コード例 #1
ファイル: DishManagerTests.cs プロジェクト: hugoforte/DaKine
        public void EmptyListReturnsEmptyList()
            var order  = new Order();
            var actual = _sut.GetDishes(order);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.Count);
コード例 #2
        //Show all the dishes of one restaurant
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            var dishes = DishManager.GetDishes(id);

            ViewBag.nameResto = RestaurantManager.GetRestaurant(id).Name;
            var         cartest  = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <List <Cart> >("Cart");
            List <Cart> cartlist = cartest;
            var         cart     = new List <Cart>();

            if (HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <List <Cart> >("Cart") == null)
                if (!cartlist.Any(m => m.dish.IdRestaurant == id))
                    HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Cart", cart);
                    cart = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <List <Cart> >("Cart");

            var date         = DateTime.Now;
            var timeDay      = date.TimeOfDay;
            var nextFullHour = TimeSpan.FromHours(Math.Ceiling(timeDay.TotalHours));


            var dt1      = RoundUp(date, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
            var timeDay2 = dt1.TimeOfDay;

            ViewBag.Time = timeDay2;

            var viewModel = new CartDish();

            viewModel.ListA = dishes;
            viewModel.ListB = cart;
            double price = 0;

            foreach (var plat in viewModel.ListB)
                price += plat.dish.Price;

            viewModel.price = price;

コード例 #3
        //Display the list of dishes of a restaurant
        public ActionResult Plat(int id)
            IDishDB      dish        = new DishDB(Configuration);
            IDishManager dishManager = new DishManager(dish);

            var dishes = dishManager.GetDishes(id);

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("idResto", id); //setting a session for the command action

            ViewBag.id = id;

コード例 #4
        //POST : Restaurtant/command
        public ActionResult Command()
            //take back the Form
            string platun       = Request.Form["platun"];
            string platunun     = Request.Form["platunun"];
            string platununun   = Request.Form["platununun"];
            string platunununun = Request.Form["platunununun"];
            string deliveryTime = Request.Form["deliveryTime"];

            IDishDB                dish                = new DishDB(Configuration);
            IOrderDB               orderdb             = new OrderDB(Configuration);
            IOrder_dishesDB        orderddb            = new Order_dishesDB(Configuration);
            IDelivery_staffDB      dldb                = new Delivery_staffDB(Configuration);
            IRestaurantDB          restodb             = new RestaurantDB(Configuration);
            IDishManager           dishManager         = new DishManager(dish);
            IOrderManager          orderManager        = new OrderManager(orderdb);
            IOrder_dishesManager   order_DishesManager = new Order_dishesManager(orderddb);
            IDelivery_staffManager dlmanager           = new Delivery_staffManager(dldb);
            IRestaurantManager     restoManager        = new RestaurantManager(restodb);

            //creation of lists for create the orders and the order_dishes
            List <Dish_Order> dishlist = new List <Dish_Order>();
            //List of dish
            List <Dish> plat = dishManager.GetDishes((int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("idResto"));
            //List of quantity
            List <string> s = new List <string>();

            if (platununun != null)
            if (platunununun != null)

            int   x = 0;
            int   quantitytemp;
            float pricetemp;
            float priceGeneral = 0;

            //Creation of my ViewModel Dish_Order
            foreach (Dish d in plat)
                Dish_Order order = new Dish_Order();
                order.Dish_Id    = d.dish_Id;
                order.Name       = d.name;
                order.Price      = d.price;
                pricetemp        = d.price;
                order.Quantity   = Int32.Parse(s.ElementAt(x));
                quantitytemp     = Int32.Parse(s.ElementAt(x));
                order.totalPrice = quantitytemp * pricetemp;
                priceGeneral    += quantitytemp * pricetemp;

            //Set the Final price for the view
            ViewBag.prix = priceGeneral;

            //if the customer has select at least 1 dish
            if (priceGeneral != 0)
                //Create a new Order
                Order ikse = new Order();
                ikse.delivery_time = deliveryTime;
                ikse.totalPrice    = priceGeneral;
                ikse.customer_Id   = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("id");

