public static CloudStorageBase Get() { if (Handler == null) { lock (LockObj) { if (Handler == null) { Assembly[] LoadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); foreach (var Dll in LoadedAssemblies) { Type[] AllTypes = Dll.GetTypes(); foreach (var PotentialConfigType in AllTypes) { if (PotentialConfigType != typeof(CloudStorageBase) && typeof(CloudStorageBase).IsAssignableFrom(PotentialConfigType)) { Handler = Activator.CreateInstance(PotentialConfigType) as CloudStorageBase; break; } } } } } if (Handler == null) { throw new AutomationException("Attempt to use CloudStorageBase.Get() and it doesn't appear that there are any modules that implement this class."); } } return(Handler); }
public List <Dll> Post(ApiCall call) { var formresult = Kooboo.Lib.NETMultiplePart.FormReader.ReadForm(call.Context.Request.PostData); var tempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir); var dlls = new List <Dll>(); foreach (var item in formresult.Files) { Dll newdll = new Dll(); newdll.AssemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.FileName); newdll.Content = item.Bytes; var path = Path.Combine(tempDir, newdll.AssemblyName + ".dll"); File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdll.Content); newdll.AssemblyVersion = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(path).Version.ToString(); File.Delete(path); dlls.Add(newdll); } Directory.Delete(tempDir); foreach (var dll in dlls) { Data.GlobalDb.Dlls.AddOrUpdate(dll); } return(dlls); }
protected void registerDLL(string name) { Dll dll = new Dll(); dll.init(name); mDllLibraryList.Add(dll.getName(), dll); }
public void init() { Dll dll = new Dll(); dll.init(WINMM_DLL); mDllLibraryList.Add(dll.getName(), dll); }
private static void Init() { if (!init) { string findJvmDir = FindJvmDir(); AddEnvironmentPath(findJvmDir); var args = new JavaVMInitArgs(); try { //just load DLL Dll.JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args); init = true; } catch (BadImageFormatException ex) { // it didn't help, throw original exception throw new JNIException("Can't initialize jni4net. (32bit vs 64bit JVM vs CLR ?)" + "\nCLR architecture: " + ((IntPtr.Size == 8) ? "64bit" : "32bit") + "\nJAVA_HOME: " + (Bridge.Setup == null || Bridge.Setup.JavaHome == null ? "null" : Path.GetFullPath(Bridge.Setup.JavaHome)) , ex); } } }
public void GetData(Resource res, Format format, int subresource, Size3 dim, IntPtr dst, uint size) { Debug.Assert(IO.SupportedFormats.Contains(format) || format == Format.R8_UInt); int pixelSize = 4; if (format == Format.R32G32B32A32_Float) { pixelSize = 16; } if (format == Format.R8_UInt) { pixelSize = 1; } // verify expected size Debug.Assert((uint)(dim.Product * pixelSize) == size); var data = context.MapSubresource(res, subresource, MapMode.Read, MapFlags.None); int rowSize = dim.Width * pixelSize; int sliceOffset = data.SlicePitch - data.RowPitch * dim.Height; for (int curZ = 0; curZ < dim.Depth; ++curZ) { for (int curY = 0; curY < dim.Height; ++curY) { Dll.CopyMemory(dst, data.DataPointer, (uint)rowSize); dst += rowSize; data.DataPointer += data.RowPitch; } data.DataPointer += sliceOffset; } context.UnmapSubresource(res, subresource); }
/// <summary> /// 私聊消息处理事件 /// </summary> private static void FriendMessageHandler(string fn) { Task task = new Task(() => { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); ReceiveMessage PrivateMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReceiveMessage>(fn); string message = ProgressMessage.Start(PrivateMessage); var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); message = GB18030.