public static void KtaneFriendshipUpDownButtons() { if (Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count != 12) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Need 12 vertices for this tool."); return; } var outerDn = Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Skip(0).Take(3).Select(pt => Program.Settings.Faces.SelectMany(fc => fc.Vertices).Where(v => v.Location == pt).ToArray()).ToArray(); var innerDn = Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Skip(3).Take(3).Select(pt => Program.Settings.Faces.SelectMany(fc => fc.Vertices).Where(v => v.Location == pt).ToArray()).ToArray(); var outerUp = Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Skip(6).Take(3).Select(pt => Program.Settings.Faces.SelectMany(fc => fc.Vertices).Where(v => v.Location == pt).ToArray()).ToArray(); var innerUp = Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Skip(9).Take(3).Select(pt => Program.Settings.Faces.SelectMany(fc => fc.Vertices).Where(v => v.Location == pt).ToArray()).ToArray(); var undo = new List <Tuple <VertexInfo, Pt, Pt, Pt?, Pt?> >(); const double f = .8 * .1; const double innerY = .13; const double outerY = .150511; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // Down var innerDnX = (.12 * f * cs(360 * k / 3 + 90) - .052) * 10; var innerDnZ = (.12 * f * sn(360 * k / 3 + 90) + .06) * 10; var outerDnX = (.16 * f * cs(360 * k / 3 + 90) - .052) * 10; var outerDnZ = (.16 * f * sn(360 * k / 3 + 90) + .06) * 10; // Up var innerUpX = (-.12 * f * cs(360 * k / 3 + 90) - .07) * 10; var innerUpZ = (-.12 * f * sn(360 * k / 3 + 90) + .0648) * 10; var outerUpX = (-.16 * f * cs(360 * k / 3 + 90) - .07) * 10; var outerUpZ = (-.16 * f * sn(360 * k / 3 + 90) + .0648) * 10; foreach (var v in outerDn[k]) { undo.Add(Tuple.Create(v, v.Location, new Pt(outerDnX, outerY, outerDnZ), v.Normal, new Pt(0, 1, 0).Nullable())); } foreach (var v in innerDn[k]) { undo.Add(Tuple.Create(v, v.Location, new Pt(innerDnX, innerY, innerDnZ), v.Normal, v.Normal)); } foreach (var v in outerUp[k]) { undo.Add(Tuple.Create(v, v.Location, new Pt(outerUpX, outerY, outerUpZ), v.Normal, new Pt(0, 1, 0).Nullable())); } foreach (var v in innerUp[k]) { undo.Add(Tuple.Create(v, v.Location, new Pt(innerUpX, innerY, innerUpZ), v.Normal, v.Normal)); } } Program.Settings.Execute(new MoveVertices(undo.ToArray())); }
private void miOpenInBrowser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Program.Interface.ServerRunning) { ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo("http://localhost:{0}".Fmt(Program.Interface.ServerPort)); si.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(si); } else { DlgMessage.ShowInfo(Program.Tr.Warning_CannotOpenInBrowser); } }
public static void KtaneFriendshipSubmitButton() { if (!Program.Settings.IsFaceSelected || Program.Settings.SelectedFaces.Count != 1) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Need exactly one selected face for this tool."); return; } var face = Program.Settings.SelectedFaces[0]; const double centerX = -0.64; const double centerZ = 0.3; const double innerRadius = .16; // .2 × .8 const double outerRadius = .18; const double innerY = .13; const double outerY = .150511; const int steps = 72; var newFaces = new List <Face>(); foreach (var inf in Enumerable.Range(0, steps).Select(k => 360.0 * k / steps).Select(angle => new { Inner = new Pt(innerRadius * cs(angle) + centerX, innerY, innerRadius * sn(angle) + centerZ), Outer = new Pt(outerRadius * cs(angle) + centerX, outerY, outerRadius * sn(angle) + centerZ) }).ConsecutivePairs(true)) { var i1 = inf.Item1; var i2 = inf.Item2; // Bevel newFaces.Add(new Face(Ut.NewArray( new VertexInfo(i2.Inner, null, new Pt(centerX, innerY, centerZ) - i2.Inner), new VertexInfo(i2.Outer, null, new Pt(0, 1, 0)), new VertexInfo(i1.Outer, null, new Pt(0, 1, 0)), new VertexInfo(i1.Inner, null, new Pt(centerX, innerY, centerZ) - i1.Inner)))); // Rim var closest1 = face.Vertices.MinElement(v => v.Location.Distance(i1.Outer)); var closest2 = face.Vertices.MinElement(v => v.Location.Distance(i2.Outer)); newFaces.Add(new Face( (closest1 == closest2 ? new[] { i1.Outer, i2.Outer, closest1.Location } : new[] { i1.Outer, i2.Outer, closest2.Location, closest1.Location }) .Select(v => new VertexInfo(v, null, new Pt(0, 1, 0))) .ToArray())); } Program.Settings.Execute(new