コード例 #1
        private IGossipSeedSource GetGossipSource()
            IGossipSeedSource gossipSeedSource;

            if (_discoverViaDns)
                gossipSeedSource = new DnsGossipSeedSource(_clusterDns, _clusterGossipPort);
                if ((_gossipSeeds == null || _gossipSeeds.Count == 0) && _clusterNodeCount > 1)
                    throw new Exception("DNS discovery is disabled, but no gossip seed endpoints have been specified. "
                                        + "Specify gossip seeds");

                if (_gossipSeeds == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Gossip seeds cannot be null");
                gossipSeedSource = new KnownEndpointGossipSeedSource(_gossipSeeds.ToArray());
コード例 #2
        protected override void Create(ClusterNodeOptions opts)
            var dbPath = Path.GetFullPath(ResolveDbPath(opts.DbPath, opts.ExternalHttpPort));

            if (!opts.InMemDb)
                _dbLock = new ExclusiveDbLock(dbPath);
                if (!_dbLock.Acquire())
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Couldn't acquire exclusive lock on DB at '{0}'.", dbPath));
            _clusterNodeMutex = new ClusterNodeMutex();
            if (!_clusterNodeMutex.Acquire())
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Couldn't acquire exclusive Cluster Node mutex '{0}'.", _clusterNodeMutex.MutexName));

            var dbConfig = CreateDbConfig(dbPath, opts.CachedChunks, opts.ChunksCacheSize, opts.InMemDb);

            FileStreamExtensions.ConfigureFlush(disableFlushToDisk: opts.UnsafeDisableFlushToDisk);
            var db            = new TFChunkDb(dbConfig);
            var vNodeSettings = GetClusterVNodeSettings(opts);

            IGossipSeedSource gossipSeedSource;

            if (opts.DiscoverViaDns)
                gossipSeedSource = new DnsGossipSeedSource(opts.ClusterDns, opts.ClusterGossipPort);
                if (opts.GossipSeeds.Length == 0)
                    if (opts.ClusterSize > 1)
                        Log.Error(string.Format("DNS discovery is disabled, but no gossip seed endpoints have been specified. " +
                                                "Specify gossip seeds using the --{0} command line option.", Opts.GossipSeedCmd));
                        Log.Info(string.Format("DNS discovery is disabled, but no gossip seed endpoints have been specified. Since" +
                                               "the cluster size is set to 1, this may be intentional. Gossip seeds can be specified" +
                                               "seeds using the --{0} command line option.", Opts.GossipSeedCmd));

                gossipSeedSource = new KnownEndpointGossipSeedSource(opts.GossipSeeds);

            var dbVerifyHashes = !opts.SkipDbVerify;
            var runProjections = opts.RunProjections;

            Log.Info("\n{0,-25} {1}\n"
                     + "{2,-25} {3}\n"
                     + "{4,-25} {5} (0x{5:X})\n"
                     + "{6,-25} {7} (0x{7:X})\n"
                     + "{8,-25} {9} (0x{9:X})\n"
                     + "{10,-25} {11} (0x{11:X})\n",
                     "INSTANCE ID:", vNodeSettings.NodeInfo.InstanceId,
                     "DATABASE:", db.Config.Path,
                     "WRITER CHECKPOINT:", db.Config.WriterCheckpoint.Read(),
                     "CHASER CHECKPOINT:", db.Config.ChaserCheckpoint.Read(),
                     "EPOCH CHECKPOINT:", db.Config.EpochCheckpoint.Read(),
                     "TRUNCATE CHECKPOINT:", db.Config.TruncateCheckpoint.Read());

            var enabledNodeSubsystems = runProjections >= RunProjections.System
                ? new[] { NodeSubsystems.Projections }
                : new NodeSubsystems[0];

            _projections = new Projections.Core.ProjectionsSubsystem(opts.ProjectionThreads, opts.RunProjections);
            _node        = new ClusterVNode(db, vNodeSettings, gossipSeedSource, dbVerifyHashes, opts.MaxMemTableSize, _projections);
            RegisterWebControllers(enabledNodeSubsystems, vNodeSettings);