コード例 #1
        public async Task NotifyWorkshopBeginsAsync(Workshop workShop)
            await EnsureClientLoggedIn();

            var discordMessage = GetDiscordMessage(workShop);
            var messageContext = await DiscordMessageContext.CreateAsync(_discordClient, discordMessage);

            if (messageContext.UserMessage == null)

            var mentions = await messageContext.UserMessage.GetReactionUsersAsync(ThumbsUpEmote, 1000)
                           .SelectMany(x => x.ToAsyncEnumerable())
                           .Where(x => !x.IsBot && x.Id != _discordClient.CurrentUser.Id)
                           .Select(x => x.GetMentionString())

            if (!mentions.Any())

            var guild = await _discordClient.GetGuildAsync(_settings.GuildId);

            var channel = await guild.GetTextChannelAsync(_settings.ChannelId);

            await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Aufgepasst! Der Workshop {workShop.title} beginnt in Kürze! {string.Join(" ", mentions)}");
コード例 #2
        public Embed GetEmbed(DiscordMessageContext context)
            var builer = new EmbedBuilder
                Title       = "Poll",
                Color       = new Color(76, 175, 80),
                Description = $"Vote using `{CommandTools.GetCommandPrefix(context, context.Channel)}{(Anonymous ? $"anonvote {Id}" : "vote")} <option number|option text>`{(Anonymous ? $"\n**__ONLY VOTES FROM A DIRECT MESSAGE TO ME WILL BE COUNTED!__**\nThis is **anonymous poll number #{Id}.**" : "")}",
                Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                    Text = $"The poll will end in {TimeSpan.FromMinutes(MinutesLeft).ToLongString()} unless stopped earlier with '{CommandTools.GetCommandPrefix(context, context.Channel)}endpoll'"
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                    Name    = Creator.NicknameOrUsername(),
                    IconUrl = Creator.AvatarUrlOrDefaultAvatar()

            for (int i = 0; i < Options.Count; i++)
                builer.AddField((i + 1).ToString(), Options[i].Text, true);

            if (TotalVotes > 0)
                builer.AddField("Already Voted", string.Join(", ", Voters.Select(voter => voter.Key.NicknameOrUsername())));

コード例 #3
        public static async Task <ICommandResult> Help(DiscordMessageContext context, [DisplayName("page | command"), HelpText("Specifies page number or gets help for this specific command")] string command = null, [HelpText("Whether or not to show parameter descriptions")] Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Default)
            const int pageSize      = 5;
            string    commandPrefix = CommandTools.GetCommandPrefix(context, context.Channel);

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder
                Title = "Help",
                Color = new Color(33, 150, 243)

            bool paginate = int.TryParse(command, out int page);

            if (paginate)
                command = null;
            else if (command == null)
                page     = 1;
                paginate = true;

            if (verbosity == Verbosity.Default)
                verbosity = command != null ? Verbosity.Verbose : Verbosity.Standard;

            var commands = command == null
                           ? commandMethods.Where(method => method.GetCustomAttribute <CommandScopeAttribute>()
                                                  ?? true)
                           .Where(method => method.GetCustomAttribute <PermissionsAttribute>()?.GetPermissionError(context) == null)
                           : GetCommands(command.StartsWith(commandPrefix)
                                                ? command.Substring(commandPrefix.Length)
                                                : command)

            if (commands.Count == 0 || commands[0] == null)
                return(new ErrorResult($"The requested command {commandPrefix}{command} was not found"));

            List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>();

            foreach (MethodInfo method in commands)
                var title = new StringBuilder();
                title.Append(string.Join("|", method.GetCustomAttribute <CommandAttribute>().Names.Select(name => $"{commandPrefix}{name}")));
                title.Append(" ");
                title.Append(string.Join(" ", method.GetParameters()
                                         .Select(param => param.IsOptional
                                                                     ? $"[{param.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>()?.Name ?? param.Name}{(param.IsDefined(typeof(JoinRemainingParametersAttribute)) ? "..." : "")}{(param.DefaultValue == null ? "" : $" = {param.DefaultValue}")}]"
コード例 #4
        public static ICommandResult GetPoll(DiscordMessageContext context)
            Poll po;

            if ((po = Poll.GetPoll(context.Channel)) != null)
                return(new SuccessResult(embed: po.GetEmbed(context)));
                return(new ErrorResult("There is no currently active poll in this channel"));
コード例 #5
        public static ICommandResult Timestamp(DiscordMessageContext context, [DisplayName("discord id")] ulong discordId)
            long unixTime = (long)(((discordId >> 22) + 1420070400000) / 1000);

                return(new SuccessResult(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixTime), context.Bot.DefaultTimeZone).ToString()));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is InvalidTimeZoneException || ex is TimeZoneNotFoundException)
                return(new ErrorResult($"The time zone `{context.Bot.DefaultTimeZone}` is invalid", "Time Zone Error"));
コード例 #6
        public async Task <DiscordMessage> SendDiscordBotMessage
            Workshop currentWorkshop,
            Workshop dbWorkshop,
            DateTime date,
            Meeting existingMeeting
            Embed embedMessageToSend;

            await EnsureClientLoggedIn();

            var discordMessage = GetDiscordMessage(dbWorkshop);
            var messageContext = await DiscordMessageContext.CreateAsync(_discordClient, discordMessage);

            // We dont have any record in the db yet, so we cannot know wether there is a msg or not
            if (dbWorkshop == null || messageContext.UserMessage == null)
                embedMessageToSend = BuildEmbed(currentWorkshop, date, true);
                await messageContext.SendAsync(embedMessageToSend);

                await messageContext.AddReactionAsync(ThumbsUpEmote);


            if (!WorkshopChanged(dbWorkshop, currentWorkshop, existingMeeting))

            embedMessageToSend = BuildEmbed(currentWorkshop, date, false);
            await messageContext.UpdateAsync(x => x.Embed = new Optional <Embed>(embedMessageToSend));

            await ResetReactionsIfNecessary(currentWorkshop, ThumbsUpEmote, dbWorkshop, messageContext.UserMessage);