AddRemoveFaces(new[] { face }, newFaces.ToArray())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CodecTests.TestRandom(); PatternHashTable.SelfTest(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); int worker, dummy; ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(Environment.ProcessorCount, 10); ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(Environment.ProcessorCount, 10); ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out worker, out dummy); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(worker == Environment.ProcessorCount); if (args.Length == 0) { SettingsUtil.LoadSettings(out Settings); MainForm form = new MainForm(); Application.Run(form); Settings.Save(); } else if (args[0] == "?") { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Usage:\n i4c.exe - run interactive GUI.\n i4c.exe <algorithm> <filename> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] - compress/decompress single file.\n i4c.exe benchmark <algorithm> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] - benchmark on all files in cur dir.\n\nAvailable algorithms:\n\n" + Compressors.Keys.Select(compr => "* " + compr + "\n").JoinString()); } else if (args[0] == "benchmark") { if (args.Length == 1) { DlgMessage.ShowError("Must also specify the name of the algorithm to benchmark"); return; } command_Benchmark(args[1], args.Skip(2).Select(val => (RVariant)val).ToArray()); } else { if (args.Length < 2) { DlgMessage.ShowError("Must specify at least the algorithm name and the file name"); return; } command_Single(args[1], args[0], args.Skip(2).Select(val => (RVariant)val).ToArray()); } }
public void ApplyChanges() { Repository repo; try { repo = new Repository(RepoPath); } catch { DlgMessage.ShowWarning("It looks like there is no valid Git repository at this path anymore. Please use “Browse” to load from another path."); return; } var knownCommits = Commits.ToDictionary(c => c.Hash); var loadedCommits = new HashSet <string>(repo.Commits.Select(c => c.Id.Sha)); if (knownCommits.Count != loadedCommits.Count || knownCommits.Keys.Any(c => !loadedCommits.Contains(c)) || loadedCommits.Any(c => !knownCommits.ContainsKey(c)) || repo.Commits.Any(cl => !knownCommits[cl.Id.Sha].MatchesOriginal(cl))) { DlgMessage.ShowWarning("The repository at this path has changed since it was last loaded. Please use Reload before applying changes."); return; } foreach (var rf in repo.Refs.Where(rf => rf.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/original/")).ToList()) { repo.Refs.Remove(rf); } repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { CommitHeaderRewriter = arg => { var ours = knownCommits[arg.Id.Sha]; return(new CommitRewriteInfo { Author = new Signature(ours.AuthorName, ours.AuthorEmail, ours.AuthorDate), Committer = new Signature(ours.CommitterName, ours.CommitterEmail, ours.CommitterDate), Message = ours.Message }); } }, repo.Commits); InitialLoadRepo(RepoPath); DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Changes applied successfully."); }
public static void GenerateInset( [ToolDouble("Bevel radius?")] double radius, [ToolBool("Open or closed curve?", "&Closed", "&Open")] bool open, [ToolDouble("Extra wall depth?")] double extraWallDepth, [ToolBool("Miter join calculation?", "&Normalized", "N&on-normalized")] bool nonNormalizedMiter, [ToolInt("Number of steps of revolution?")] int revSteps) { if (Program.Settings.SelectedVertices.Count < (open ? 2 : 3)) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo(@"Need at least {0} vertices for {1} curve.".Fmt(open ? 2 : 3, open ? "an open" : "a closed")); return; } var pts = Program.Settings.SelectedVertices; Pt mn(Pt p) => nonNormalizedMiter ? p : p.Normalize(); var nPts = pts .Select((p, ix) => new { AxisStart = !open || ix != pts.Count - 1 ? p.Add(y: -radius) : pts[pts.Count - 2].Add(y: -radius), AxisEnd = !open || (ix != 0 && ix != pts.Count - 1) ? p.Add(y: -radius) + mn(pts[(ix + 1) % pts.Count] - p) + mn(p - pts[(ix - 1 + pts.Count) % pts.Count]) : ix == 0 ? pts[1].Add(y: -radius) : pts[pts.Count - 1].Add(y: -radius), Perpendicular = pts[ix], Center = pts[ix].Add(y: -radius) }) .Select(inf => Enumerable.Range(0, revSteps) .Select(i => - 90 * i / (revSteps - 1)) .Select(angle => new { inf.Center, Angle = angle, Rotated = inf.Perpendicular.Rotate(inf.AxisStart, inf.AxisEnd, angle) }) .Apply(x => x.Concat(new { Center = inf.Center.Add(y: -extraWallDepth), Angle = -90, Rotated = inf.Perpendicular.Rotate(inf.AxisStart, inf.AxisEnd, -90).Add(y: -extraWallDepth) })) .ToArray()) .ToArray(); var faces = Enumerable.Range(0, nPts.Length) .SelectConsecutivePairs(!open, (i1, i2) => Enumerable.Range(0, nPts[0].Length) .SelectConsecutivePairs(false, (j1, j2) => new[] { nPts[i1][j1], nPts[i2][j1], nPts[i2][j2], nPts[i1][j2] } .Select(inf => new VertexInfo(inf.Rotated, null, pts[i2].Rotate(pts[i1].Add(y: -radius), pts[i2].Add(y: -radius), inf.Angle) - pts[i2].Add(y: -radius))).ToArray())) .SelectMany(x => x); Program.Settings.Execute(new AddRemoveFaces(null, faces.Select(f => new Face(f, false)).ToArray())); }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!_model.AnyChanges) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("There are no pending changes to apply."); return; } var btn = DlgMessage.ShowQuestion("Apply pending changes to this repository?\nRemember that changing history has consequences that need to be understood.\n\nWARNING: MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR REPOSITORY.\nThis program modifies the repository in-place using LibGit2Sharp. This program has not been through extensive testing, and could well damage or destroy your repository. Seriously, do not skip the backup.", "&Continue at my own risk", "More &about rewriting history", "Cancel"); if (btn == 2) { return; } if (btn == 1) { Process.Start(""); return; } _model.ApplyChanges(); }
public static void GenerateCircle([ToolDouble("Center X?")] double centerX, [ToolDouble("Center Z?")] double centerZ, [ToolDouble("Radius of the circle?")] double radius, [ToolInt("Number of points?")] int steps) { if (!Program.Settings.IsFaceSelected || Program.Settings.SelectedFaces.Count != 1) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Need exactly one selected face for this tool."); return; } var face = Program.Settings.SelectedFaces[0]; double centerY = face.Vertices.Aggregate(0d, (prev, next) => prev + next.Location.Y) / face.Vertices.Length; var newFaces = Enumerable.Range(0, steps) .Select(k => 360.0 * k / steps) .Select(angle => new Pt(radius * cs(angle) + centerX, centerY, radius * sn(angle) + centerZ)) .Select(pt => new { Point = pt, Closest = face.Vertices.MinElement(v => v.Location.Distance(pt)) }) .SelectConsecutivePairs(true, (i1, i2) => new Face( (i1.Closest == i2.Closest ? new[] { i1.Point, i2.Point, i1.Closest.Location } : new[] { i1.Point, i2.Point, i2.Closest.Location, i1.Closest.Location }) .Select(v => new VertexInfo(v, null, new Pt(0, 1, 0))) .ToArray())); Program.Settings.Execute(new AddRemoveFaces(new[] { face }, newFaces.ToArray())); }
public static void TriangulateFace() { if (!Program.Settings.IsFaceSelected || Program.Settings.SelectedFaces.Count != 1) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Need exactly one selected face to triangulate."); return; } var face = Program.Settings.SelectedFaces[0]; if (face.Vertices.Any(v => v.Location.Y != face.Vertices[0].Location.Y)) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Not all vertices have the same Y coordinate."); return; } var y = face.Vertices[0].Location.Y; var result = Triangulate.DelaunayConstrained( face.Vertices.Select(v => new PointD(v.Location.X, v.Location.Z)), face.Vertices.Select(v => new PointD(v.Location.X, v.Location.Z)).SelectConsecutivePairs(closed: true, selector: (p1, p2) => new EdgeD(p1, p2))); var newFaces = result.Select(triangle => new Face(triangle.Vertices.Select(v => new Pt(v.X, y, v.Y)).ToArray())).ToArray(); Program.Settings.Execute(new AddRemoveFaces(new[] { face }, newFaces)); }
