileInfo(filePath + "/" + row.Items.FindItemByKey("ServerFullName").Value.ToString()); if (currentFile.Exists) { this.DownloadFileFull(this.VirtualHostRoot + "FileUpload/" + row.Items.FindItemByKey("ServerFullName").Value.ToString()); } else { WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_QueryFile_NotExist", this.languageComponent1); } #endregion //} //else //{ // WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_DocDirPath_NotExist", this.languageComponent1); //} } else { WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_No_WatchFile_Right", this.languageComponent1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_QueryFile_Exception", this.languageComponent1); } }
public ActionResult SaveChangeRequest(DocumentChangeRequest model) { model.Comment1By = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value; int OrgID = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["OrgID"].Value); int requestNumber = new DocumentFacade().SaveChangeRequest(model, Request.Cookies["UserEmail"].Value, OrgID); TempData.Clear(); this.ShowMessage(Helpers.MessageType.Success, "Change request submitted successfully."); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DocumentLibrary")); }
public void systemHandler(Dictionary <String, Object> data) { // Retrive context from dictionary HttpContext context = (HttpContext)data["HttpResponse"]; // Set type of expected string context.Response.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; // Initialize Value String userEventJSONObject = ""; String docUUID = ""; // Get parameters from url userEventJSONObject = context.Request.Params["event"]; docUUID = context.Request.Params["ticket"]; try { // Authenticate user to see if it has firstly logged in if not then // Redirect that person, also to see if event is not null as well as the uuid of new document if ((context.Session["userId"] == null && context.Session["userFistName"] == null && context.Session["userLastName"] == null) || (userEventJSONObject == null || userEventJSONObject == "") || (docUUID == null || docUUID == "")) { context.Response.Redirect("", false); context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } // get and set the properties to send across and insert them in database with extra property userId // The docVersion should not be hardcoded I am just tired and I want to get the big Pic done UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent( docUUID , "JSON" , "CE" , userEventJSONObject , 2 , DateTime.UtcNow , "UpdatedCalendarEvent" , (Decimal)context.Session["userId"]); //Send Object with all Data remotely to be stored eventually userDocumentsFacade = new DocumentFacade(); userDocumentsFacade.updateEvent(userEvent); // Send New Event back again context.Response.Write(userEventJSONObject); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }
// // GET: /Account public ActionResult DCR() { int OrgID = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["OrgID"].Value); DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(); List <DocumentChangeRequest> list = new List <DocumentChangeRequest>(); list = facade.GetDocumentChangeRequestList(OrgID); ViewBag.DCRs = list; return(View("DCR")); }
private void RetrieveInstances(DocumentFacade facade) { if (CurrentUserContext.IsAdmin) { CurrentInstances = facade.RetrieveAllDocument(new DocumentConverter()); } else if (CurrentUserContext.IsEmployee) { CurrentInstances = facade.RetrieveDocumentsByUser(CurrentUserContext.User.UserId, new DocumentConverter()); } }
public JsonResult BuildDocumentList(string dept, string subdept) { var doclist = new List <Document>(); int OrgID = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["OrgID"].Value); int UserID = 0; int.TryParse(Request.Cookies["UserID"].Value, out UserID); string UserEmail = Request.Cookies["UserEmail"].Value; doclist = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentDetailsList(OrgID, UserID, Convert.ToInt32(dept), Convert.ToInt32(subdept)); return(Json(doclist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocumentFacade _documentFacade = new DocumentFacade(this.DataProvider); object[] objs = _documentFacade.QueryDocuments(this.txtDocnameQuery.Value, this.txtDocnumQuery.Value, this.txtMcodelistQuery.Value, this.txtOplistQuery.Value, this.txtKeywordQuery.Value, this.txtMemoQuery.Value, FormatString(this.drpDoctypeQuery.SelectedItemValue), FormatString(this.drpValidStatusQuery.SelectedItemValue), FormatString(this.drpCheckedStatusQuery.SelectedItemValue), 1, int.MaxValue ); _DataTableLoadedPart.Clear(); if (objs == null) { ApplicationRun.GetInfoForm().Add(new UserControl.Message(MessageType.Normal, "$CS_No_Data_To_Display")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++) { DocForQuery