コード例 #1
        public IList <IDictionary <string, object> > RepositorySearchForPolId(IDictionary <string, string> properties,
                                                                              IList <DateRange> dateRanges = null,
                                                                              ObjectStore objectStore      = P8ContentEngine.DefaultObjectStore,
                                                                              DocumentClass documentClass  = P8ContentEngine.DefaultDocumentClass,
                                                                              bool adminOverride           = false)
            var whereClause = string.Concat(properties.Aggregate
                                                string.Empty, (current, pt) => string.Concat
                                                    current, string.Format
                                                        " AND '{1}' IN dc1.[{0}] ",
                                                        pt.Value.Replace("'", "''")
                                            ), BuildDateRangeSQL(dateRanges));

            var repositorySearch = new RepositorySearch
                SearchScope = new ObjectStoreScope
                    objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
                SearchSQL = string.Format(
                    @"SELECT TOP 500 * FROM {0} dc1 WHERE {1}",
                    Regex.Replace(whereClause, @"^\s+AND\s+?", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))

            var searchResult = Search(repositorySearch, adminOverride);

            var repositoryResults = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            if (searchResult != null && searchResult.Object != null)
                        o => o.Property.ToDictionary <PropertyType, string, object>
                            p => p.propertyId, Utilities.GetPropertyValue

コード例 #2
        public IEnumerable <SingleObjectResponse> GetDocumentObject(Guid id,
                                                                    IList <string> excludeProperties = null,
                                                                    IList <string> includeProperties = null,
                                                                    ObjectStore objectStore          = DefaultObjectStore,
                                                                    DocumentClass documentClass      = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var documentInfoRequest = new[]
                new ObjectRequestType
                    SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                        objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                        classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                        objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                    PropertyFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                        maxRecursion          = 2,
                        maxRecursionSpecified = true

            if (excludeProperties != null && excludeProperties.Any())
                documentInfoRequest.First().PropertyFilter.ExcludeProperties = excludeProperties.ToArray();

            if (includeProperties != null && includeProperties.Any())
                documentInfoRequest.First().PropertyFilter.IncludeProperties = (from ip in includeProperties
                                                                                select new FilterElementType
                    Value = ip

            return(GetObjects(documentInfoRequest).OfType <SingleObjectResponse>().ToList());
コード例 #3
        public IList <IDictionary <string, object> > RepositorySearch(IDictionary <string, string> properties,
                                                                      IList <DateRange> dateRanges = null,
                                                                      ObjectStore objectStore      = P8ContentEngine.DefaultObjectStore,
                                                                      DocumentClass documentClass  = P8ContentEngine.DefaultDocumentClass,
                                                                      bool adminOverride           = false)
            var whereClause = string.Concat(properties.Aggregate
                                                string.Empty, (current, pt) =>
                string strRet = "";
                if (pt.Key == "WorkflowGUID")
                    strRet += string.Concat
                        current, string.Format
                            " AND dc1.[{0}] = '{1}'",
                            pt.Value.Replace("'", "''")
                    strRet += string.Concat
                        current, string.Format
                            " AND dc1.[{0}] LIKE '%{1}%'",
                            pt.Value.Replace("'", "''")
                                            ), BuildDateRangeSQL(dateRanges));

            var repositorySearch = new RepositorySearch
                SearchScope = new ObjectStoreScope
                    objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
                SearchSQL = string.Format(
                    @"SELECT TOP 500 * FROM {0} dc1 WHERE {1}",
                    Regex.Replace(whereClause, @"^\s+AND\s+?", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))

//			var repositorySearch = new RepositorySearch
//			{
//				SearchScope = new ObjectStoreScope
//				{
//					objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
//				},
//				SearchSQL = string.Format(
//					@"SELECT TOP 500 dc1.*
//						FROM {0} dc1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN {0} dc2 ON dc1.ID = dc2.ID
//						WHERE ({1})
//						OR (dc1.ID = dc2.RelatedDocumentID OR dc1.RelatedDocumentID = dc2.RelatedDocumentID)
//					documentClass.GetDescription(),
//					Regex.Replace(whereClause, @"^\s+AND\s+?", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
//			};

            var searchResult = Search(repositorySearch, adminOverride);

            var repositoryResults = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            if (searchResult != null && searchResult.Object != null)
                        o => o.Property.ToDictionary <PropertyType, string, object>
                            p => p.propertyId, Utilities.GetPropertyValue