コード例 #7
        public static async Task <ICommandResult> CreatePoll(DiscordMessageContext context, double minutes, List <string> args, bool anonymous)
            if (minutes < 0.01 || minutes > 1440)
                return(new ErrorResult("Please specify a valid positive number of minutes >= 0.01 and <= 1440."));

            Poll p = Create(context.Channel, context.MessageAuthor, context.Message, minutes, anonymous);

            if (p == null)
                return(new ErrorResult($"There is already a{(Poll.GetPoll(context.Channel).Anonymous ? "n anonymous" : "")} poll in progress"));

            foreach (string option in args)
                p.Options.Add(new PollOption(option.TrimStart(), p));

            await context.Reply("", embed : p.GetEmbed(context));

            return(await Task.Delay((int)(minutes * 60000)).ContinueWith(t => p.Active ? End(context.Channel) : new SuccessResult()));
コード例 #8
        public string GetPermissionError(DiscordMessageContext context)
            if (context.Bot.Settings.OwnerId == context.MessageAuthor.Id)
            if (botOwnerOnly && context.Bot.Settings.OwnerId != context.MessageAuthor.Id)
                return("Only the bot owner can run that command");

            var guildChannel = context.Channel as IGuildChannel;

            if (guildChannel == null)
                return("That command requires permissions that only exist in server channels");
            var missingChannelPermissions = channelPermissions.Where(perm => !((IGuildUser)context.MessageAuthor).GetPermissions((IGuildChannel)context.Channel).Has(perm));
            var missingGuildPermissions   = guildPermissions.Where(perm => !((IGuildUser)context.MessageAuthor).GuildPermissions.Has(perm));
            var missingPermissionStrings  = missingChannelPermissions.Select(perm => perm.ToString()).Concat(missingGuildPermissions.Select(perm => perm.ToString())).ToArray();

            return(missingPermissionStrings.Length > 0 ? $"The following required permissions were missing: {string.Join(", ", missingPermissionStrings)}" : null);
コード例 #9
ファイル: PaginatedCommand.cs プロジェクト: glen3b/DiscordBot
        public static async Task SendPaginatedMessage(DiscordMessageContext context, string command, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > content, int pageNumber, int pageSize, EmbedBuilder template = null)
            IUserMessage message;

            if (context is DiscordPaginatedMessageContext p)
                await p.Reply("", embed : GeneratePaginatedEmbed(command, content, pageNumber, pageSize, template));

                message = p.Message;
                message = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : GeneratePaginatedEmbed(command, content, pageNumber, pageSize, template));

            await message.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();

            if (pageNumber > 2)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⏮"));

            if (pageNumber > 1)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⬅"));

            if (pageNumber < Math.Ceiling(content.Count / (float)pageSize))
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("➡"));

            if (pageNumber < Math.Ceiling(content.Count / (float)pageSize) - 1)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⏭"));
コード例 #10
 private async Task <DiscordMessageContext> TryGetDiscordUserMessage(DiscordMessage discordMessage)
     return(await DiscordMessageContext.CreateAsync(_discordClient, discordMessage));
コード例 #11
        public static async Task <ICommandResult> Quote(DiscordMessageContext context, [DisplayName("message ID"), HelpText("The message to quote")] ulong id, [DisplayName("channel mention"), HelpText("The channel to search")] string channel = null)
            IMessageChannel messageChannel = context.Channel;

            if (channel != null && context.Message.MentionedChannelIds.Count != 0)
                messageChannel = (IMessageChannel)context.Bot.Client.GetChannel(context.Message.MentionedChannelIds.First());

            if (channel != null && !((IGuildUser)context.MessageAuthor).GetPermissions((IGuildChannel)messageChannel).ReadMessageHistory)
                return(new ErrorResult("You do not have permission to read messages in that channel", "Permissions Error"));

            IMessage msg = await messageChannel.GetMessageAsync(id);

            if (msg == null)
                return(new ErrorResult("Message not found"));

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                    Name    = msg.Author.NicknameOrUsername(),
                    IconUrl = msg.Author.AvatarUrlOrDefaultAvatar()
                Timestamp = msg.Timestamp,
                Footer    = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                    Text = $"#{messageChannel.Name}"

            switch (msg.Type)
            case MessageType.Default:
                builder.Description = msg.Content;

            case MessageType.RecipientAdd:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} added a user to the group";

            case MessageType.RecipientRemove:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} removed a user from the group";

            case MessageType.Call:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} started a call";

            case MessageType.ChannelNameChange:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} changed the name of the channel";

            case MessageType.ChannelIconChange:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} changed the channel icon";

            case MessageType.ChannelPinnedMessage:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} pinned a message to the channel";

            case (Discord.MessageType) 7:
                builder.Description = $"{msg.Author.Username} joined the server";

            if (msg.Attachments.Count == 1)
                builder.ImageUrl = msg.Attachments.First().Url;
                builder.Title    = msg.Attachments.First().Filename;
                builder.Url      = builder.ImageUrl;
            else if (msg.Attachments.Count > 1)
                foreach (Attachment attachment in msg.Attachments)
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new EmbedBuilder
                        ImageUrl = attachment.Url,
                        Title    = attachment.Filename,
                        Url      = attachment.Url

            foreach (Embed embed in msg.Embeds.Where(x => x.Type == EmbedType.Rich))
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed);

            return(new SuccessResult(embed: builder.Build()));