コード例 #1
ファイル: Personnage.cs プロジェクト: joxcat/baldmanSagen
        protected Personnage(DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji)
            Id    = me.Id;
            Emoji = emoji;
            Alive = true;

            ChannelV = Global.Game.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(Me.Username.RemoveSpecialChars(), ChannelType.Voice,

            ChannelT = Global.Game.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(Me.Username.RemoveSpecialChars(), ChannelType.Text,

            ChannelT.AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            ChannelV.AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);

            Global.Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.TownText].AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            Global.Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.TownVoice].AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = Global.Game.Texts.GameRoles.RoleString,
                Color = Color.InfoColor

            embed.AddField("Role", ToString());
            ChannelT.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
コード例 #2
            public async Task CreateEmote(CommandContext ctx,
                                          [Description("emote name.\n" +
                                                       "Default: will give a png filename if empty.")] string emoteName = "")
                if (ctx.Channel.IsPrivate)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync(":x: This command is only for server use.");


                var emotepath = "D:\\source\\emotes\\temp\\";
                await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

                if (ctx.Message.Attachments == null)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("No new emote attached. Cancelling.");
                        DiscordAttachment newemote = ctx.Message.Attachments[0];
                        string            filetype = newemote.FileName.Substring(newemote.FileName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal), 4);
                        bool isImage = filetype is ".png" or ".gif";
                        if (!isImage)
                            await ctx.RespondAsync("Wrong file type. Cancelling.");
                        else if (newemote.FileSize > 256 * 1024)
                            await ctx.RespondAsync("New emote file size more that 256Kb. Cancelling.");
                            if (emoteName.Length == 0)
                                emoteName = newemote.FileName.Substring(0, newemote.FileName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                            await FileHandler.DownloadUrlFile(newemote.Url, emotepath, ctx.Client, $"{emoteName}{filetype}");

                            await Task.Delay(1000);     // little delay for our file stream

                            await using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead($"{emotepath}{emoteName}{filetype}"))
                                DiscordGuildEmoji createdEmote = await ctx.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(emoteName, fileStream);

                                await ctx.RespondAsync($"Created new emote: {createdEmote}");

                        // ignored
コード例 #3
        public async Task AddAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                   [Description("desc-emoji-name")] string name,
                                   [Description("desc-emoji-url")] Uri?url = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || name.Length < 2 || name.Length > DiscordLimits.EmojiNameLimit)
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-emoji-name", 2, DiscordLimits.EmojiNameLimit);

            if (url is null)
                if (!ctx.Message.Attachments.Any() || !Uri.TryCreate(ctx.Message.Attachments[0].Url, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
                    throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-image-url");

            if (!await url.ContentTypeHeaderIsImageAsync(DiscordLimits.EmojiSizeLimit))
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-image-url-fail", DiscordLimits.EmojiSizeLimit.ToMetric());

            try {
                using Stream stream = await HttpService.GetStreamAsync(url);

                DiscordGuildEmoji emoji = await ctx.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(name, stream, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString());

                await ctx.InfoAsync(this.ModuleColor, "fmt-emoji-add", emoji.GetDiscordName());
            } catch (WebException e) {
                throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, e, "err-url-image-fail");
コード例 #4
        public async Task Weekly(CommandContext ctx, params DiscordEmoji[] emoji)
            //learn how to auto post every friday

            //emojis for reaction
            var dpsEmoji     = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":dps:");
            var tankEmoji    = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":tank:");
            var supportEmoji = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":support:");

            var weeklySchedule = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("<@&[Player Role ID]> <@&[Coach Role ID]> \nPlease react for scheduling:\n" +
                                                                    "(Tank =" + tankEmoji + ")(DPS =" + dpsEmoji + ")(Support =" + supportEmoji + ")(myPP = :eggplant:)");

            for (int i = 3; i < 10; i++)
                DayOfWeek dayName  = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek;
                string    monthNum = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i).Month.ToString();
                string    dayNum   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i).Day.ToString();

                var scheduleMessage = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("React if you can vod review/scrim "
                                                                         + dayName + " [" + monthNum + "/" + dayNum + "] between 8-10pm ET*");

