public short Connect() { try { _connection = _discoveredPrinter.GetConnection(); _connection.Open(); if (_connection.Connected) { _zebraCardPrinter = ZebraCardPrinterFactory.GetInstance(_connection); List <JobStatus> _joblist = _zebraCardPrinter.GetJobList(); if (_joblist != null && _joblist.Count > 0) { _currentPrintJob = _joblist.Max(i => i.ID); } else { _currentPrintJob = 0; } _zebraCardPrinter.RegisterAlarmHandler(this); return(PrinterCodes.Success); } return(PrinterCodes.ConnectFailed); } catch { CloseQuietly(_connection, _zebraCardPrinter); throw; } }
public void basicPrint(string zplbarcode, string lbl_one, string lbl_two, string lbl_three, string lbl_four, string lbl_five, string lbl_six) { List <DiscoveredPrinter> printerList = GetUSBPrinters(); string zpl_string = "^XA" + "^FX^FWr^CI28^CFA,40^FO100,50^A0B^FD" + lbl_one + "^FS^FO150,50^A0B^FD" + lbl_two + "^FS^FO200,50^A0B^FD" + lbl_three + "^FS^FO250,50^A0B^FD4MM^FS" + "^FX fifth^FO595,320^A0B^FD" + lbl_four + "^FS" + "^FXfifth formulation^FO510,30^A0B^FD" + lbl_five + "^FS" + "^FXfourthsection with barcode." + "^BY2,2.5,123^FO380,730^BCB,,N,N,N,A^FD" + zplbarcode + "^FS^CFA,40^FO320,730^A0B,0,0^FD" + zplbarcode + "^FS" + "^FX fifth section" + "^CF0,90^FO275,1145^A0B^FD" + lbl_six + "^FS" + "^XZ"; if (printerList.Count > 0) { // in this case, we arbitrarily are printing to the first found printer DiscoveredPrinter discoveredPrinter = printerList[0]; Connection connection = discoveredPrinter.GetConnection(); connection.Open(); connection.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zpl_string)); } else { Console.WriteLine("No Printers found to print to."); } }
public async void SendZplPalletAsync(string header, string ipAddr) { Connection connection = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddr)) { connection = new TcpConnection(ipAddr, 9100); } else { myPrinter = ConstantManager.PrinterSetting; connection = myPrinter.GetConnection(); } await Task.Run(async() => { try { connection.Open(); PrinterLanguage printerLanguage = ZebraPrinterFactory.GetInstance(connection).PrinterControlLanguage; connection.Write(GetTestLabelBytes(printerLanguage, header)); await Task.Delay(1000); } catch (Exception e) { // Connection Exceptions and issues are caught here Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await _dialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", $"Error: {e.Message}", "Ok"); }); } finally { try { connection?.Close(); } catch (ConnectionException) { } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { // Connection Exceptions and issues are caught here Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await _dialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "Could not connect to printer", "Ok"); }); Crashes.TrackError(ex); } }
private void ConnectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DiscoveredPrinter printer = viewModel.SelectedPrinter; string address = printer.Address; IndeterminateProgressDialog indeterminateProgressDialog = new IndeterminateProgressDialog($"Connecting to {address}..."); Task.Run(() => { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { indeterminateProgressDialog.ShowDialog(); }); }); Task.Run(() => { Connection connection = null; ZebraCardPrinter zebraCardPrinter = null; try { connection = printer.GetConnection(); connection.Open(); zebraCardPrinter = ZebraCardPrinterFactory.GetInstance(connection); printerManager.Printer = printer; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Close(); }); } catch (Exception exception) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MessageBoxHelper.ShowError($"Error connecting to printer {address}: {exception.Message}"); }); } finally { ConnectionHelper.CleanUpQuietly(zebraCardPrinter, connection); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { indeterminateProgressDialog.Close(); }); } }); }
public static ZebraPrinter Connect(DiscoveredPrinter discoveredPrinter, PrinterLanguage language) { ZebraPrinter printer = null; try { Connection connection = discoveredPrinter.GetConnection(); printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.GetInstance(language, connection); printer.Connection.Open(); if (printer.Connection.Connected) { Console.WriteLine($"Printer Connected"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Printer Not Connected!"); } } catch (ConnectionException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Error connecting to printer: {e.Message}"); } return(printer); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = ViewModel; if (Device.RuntimePlatform != Device.WPF || !DependencyService.Get <IPlatformHelper>().IsWindows10()) { ToolbarItems.Remove(BluetoothHelpButton); // Bluetooth help dialog is specific to Windows 10 } try { if (DependencyService.Get <INfcManager>().IsNfcAvailable()) { DependencyService.Get <INfcManager>().TagScanned += async(object sender, string nfcData) => { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); // Must call Navigation.PopToRootAsync() on UI thread on Windows tablets }); await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { ViewModel.IsSelectingNfcPrinter = true; ViewModel.SelectedPrinter = null; try { ViewModel.StoredFormatList.Clear(); } catch (NotImplementedException) { ViewModel.StoredFormatList.Clear(); // Workaround for Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF issue: } try { ViewModel.PrinterFormatList.Clear(); } catch (NotImplementedException) { ViewModel.PrinterFormatList.Clear(); // Workaround for Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF issue: } }); Connection connection = null; DiscoveredPrinter printer = null; bool success = false; try { await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { printer = NfcDiscoverer.DiscoverPrinter(nfcData); connection = printer.GetConnection(); try { connection.Open(); // Test connection } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConnectionException("Could not open connection. Please check your printer and device settings and try again.", e); } success = true; }); } catch (Exception e) { await AlertCreator.ShowErrorAsync(this, e.Message); } finally { await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { connection?.