コード例 #1
		private VCEnvironment(CPPTargetPlatform InPlatform, bool bSupportWindowsXP)
			Platform = InPlatform;

			// Get the Visual Studio install directory
			WindowsPlatform.TryGetVSInstallDir(WindowsPlatform.Compiler, out VSInstallDir);

			// Get the Visual C++ compiler install directory. 
			if(!WindowsPlatform.TryGetVCInstallDir(WindowsPlatform.Compiler, out VCInstallDir))
				throw new BuildException(WindowsPlatform.GetCompilerName(WindowsPlatform.Compiler) + " must be installed in order to build this target.");

			WindowsSDKDir = FindWindowsSDKInstallationFolder(Platform, bSupportWindowsXP);
			WindowsSDKLibVersion = FindWindowsSDKLibVersion(WindowsSDKDir);
			WindowsSDKExtensionDir = FindWindowsSDKExtensionInstallationFolder();
			NetFxSDKExtensionDir = FindNetFxSDKExtensionInstallationFolder();
			WindowsSDKExtensionHeaderLibVersion = FindWindowsSDKExtensionLatestVersion(WindowsSDKExtensionDir);
			UniversalCRTDir = bSupportWindowsXP ? "" : FindUniversalCRTInstallationFolder();
			UniversalCRTVersion = bSupportWindowsXP ? "" : FindUniversalCRTVersion(UniversalCRTDir);

			VCToolPath32 = GetVCToolPath32(VCInstallDir);
			VCToolPath64 = GetVCToolPath64(VCInstallDir);

			// Compile using 64 bit tools for 64 bit targets, and 32 for 32.
			DirectoryReference CompilerDir = (Platform == CPPTargetPlatform.Win64) ? VCToolPath64 : VCToolPath32;

			// Regardless of the target, if we're linking on a 64 bit machine, we want to use the 64 bit linker (it's faster than the 32 bit linker and can handle large linking jobs)
			DirectoryReference LinkerDir = VCToolPath64;

			CompilerPath = GetCompilerToolPath(InPlatform, CompilerDir);
			CLExeVersion = FindCLExeVersion(CompilerPath.FullName);
			LinkerPath = GetLinkerToolPath(InPlatform, LinkerDir);
			LibraryManagerPath = GetLibraryLinkerToolPath(InPlatform, LinkerDir);
			ResourceCompilerPath = new FileReference(GetResourceCompilerToolPath(Platform, bSupportWindowsXP));

            // Make sure the base 32-bit VS tool path is in the PATH, regardless of which configuration we're using. The toolchain may need to reference support DLLs from this directory (eg. mspdb120.dll).
            string PathEnvironmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") ?? "";
            if (!PathEnvironmentVariable.Split(';').Any(x => String.Compare(x, VCToolPath32.FullName, true) == 0))
                PathEnvironmentVariable = VCToolPath32.FullName + ";" + PathEnvironmentVariable;
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", PathEnvironmentVariable);