コード例 #4
        public IList <IDictionary <string, object> > ContentSearch(string keywords,
                                                                   IDictionary <string, string> properties = null,
                                                                   IList <DateRange> dateRanges            = null,
                                                                   ObjectStore objectStore     = P8ContentEngine.DefaultObjectStore,
                                                                   DocumentClass documentClass = P8ContentEngine.DefaultDocumentClass,
                                                                   bool adminOverride          = false)
            var whereClause = string.Concat(properties != null
                                ? Regex.Replace(properties.Aggregate
                                                    string.Empty, (current, pt) => string.Concat
                                                        current, string.Format
                                                            " AND dc1.[{0}] LIKE '%{1}%'",
                                                            pt.Value.Replace("'", "''")
                                                ), @"^\s+AND\s+?", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
                                : string.Empty, BuildDateRangeSQL(dateRanges));

            var contentSearch = new RepositorySearch
                SearchScope = new ObjectStoreScope
                    objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
                SearchSQL = string.Format(
                    @"SELECT TOP 500 cs.*, dc1.*
						FROM {0} dc1 INNER JOIN ContentSearch cs ON dc1.This = cs.QueriedObject
						WHERE CONTAINS(dc1.*, '{1}') {2}
						ORDER BY cs.Rank DESC
						OPTIONS (FULLTEXTROWLIMIT 500)"                        ,
                    keywords.Replace("'", "''"),
                                        ? string.Format("AND ({0})", whereClause) : string.Empty)

//			var contentSearch = new RepositorySearch
//			{
//				SearchScope = new ObjectStoreScope
//				{
//					objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
//				},
//				SearchSQL = string.Format(
//					@"SELECT TOP 500 *
//						FROM ({0} dc1 INNER JOIN ContentSearch cs ON dc1.This = cs.QueriedObject)
//						RIGHT OUTER JOIN {0} dc2 ON dc1.ID = dc2.ID
//						WHERE CONTAINS(dc1.*, '{1}')
//						AND ({2})
//						OR (dc1.ID = dc2.RelatedDocumentID OR dc1.RelatedDocumentID = dc2.RelatedDocumentID)
//						ORDER BY cs.Rank DESC
//					documentClass.GetDescription(),
//					keywords.Replace("'", "''"),
//					Regex.Replace(whereClause, @"^\s+AND\s+?", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
//			};

            var searchResults = Search(contentSearch, adminOverride);

            var contentResults = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            if (searchResults != null && searchResults.Object != null)
                foreach (var searchResult in searchResults.Object)
                    var dmsProperties = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                    foreach (var dmsProperty in searchResult.Property
                                 p => !dmsProperties.ContainsKey(p.propertyId)
                        dmsProperties.Add(dmsProperty.propertyId, Utilities.GetPropertyValue(dmsProperty));


コード例 #5
        public bool AllowDocumentAccess(Guid id,
                                        IList <string> allowUsers,
                                        ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                        DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var accessProperties = new List <DependentObjectType>();

            if (allowUsers != null)
                accessProperties.AddRange(allowUsers.Select(allowUser => new DependentObjectType
                    classId                  = "AccessPermission",
                    dependentAction          = DependentObjectTypeDependentAction.Insert,
                    dependentActionSpecified = true,
                    Property                 = new PropertyType[]
                        new SingletonString
                            propertyId = "GranteeName",
                            Value      = allowUser
                        new SingletonInteger32
                            propertyId     = "AccessType",
                            Value          = (int)AccessType.Allow,
                            ValueSpecified = true
                        new SingletonInteger32
                            propertyId     = "AccessMask",
                            Value          = (int)AccessLevel.WriteDocument,
                            ValueSpecified = true
                        new SingletonInteger32
                            propertyId     = "InheritableDepth",
                            Value          = 0,
                            ValueSpecified = true

            var actionProperties = new List <ModifiablePropertyType>
                new ListOfObject
                    propertyId = "Permissions",
                    Value      = accessProperties.ToArray()