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, GB18030, b)); int msgID = PrivateMessage.CurrentPacket.Data.MsgSeq; ReceiveMessage.Data data = PrivateMessage.CurrentPacket.Data; if (PrivateMessage.CurrentPacket.Data.FromUin == Save.curentQQ && !Save.ReceiveSelfMsg) { Dll.AddMsgToSave(new Deserizition.Message(msgID, data.MsgRandom, data.MsgSeq, data.FromUin, data.FromGroupId, data.MsgTime, message, data.TempUin)); return; } int logid = LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.InfoReceive, "OPQBot框架", "[↓]收到好友消息", $"QQ:{data.FromUin} {message}", "处理中..."); var c = new Deserizition.Message(msgID, data.MsgRandom, data.MsgSeq, data.FromUin, data.FromGroupId, data.MsgTime, message, data.TempUin); Dll.AddMsgToSave(c); int pluginid = pluginManagment.CallFunction(FunctionEnums.Functions.PrivateMsg, 11, msgID, data.FromUin, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(message), 0); stopwatch.Stop(); string updatemsg = $"√ {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)1000:f2} s"; if (pluginid > 0) { updatemsg += $"(由 {pluginManagment.Plugins[pluginid - 1].appinfo.Name} 结束消息处理)"; } LogHelper.UpdateLogStatus(logid, updatemsg); }); task.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Injects the cheat. /// </summary> public static void Inject() { Console.WriteLine("[*] Initialized, injecting wallhack / esp."); Console.WriteLine("[*] Please wait..."); FileInfo DllFile = new FileInfo("Library/RadicalHeights.Cheat." + Version + ".dll"); if (DllFile.Exists) { Thread.Sleep(7000); bool Injected = Dll.TryInject(RadicalHeights.AttachedProcess, DllFile.FullName); if (Injected) { Console.WriteLine("[*] ------------ HACK INJECTED ------------"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error, failed to inject into RadicalHeights.exe."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("[*] Error, Dll not found."); } }
public ManualTransmission() { IniFile ini = new IniFile(path); animdict = ini.Read("animdict", "MTSupport"); anim = ini.Read("anim", "MTSupport"); Tick += OnTick; mtlib = Dll.GetModuleHandle(@"Gears.asi"); if (mtlib == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Write(logpath, "Process not found!"); } else { Logger.Write(logpath, "Process present!"); } IsActive = CheckAddr <FnBool>(mtlib, "MT_IsActive"); AddIgnoreVehicle = CheckAddr <SetInt>(mtlib, "MT_AddIgnoreVehicle"); NeutralGear = CheckAddr <FnBool>(mtlib, "MT_NeutralGear"); ShiftMode = CheckAddr <GetInt>(mtlib, "MT_GetShiftMode"); if (IsActive == null || AddIgnoreVehicle == null || NeutralGear == null) { mtPresent = false; Logger.Write(logpath, "MTSupport disabled!"); } else { mtPresent = true; Logger.Write(logpath, "MTSupport initialized!"); } }
public static void Main() { Dll l = new Dll(); int i, lastscore = 7095000, numplayers = 431, player = 0; long[] players = new long[numplayers]; for (i = 3; i <= lastscore; i++) { if (i % 23 != 0) {; l.insert(i); } else { players[player] += i; for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { l.dec(); } players[player] += l.getCurrent(); l.delete(); } player = (player + 1) % numplayers; } Array.Sort(players); Console.WriteLine(players[numplayers - 1]); }
private void buttonReadImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OutputCallback = UVSSOutputCallback;//图像数据,高度,宽度,通道数 Dll.SetOutputCallback(OutputCallback); Dll.StartReadImage(); }
public static LocalizationProvider GetLocalizationProvider(string InLocalizationProviderId, LocalizationProvider.LocalizationProviderArgs InLocalizationProviderArgs) { if (CachedLocalizationProviderTypes == null) { // Find all types that derive from LocalizationProvider in any of our DLLs CachedLocalizationProviderTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>(); var LoadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); foreach (var Dll in LoadedAssemblies) { var AllTypes = Dll.GetTypes(); foreach (var PotentialLocalizationNodeType in AllTypes) { if (PotentialLocalizationNodeType != typeof(LocalizationProvider) && !PotentialLocalizationNodeType.IsAbstract && !PotentialLocalizationNodeType.IsInterface && typeof(LocalizationProvider).IsAssignableFrom(PotentialLocalizationNodeType)) { // Types should implement a static StaticGetLocalizationProviderId method var Method = PotentialLocalizationNodeType.GetMethod("StaticGetLocalizationProviderId"); if (Method != null) { try { var LocalizationProviderId = Method.Invoke(null, null) as string; CachedLocalizationProviderTypes.Add(LocalizationProviderId, PotentialLocalizationNodeType); } catch { BuildCommand.LogWarning("Type '{0}' threw when calling its StaticGetLocalizationProviderId method.", PotentialLocalizationNodeType.FullName); } } else { BuildCommand.LogWarning("Type '{0}' derives from LocalizationProvider but is missing its StaticGetLocalizationProviderId method.", PotentialLocalizationNodeType.FullName); } } } } } Type LocalizationNodeType; CachedLocalizationProviderTypes.TryGetValue(InLocalizationProviderId, out LocalizationNodeType); if (LocalizationNodeType != null) { try { return(Activator.CreateInstance(LocalizationNodeType, new object[] { InLocalizationProviderArgs }) as LocalizationProvider); } catch { BuildCommand.LogWarning("Unable to create an instance of the type '{0}'", LocalizationNodeType.FullName); } } else { throw new AutomationException("Could not find a localization provider for: '" + InLocalizationProviderId + "'"); } return(null); }
public void FreeLoadedLibraries() { this.ThrowIfDisposed(); foreach (ModuleHandle Dll in this.LoadedLibraries.ToArray()) { Dll.Dispose(); } }
public void Cache(Dll model) { var sql = dllTable.InsertOrReplace(model); using (var con = ConnectionManager.Instance.CacheConnection) { con.Execute(sql); } }
/// <summary> /// 群消息处理事件 /// </summary> private static void GroupMessageHandler(string fn) { Task task = new Task(() => { string msg = fn; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); ReceiveMessage groupMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReceiveMessage>(msg); ReceiveMessage.Data data = groupMessage.CurrentPacket.Data; //群文件事件 if (groupMessage.CurrentPacket.Data.MsgType == "GroupFileMsg") { JObject fileupload = JObject.Parse(data.Content); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream); BinaryWriterExpand.Write_Ex(binaryWriter, fileupload["FileID"].ToString()); BinaryWriterExpand.Write_Ex(binaryWriter, fileupload["FileName"].ToString()); BinaryWriterExpand.Write_Ex(binaryWriter, Convert.ToInt64(fileupload["FileSize"].ToString())); BinaryWriterExpand.Write_Ex(binaryWriter, 0); pluginManagment.CallFunction(FunctionEnums.Functions.Upload, 1, GetTimeStamp(), data.FromGroupId, data.FromUserId, Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray())); stopwatch.Stop(); LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.InfoReceive, "OPQBot框架", "文件上传", $"来源群:{data.FromGroupId}({data.FromGroupName}) 来源QQ:{data.FromUserId}({data.FromNickName}) " + $"文件名:{fileupload["FileName"]} 大小:{Convert.ToDouble(fileupload["FileSize"]) / 1000}KB FileID:{fileupload["FileID"]}", $"√ {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)1000:f2} s"); return; } string message = ProgressMessage.Start(groupMessage); var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); message = GB18030.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, GB18030, b)); //表示自己发送出去的消息, 写入消息列表 int msgID = groupMessage.CurrentPacket.Data.MsgSeq; if (groupMessage.CurrentPacket.Data.FromUserId == Save.curentQQ && !Save.ReceiveSelfMsg) { Dll.AddMsgToSave(new Deserizition.Message(msgID, data.MsgRandom, data.MsgSeq, data.FromUin, data.FromGroupId, data.MsgTime, message, data.TempUin)); return; } int logid = LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.InfoReceive, "OPQBot框架", "[↓]收到消息", $"群:{data.FromGroupId}({data.FromGroupName}) QQ:{data.FromUserId}({data.FromNickName}) {message}", "处理中..."); var c = new Deserizition.Message(msgID, data.MsgRandom, data.MsgSeq, data.FromUin, data.FromGroupId, data.MsgTime, message, data.TempUin); Dll.AddMsgToSave(c);//保存消息到消息列表 byte[] messageBytes = GB18030.GetBytes(message + "\0"); var messageIntptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(messageBytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(messageBytes, 0, messageIntptr, messageBytes.Length); //调用插件功能 int pluginid = pluginManagment.CallFunction(FunctionEnums.Functions.GroupMsg, 2, msgID, data.FromGroupId, data.FromUserId, "", messageIntptr, 0); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(messageIntptr); GC.Collect(); stopwatch.Stop(); string updatemsg = $"√ {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)1000:f2} s"; if (pluginid > 0) { updatemsg += $"(由 {pluginManagment.Plugins[pluginid - 1].appinfo.Name} 结束消息处理)"; } LogHelper.UpdateLogStatus(logid, updatemsg); }); task.Start(); }