			// Setup the INCLUDE environment variable
			List<string> IncludePaths = GetVisualCppIncludePaths(VCInstallDir.FullName, UniversalCRTDir, UniversalCRTVersion, NetFxSDKExtensionDir, WindowsSDKDir, WindowsSDKLibVersion, bSupportWindowsXP);
			if(InitialIncludePaths != null)
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("INCLUDE", String.Join(";", IncludePaths));
			// Setup the LIB environment variable
            List<string> LibraryPaths = GetVisualCppLibraryPaths(VCInstallDir.FullName, UniversalCRTDir, UniversalCRTVersion, NetFxSDKExtensionDir, WindowsSDKDir, WindowsSDKLibVersion, Platform, bSupportWindowsXP);
			if(InitialLibraryPaths != null)
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LIB", String.Join(";", LibraryPaths));
コード例 #2
		public static bool FindTargetFilesInFolder(DirectoryReference InTargetFolder)
			bool bFoundTargetFiles = false;
			IEnumerable<string> Files;
			if (!Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
				Files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(InTargetFolder.FullName, "*.target.cs", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
				Files = Directory.GetFiles(InTargetFolder.FullName, "*.Target.cs", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).AsEnumerable();
			foreach (string TargetFilename in Files)
				bFoundTargetFiles = true;
				foreach (KeyValuePair<FileReference, UProjectInfo> Entry in ProjectInfoDictionary)
					FileInfo ProjectFileInfo = new FileInfo(Entry.Key.FullName);
					string ProjectDir = ProjectFileInfo.DirectoryName.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
					if (TargetFilename.StartsWith(ProjectDir, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
						FileInfo TargetInfo = new FileInfo(TargetFilename);
						// Strip off the target.cs
						string TargetName = Utils.GetFilenameWithoutAnyExtensions(TargetInfo.Name);
						if (TargetToProjectDictionary.ContainsKey(TargetName) == false)
							TargetToProjectDictionary.Add(TargetName, Entry.Key);
			return bFoundTargetFiles;
コード例 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Fills in a project file with source files discovered in the specified list of paths
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="SourceFilePaths">List of paths to look for source files</param>
		/// <param name="SubdirectoryNamesToExclude">Directory base names to ignore when searching subdirectories.  Can be null.</param>
		/// <param name="SearchSubdirectories">True to include subdirectories, otherwise we only search the list of base directories</param>
		/// <param name="IncludePrivateSourceCode">True if source files in the 'Private' directory should be included</param>
		public static List<FileReference> FindFiles(DirectoryReference DirectoryToSearch, List<string> SubdirectoryNamesToExclude = null, bool SearchSubdirectories = true)
			// Build a list of directory names that we don't want to search under. We always ignore intermediate directories.
			string[] ExcludedDirectorySuffixes;
			if (SubdirectoryNamesToExclude == null)
				ExcludedDirectorySuffixes = DefaultExcludedDirectorySuffixes;
				ExcludedDirectorySuffixes = SubdirectoryNamesToExclude.Select(x => Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + x.ToLowerInvariant()).Union(DefaultExcludedDirectorySuffixes).ToArray();

			// Find all the files
			List<FileReference> FoundFiles = new List<FileReference>();
			if (SearchSubdirectories)
				FindFilesInternalRecursive(DirectoryToSearch, ExcludedDirectorySuffixes, FoundFiles);
				FindFilesInternal(DirectoryToSearch, ExcludedDirectorySuffixes, FoundFiles);
			return FoundFiles;
コード例 #4
		public static bool FindTargetFiles(DirectoryReference CurrentTopDirectory, ref bool bOutFoundTargetFiles)
			// We will only search as deep as the first target file found
			List<DirectoryReference> SubFolderList = new List<DirectoryReference>();

			// Check the root directory
			bOutFoundTargetFiles |= FindTargetFilesInFolder(CurrentTopDirectory);
			if (bOutFoundTargetFiles == false)
				foreach (DirectoryReference TargetFolder in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(CurrentTopDirectory.FullName, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Select(x => new DirectoryReference(x)))
					bOutFoundTargetFiles |= FindTargetFilesInFolder(TargetFolder);

			if (bOutFoundTargetFiles == false)
				// Recurse each folders folders
				foreach (DirectoryReference SubFolder in SubFolderList)
					FindTargetFiles(SubFolder, ref bOutFoundTargetFiles);

			return bOutFoundTargetFiles;
コード例 #5
		UProjectInfo(FileReference InFilePath, bool bInIsCodeProject)
			GameName = InFilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();
			FileName = InFilePath.GetFileName();
			FilePath = InFilePath;
			Folder = FilePath.Directory;
			bIsCodeProject = bInIsCodeProject;
コード例 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a PluginInfo object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="InFile"></param>
		/// <param name="InLoadedFrom">Where this pl</param>
		public PluginInfo(FileReference InFile, PluginLoadedFrom InLoadedFrom)
			Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InFile.FullName);
			File = InFile;
			Directory = File.Directory;
			Descriptor = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(File, InLoadedFrom == PluginLoadedFrom.GameProject);
			LoadedFrom = InLoadedFrom;
コード例 #7
		static void FindFilesInternal(DirectoryReference Directory, string[] ExcludedDirectorySuffixes, List<FileReference> FoundFiles)
			foreach (FileReference File in Directory.EnumerateFileReferences())
				if (ShouldInclude(File, DefaultExcludedFileSuffixes))
コード例 #8
		static DirectoryCache FindOrCreateDirectoryCache(DirectoryReference Directory)
			DirectoryCache FoundDirectoryCache;
			if (!Directories.TryGetValue(Directory, out FoundDirectoryCache))
				FoundDirectoryCache = new DirectoryCache(Directory);
				Directories.Add(Directory, FoundDirectoryCache);
			return FoundDirectoryCache;
コード例 #9
		public DirectoryCache(DirectoryReference InDirectory)
			Directory = InDirectory;
			Exists = Directory.Exists();