            var updateRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id                  = "1",
                        Action              = new ActionType[] { new UpdateAction() },
                        ActionProperties    = actionProperties.ToArray(),
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(P8ContentEngine.DefaultIDFormat)
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            return(Execute(updateRequest, true).Length > 0);
コード例 #6
        public IList <IDictionary <string, object> > RetrieveDocumentAccess(Guid id,
                                                                            ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                                                            DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var accessInfoRequest = new[]
                new ObjectRequestType
                    SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                        objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                        classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                        objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                    PropertyFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                        maxRecursion          = 1,
                        maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                        IncludeProperties     = new[]
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "Permissions"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "AccessPermission"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "AccessMask"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "AccessType"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "GranteeName"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "GranteeType"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "InheritableDepth"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "PermissionSource"

            var accessInfoResponse = GetObjects(accessInfoRequest);

            var permissionsList = accessInfoResponse.OfType <SingleObjectResponse>()
                                  .SelectMany(o => o.Object.Property)
                                  .Where(p => p.propertyId == "Permissions")
                                  .Select(p => p as ListOfObject);

            var accessPermissions = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (var permission in permissionsList.SelectMany(o => o.Value))
                dynamic accessPermission = new ExpandoObject();

                foreach (var property in permission.Property)
                    switch (property.propertyId)
                    case "AccessMask":
                        accessPermission.AccessMask = ((SingletonInteger32)property).Value;

                    case "AccessType":
                        accessPermission.AccessType = ((SingletonInteger32)property).Value;

                    case "GranteeName":
                        accessPermission.GranteeName = ((SingletonString)property).Value;

                    case "GranteeType":
                        accessPermission.GranteeType = ((SingletonInteger32)property).Value;

                    case "InheritableDepth":
                        accessPermission.InheritableDepth = ((SingletonInteger32)property).Value;

                    case "PermissionSource":
                        accessPermission.PermissionSource = ((SingletonInteger32)property).Value;



コード例 #7
        public bool RemoveDocumentAccess(Guid id,
                                         IList <string> removeUsers,
                                         ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                         DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var permissionsList   = RetrieveDocumentAccess(id, objectStore, documentClass);
            var accessPermissions = removeUsers.Select
                u => permissionsList.FirstOrDefault
                    kvp => kvp["GranteeName"].ToString().Equals(u, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                                    ).Select(permissionsList.IndexOf).Where(i => i >= 0).Select
                userIndex => new DependentObjectType
                classId                  = "AccessPermission",
                dependentAction          = DependentObjectTypeDependentAction.Delete,
                dependentActionSpecified = true,
                originalIndex            = userIndex,
                originalIndexSpecified   = true

            if (accessPermissions.Length == 0)

            var actionProperties = new List <ModifiablePropertyType>
                new ListOfObject
                    propertyId = "Permissions",
                    Value      = accessPermissions

            var updateRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id                  = "1",
                        Action              = new ActionType[] { new UpdateAction() },
                        ActionProperties    = actionProperties.ToArray(),
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            return(Execute(updateRequest, true).Length > 0);
コード例 #8
        public Guid?CreateDocument(string name, byte[] content,
                                   IDictionary <string, object> properties = null,
                                   ObjectStore objectStore     = P8ContentEngine.DefaultObjectStore,
                                   DocumentClass documentClass = P8ContentEngine.DefaultDocumentClass)
            if (name == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(name));

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));

            properties = ResolveTitleAndMimeType(name, properties);

            var mimeType = properties.ContainsKey(MIME_TYPE) ? properties[MIME_TYPE] as string : MimeTypeUtility.DefaultType;

            var actionProperties = new List <ModifiablePropertyType>
                new ListOfObject
                    propertyId = "ContentElements",
                    Value      = new[]
                        new DependentObjectType
                            classId                  = "ContentTransfer",
                            dependentAction          = DependentObjectTypeDependentAction.Insert,
                            dependentActionSpecified = true,
                            Property                 = new PropertyType[]
                                new SingletonString
                                    propertyId = "ContentType",
                                    Value      = mimeType
                                new SingletonString
                                    propertyId = "RetrievalName",
                                    Value      = name
                                new ContentData
                                    propertyId = "Content",
                                    Value      = new InlineContent
                                        Binary = content

            if (properties != null)

            var executeRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id     = "1",
                        Action = new ActionType[]
                            new CreateAction
                                classId = documentClass.GetDescription()
                            new CheckinAction
                                autoClassify                 = true,
                                autoClassifySpecified        = true,
                                checkinMinorVersion          = true,
                                checkinMinorVersionSpecified = true
                            new PromoteVersionAction()
                        ActionProperties    = actionProperties.ToArray(),
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectReference
                            classId     = "ObjectStore",
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription()
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            var createResults = Execute(executeRequest, "ID");

            var id = (from cr in createResults.FirstOrDefault()
                      where cr.Key.Equals("ID", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                      select cr.Value).FirstOrDefault();

            if (id != null)
                return(new Guid(id.ToString()));

