public Element(Source src, string value, Disambiguation disamg = 0, params Namescope[] usings) { Source = src; String = value; Disambiguation = disamg; Usings = usings; }
public Matcher( string pattern, SymbolBase outcome = null, ForeignContextRef context = null, Condition nextCondition = null, Disambiguation disambiguation = Disambiguation.Undefined) : this( ScanPattern.CreateRegular(pattern), outcome, context, nextCondition, disambiguation) { }
// TODO: Logic should not be present in attribute constructor public LiteralAttribute(string text, Disambiguation disambiguation = Disambiguation.Exclusive) { base.LiteralText = text; base.Disambiguation = disambiguation; // Look-ahead is needed because .net Regex does not select longest match but the first alternative. this.RegexPattern = Regex.Escape(text); if (text != "(" && text != ")") { this.RegexPattern += @"(?=[ \t\(\)"";]|$)"; } this.Pattern = ScannerUtils.Escape(text); }
public Matcher( ScanPattern pattern, SymbolBase outcome = null, ForeignContextRef context = null, Condition nextCondition = null, Disambiguation disambiguation = Disambiguation.Undefined) { this.Pattern = pattern; this.Outcome = outcome; this.Context = context; this.NextCondition = nextCondition; if (disambiguation == Disambiguation.Undefined) { this.Disambiguation = pattern.DefaultDisambiguation; } else { this.Disambiguation = disambiguation; } this.Joint = new Joint(); }
public TypeExtension(Source src, DataType dt, Disambiguation disamg = 0) : base(src, dt, disamg) { }
public FunctionExtension(Source src, Function func, Disambiguation disamg = 0, params Namescope[] scopes) : base(src, func, disamg) { Scopes = scopes; }
public ExtensionEntity(Source src, object obj, Disambiguation disamg) { Source = src; Object = obj; Disambiguation = disamg; }
// Allow providing regular expression pattern for bootstrapping internal MatchAttribute(string scanPattern, string rePattern, Disambiguation disambiguation = Disambiguation.Contextual) { Pattern = scanPattern; RegexPattern = rePattern; Disambiguation = disambiguation; }
public MatchAttribute(string sre, Disambiguation disambiguation = Disambiguation.Contextual) { Pattern = sre; Disambiguation = disambiguation; }
public void Set(string key, SourceValue value, Disambiguation disamg = 0) { Extensions.Properties[key] = new Element(value.Source, value.String, disamg); }