static int Main(string[] args) { // Configure Classify. This goes before the post-build check because it depends on it Classify.DefaultOptions = new ClassifyOptions() .AddTypeOptions(typeof(W.Color), new colorTypeOptions()) .AddTypeOptions(typeof(D.Color), new colorTypeOptions()) .AddTypeOptions(typeof(Filename), new filenameTypeOptions()) .AddTypeOptions(typeof(ObservableCollection <LayerBase>), new listLayerBaseOptions()) .AddTypeOptions(typeof(ObservableCollection <EffectBase>), new listEffectBaseOptions()); if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "--post-build-check") { return(RT.Util.Ut.RunPostBuildChecks(args[1], Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())); } System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles(); System.Windows.Forms.Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); #if DEBUG CompositePath.Tests(); #endif Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main"; #if !DEBUG AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (_, ea) => { bool copy = DlgMessage.ShowError(App.Translation.Error.ExceptionGlobal, App.Translation.Error.ErrorToClipboard_Copy, App.Translation.Error.ErrorToClipboard_OK) == 0; if (copy) { if (Ut.ClipboardSet(Ut.ExceptionToDebugString(ea.ExceptionObject))) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo(App.Translation.Error.ErrorToClipboard_Copied); } } }; #else var dummy = App.Translation.Error.ExceptionGlobal; // to keep Lingo happy that the string is used var dummy2 = new StringBuilder(); // to keep the "using" clause used #endif // Find all the layer and effect types in the assembly (required before settings are loaded) App.LayerTypes = findTypes <LayerBase>("layer"); App.EffectTypes = findTypes <EffectBase>("effect"); // Load all settings SettingsUtil.LoadSettings(out App.Settings); UpdateSettingsIfNecessary(); // Guess the language if the OS language has changed (or this is the first run) var osLingo = Ut.GetOsLanguage(); if (App.Settings.OsLingo != osLingo) { App.Settings.OsLingo = App.Settings.Lingo = osLingo; } // Load translation App.Translation = Lingo.LoadTranslationOrDefault <Translation>("TankIconMaker", ref App.Settings.Lingo); // Run the UI var app = new App(); app.InitializeComponent(); app.Run(); // Save settings upon exit, even though they should be saved on every change anyway App.Settings.SaveQuiet(); return(0); }
/// <summary>Generates the file.</summary> public void Dispose() { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(_filename))) { // silently ignore this error because we might be running the Debug build in some other environment return; } var f = new StringBuilder(); f.AppendLine("using RT.Lingo;"); f.AppendLine(""); bool first = true; foreach (var kvp in _codeSoFar) { if (!first) { f.AppendLine(); } first = false; f.AppendLine("namespace " + kvp.Key); f.AppendLine("{"); bool first2 = true; foreach (var val in kvp.Value) { if (!first2) { f.AppendLine(); } first2 = false; f.Append(val); } f.AppendLine("}"); } var newOutput = f.ToString(); var prevOutput = File.Exists(_filename) ? File.ReadAllText(_filename) : string.Empty; string filenameGenerated = null; if (newOutput != prevOutput) { // Replace the destination file with the newly generated stuff, but only if there are any differences. int choice; while ((choice = DlgMessage.ShowWarning("The file \"{0}\" will be modified by Lingo.".Fmt(Path.GetFullPath(_filename)), "&OK", "&Diff", "&Break")) != 0) { if (choice == 1) { if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LINGO_DIFF") == null) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo("The \"LINGO_DIFF\" environment variable is not defined. To enable diffing, set it to a full path to your preferred diff program."); } else { filenameGenerated = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllText(filenameGenerated, newOutput); Process.Start(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LINGO_DIFF"), @"""{0}"" ""{1}""".Fmt(_filename, filenameGenerated)); } } else if (choice == 2) { Debugger.Break(); } } if (File.Exists(_filename)) { File.SetAttributes(_filename, File.GetAttributes(_filename) & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } File.WriteAllText(_filename, newOutput); if (filenameGenerated != null) { File.Delete(filenameGenerated); } // Warn the user that some things may not behave properly until rebuild (e.g. newly generated strings won't show in translation UI yet). DlgMessage.ShowWarning("The file \"{0}\" has been modified by Lingo.\n\nPlease rebuild the application to avoid unexpected behaviour, or click \"OK\" at your own risk.".Fmt(Path.GetFullPath(_filename))); } }
private void HelpToolStripMenuItem1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DlgMessage.ShowInfo(_helpMessage); }
private void Reload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _model.ReloadRepo(); DlgMessage.ShowInfo("Repository has been reloaded."); }