public void CanSerializeYieldGetterMethods() { // If this test breaks, this is likely becaused we merged // a new version of JSON.Net, which can revert a modification that we made to the code // Look at the other changes that happened in this commit (see the git log for that) // And at any rate, the full explanation, including the full reasoning is here: // // // Don't try to fix this issue without reading the details, it is a single line fix, but it // takes time to get to the right reason var DocumentConventions = new DocumentConventions(); var jsonSerializer = DocumentConventions.CreateSerializer(); var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); jsonSerializer.Serialize(stringWriter, new Item()); var str = stringWriter.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Item>(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(str))); }
public static BlittableJsonReaderObject ConvertEntityToBlittable(object entity, DocumentConventions conventions, JsonOperationContext context, DocumentInfo documentInfo = null) { using (var writer = new BlittableJsonWriter(context, documentInfo)) { var serializer = conventions.CreateSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(writer, entity); writer.FinalizeDocument(); var reader = writer.CreateReader(); var type = entity.GetType(); var changes = TryRemoveIdentityProperty(reader, type, conventions); changes |= TrySimplifyJson(reader); if (changes) { reader = context.ReadObject(reader, "convert/entityToBlittable"); } return(reader); } }
public static object ToBlittableSupportedType(object value, DocumentConventions conventions, JsonOperationContext context) { if (value == null) { return(null); } var type = value.GetType(); var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } if (type == typeof(string)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(LazyStringValue) || type == typeof(LazyCompressedStringValue)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(bool)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(int) || type == typeof(long) || type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(decimal) || type == typeof(float) || type == typeof(uint) || type == typeof(ulong) || type == typeof(short) || type == typeof(byte)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(LazyNumberValue)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(DateTimeOffset) || type == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(Guid)) { return(((Guid)value).ToString("D")); } if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Enum))) { return(value.ToString()); } if (value is byte[] bytes) { return(Convert.ToBase64String(bytes)); } if (value is IDictionary dictionary) { var @object = new DynamicJsonValue(); foreach (var key in dictionary.Keys) { @object[key.ToString()] = ToBlittableSupportedType(dictionary[key], conventions, context); } return(@object); } if (value is IEnumerable enumerable) { var items = value is IEnumerable <object> objectEnumerable ? objectEnumerable.Select(x => ToBlittableSupportedType(x, conventions, context)) : enumerable.Cast <object>().Select(x => ToBlittableSupportedType(x, conventions, context)); return(new DynamicJsonArray(items)); } using (var writer = new BlittableJsonWriter(context)) { var serializer = conventions.CreateSerializer(); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("Value"); serializer.Serialize(writer, value); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.FinalizeDocument(); var reader = writer.CreateReader(); return(reader["Value"]); } }
public static void WriteIndexQuery(this BlittableJsonTextWriter writer, DocumentConventions conventions, JsonOperationContext context, IndexQuery query) { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.Query)); writer.WriteString(query.Query); writer.WriteComma(); if (query.PageSizeSet && query.PageSize >= 0) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.PageSize)); writer.WriteInteger(query.PageSize); writer.WriteComma(); } if (query.WaitForNonStaleResults) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.WaitForNonStaleResults)); writer.WriteBool(query.WaitForNonStaleResults); writer.WriteComma(); } if (query.Start > 0) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.Start)); writer.WriteInteger(query.Start); writer.WriteComma(); } if (query.WaitForNonStaleResultsTimeout.HasValue) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.WaitForNonStaleResultsTimeout)); writer.WriteString(query.WaitForNonStaleResultsTimeout.Value.ToInvariantString()); writer.WriteComma(); } if (query.DisableCaching) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.DisableCaching)); writer.WriteBool(query.DisableCaching); writer.WriteComma(); } #if FEATURE_SHOW_TIMINGS if (query.ShowTimings) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.ShowTimings)); writer.WriteBool(query.ShowTimings); writer.WriteComma(); } #endif if (query.SkipDuplicateChecking) { writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.SkipDuplicateChecking)); writer.WriteBool(query.SkipDuplicateChecking); writer.WriteComma(); } writer.WritePropertyName(nameof(query.QueryParameters)); if (query.QueryParameters != null) { writer.WriteObject(EntityToBlittable.ConvertEntityToBlittable(query.QueryParameters, conventions, context, conventions.CreateSerializer(), documentInfo: null)); } else { writer.WriteNull(); } writer.WriteEndObject(); }
public static BlittableJsonReaderObject ConvertEntityToBlittable( object entity, DocumentConventions conventions, JsonOperationContext context, JsonSerializer serializer = null, DocumentInfo documentInfo = null) { using (var writer = new BlittableJsonWriter(context, documentInfo)) return(ConvertEntityToBlittableInternal(entity, conventions, context, serializer ?? conventions.CreateSerializer(), writer)); }
public override HttpRequestMessage CreateRequest(JsonOperationContext ctx, ServerNode node, out string url) { url = $"{node.Url}/databases/{node.Database}/cmpxchg?key={_key}&index={_index}"; var djv = new DynamicJsonValue { ["Object"] = EntityToBlittable.ConvertToBlittableIfNeeded(_value, _conventions, ctx, _conventions.CreateSerializer(), documentInfo: null, removeIdentityProperty: false) }; var blittable = ctx.ReadObject(djv, _key); var request = new HttpRequestMessage { Method = HttpMethods.Put, Content = new BlittableJsonContent(stream => { ctx.Write(stream, blittable); }) }; return(request); }
public static object ToBlittableSupportedType(object value, DocumentConventions conventions, JsonOperationContext context) { if (value == null) { return(null); } var type = value.GetType(); var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } if (type == typeof(string)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(LazyStringValue) || type == typeof(LazyCompressedStringValue)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(bool)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(int) || type == typeof(long) || type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(decimal) || type == typeof(float)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(LazyNumberValue)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(DateTimeOffset) || type == typeof(TimeSpan)) { return(value); } if (type == typeof(Guid)) { return(((Guid)value).ToString("D")); } if (type == typeof(Enum)) { return(value.ToString()); } var dictionary = value as IDictionary; if (dictionary != null) { var @object = new DynamicJsonValue(); foreach (var key in dictionary.Keys) { @object[key.ToString()] = ToBlittableSupportedType(dictionary[key], conventions, context); } return(@object); } var enumerable = value as IEnumerable; if (enumerable != null) { var objectEnumerable = value as IEnumerable <object>; var items = objectEnumerable != null ? objectEnumerable.Select(x => ToBlittableSupportedType(x, conventions, context)) : enumerable.Cast <object>().Select(x => ToBlittableSupportedType(x, conventions, context)); return(new DynamicJsonArray(items)); } using (var writer = new BlittableJsonWriter(context)) { var serializer = conventions.CreateSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(writer, value); writer.FinalizeDocument(); return(writer.CreateReader()); } }