doc = objs[i] as DocForQuery; _DataTableLoadedPart.Rows.Add(new object[] { doc.Docserial.ToString(), doc.Dirserial.ToString(), doc.Docname.ToString(), doc.Docnum.ToString(), doc.Docver.ToString(), doc.DirName.ToString(), doc.Itemlist.ToString(), doc.Oplist.ToString(), doc.Docchgnum.ToString(), doc.Docchgfile.ToString(), doc.Memo.ToString(), doc.Keyword.ToString(), doc.Doctype.ToString(), MutiLanguages.ParserString(doc.Checkedstatus), MutiLanguages.ParserString(doc.Validstatus), FormatHelper.ToDateString(doc.Upfiledate), doc.GetDisplayText("Upuser"), FormatHelper.ToDateString(doc.Mdate), doc.GetDisplayText("MaintainUser"), FormatHelper.ToTimeString(doc.Mtime), doc.ServerFileName.ToString() }); } }
public ActionResult ChangeRequest(int id, int dcr) { bool isAuthorized = CheckDocumentLevelPermissions(id, "Raise Change Request"); ViewBag.HideGenerateButton = false; if (isAuthorized) { DocumentFacade facade = new DocumentFacade(); DocumentChangeRequest dcrmodel = new DocumentChangeRequest(); dcrmodel = facade.GetDocumentChangeRequest(id, dcr); dcrmodel.SelectedDocument = facade.GetDocumentDetails(id > 0 ? id : dcrmodel.DocumentID); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dcrmodel.RequestNumber)) { ViewBag.HideGenerateButton = true; } int OrgID = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["OrgID"].Value); List <Document> doclist = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentDetailsList(OrgID, 0, dcrmodel.SelectedDocument.DepartmentID, 0); // Build document list from department docs List <EffectedDocuments> effDocList = new List <EffectedDocuments>(); foreach (Document doc in doclist) { effDocList.Add(new EffectedDocuments() { DocumentID = doc.DocumentID, DocumentName = doc.DocumentName, DocumentNumber = doc.DocumentNumber, VersionString = doc.VersionString, NextVersion = doc.NextVersion.ToString("N") }); } dcrmodel.DepartmentDocumentsList = effDocList; List <EffectedDocuments> result = new List <EffectedDocuments>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dcrmodel.EffectedDocumentIDs)) { List <string> items = dcrmodel.EffectedDocumentIDs.Split(',').ToList(); result = effDocList.Where(item => items.Any(category => category.Equals(item.DocumentID.ToString()))).ToList(); } // Build effected documents list for change request dcrmodel.EffectedDocuments = result; ViewData["DocList"] = JsonHelper.JsonSerializer(effDocList, typeof(List <EffectedDocuments>)); // return Json(doclist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return(View("ChangeRequest", dcrmodel)); } else { throw new Exception("Access denied! You donot have permissions on change request."); } }
public JsonResult GetDocumentHistory(int id) { bool isAuthorized = CheckDocumentLevelPermissions(id, "Doc History"); if (isAuthorized) { var doclist = new List <Document>(); doclist = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentHistory(id); return(Json(doclist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { throw new Exception("Access denied! You donot have permissions to view history."); } }
/// <summary> /// 将指定行的记录写入编辑区 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override object GetEditObject(GridRecord row) { if (_facade == null) { _facade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } object obj = _facade.QuerySubDOCDIR(int.Parse(row.Items.FindItemByKey("DirSerial").Text)); if (obj != null) { return((DocDirForQuery)obj); } return(null); }
public List <Document> GetDocuments(int orgID, int deptID = 0, int subDeptID = 0) { List <Document> docList = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentList(orgID); if (deptID > 0) { docList = docList.FindAll(delegate(Document s) { return(s.DepartmentID == deptID); }); } if (subDeptID > 0) { docList = docList.FindAll(delegate(Document s) { return(s.DepartmentID == deptID && s.SubDepartmentID == subDeptID); }); } return(docList); }
/// <summary> /// 将指定行的记录写入编辑区 /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override object GetEditObject(GridRecord row) { if (_DocumentFacade == null) { _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(base.DataProvider); } object obj = _DocumentFacade.GetDOC(int.Parse(row.Items.FindItemByKey("DOCSERIAL").Text.ToString())); if (obj != null) { return((Doc)obj); } return(null); }
public JsonResult DeleteDocument(int docid) { // Check permission bool isAuthorized = CheckDocumentLevelPermissions(docid, "Doc Delete"); if (isAuthorized) { string user = Request.Cookies["UserEmail"].Value; bool success = new DocumentFacade().DeleteDocument(docid, user); return(Json(success)); } else { throw new Exception("Access denied! You donot have permissions to delete the document."); } }