			if (!Exists)
				Files = new HashSet<FileReference>();
				Directories = new HashSet<DirectoryReference>();
コード例 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public override void CleanProjectFiles(DirectoryReference InMasterProjectDirectory, string InMasterProjectName, DirectoryReference InIntermediateProjectFilesDirectory)
			FileReference MasterProjectFile = FileReference.Combine(InMasterProjectDirectory, InMasterProjectName);
			FileReference MasterProjDeleteFilename = MasterProjectFile + ".sln";
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())
			MasterProjDeleteFilename = MasterProjectFile + ".sdf";
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())
			MasterProjDeleteFilename = MasterProjectFile + ".suo";
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())
			MasterProjDeleteFilename = MasterProjectFile + ".v11.suo";
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())
			MasterProjDeleteFilename = MasterProjectFile + ".v12.suo";
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())

			// Delete the project files folder
			if (InIntermediateProjectFilesDirectory.Exists())
					Directory.Delete(InIntermediateProjectFilesDirectory.FullName, true);
				catch (Exception Ex)
					Log.TraceInformation("Error while trying to clean project files path {0}. Ignored.", InIntermediateProjectFilesDirectory);
					Log.TraceInformation("\t" + Ex.Message);
コード例 #11
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public override void CleanProjectFiles(DirectoryReference InMasterProjectDirectory, string InMasterProjectName, DirectoryReference InIntermediateProjectFilesPath)
			DirectoryReference MasterProjDeleteFilename = DirectoryReference.Combine(InMasterProjectDirectory, InMasterProjectName + ".xcworkspace");
			if (MasterProjDeleteFilename.Exists())
				Directory.Delete(MasterProjDeleteFilename.FullName, true);

			// Delete the project files folder
			if (InIntermediateProjectFilesPath.Exists())
					Directory.Delete(InIntermediateProjectFilesPath.FullName, true);
				catch (Exception Ex)
					Log.TraceInformation("Error while trying to clean project files path {0}. Ignored.", InIntermediateProjectFilesPath);
					Log.TraceInformation("\t" + Ex.Message);
コード例 #12
    public override void GetFilesToDeployOrStage(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        // Engine non-ufs (binaries)

        if (SC.bStageCrashReporter)
            FileReference ReceiptFileName = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "CrashReportClient", SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, null);
            if (FileReference.Exists(ReceiptFileName))
                DirectoryReference EngineDir  = CommandUtils.EngineDirectory;
                DirectoryReference ProjectDir = DirectoryReference.FromFile(Params.RawProjectPath);
                TargetReceipt      Receipt    = TargetReceipt.Read(ReceiptFileName, EngineDir, ProjectDir);
                SC.StageBuildProductsFromReceipt(Receipt, true, false);

        // Stage all the build products
        foreach (StageTarget Target in SC.StageTargets)
            SC.StageBuildProductsFromReceipt(Target.Receipt, Target.RequireFilesExist, Params.bTreatNonShippingBinariesAsDebugFiles);

        // Copy the splash screen, windows specific
        FileReference SplashImage = FileReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content", "Splash", "Splash.bmp");

        if (FileReference.Exists(SplashImage))
            SC.StageFile(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SplashImage);