コード例 #9
        public bool DeleteDocument(Guid id, bool allVersions,
                                   ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                   DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            if (allVersions)
                var deleteInfoRequest = new[]
                    new ObjectRequestType
                        SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                        PropertyFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                            maxRecursion          = 1,
                            maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                            IncludeProperties     = new[]
                                new FilterElementType {
                                    Value = "VersionSeries"

                var deleteInfoResponse = GetObjects(deleteInfoRequest);

                var series = (from responseProperty in (((SingleObjectResponse)deleteInfoResponse[0]).Object).Property
                              where responseProperty.propertyId == "VersionSeries"
                              select((SingletonObject)responseProperty).Value as ObjectValue).FirstOrDefault();

                if (series != null)
                    id = new Guid(series.objectId);
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not retrieve the version series for {0}",

            var deleteRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id     = "1",
                        Action = new ActionType[] { new DeleteAction() },
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = (allVersions) ? "VersionSeries" : documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(P8ContentEngine.DefaultIDFormat)
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            var deleteResult = Execute(deleteRequest);

            return((deleteResult.Length > 0) && deleteResult[0].id == "1");
コード例 #10
        public bool CheckinDocument(Guid id,
                                    ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                    DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var checkinInfoRequest = new[]
                new ObjectRequestType
                    SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                        objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                        classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                        objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                    PropertyFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                        maxRecursion          = 1,
                        maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                        IncludeProperties     = new[]
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "Reservation"

            var checkinInfoResponse = GetObjects(checkinInfoRequest);

            var reservation = (from responseProperty in (((SingleObjectResponse)checkinInfoResponse[0]).Object).Property
                               where responseProperty.propertyId == "Reservation"
                               select((SingletonObject)responseProperty).Value as ObjectValue).FirstOrDefault();

            if (reservation != null)
                id = new Guid(reservation.objectId);

            var checkinRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id     = "1",
                        Action = new ActionType[]
                            new CheckinAction
                                autoClassify                 = true,
                                autoClassifySpecified        = true,
                                checkinMinorVersion          = true,
                                checkinMinorVersionSpecified = true
                            new PromoteVersionAction()
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectReference
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                        RefreshFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                            maxRecursion          = 1,
                            maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                            IncludeProperties     = new[]
                                new FilterElementType {
                                    Value = "VersionStatus"
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            var checkinResponse = Execute(checkinRequest);

            var versionStatus = (from responseProperty in checkinResponse[0].Property
                                 where responseProperty.propertyId == "VersionStatus"
                                 select responseProperty as SingletonInteger32).FirstOrDefault();

            return(versionStatus != null &&
                   versionStatus.Value == (int)VersionStatus.Released);
コード例 #11
        public Guid?CheckoutDocument(Guid id,
                                     ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                     DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var checkoutInfoRequest = new[]
                new ObjectRequestType
                    SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                        objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                        classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                        objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                    PropertyFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                        maxRecursion          = 1,
                        maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                        IncludeProperties     = new[]
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "CurrentVersion"
                            new FilterElementType {
                                Value = "Reservation"

            var checkoutInfoResponse = GetObjects(checkoutInfoRequest);

            var reservation = (from responseProperty in (((SingleObjectResponse)checkoutInfoResponse[0]).Object).Property
                               where responseProperty.propertyId == "Reservation"
                               select((SingletonObject)responseProperty).Value as ObjectValue).FirstOrDefault();

            if (reservation != null)
                return(new Guid(reservation.objectId));

            var currentVersion = (from responseProperty in (((SingleObjectResponse)checkoutInfoResponse[0]).Object).Property
                                  where responseProperty.propertyId == "CurrentVersion"
                                  select((SingletonObject)responseProperty).Value as ObjectValue).FirstOrDefault();

            if (currentVersion != null)
                id = new Guid(currentVersion.objectId);