                await scheduleMessage.CreateReactionAsync(tankEmoji);

                await scheduleMessage.CreateReactionAsync(dpsEmoji);

                await scheduleMessage.CreateReactionAsync(supportEmoji);

            await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("*7-9pm CT, 6-8pm MT, 5-7pm PT");

            await weeklySchedule.PinAsync();
コード例 #5
        protected Personnage(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji)
            Me    = me;
            Emoji = emoji;
            Alive = true;
            Game  = game;
            var name = Me.Username.RemoveSpecialChars() ?? "jesaispasquoi";

            ChannelV = Game.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(Me.Username.RemoveSpecialChars(), ChannelType.Voice,
            ChannelT = Game.Guild.CreateChannelAsync(Me.Username.RemoveSpecialChars(), ChannelType.Text,

            // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor

            ChannelT.AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            ChannelV.AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);

            Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.TownText].AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.TownVoice].AddOverwriteAsync(Me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
            var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
                Title = Game.Texts.RoleString,
                Color = Color.InfoColor

            embed.AddField("Role", ToString());
            ChannelT.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
コード例 #6
    public async Task RemoveEmoji(CommandContext c, [Description("Name of the emoji to remove")] string name)
        if (c.Guild == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot modify emojis in a DM.");

        IReadOnlyList <DiscordGuildEmoji> emojis = await c.Guild.GetEmojisAsync();

        if (!emojis.Any())
            await c.RespondAsync("You have no emoji on this server to remove.");


        DiscordGuildEmoji toRemove = emojis.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);

        if (toRemove == null)
            await c.RespondAsync("I did not find any emoji by that name on this server to remove.");


        try { await c.Guild.DeleteEmojiAsync(toRemove); }
        catch (BadRequestException)
            await c.RespondAsync("I failed to remove the emoji. Discord gave me a bad response.");


        await c.RespondAsync("Emoji successfully removed!");
コード例 #7
            public async Task InstallAsync(CommandContext ctx, string name, [RemainingText] string url = null)
                url = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) ? null : url;

                if (url == null && !ctx.Message.Attachments.Any())
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url), "Need to specify a URL or add an attachment.");

                if (url == null)
                    var att = ctx.Message.Attachments.First();
                    var fn  = att.FileName.ToLowerInvariant();

                    if (!(fn.EndsWith(".png") || fn.EndsWith(".gif")))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Attachment needs to be a GIF or PNG image.", nameof(url));

                    url = att.Url;

                DiscordGuildEmoji nemoji = null;

                using (var res = await this.Http.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    using (var rss = await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                        nemoji = await ctx.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(name, rss, reason : $"{ctx.User.Username}#{ctx.User.Discriminator} ({ctx.User.Id}) installed a meme.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ctx.RespondAsync($"{DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":msokhand:")} {nemoji}").ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #8
ファイル: EmojiConverter.cs プロジェクト: Fairy-Phy/Avespoir
        internal static string ConvertEmoji(DiscordGuildEmoji Emoji)
            string StringEmoji = "<";

            StringEmoji += Emoji.GetDiscordName();
            StringEmoji += Emoji.Id;
            StringEmoji += ">";

コード例 #9
        [RequireChannel(ChannelCheckMode.Any, "confirmed-scrims", "scrim-vod-scheduling")] //only these named channels will post the command
        public async Task Confirmed(CommandContext ctx, int startTime)
            //create emojis for reaction emojis
            var dpsEmoji     = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":dps:");
            var tankEmoji    = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":tank:");
            var supportEmoji = DiscordGuildEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":support:");

            //variables for interactivity, dates, and time
            var       interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();
            DayOfWeek currentDay    = DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek;
            string    monthNum      = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString();
            string    dayNum        = DateTime.Today.Day.ToString();
            var       finishTime    = startTime + 2;