        // Stage the bootstrap executable
        if (!Params.NoBootstrapExe)
            foreach (StageTarget Target in SC.StageTargets)
                BuildProduct Executable = Target.Receipt.BuildProducts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == BuildProductType.Executable);
                if (Executable != null)
                    // only create bootstraps for executables
                    List <StagedFileReference> StagedFiles = SC.FilesToStage.NonUFSFiles.Where(x => x.Value == Executable.Path).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
                    if (StagedFiles.Count > 0 && Executable.Path.HasExtension(".exe"))
                        string BootstrapArguments = "";
                        if (!ShouldStageCommandLine(Params, SC))
                            if (!SC.IsCodeBasedProject)
                                BootstrapArguments = String.Format("..\\..\\..\\{0}\\{0}.uproject", SC.ShortProjectName);
                                BootstrapArguments = SC.ShortProjectName;

                        string BootstrapExeName;
                        if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count > 1)
                            BootstrapExeName = Executable.Path.GetFileName();
                        else if (Params.IsCodeBasedProject)
                            BootstrapExeName = Target.Receipt.TargetName + ".exe";
                            BootstrapExeName = SC.ShortProjectName + ".exe";

                        foreach (StagedFileReference StagePath in StagedFiles)
                            StageBootstrapExecutable(SC, BootstrapExeName, Executable.Path, StagePath, BootstrapArguments);
コード例 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Allocates a generator-specific source file object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="InitFilePath">Path to the source file on disk</param>
		/// <param name="InitProjectSubFolder">Optional sub-folder to put the file in.  If empty, this will be determined automatically from the file's path relative to the project file</param>
		/// <returns>The newly allocated source file object</returns>
		public override SourceFile AllocSourceFile(FileReference InitFilePath, DirectoryReference InitProjectSubFolder)
			if (InitFilePath.GetFileName().StartsWith("."))
				return null;
			return new XcodeSourceFile(InitFilePath, InitProjectSubFolder);
コード例 #14
    private void RunCsvTool(string ToolName, string Arguments)
        var ToolPath = FileReference.Combine(DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDir, "Engine", "Programs", "NotForLicensees", "CSVTools", "Binaries"), ToolName + ".exe");

        Run(ToolPath.FullName, Arguments);
コード例 #15
ファイル: BuildGraph.cs プロジェクト: LLChennn/UE4.21
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
        /// <param name="Graph">The graph to which the node belongs. Used to determine which outputs need to be transferred to temp storage.</param>
        /// <param name="Node">The node to build</param>
        /// <param name="Storage">The temp storage backend which stores the shared state</param>
        /// <param name="bWithBanner">Whether to write a banner before and after this node's log output</param>
        /// <returns>True if the node built successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
        bool BuildNode(JobContext Job, Graph Graph, Node Node, TempStorage Storage, bool bWithBanner)
            DirectoryReference RootDir = new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot);

            // Create the mapping of tag names to file sets
            Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> >();

            // Read all the input tags for this node, and build a list of referenced input storage blocks
            HashSet <TempStorageBlock> InputStorageBlocks = new HashSet <TempStorageBlock>();

            foreach (NodeOutput Input in Node.Inputs)
                TempStorageFileList FileList = Storage.ReadFileList(Input.ProducingNode.Name, Input.TagName);
                TagNameToFileSet[Input.TagName] = FileList.ToFileSet(RootDir);

            // Read the manifests for all the input storage blocks
            Dictionary <TempStorageBlock, TempStorageManifest> InputManifests = new Dictionary <TempStorageBlock, TempStorageManifest>();

            foreach (TempStorageBlock InputStorageBlock in InputStorageBlocks)
                TempStorageManifest Manifest = Storage.Retreive(InputStorageBlock.NodeName, InputStorageBlock.OutputName);
                InputManifests[InputStorageBlock] = Manifest;

            // Read all the input storage blocks, keeping track of which block each file came from
            Dictionary <FileReference, TempStorageBlock> FileToStorageBlock = new Dictionary <FileReference, TempStorageBlock>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <TempStorageBlock, TempStorageManifest> Pair in InputManifests)
                TempStorageBlock InputStorageBlock = Pair.Key;
                foreach (FileReference File in Pair.Value.Files.Select(x => x.ToFileReference(RootDir)))
                    TempStorageBlock CurrentStorageBlock;
                    if (FileToStorageBlock.TryGetValue(File, out CurrentStorageBlock))
                        LogError("File '{0}' was produced by {1} and {2}", File, InputStorageBlock, CurrentStorageBlock);
                    FileToStorageBlock[File] = InputStorageBlock;