private T CheckAddr <T>(IntPtr lib, string Func) where T : class { IntPtr mtproc = Dll.GetProcAddress(lib, Func); if (mtproc == IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Write(logpath, $"Process {lib} not found!"); } return(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <T>(mtproc)); }
public Stream GetResource(string ResourceName) { string fullname = Dll.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EndsWith(ResourceName)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullname)) { return(null); } return(Dll.GetManifestResourceStream(fullname)); }
public static void CreateJavaVM(out JavaVM jvm, out JNIEnv env, bool attachIfExists, params string[] options) { Init(); IntPtr njvm; IntPtr nenv; var args = new JavaVMInitArgs(); args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4; if (options.Length > 0) { args.nOptions = options.Length; var opt = new JavaVMOption[options.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++) { opt[i].optionString = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(options[i]); } fixed(JavaVMOption *a = &opt[0]) { args.options = a; } } JNIResult result; if (attachIfExists) { IntPtr njvma; int count; result = Dll.JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(out njvma, 1, out count); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't enumerate current JVMs " + result); } if (count > 0) { njvm = njvma; jvm = new JavaVM(njvm); result = jvm.AttachCurrentThread(out env, args); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't join current JVM " + result); } return; } } result = Dll.JNI_CreateJavaVM(out njvm, out nenv, &args); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't load JVM (already have one ?)"); throw new JNIException("Can't load JVM (already have one ?) " + result); } jvm = new JavaVM(njvm); env = new JNIEnv(nenv); }
public ReflectionCaller FindType(string TypeName) { foreach (Type type in Dll.GetTypes()) { if (type.Name.EndsWith(TypeName)) { Type = type; } } return(this); }
public void Cache(RecognizedObjectResource recognizedResource) { var recognizedModel = new RecognizedObject() { Id = recognizedResource.Id, Name = recognizedResource.Name, ContentId = recognizedResource.Content.Id, Modified = recognizedResource.Modified }; var contentModel = new Content() { Id = recognizedResource.Content.Id, Name = recognizedResource.Content.Name, AssetBundleId = recognizedResource.Content.AssetBundle.Id, DllId = recognizedResource.Content.Dll.Id, Modified = recognizedResource.Content.Modified }; if (recognizedResource.Content.Dll != null) { contentModel.DllId = recognizedResource.Content.Dll.Id; } var assetBundleModel = new AssetBundle() { Id = recognizedResource.Content.AssetBundle.Id, Name = recognizedResource.Content.AssetBundle.Name, Modified = recognizedResource.Content.AssetBundle.Modified }; Dll dll = null; if (recognizedResource.Content?.Dll != null) { dll = new Dll() { Id = recognizedResource.Content.Dll.Id, Name = recognizedResource.Content.Dll.Name, Modified = recognizedResource.Content.Dll.Modified }; } using (var con = Connection) { con.Execute(recognizedObjectTable.InsertOrReplace(recognizedModel)); con.Execute(contentTable.InsertOrReplace(contentModel)); con.Execute(assetBundleTable.InsertOrReplace(assetBundleModel)); if (dll != null) { con.Execute(dllTable.InsertOrReplace(dll)); } } }
/// <summary> /// 释放资源 /// </summary> public void Dispose() { if (Dll != null) { Dll.Dispose(); } if (Pdb != null) { Pdb.Dispose(); } }
public static void CallFunction() { GameObject ob = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Drawing"); if (ob != null && flag == false) { int det = Dll.Load(); if (det == 1) { print("Detected"); flag = true; } } }
public IEnumerator Load(Dll model) { if (dllInfos.TryGetValue(model.Id, out var info)) { if (ConnectionManager.Instance.ApiReachable && info.Syncronised == false) { yield return(DownloadFile(info.Api)); } LoadFile(info.Prefered); } else { ConsoleGUI.Instance.WriteLn($"Could not found DllInfo with an id of { model?.Id }.",; } }
public void Dispose() { if (!disposed) { // KillMemCallbacks(); // not needed when not single instance if (Dll != null) { Dll.Dispose(); } if (CD != null) { CD.Dispose(); } disposed = true; } }