            //prompt user for input and store into separate variables
            await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync("Input team name: ");

            var teamName = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Author == ctx.Member);

            await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync("Input team SR: ");

            var teamSR = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Author == ctx.Member);

            await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync("Team Contact: ");

            var teamContact = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Author == ctx.Member);

            await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync("Contact Battletag: ");

            var contactBT = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Author == ctx.Member);

            await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync("Contact Discord: ");

            var contactDiscord = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => x.Author == ctx.Member);

            //outputs mesage in confirmed-scrim or scheduling channel, pings roles, adds reactions to the end
            var confirmedScrim = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("<@&[Player Role ID]> <@&[Coach Role ID]>\n" +                    //add role IDs
                                                                    "**__" + currentDay.ToString() + " " + monthNum + "/" + dayNum + "__**\n" +
                                                                    "Time: " + startTime.ToString() + "-" + finishTime.ToString() + "pm ET\n" +
                                                                    teamName.Result.Content.ToString() + " | " + teamSR.Result.Content.ToString() + "k" +
                                                                    "\nContact Battletag: " + contactBT.Result.Content.ToString() +
                                                                    "\nContact Discord: " + contactDiscord.Result.Content.ToString());

            await confirmedScrim.CreateReactionAsync(tankEmoji);

            await confirmedScrim.CreateReactionAsync(dpsEmoji);

            await confirmedScrim.CreateReactionAsync(supportEmoji);

            //automatically pins message
            await confirmedScrim.PinAsync();

            //full proof it later....still needs data validation, way to cancel, change dates?
コード例 #10
        public async Task DeleteAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                      [Description("Emoji to delete.")] DiscordEmoji emoji)
            try {
                DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

                string name = gemoji.Name;
                await ctx.Guild.DeleteEmojiAsync(gemoji, ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString());

                await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Successfully deleted emoji: {Formatter.Bold(name)}", important : false);
            } catch (NotFoundException) {
                throw new CommandFailedException("Can't find that emoji in list of emoji that I made for this guild.");
コード例 #11
            public async Task StealAsync(CommandContext ctx, DiscordEmoji emoji, string name)
                if (emoji.Id == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot steal a unicode emoji.");

                DiscordGuildEmoji nemoji = null;

                using (var res = await this.Http.GetAsync(emoji.Url).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    using (var rss = await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                        nemoji = await ctx.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(name, rss, reason : $"{ctx.User.Username}#{ctx.User.Discriminator} ({ctx.User.Id}) stole a meme.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ctx.RespondAsync($"{DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":msokhand:")} {nemoji}").ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #12
        public async Task DeleteAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                      [Description("desc-emoji-del")] DiscordEmoji emoji,
                                      [RemainingText, Description("desc-rsn")] string?reason = null)
            try {
                DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

                string name = gemoji.Name;
                await gemoji.DeleteAsync(ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));

                await ctx.InfoAsync(this.ModuleColor, "fmt-emoji-del", Formatter.Bold(name));
            } catch (NotFoundException) {
                throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "cmd-err-emoji-del-404");
コード例 #13
        public async Task InfoAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                    [Description("Emoji.")] DiscordEmoji emoji)
            DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

            var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder {
                Title        = "Emoji details:",
                Description  = gemoji,
                Color        = this.ModuleColor,
                ThumbnailUrl = gemoji.Url

            emb.AddField("Name", Formatter.InlineCode(gemoji.Name), inline: true);
            emb.AddField("Created by", gemoji.User is null ? "<unknown>" : gemoji.User.Username, inline: true);
            emb.AddField("Integration managed", gemoji.IsManaged.ToString(), inline: true);

            await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : emb.Build());
コード例 #14
        public async Task DeleteEmojiAsync(DiscordMember member)
            BoostEmoji be = new BoostEmoji(member);

            if (!await be.LoadAsync(DbContext))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Member does not have an emoji set.");

            //Delete it and then remove its thingy
            Logger.Log("Deleting {0}'s emoji", member);
            await be.DeleteAsync(DbContext);

            //Remove from the server
            DiscordGuildEmoji emoji = await member.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(be.EmojiId);

            await member.Guild.DeleteEmojiAsync(emoji, "Unboosted.");
コード例 #15
        public async Task ModifyAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                      [Description("Emoji to rename.")] DiscordEmoji emoji,
                                      [Description("New name.")] string newname)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newname))
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Name missing.");

            try {
                DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

                gemoji = await ctx.Guild.ModifyEmojiAsync(gemoji, name : newname, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString());

                await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Successfully modified emoji: {gemoji}", important : false);
            } catch (NotFoundException) {
                throw new CommandFailedException("Can't find that emoji in list of emoji that I made for this guild.");
コード例 #16
        internal override async Task Execute(CommandObjects CommandObject)
            string[] msgs = CommandObject.CommandArgs.Remove(0);
            if (msgs.Length == 0)
                await CommandObject.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(CommandObject.Language.EmptyText);


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msgs[0]))
                await CommandObject.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(CommandObject.Language.EmptyName);

            string EmojiName = msgs[0];

            try {
                IEnumerator <DiscordAttachment> Attachment = CommandObject.Message.Attachments.GetEnumerator();
                Uri ImageUrl;
                if (Attachment.MoveNext())
                    ImageUrl = new Uri(Attachment.Current.Url);
                    throw new UrlNotFoundException();

                WebClient GetImage  = new WebClient();
                byte[]    Imagebyte = await GetImage.DownloadDataTaskAsync(ImageUrl);

                Stream Image = new MemoryStream(Imagebyte);

                DiscordGuildEmoji Emoji = await CommandObject.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(EmojiName, Image);

                await CommandObject.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Format(CommandObject.Language.EmojiSuccess, ConvertEmoji(Emoji), Emoji.Name));
            catch (UrlNotFoundException) {
                await CommandObject.Channel.SendMessageAsync(CommandObject.Language.ImageNotFound);
コード例 #17
        public async Task ModifyAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                      [Description("desc-emoji-edit")] DiscordEmoji emoji,
                                      [Description("str-name")] string newname,
                                      [RemainingText, Description("desc-rsn")] string?reason = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newname) || newname.Length < 2 || newname.Length > DiscordLimits.EmojiNameLimit)
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-emoji-name", 2, DiscordLimits.EmojiNameLimit);

            try {
                DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

                string name = gemoji.GetDiscordName();
                await ctx.Guild.ModifyEmojiAsync(gemoji, name : newname, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString(reason));

                await ctx.InfoAsync(this.ModuleColor, "fmt-emoji-edit", Formatter.Bold(name));
            } catch (NotFoundException) {
                throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "cmd-err-emoji-del-404");
コード例 #18
            public async Task DeleteEmote(CommandContext ctx,
                                          [Description("emote to delete.")] DiscordEmoji emote)
                if (ctx.Channel.IsPrivate)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync(":x: This command is only for server use.");


                await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

                DiscordGuildEmoji guildemote = null;

                if (emote.IsManaged)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("You can't delete an integration-managed emote.");
                    if (ctx.Guild.Emojis.Any(guildemoji => guildemoji.Value == emote))
                        guildemote = ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emote.Id).Result;
                    if (guildemote == null)
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("This emote is not from this server.");
                        await FileHandler.DownloadUrlFile($"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/{guildemote.Id}.png",
                                                          "D:\\source\\emotes\\backup\\", ctx.Client, $"{guildemote.Name}.png");

                        await ctx.Guild.DeleteEmojiAsync(guildemote, $"Emote {guildemote.Name} deleted by {ctx.User.Username} ({ctx.User.Id}).");

                        await ctx.RespondAsync($"Emote {guildemote.Name} deleted.");
コード例 #19
        public async Task AddAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                   [Description("Name for the emoji.")] string name,
                                   [Description("Image URL.")] Uri url = null)
            if (name.Length < 2 || name.Length > 50)
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Emoji name length must be between 2 and 50 characters.");

            if (url == null)
                if (!ctx.Message.Attachments.Any() || !Uri.TryCreate(ctx.Message.Attachments.First().Url, UriKind.Absolute, out url))
                    throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("Please specify a name and URL pointing to an emoji image or attach an image.");

            if (!await this.IsValidImageUriAsync(url))
                throw new InvalidCommandUsageException("URL must point to an image and use HTTP or HTTPS protocols.");

            try {
                using (var response = await _http.GetAsync(url))
                    using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()) {
                        if (stream.Length >= 256000)
                            throw new CommandFailedException("The specified emoji is too large. Maximum allowed image size is 256KB.");
                        DiscordGuildEmoji emoji = await ctx.Guild.CreateEmojiAsync(name, stream, reason : ctx.BuildInvocationDetailsString());

                        await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Successfully added emoji: {emoji}", important : false);
            } catch (WebException e) {
                throw new CommandFailedException("An error occured while fetching the image.", e);
            } catch (BadRequestException e) {
                throw new CommandFailedException("Discord prevented the emoji from being added. Possibly emoji slots are full for this guild or the image format is not supported?", e);
コード例 #20
        public async Task InfoAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                    [Description("desc-emoji-info")] DiscordEmoji emoji)
            try {
                DiscordGuildEmoji gemoji = await ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emoji.Id);

                var emb = new LocalizedEmbedBuilder(this.Localization, ctx.Guild.Id);
                emb.WithDescription($"{gemoji.GetDiscordName()} ({gemoji.Id})");

                emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-created-by", gemoji.User?.ToDiscriminatorString(), inline: true);
                emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-animated", gemoji.IsAnimated, inline: true);
                emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-managed", gemoji.IsManaged, inline: true);
                emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-url", gemoji.Url);
                emb.AddLocalizedTimestampField("str-created-at", gemoji.CreationTimestamp);

                await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : emb.Build());
            } catch (NotFoundException) {
                throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "cmd-err-emoji-404");
コード例 #21
ファイル: Extensions.cs プロジェクト: joxcat/baldmanSagen
        public static DiscordMember Voted(this Dictionary <DiscordMember, DiscordGuildEmoji> dico)
            var counter = new Dictionary <DiscordGuildEmoji, int>();

            foreach (var(_, value) in dico)
                if (counter.TryAdd(value, 1) == false)
                    counter[value] += 1;

            // On recupère le max
            DiscordGuildEmoji max = null;
            var count             = 0;

            foreach (var(key, value) in counter)
                if (max == null)
                    max   = key;
                    count = value;
                    if (count < value)
                        max   = key;
                        count = value;

            var per = Global.Game.PersonnagesList.Find(p => p.Emoji == max);

            return(count == 0 ? null : per.Me);
コード例 #22
            public async Task RenameEmote(CommandContext ctx,
                                          [Description("emote to rename.")] DiscordEmoji emote,
                                          [Description("new emote name.")] string newEmoteName)
                if (ctx.Channel.IsPrivate)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync(":x: This command is only for server use.");

                await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

                DiscordGuildEmoji guildemote = null;

                if (emote.IsManaged)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("You can't modify an integration-managed emote.");
                    if (ctx.Guild.Emojis.Any(guildemoji => guildemoji.Value == emote))
                        guildemote = ctx.Guild.GetEmojiAsync(emote.Id).Result;
                    if (guildemote == null)
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("This emote is not from this server.");
                        await ctx.Guild.ModifyEmojiAsync(guildemote, newEmoteName, reason : $"Emote name changed to {newEmoteName} by {ctx.User.Username} ({ctx.User.Id}). Was: {guildemote.Name}");

                        await ctx.RespondAsync($"Emote {guildemote} modified.");
コード例 #23
 public Citizen(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #24
 public Salvator(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #25
 public TalkativeSeer(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #26
 public Hunter(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #27
 public Wolf(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
     Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.WolfText].AddOverwriteAsync(me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
     Game.DiscordChannels[GameChannel.WolfVoice].AddOverwriteAsync(me, GameBuilder.UsrPerms);
コード例 #28
 public LittleGirl(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #29
 public Witch(Game game, DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(game, me, emoji)
コード例 #30
ファイル: Hunter.cs プロジェクト: joxcat/baldmanSagen
 public Hunter(DiscordMember me, DiscordGuildEmoji emoji) : base(me, emoji)