            // Add placeholder outputs for the current node
            foreach (NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
                TagNameToFileSet.Add(Output.TagName, new HashSet <FileReference>());

            // Execute the node
            if (bWithBanner)
                CommandUtils.LogInformation("========== Starting: {0} ==========", Node.Name);
            if (!Node.Build(Job, TagNameToFileSet))
            if (bWithBanner)
                CommandUtils.LogInformation("========== Finished: {0} ==========", Node.Name);

            // Check that none of the inputs have been clobbered
            Dictionary <string, string> ModifiedFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (TempStorageFile File in InputManifests.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Files))
                string Message;
                if (!ModifiedFiles.ContainsKey(File.RelativePath) && !File.Compare(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, out Message))
                    ModifiedFiles.Add(File.RelativePath, Message);
            if (ModifiedFiles.Count > 0)
                throw new AutomationException("Build {0} from a previous step have been modified:\n{1}", (ModifiedFiles.Count == 1)? "product" : "products", String.Join("\n", ModifiedFiles.Select(x => x.Value)));

            // Determine all the output files which are required to be copied to temp storage (because they're referenced by nodes in another agent)
            HashSet <FileReference> ReferencedOutputFiles = new HashSet <FileReference>();

            foreach (Agent Agent in Graph.Agents)
                bool bSameAgent = Agent.Nodes.Contains(Node);
                foreach (Node OtherNode in Agent.Nodes)
                    if (!bSameAgent || Node.ControllingTrigger != OtherNode.ControllingTrigger)
                        foreach (NodeOutput Input in OtherNode.Inputs.Where(x => x.ProducingNode == Node))

            // Find a block name for all new outputs
            Dictionary <FileReference, string> FileToOutputName = new Dictionary <FileReference, string>();

            foreach (NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
                HashSet <FileReference> Files = TagNameToFileSet[Output.TagName];
                foreach (FileReference File in Files)
                    if (!FileToStorageBlock.ContainsKey(File) && File.IsUnderDirectory(RootDir))
                        if (Output == Node.DefaultOutput)
                            if (!FileToOutputName.ContainsKey(File))
                                FileToOutputName[File] = "";
                            string OutputName;
                            if (FileToOutputName.TryGetValue(File, out OutputName) && OutputName.Length > 0)
                                FileToOutputName[File] = String.Format("{0}+{1}", OutputName, Output.TagName.Substring(1));
                                FileToOutputName[File] = Output.TagName.Substring(1);

            // Invert the dictionary to make a mapping of storage block to the files each contains
            Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > OutputStorageBlockToFiles = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> >();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, string> Pair in FileToOutputName)
                HashSet <FileReference> Files;
                if (!OutputStorageBlockToFiles.TryGetValue(Pair.Value, out Files))
                    Files = new HashSet <FileReference>();
                    OutputStorageBlockToFiles.Add(Pair.Value, Files);

            // Write all the storage blocks, and update the mapping from file to storage block
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <FileReference> > Pair in OutputStorageBlockToFiles)
                TempStorageBlock OutputBlock = new TempStorageBlock(Node.Name, Pair.Key);
                foreach (FileReference File in Pair.Value)
                    FileToStorageBlock.Add(File, OutputBlock);
                Storage.Archive(Node.Name, Pair.Key, Pair.Value.ToArray(), Pair.Value.Any(x => ReferencedOutputFiles.Contains(x)));

            // Publish all the output tags
            foreach (NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
                HashSet <FileReference> Files = TagNameToFileSet[Output.TagName];

                HashSet <TempStorageBlock> StorageBlocks = new HashSet <TempStorageBlock>();
                foreach (FileReference File in Files)
                    TempStorageBlock StorageBlock;
                    if (FileToStorageBlock.TryGetValue(File, out StorageBlock))