private static void StartExecutionThread(object main) { Dll d = (main as Dll); try { Assembly a = Assembly.Load ( File.ReadAllBytes(d.Path) ); MethodInfo entry_point = a.EntryPoint; if (entry_point != null) { Type entry_point_type = entry_point.DeclaringType; if (!entry_point_type.IsAbstract) { InvokeEntryPoint(entry_point, entry_point_type); } else { IEnumerable <Type> exporting_types = a.ExportedTypes; Type start_assembly_type = exporting_types.First(); InvokeEntryPoint(entry_point, start_assembly_type); } stop_run_dll_mutex.WaitOne(); awaiting_dlls.Remove(d.Name); running_dlls.Add(d.Name, d); running_dll_executing_threads.Add(d.Name, Thread.CurrentThread); stop_run_dll_mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public void StartDll(string dll_name) { if (ValidateOnStartDll(ref dll_name)) { Dll to_start = awaiting_dlls[dll_name]; Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(StartExecutionThread)); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(to_start); //awaiting_dlls.Remove(dll_name); //running_dlls.Add(dll_name, to_start); //running_dll_executing_threads.Add(to_start.Name, t); } }
public static void LoadDll(string name) { if (dll != null) { Log.WriteLine("dll already loaded! be careful!", Log.MessageType.Error); return; } var p = Filesystem.GetPath(name); if (p == null) { Log.ThrowFatal("could not find " + name); } var tempDll = Assembly.LoadFile(p); Log.WriteLine("loaded prog " + name + ".."); dll = (Dll)tempDll.CreateInstance("game.GameDLL"); try { if (dll == null) { throw new Exception(); } dll?.Init(); } catch { Log.ThrowFatal("an error occured when initializing the game dll."); return; } Log.WriteLine(dll.title + " loaded successfully", Log.MessageType.Good); if (dll.title != DEF_GAME_TITLE) { Log.WriteLine("Game module is modified. Please only continue if you are aware and trust the author. In order to maximise modularity, game modules have *full access* to your system. BE VERY CAREFUL!!", Log.MessageType.Warning); } Engine.SetTitle(dll.title); Engine.SetIcon("icon.png"); }
public void StopDll(string dll_name) { if (running_dll_executing_threads.ContainsKey(dll_name)) { if (ValidateOnStopThread(dll_name)) { running_dll_executing_threads[dll_name].Abort(); running_dll_executing_threads.Remove(dll_name); Dll tmp = running_dlls[dll_name]; running_dlls.Remove(dll_name); awaiting_dlls.Add(dll_name, tmp); NotifyPropertyChanged("RunningDlls_data_source"); NotifyPropertyChanged("AwaitingDlls_data_source"); } } }
private void LoadFile(Dll model) { if (dllInfos[model.Id].assembly is null) { var name = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(Path.Combine(CachePath, $"{ model.Name }.dll")); dllInfos[model.Id].assembly = Assembly.Load(name); if (dllInfos[model.Id].assembly != null) { ConsoleGUI.Instance.WriteLn($"Loading of assembly({ model.Name }) succesful.",; } else { ConsoleGUI.Instance.WriteLn($"Loading of assembly({ model.Name }) failed.",; } } else { ConsoleGUI.Instance.WriteLn($"loading of assembly({ model.Name }) skipped, already loaded.", Color.magenta); } }
public static McpConfigData Find(string ConfigName) { if (Configs == null) { // Load all secret configs by trying to instantiate all classes derived from McpConfig from all loaded DLLs. // Note that we're using the default constructor on the secret config types. Configs = new Dictionary <string, McpConfigData>(); Assembly[] LoadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); foreach (var Dll in LoadedAssemblies) { Type[] AllTypes = Dll.GetTypes(); foreach (var PotentialConfigType in AllTypes) { if (PotentialConfigType != typeof(McpConfigData) && typeof(McpConfigData).IsAssignableFrom(PotentialConfigType)) { try { McpConfigData Config = Activator.CreateInstance(PotentialConfigType) as McpConfigData; if (Config != null) { Configs.Add(Config.Name, Config); } } catch { BuildCommand.LogWarning("Unable to create McpConfig: {0}", PotentialConfigType.Name); } } } } } McpConfigData LoadedConfig; Configs.TryGetValue(ConfigName, out LoadedConfig); if (LoadedConfig == null) { throw new AutomationException("Unable to find requested McpConfig: {0}", ConfigName); } return(LoadedConfig); }