コード例 #1
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, PartNodeInfo affectedNode, bool underMaintenance)
     _distMode          = distMode;
     _clustActivity     = clustActivity;
     _affectedNode      = affectedNode;
     isUnderMaintenance = underMaintenance;
コード例 #2
 public CurvyDistribution(DistributionMode mode, float step, float angle, float minDistance)
     Mode        = mode;
     Step        = step;
     MinDistance = minDistance;
     Angle       = angle;
コード例 #3
 public CurvyDistribution()
     Mode        = DistributionMode.Distance;
     Step        = 1f;
     MinDistance = 0.2f;
     Angle       = 5;
コード例 #4
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, ManualDistType manDistType, int percentMove, string source, string[] dests)
     _distMode       = distMode;
     _clustActivity  = clustActivity;
     _manualDistType = manDistType;
     _percentToMove  = percentMove;
     _source         = source;
     _destinations   = dests;
コード例 #5
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, ManualDistType manDistType, int percentMove, Address source, Address[] dests)
     _distMode = distMode;
     _clustActivity = clustActivity;
     _manualDistType = manDistType;
     _percentToMove = percentMove;
     _source = source;
     _destinations = dests;
コード例 #6
        // Draw the property inside the given rect
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            Rect initialPost = position;

            EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
            position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);

            SerializedProperty modeProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("mode");

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, modeProperty, GUIContent.none, true);

            Rect mainRect = new Rect(initialPost.x, initialPost.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, initialPost.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

            EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1;
            DistributionMode mode = (DistributionMode)modeProperty.intValue;

            switch (mode)
            case DistributionMode.Normal:
                DisplayMinMax(mainRect, property);
                Rect normalRect = new Rect(mainRect.x, mainRect.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, mainRect.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                DisplayNormal(normalRect, property);

            case DistributionMode.Slope:
                DisplayMinMax(mainRect, property);
                Rect slopeRect = new Rect(mainRect.x, mainRect.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, mainRect.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                DisplaySlope(slopeRect, property);

            case DistributionMode.Curve:
                DisplayMinMax(mainRect, property);
                Rect curveRect = new Rect(mainRect.x, mainRect.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, mainRect.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                DisplayCurve(curveRect, property);

            case DistributionMode.Exp:
                DisplayMinMax(mainRect, property);
                Rect expRect = new Rect(mainRect.x, mainRect.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, mainRect.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                DisplayExp(expRect, property);

            case DistributionMode.List:
                DisplayList(mainRect, property);


            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
コード例 #7
        protected void Parse(string[] args)
            WebDriver = new ConfigurationWebDriver();

            bool showHelp  = false;
            var  optionSet = new OptionSet
                { "u|url=", "Starting URL to begin crawling.", v => BaseUrl = v },

                // easy config
                { "q|quiet", "Run quietly with less detailed console logging.", v => Quiet = v != null },
                { "ignore-links", "After loading a page Krawlr will not follow links on the page", v => IgnoreLinks = v != null },
                { "ignore-guids", "When analysing URLs remove guids as this removes repeat crawling like /items/item/{guid}. Value is yes / no (Default: yes)", v => IgnoreGuids = v != null },
                { "max-follow-links=", "Limit the number of pages to crawl. Default: 0 (no limit).", v => MaxPageLinksToFollow = int.Parse(v) },

                // Paths
                { "e|exclude=", "Path to a file with list of routes/keywords in URL to bypass.", v => ExclusionsFilePath = v },
                { "i|include=", "Path to a file with a hard list of routes to hit (will follow in order). Use with --no-follow-links false.", v => InclusionsFilePath = v },
                { "s|scripts=", "After each page is loaded a script may be executed against the page to manipulate the DOM. Recommended for adding Login support to the crawl.", v => PageScriptsPath = v },
                { "o|output=", "Write crawling activity to CSV file with path or write to a SQL Server DB with a connection string.", v => Output = v },
                { "metadata=", "When using the DB writer the metadata will be written to the CrawlRun entity.", v => Metadata = v },

                // Webdriver
                { "w|webdriver=", "Define WebDriver to use. Firefox, Chrome, Remote (Default: Firefox)", v => WebDriver.Driver = v },
                { "webdriver-proxy", "Using Chrome or Remote should route via Fiddler Core?", v => WebDriver.UseFiddlerProxy = v != null },
                { "webdriver-proxy-port", "If WebDriver proxy is engaged define the port to use. (Default: 0 (autoselect))", v => WebDriver.FiddlerProxyPort = int.Parse(v) },

                // Mode
                { "mode=", "Disibution mode use to use: clientserver, server, client (if server & client a running RabbitMQ server is required)", v => DistributionMode = (DistributionMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DistributionMode), v, true) },

                { "h|?|help", "Show this message and exit.", v => showHelp = v != null },
            List <string> extra = optionSet.Parse(args);

            if (!BaseUrl.HasValue() && DistributionMode.In(DistributionMode.ClientServer, DistributionMode.Server))
                System.Console.WriteLine("BaseUrl is a required commandline argument to run the app as a Server.");
                HasError = true;

            if (extra.Any())
                HasError = true;
                System.Console.WriteLine($"The following options are being ignored: {String.Join(", ", extra)}");

            if (showHelp || HasError)
                HasError = true;
コード例 #8
        public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            int lines = 0;

            SerializedProperty modeProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("mode");
            DistributionMode   mode         = (DistributionMode)modeProperty.intValue;

            switch (mode)
            case DistributionMode.Normal:
                lines = 3;

            case DistributionMode.Slope:
                lines = 3;

            case DistributionMode.Curve:
                lines = 3;

            case DistributionMode.Exp:
                lines = 3;

            case DistributionMode.List:
                SerializedProperty listProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("probabilityList");
                lines = listProp.arraySize + 2;

                lines = 2;

            return(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * lines);
コード例 #9
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, PartShardInfo affectedShard)
     _distMode      = distMode;
     _clustActivity = clustActivity;
     _affectedShard = affectedShard;
コード例 #10
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, PartShardInfo affectedShard, bool needTransfer) : this(distMode, clustActivity, affectedShard)
     _needTransfer = needTransfer;
コード例 #11
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, PartNodeInfo affectedNode)
     _distMode = distMode;
     _clustActivity = clustActivity;
     _affectedNode = affectedNode;
コード例 #12
 public DistributionInfoData(DistributionMode distMode, ClusterActivity clustActivity, PartNodeInfo affectedNode)
     _distMode      = distMode;
     _clustActivity = clustActivity;
     _affectedNode  = affectedNode;