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } if (success) { ViewModel.SelectedPrinter = printer; ViewModel.IsSelectingNfcPrinter = false; RefreshFormatLists(); } else { ViewModel.IsSelectingNfcPrinter = false; } }); } }; } } catch (TypeLoadException) { } // NFC is not supported on Windows 7 InitializeStoredFormats(); }
public async Task StartPolling(DiscoveredPrinter printer, List <JobInfo> jobInfoList) { await Task.Run(() => { Connection connection = null; ZebraCardPrinter zebraCardPrinter = null; bool showAtmDialog = true; bool isFeeding = false; try { connection = printer.GetConnection(); connection.Open(); zebraCardPrinter = ZebraCardPrinterFactory.GetInstance(connection); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (JobInfo jobInfo in jobInfoList) { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Polling job status for job ID {jobInfo.JobId}..."); } while (jobInfoList.Count > 0) { foreach (JobInfo jobInfo in jobInfoList.ToList()) { JobStatusInfo jobStatusInfo = zebraCardPrinter.GetJobStatus(jobInfo.JobId); if (!isFeeding) { stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); } bool isAlarmInfoPresent = jobStatusInfo.AlarmInfo.Value > 0; bool isErrorInfoPresent = jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Value > 0; isFeeding = jobStatusInfo.CardPosition.Contains("feeding"); string alarmInfo = isAlarmInfoPresent ? $"{jobStatusInfo.AlarmInfo.Value} ({jobStatusInfo.AlarmInfo.Description})" : jobStatusInfo.AlarmInfo.Value.ToString(); string errorInfo = isErrorInfoPresent ? $"{jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Value} ({jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Description})" : jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Value.ToString(); string jobStatusMessage = $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId}: status:{jobStatusInfo.PrintStatus}, position:{jobStatusInfo.CardPosition}, contact:{jobStatusInfo.ContactSmartCardStatus}, " + $"contactless:{jobStatusInfo.ContactlessSmartCardStatus}, alarm:{alarmInfo}, error:{errorInfo}"; UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, jobStatusMessage, jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); if (jobStatusInfo.PrintStatus.Equals("done_ok")) { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} completed.", jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); showAtmDialog = true; stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); jobInfoList.Remove(jobInfo); } else if (jobStatusInfo.PrintStatus.Equals("done_error")) { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} completed with error: {jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Description}", jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); showAtmDialog = true; stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); jobInfoList.Remove(jobInfo); } else if (jobStatusInfo.PrintStatus.Contains("cancelled")) { if (isErrorInfoPresent) { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} cancelled with error: {jobStatusInfo.ErrorInfo.Description}", jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); } else { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} cancelled.", jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); } showAtmDialog = true; stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); jobInfoList.Remove(jobInfo); } else if (isAlarmInfoPresent) { MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show($"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} encountered alarm [{jobStatusInfo.AlarmInfo.Description}].\r\n" + $"Either fix the alarm and click OK once the job begins again or click Cancel to cancel the job.", "Alarm Encountered", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { zebraCardPrinter.Cancel(jobInfo.JobId); } } else if (isErrorInfoPresent) { zebraCardPrinter.Cancel(jobInfo.JobId); } else if (jobStatusInfo.ContactSmartCardStatus.Contains("at_station") || jobStatusInfo.ContactlessSmartCardStatus.Contains("at_station")) { MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("Please click OK to resume the job or Cancel to cancel the job.", "Card at Station", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Information); if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { zebraCardPrinter.Cancel(jobInfo.JobId); } else { zebraCardPrinter.Resume(); } } else if (isFeeding) { if (showAtmDialog && jobInfo.CardSource == CardSource.ATM) { DialogHelper.ShowInsertCardDialog(); showAtmDialog = false; } else if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > CardFeedTimeoutMilliseconds) { UpdateLog(jobInfo.JobId, $"Job ID {jobInfo.JobId} timed out waiting for a card and was cancelled.", jobInfo.JobNumber, jobStatusInfo); zebraCardPrinter.Cancel(jobInfo.JobId); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowError($"Error polling job status: {exception.Message}"); } finally { ConnectionHelper.CleanUpQuietly(zebraCardPrinter, connection); } }); }