public ActionResult Revise(int id) { Document docmodel = new DocumentFacade().GetDocumentDetails(id); var dept = new DepartmentService().GetDepartmentDetails(docmodel.DepartmentID); docmodel.DepartmentName = dept.DepartmentName; if (dept.SubDepartments != null) { var subdept = dept.SubDepartments.Where(item => item.SubDepartmentID.Equals(docmodel.SubDepartmentID)).ToList(); if (subdept.Count > 0) { docmodel.SubDepartmentName = subdept[0].SubDepartmentName; } } return(View("Revise", docmodel)); }
public JsonResult CheckoutDocument(int docid, bool status) { // Check permission bool isAuthorized = CheckDocumentLevelPermissions(docid, "Doc Review"); if (isAuthorized) { string user = Request.Cookies["UserEmail"].Value; bool success = new DocumentFacade().CheckoutDocument(docid, status, user); return(Json(success)); } else { throw new Exception("Access denied! You donot have permissions to review/revise the document."); } }
public void systemHandler(Dictionary<String, Object> data) { try { // Retrive context from dictionary HttpContext context = (HttpContext)data["HttpResponse"]; // Set type of expected string context.Response.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; // Authenticate user to see if it has firstly logged in if not then // Redirect that person if (context.Session["userId"] == null && context.Session["userFistName"] == null && context.Session["userLastName"] == null) { context.Response.Redirect("", false); context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } // Get person that user wish to talk with from URL Decimal personToTalkWith = Convert.ToDecimal(context.Request.Params["to"]); // Dictionary to hold data to be returned Dictionary<String, Object> portalData = null; // Retrive Person Id Decimal personLogged = (Decimal)context.Session["userId"]; // Let us get all the users in the ChatRoom userDocumentsFacade = new DocumentFacade(); portalData = userDocumentsFacade.getChatConversation(personLogged, personToTalkWith); // Make sure PortalData is not null if its then return if (portalData == null){ context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (portalData.ContainsKey("chatMessages")){ chatConversation = (List<ChatMessagesSerializable>)portalData["chatMessages"]; } else { // Redirect with error context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } String test = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(portalData); // Send Object Serialized context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(portalData)); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }
public void systemHandler(Dictionary<String, Object> data) { // Retrive context from dictionary HttpContext context = (HttpContext)data["HttpResponse"]; // Set type of expected string context.Response.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; // Initialize Value String userEventJSONObject = ""; String docUUID = ""; // Get parameters from url userEventJSONObject = context.Request.Params["event"]; docUUID = context.Request.Params["ticket"]; // Send values to be evaluated try { // Authenticate user to see if it has firstly logged in if not then // Redirect that person, also to see if event is not null as well as the uuid of new document if ((context.Session["userId"] == null && context.Session["userFistName"] == null && context.Session["userLastName"] == null) || (userEventJSONObject == null || userEventJSONObject == "") || (docUUID == null || docUUID == "")) { context.Response.Redirect("", false); context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); return; } // get and set the properties to send across and insert them in database with extra property userId UserEvent userEvent = new UserEvent( docUUID , "JSON" , "CE" , userEventJSONObject , 1 , DateTime.UtcNow , "NewUserCalendarEvent" , (Decimal)context.Session["userId"]); //Send Object with all Data remotely to be stored eventually userDocumentsFacade = new DocumentFacade(); userDocumentsFacade.setEvent(userEvent); // I was thinking on hitting the DB again by executing a Store Proc that can retrive ONLY the new inserted Row // But since it will go its way I can just send back the JSON string I just saved to the view without having to retrive it again // From the DB, if its an error its going... I should change the interface so that it returns a success of fail and then evaluate // Whether to send back a null for failure or the event back, REMINDER: I'll do it after I can update and delete events //String test = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(portalData); // Send New Event back again context.Response.Write(userEventJSONObject); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }