/// <summary> /// Iterate the docTypes (Label, Manifest, ...), until you find one that needs fetching /// This method calls itself indirectly, until there is nothing more to fetch. /// </summary> private async Task GetNextExpectedDocument() { bool requestStarted = false; bool moveSucceeded = true; moveSucceeded = docIndex.MoveNext(); while (moveSucceeded && !requestStarted) { DocTypes type = docIndex.Current; if (docStatus[type] == DocStatusses.OnTNTServer) { requestStarted = true; await GetDocument(type); } else { moveSucceeded = docIndex.MoveNext(); } } if (!moveSucceeded) //no more docTypes, it means we're ready { this.Status = Statusses.Ready; FireShipRequestReady(); } }
public void AddDocTypes(IList <Entities.DocType> docTypes) { foreach (Entities.DocType docType in docTypes) { var avm = new DocTypeViewModel(docType); DocTypes.Add(avm); } }
private void FireDocumentRequest(DocTypes DocType) { EventHandler <DocEventArgs> handler = DocumentRequest; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new DocEventArgs(DocType)); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns detailed information about user or community documents. /// </summary> /// <param name="count">Number of documents to return. By default, all documents.</param> /// <param name="offset">Offset needed to return a specific subset of documents.</param> /// <param name="type">The type to filter on.</param> /// <param name="ownerId">ID of the user or community that owns the documents. Use a negative value to designate a community ID. </param> /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="Doc"/> objects.</returns> public async Task <Response <ItemsList <Doc> > > Get(int?count = null, int?offset = null, DocTypes type = DocTypes.Undefined, int?ownerId = null) => await Request <ItemsList <Doc> >("get", new MethodParams { { "count", count }, { "offset", offset }, { "type", (int)type }, { "owner_id", ownerId } });
private void FireDocumentReceived(DocTypes DocType) { EventHandler <DocEventArgs> handler2 = DocumentReceived; if (handler2 != null) { handler2(this, new DocEventArgs(DocType)); } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "DocTypeId,DocType,DocExt,DocIcon,IsActive,AddedBy,AddedOn,EditedBy,EditedOn,StatusId")] DocTypes docTypes) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.DocTypes.Add(docTypes); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(docTypes)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "DocTypeId,DocType,DocExt,DocIcon,IsActive,EditedBy,EditedOn,StatusId", Exclude = "AddedBy,AddedOn")] DocTypes docTypes) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(docTypes).State = EntityState.Modified; db.Entry(docTypes).Property(uco => uco.AddedBy).IsModified = false; db.Entry(docTypes).Property(uco => uco.AddedOn).IsModified = false; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(docTypes)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a documentation link given a reference /// </summary> /// <returns>The link.</returns> /// <param name="type">Type.</param> /// <param name="reference">Reference.</param> public static string GetLink(DocTypes type, string reference) { if (type == DocTypes.Api) { return(GetApiLink(reference)); } if (type == DocTypes.Doc) { return(GetDocLink(reference)); } return("https://doc.photonengine.com"); }
// GET: DocTypes/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } DocTypes docTypes = db.DocTypes.Find(id); if (docTypes == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(docTypes)); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch one of the 4 printable documents, as readonly, from the TNT server, apply an XSLT stylesheet, /// then send it to a printer (last point still TODO) /// </summary> /// <param name="type">One of the four document types</param> private async Task GetDocument(DocTypes type) { docStatus[type] = DocStatusses.Fetching; FireDocumentRequest(type); FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "xml_in", "GET_" + type.ToString().ToUpper() + ":" + this.accessCode } }); PostResults resp = await PostAsync(content, expectXml : true); //Choose the stylsheet fitting to the doc type XslCompiledTransform xsl = new XslCompiledTransform(); switch (type) { case DocTypes.Label: xsl.Load(typeof(AddressLabelXsl)); break; case DocTypes.Manifest: xsl.Load(typeof(ManifestXsl)); break; case DocTypes.Connote: xsl.Load(typeof(ConsignmentNoteXsl)); break; case DocTypes.Invoice: xsl.Load(typeof(CommercialInvoiceXsl)); break; } //Transform the response, with the stylesheet, then layout and print TextWriter wri = new StringWriter(); XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); xsl.Transform(resp.Xml.docR, args, wri); bool loadingProblems = printQueue.AddPrintJob(wri.ToString()); //Load into browser, then print if (loadingProblems) { FireDocumentLoadError(0, "One of the HTML documents to be printed did not load into the .NET browser properly."); } docStatus[type] = DocStatusses.Fetched; FireDocumentReceived(type); await GetNextExpectedDocument(); //the recursive call will end after max 4 iterations (the docTypes). }
