コード例 #1
        private void RemoveAppointment(int key)
            Appointment appointment = _appointmentLookup[key];
            Appointment emptyAppointment;

            int    doctorColumn = 0;
            string colour;

            for (int i = 0; i < DoctorsOnShiftCount; i++)
                if (DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(i).DoctorName.Equals(appointment.DoctorName))
                    doctorColumn = i;

            colour = DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(doctorColumn).Colour;

            emptyAppointment = new Appointment()
                DateTime = DateTime.Today, Type = "", Height = "35", Margin = "0,1,0,0", Patient = "", Colour = colour, Cursor = "Hand", RowSpan = "1", Opacity = "0"

            InsertAppointment(doctorColumn, emptyAppointment);
コード例 #2
        public int FindDrColumnForDrName(string name)
            for (int i = 0; i < DoctorsOnShiftCount; i++)
                if (DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(i).DoctorName.Equals(name))

コード例 #3
        public int FindDrColumnForAppointment(Appointment appointment)
            for (int i = 0; i < DoctorsOnShiftCount; i++)
                if (DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(i).DoctorName.Equals(appointment.DoctorName))

コード例 #4
        // All appointments - even empty - are stored in the mock database.
        // Since empty appointments also have a unique key, you need to construct that key to use this function.
        //     The key for an appt on December 01, 2017 @ 14:45:00 with Dr. Specter is constructed as follows:
        //          - set the appointment's DateTime property.
        //                  newAppt.DateTime = new DateTime(2017, 12, 01, 14, 45, 0);
        //          - get the hash code of the DateTime property.
        //                  hashCode = newAppt.DateTime.GetHashCode();
        //          - add the doctor column corresponding to Dr. Specter (which is 1) to the hash code. This value can be obtained
        //            using the function in this class with signature "public int FindDrColumnForDrName(string name)",
        //            or by manually entering the value --    Dr. Pearson = 0     Dr. Specter = 1     Dr. Paulsen = 2.
        //                  - Example using function.
        //                      DayInformationViewModel DIVM = this.DataContext as DayInformationViewModel;
        //                      hashCode = hashCode + DIVM.AVM.FindDrColumnForDrName("Dr. Specter");
        //                  - Example using hardcoded value.
        //                      hashCode = hashCode + 1; -- This may not be possible depending on how the view is set up.
        //                                               -- One possible way could be to make sure the Dr. Combo Box in the
        //                                                      new appt sidebar an ordering coinciding with the Dr columns.
        //                                                      Then when the appt is created add the value of DrComboBox.SelectedIndex
        //                                                      to the hash code.
        //          - Set the values of the appointment.
        //          - Use this function with "hashCode" as the key and "newAppt" as the appointment.
        //          - See the "Appointment" class for some comments on creating a new appointment since there are a ton of fields.
        //              and not all of them are necessary, some are not accessible, and some are crucial.
        // The appointment is the appointment you would like to place in that slot.
        // If the appointment is a standard appointment and the slot is not empty, it returns false and does not effect the database.
        // If the appointment is a consultation and two contiguous slots are not empty, it returns false and does not effect the database.
        public bool AddAppointment(Appointment appointment, int key)
            if (!(_appointmentLookup[key].Type != ""))
                Console.WriteLine("Appointment Slot Not Empty, type is: " + _appointmentLookup[key].Type);

            if (appointment.Type == "Consultation")
                Appointment apptThatFollows = FindAppointmentThatFollows(appointment);
                if (apptThatFollows.Type != "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Consultations require 30 mins, only 15 available from appointment start time.");

            _appointmentLookup[key] = appointment;

            int doctorColumn = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < DoctorsOnShiftCount; i++)
                if (DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(i).DoctorName.Equals(appointment.DoctorName))
                    doctorColumn = i;

            InsertAppointment(doctorColumn, appointment);

コード例 #5
        private void PopulateAppointmentDatabase(int startTime)
            DateTime date;

            List <Appointment>[] listOfAppointmentsArray;
            List <Appointment>   listOfAppointments;
            int    hashCode;
            int    time;
            string bindingCode = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < DoctorsOnShiftCount; i++)
                listOfAppointmentsArray = _appointmentDictionary[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < _numDaysPopulated; j++)
                    listOfAppointments = listOfAppointmentsArray[j];

                    date = _beginningOfAllTime.AddDays(j);
                    time = startTime;
                    for (int k = 0; k < listOfAppointments.Count; k++)
                        listOfAppointments[k].StartTime = time;
                        listOfAppointments[k].DateTime  = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, time / 100, time % 100, 0);

                        hashCode = listOfAppointments[k].DateTime.GetHashCode();

                        time += 15;

                        if (time % 100 >= 60)
                            time += 40;

                        if (listOfAppointments[k].Type.Equals("Consultation"))
                            int bigTime = time + 15;

                            if (bigTime % 100 >= 60)
                                bigTime += 40;

                            listOfAppointments[k].EndTime = bigTime;
                            listOfAppointments[k].EndTime = time;

                        listOfAppointments[k].ID = (hashCode + i).ToString();

                        int    st  = listOfAppointments[k].StartTime;
                        int    end = listOfAppointments[k].EndTime;
                        Doctor d   = DoctorsOnShift.ElementAt(i);

                        if (st < d.ShiftStart || end > d.ShiftEnd)
                            listOfAppointments[k].IsClickable = "false";
                            listOfAppointments[k].Colour      = "SlateGray";
                            listOfAppointments[k].Opacity     = "0.5";
                            listOfAppointments[k].IsClickable = "true";

                        _appointmentLookup.Add(hashCode + i, listOfAppointments[k]);

                    bindingCode = (i + 1).ToString() + date.Day.ToString() + date.Month.ToString() + date.Year.ToString();
                    _drScheduleMap.Add(Int32.Parse(bindingCode), listOfAppointments);

                    Console.WriteLine("Binding Code in dictionary: " + bindingCode);