                //select whitch delivery staff is available
                var dslist       = dlmanager.GetDelivery_staffs();
                int idDs         = -1;
                var listeresto   = restoManager.GetRestaurants();
                int cityCodeTemp = 0;

                //Select the list of delivery staff
                foreach (Delivery_staff ds in dslist)
                    //find the city of the restaurant
                    foreach (Dish d in plat)
                        if (d.dish_Id == dishlist[0].Dish_Id)
                            foreach (Restaurant r in listeresto)
                                if (d.restaurant_Id == r.restaurant_Id)
                                    cityCodeTemp = r.cityCode;

                    //if the delivery staff is at the good city
                    if (ds.cityCode == cityCodeTemp)
                        var isbusy    = false;
                        var oListByDl = orderManager.GetOrders_ds(ds.delivery_staff_Id);
                        int cptOrder  = 0;
                        foreach (Order o in oListByDl)
                            //select the orders non delivery
                            if (o.status == "non delivery")
                                //change the 11:00 in 1100, change the minutes from base 60 to base 100 for calculation
                                string deliveryTimePourInt = o.delivery_time.Remove(2, 1);
                                string deliveryTimePartOne = deliveryTimePourInt.Substring(0, 2);
                                string deliveryTimePartTwo = deliveryTimePourInt.Substring(2);
                                int    test = Int32.Parse(deliveryTimePartTwo);
                                switch (test)
                                case 0:

                                case 15:
                                    test = 25;

                                case 30:
                                    test = 50;

                                case 45:
                                    test = 75;
                                deliveryTimePartTwo = test.ToString();

                                int deliveryTimeInt = Int32.Parse(deliveryTimePartOne + deliveryTimePartTwo);
                                //correct the houres
                                if (deliveryTimeInt % 10 == 0)
                                    deliveryTimeInt *= 10;
                                    if (deliveryTimeInt / 10000 != 0)
                                        deliveryTimeInt /= 10;
                                //same think for the delivery time of the order
                                string deliveryTimeForCompare = deliveryTime.Remove(2, 1);

                                string dtPartOne = deliveryTimeForCompare.Substring(0, 2);
                                string dtPartTwo = deliveryTimeForCompare.Substring(2);
                                int    essai     = Int32.Parse(dtPartTwo);
                                switch (essai)
                                case 0:

                                case 15:
                                    essai = 25;

                                case 30:
                                    essai = 50;

                                case 45:
                                    essai = 75;
                                dtPartTwo = essai.ToString();
                                int dTForCompare = Int32.Parse(dtPartOne + dtPartTwo);
                                if (dTForCompare % 10 == 0)
                                    dTForCompare *= 10;
                                    if (dTForCompare / 10000 != 0)
                                        dTForCompare /= 10;
                                int compare = (deliveryTimeInt - dTForCompare);

                                //if the order is within 15 minutes before or after the delivery staff's order
                                if (compare <= 25 && compare >= -25)
                        //if the staff is busy
                        if (cptOrder >= 5)
                            isbusy = true;
                        //if the staff is free
                        if (isbusy == false)
                            //assign the staff to the order
                            idDs = ds.delivery_staff_Id;
                //if a staff is free
                if (idDs != -1)
                    //assign the staff
                    ikse.delivery_staff_Id = idDs;

                    //create the order in the database
                    var orderaiedi = orderManager.AddOrder(ikse);

                    //create the order dishes and add to the database
                    foreach (Dish_Order disho in dishlist)
                        Order_dishes order_dishes_ = new Order_dishes();
                        order_dishes_.order_Id = orderaiedi;
                        order_dishes_.dish_Id  = disho.Dish_Id;
                        order_dishes_.quantity = disho.Quantity;
                        order_dishes_.price    = disho.totalPrice;
                        if (order_dishes_.quantity != 0)
                    //return the normal view
                //if no staff is free
                    //return the error view
                    return(RedirectToAction("ErrorNoDs", "Restaurant"));
            //if the customer didn't select any dish, return the error view
            return(RedirectToAction("ErrorNoQuantity", "Restaurant"));