            var executeRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id     = "1",
                        Action = new ActionType[]
                            new CheckoutAction
                                reservationType          = ReservationType.Exclusive,
                                reservationTypeSpecified = true
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectReference
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                        RefreshFilter = new PropertyFilterType
                            maxRecursion          = 1,
                            maxRecursionSpecified = true,
                            IncludeProperties     = new[]
                                new FilterElementType {
                                    Value = "Reservation"
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true

            var checkoutResponse = Execute(executeRequest);

            reservation = (from responseProperty in checkoutResponse[0].Property
                           where responseProperty.propertyId == "Reservation"
                           select((SingletonObject)responseProperty).Value as ObjectValue).FirstOrDefault();

            if (reservation != null)
                return(new Guid(reservation.objectId));

コード例 #12
        public IList <byte[]> GetDocumentContent(Guid id,
                                                 IEnumerable <SingleObjectResponse> documentObject = null,
                                                 ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                                 DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var inlineContents = new List <byte[]>();

            var documentInfoResponse = documentObject ?? GetDocumentObject(id, null, null, objectStore, documentClass);

            var contentElements = documentInfoResponse.SelectMany
                o => o.Object.Property.OfType <ListOfObject>().Where
                    p => p.propertyId.Equals("ContentElements", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)

            foreach (var contentElement in contentElements.Where(ce => ce.Value != null))
                for (var contentIter = 0; contentIter < contentElement.Value.Length; contentIter++)
                    var contentRequest = new[]
                        new ContentRequestType
                            id                    = "1",
                            cacheAllowed          = true,
                            cacheAllowedSpecified = true,
                            maxBytes              = 1024 * 1024,
                            maxBytesSpecified     = false,
                            startOffset           = 0,
                            startOffsetSpecified  = true,
                            continueFrom          = null,
                            ElementSpecification  = new ElementSpecificationType
                                itemIndex                      = contentIter,
                                itemIndexSpecified             = true,
                                elementSequenceNumber          = 0,
                                elementSequenceNumberSpecified = false
                            SourceSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                                objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                                classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                                objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)

                    var contentResponse = GetContents(contentRequest);

                        contentResponse.OfType <ContentElementResponse>().Select
                            o => ((InlineContent)o.Content).Binary

コード例 #13
        public bool UpdateDocument(Guid id, string name, byte[] content,
                                   IDictionary <string, object> properties = null,
                                   ObjectStore objectStore     = DefaultObjectStore,
                                   DocumentClass documentClass = DefaultDocumentClass)
            var updateContent    = name != null && content != null;
            var updateProperties = properties != null && properties.Count > 0;

            if (!updateContent && !updateProperties)
                throw new ArgumentException("Insufficient arguments provided (name, content and/or properties)");

            properties = ResolveTitleAndMimeType(name, properties);

            var mimeType = properties.ContainsKey(MIME_TYPE) ? properties[MIME_TYPE] as string : MimeTypeUtility.DefaultType;

            var reservationID = updateContent
                                    ? CheckoutDocument(id, objectStore, documentClass)
                                    : Guid.Empty;

            if (reservationID != null && reservationID != Guid.Empty)
                id = reservationID.Value;

            var actionProperties = new List <ModifiablePropertyType>();

            if (updateContent)
                actionProperties.Add(new ListOfObject
                    propertyId = "ContentElements",
                    Value      = new[]
                        new DependentObjectType
                            classId                  = "ContentTransfer",
                            dependentAction          = DependentObjectTypeDependentAction.Insert,
                            dependentActionSpecified = true,
                            Property                 = new PropertyType[]
                                new SingletonString
                                    propertyId = "ContentType",
                                    Value      = mimeType
                                new ContentData
                                    propertyId = "Content",
                                    Value      = new InlineContent
                                        Binary = content

            if (updateProperties)

            var updateRequest = new ExecuteChangesRequest
                ChangeRequest = new[]
                    new ChangeRequestType
                        id                  = "1",
                        Action              = new ActionType[] { new UpdateAction() },
                        ActionProperties    = actionProperties.ToArray(),
                        TargetSpecification = new ObjectSpecification
                            objectStore = objectStore.GetDescription(),
                            classId     = documentClass.GetDescription(),
                            objectId    = id.ToString(DefaultIDFormat)
                refresh          = true,
                refreshSpecified = true


            return((!updateContent) || CheckinDocument(id, objectStore, documentClass));