//Which documents are available on the TNT server, according to this Result doc? private bool IsPrintCreated(DocTypes type) { bool created = false; if (hasPrint) { string xpath = "/document/PRINT/" + type.ToString() + "/text()"; var node = doc.nav.SelectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { created = node.Value == "CREATED"; } } return(created); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { try { DocTypes docTypes = db.DocTypes.Find(id); docTypes.StatusId = 0; // on delete setting up the row status column to 0 for softdelete. 1 is active db.Entry(docTypes).State = EntityState.Modified; //db.Users.Remove(users); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw e; } }
// GET: DocTypes/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } DocTypes docTypes = db.DocTypes.Find(id); if (docTypes == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } //ViewBag.UserTypeId = new SelectList(db.UserTypes, "UserTypeId", "UserType", users.UserTypeId); ViewBag.StatusId = new SelectList(db.RStatus, "StatusId", "StatusName", docTypes.StatusId); // ViewBag.UStatusId = new SelectList(db.UStatus, "UStatusId", "UStatusName", users.UStatusId); return(View(docTypes)); }
private void InitRepository() { _testRepository = new List <ContentEditorModel>(); var tabIds = _docTypes.SelectMany(tabs => tabs.DefinedTabs).Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); var currTab = 0; XmlData.Root.Descendants() .Where(x => x.Attribute("isDoc") != null) .ToList() .ForEach(x => { var customProperties = new List <ContentProperty>(); //create the model var parentId = x.Attribute("parentID"); var publishedScheduledDate = x.Attribute("publishedScheduledDate"); var unpublishedScheduledDate = x.Attribute("unPublishedScheduledDate"); var publishedDate = x.Attribute("publishedDate"); //BUG: We need to change this back once the Hive IO provider is fixed and it get its ProviderMetadata.MappingRoot set // (APN) - I've changed back //var template = ((string)x.Attribute("template")).IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? HiveId.Empty : new HiveId((Uri)null, "templates", new HiveIdValue((string)x.Attribute("template"))); var template = ((string)x.Attribute("template")).IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? HiveId.Empty : new HiveId(new Uri("storage://templates"), "templates", new HiveIdValue((string)x.Attribute("template"))); var docType = string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)x.Attribute("nodeType")) ? null : DocTypes.Where(d => d.Id == HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid((int)x.Attribute("nodeType"))).SingleOrDefault(); var contentNode = new ContentEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid((int)x.Attribute("id"))) { Name = (string)x.Attribute("nodeName"), DocumentTypeId = docType == null ? HiveId.Empty : docType.Id, DocumentTypeName = docType == null ? "" : docType.Name, DocumentTypeAlias = docType == null ? "" : docType.Alias, ParentId = parentId != null ? HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid((int)parentId) : HiveId.Empty, //assign the properties Properties = GetNodeProperties((int)x.Attribute("id"), template) }; //add the new model _testRepository.Add(contentNode); }); }
private void ReplaceDocTypeForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // инициализация таблиц _docTypesTable = DocTypes.CreatetTable(); // инициализация биндинг сорса _docTypesBS = new BindingSource(); _docTypesBS.DataSource = _docTypesTable; _docTypesBS.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(_docTypesBS_CurrentChanged); //биндинг сорс как источник для выпадающего меню docTypesComboBox.DataSource = _docTypesBS; docTypesComboBox.ValueMember = DocTypes.id; docTypesComboBox.DisplayMember = DocTypes.name; //формирование строки запроса, где 2 - тип пакета из таблицы List_Types string commandStr = DocTypes.GetSelectText(2); //заполнение таблицы _docTypesAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(commandStr, new SQLiteConnection(_connection)); _docTypesAdapter.Fill(_docTypesTable); curDocRadioButton.Checked = true; }
public DocErrorArgs(DocTypes DocType, int ErrorNumber, string Description) { this.DocType = DocType; this.ErrorNumber = ErrorNumber; this.Description = Description; }
public DocEventArgs(DocTypes DocType) { this.DocType = DocType; }
public override void UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema() { base.UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema(); //string name = "MyName"; //DomainObject1 theObject = ObjectSpace.FindObject<DomainObject1>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Name=?", name)); //if(theObject == null) { // theObject = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<DomainObject1>(); // theObject.Name = name; //} string temp = ""; string tempname = ""; temp = GeneralSettings.hq; tempname = GeneralSettings.hq; Companies company = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Companies>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (company == null) { company = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Companies>(); company.BoCode = temp; company.BoName = tempname; } SystemUsers sampleUser = ObjectSpace.FindObject <SystemUsers>(new BinaryOperator("UserName", "User")); if (sampleUser == null) { sampleUser = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <SystemUsers>(); sampleUser.UserName = "******"; sampleUser.Company = sampleUser.Session.FindObject <Companies>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", GeneralSettings.hq)); sampleUser.SetPassword(""); } PermissionPolicyRole defaultRole = CreateDefaultRole(); sampleUser.Roles.Add(defaultRole); SystemUsers userAdmin = ObjectSpace.FindObject <SystemUsers>(new BinaryOperator("UserName", "Admin")); if (userAdmin == null) { userAdmin = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <SystemUsers>(); userAdmin.UserName = "******"; userAdmin.Company = userAdmin.Session.FindObject <Companies>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", GeneralSettings.hq)); // Set a password if the standard authentication type is used userAdmin.SetPassword(""); } // If a role with the Administrators name doesn't exist in the database, create this role PermissionPolicyRole adminRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", "SA")); if (adminRole == null) { adminRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); adminRole.Name = "SA"; } adminRole.IsAdministrative = true; userAdmin.Roles.Add(adminRole); temp = GeneralSettings.claimrole; PermissionPolicyRole claimRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (claimRole == null) { claimRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); claimRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.claimsuperrole; PermissionPolicyRole claimsuperRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (claimsuperRole == null) { claimsuperRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); claimsuperRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.verifyrole; PermissionPolicyRole verifyRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (verifyRole == null) { verifyRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); verifyRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.Acceptancerole; PermissionPolicyRole AcceptanceRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (AcceptanceRole == null) { AcceptanceRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); AcceptanceRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.postrole; PermissionPolicyRole postRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (postRole == null) { postRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); postRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.ApprovalRole; PermissionPolicyRole approveRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (approveRole == null) { approveRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); approveRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.RejectApproveRole; PermissionPolicyRole RejectApproveRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(new BinaryOperator("Name", temp)); if (RejectApproveRole == null) { RejectApproveRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <PermissionPolicyRole>(); RejectApproveRole.Name = temp; } temp = GeneralSettings.defclaimdoc; tempname = "Normal Claim"; DocTypes doctype = ObjectSpace.FindObject <DocTypes>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (doctype == null) { doctype = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <DocTypes>(); doctype.BoCode = temp; doctype.BoName = tempname; } ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); //This line persists created object(s). temp = GeneralSettings.defaulttax; tempname = GeneralSettings.defaulttax; Taxes tax = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Taxes>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (tax == null) { tax = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Taxes>(); tax.BoCode = temp; tax.BoName = tempname; } if (GeneralSettings.defaultmileagetax != GeneralSettings.defaulttax) { temp = GeneralSettings.defaultmileagetax; tempname = GeneralSettings.defaultmileagetax; Taxes mtax = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Taxes>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (mtax == null) { mtax = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Taxes>(); mtax.BoCode = temp; mtax.BoName = tempname; } } temp = GeneralSettings.defmileage; tempname = GeneralSettings.defmileage; Mileages mileage = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Mileages>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (mileage == null) { mileage = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Mileages>(); mileage.BoCode = temp; mileage.BoName = tempname; } temp = GeneralSettings.defaultregion; tempname = "Local"; Regions region = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Regions>(new BinaryOperator("BoCode", temp)); if (region == null) { region = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Regions>(); region.BoCode = temp; region.BoName = tempname; } ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); //This line persists created object(s). }