コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Preparations before running the game mode: "Player Vs. Computer"
        /// </summary>
        private void PlayerVsComputer()
            int  level       = 0;    // Holds the level of the computer
            bool isCompFirst = true; // Holds who is the first player to play

            // ====== Computer Levels Window ======
            level = UserInput.SetComputerLevel(this);

            // ======  First to Play Window  ======
            isCompFirst = UserInput.IsComputerFirstToPlay(this);

            if (isCompFirst)
                Computer computer = new Computer("Computer", Shape.X, level);
                Human    human    = new Human(string.Empty, Shape.O, UserInput);
                RunGameMode(computer, human); // Run the mode
                Human    human    = new Human(string.Empty, Shape.X, UserInput);
                Computer computer = new Computer("Computer", Shape.O, level);
                RunGameMode(human, computer); // Run the mode