                Storage.WriteFileList(Node.Name, Output.TagName, Files, StorageBlocks.ToArray());

            // Mark the node as succeeded
コード例 #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Allow various platform project generators to generate any special project properties if required
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="InPlatform"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool GenerateGamePlatformSpecificProperties(UnrealTargetPlatform InPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration, TargetRules.TargetType TargetType, StringBuilder VCProjectFileContent, DirectoryReference RootDirectory, FileReference TargetFilePath)
			if (ProjectGeneratorDictionary.ContainsKey(InPlatform) == true)
				ProjectGeneratorDictionary[InPlatform].GenerateGameProperties(Configuration, VCProjectFileContent, TargetType, RootDirectory, TargetFilePath); ;
			return true;
コード例 #17
		public override bool HasDefaultBuildConfig(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, DirectoryReference ProjectPath)
			string[] BoolKeys = new string[] {
				"bBuildForArmV7", "bBuildForArm64", "bBuildForX86", "bBuildForX8664", 
				"bBuildForES2", "bBuildForESDeferred", "bSupportsVulkan", "bBuildForES3"

			// look up Android specific settings
			if (!DoProjectSettingsMatchDefault(Platform, ProjectPath, "/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings",
				BoolKeys, null, null))
				return false;

			// check the base settings
			return base.HasDefaultBuildConfig(Platform, ProjectPath);
コード例 #18
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds a list of files within a given directory which match the filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="DirectoryName">File to match</param>
		/// <returns>List of files that pass the filter</returns>
		public List<FileReference> ApplyToDirectory(DirectoryReference DirectoryName, bool bIgnoreSymlinks)
			List<FileReference> MatchingFileNames = new List<FileReference>();
			FindMatchesFromDirectory(new DirectoryInfo(DirectoryName.FullName), "", bIgnoreSymlinks, MatchingFileNames);
			return MatchingFileNames;
コード例 #19
    public void StageAppLocalDependencies(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC, string PlatformDir)
        Dictionary <string, string> PathVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        PathVariables["EngineDir"]  = SC.EngineRoot.FullName;
        PathVariables["ProjectDir"] = SC.ProjectRoot.FullName;

        // support multiple comma-separated paths
        string[] AppLocalDirectories = Params.AppLocalDirectory.Split(';');
        foreach (string AppLocalDirectory in AppLocalDirectories)
            string ExpandedAppLocalDir = Utils.ExpandVariables(AppLocalDirectory, PathVariables);

            DirectoryReference BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath = Path.IsPathRooted(ExpandedAppLocalDir) ? new DirectoryReference(CombinePaths(ExpandedAppLocalDir, PlatformDir)) : DirectoryReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, ExpandedAppLocalDir, PlatformDir);
            if (DirectoryReference.Exists(BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath))
                StageAppLocalDependenciesToDir(SC, BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath, StagedDirectoryReference.Combine("Engine", "Binaries", PlatformDir));
                StageAppLocalDependenciesToDir(SC, BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath, StagedDirectoryReference.Combine(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Binaries", PlatformDir));
                LogWarning("Unable to deploy AppLocalDirectory dependencies. No such path: {0}", BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath);
コード例 #20
ファイル: Task.cs プロジェクト: n00bk00b/UnrealEngine-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve a list of files, tag names or file specifications separated by semicolons. Supported entries may be:
        ///   a) The name of a tag set (eg. #CompiledBinaries)
        ///   b) Relative or absolute filenames
        ///   c) A simple file pattern (eg. Foo/*.cpp)
        ///   d) A full directory wildcard (eg. Engine/...)
        /// Note that wildcards may only match the last fragment in a pattern, so matches like "/*/Foo.txt" and "/.../Bar.txt" are illegal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DefaultDirectory">The default directory to resolve relative paths to</param>
        /// <param name="DelimitedPatterns">List of files, tag names, or file specifications to include separated by semicolons.</param>
        /// <param name="TagNameToFileSet">Mapping of tag name to fileset, as passed to the Execute() method</param>
        /// <returns>Set of matching files.</returns>
        public static HashSet <FileReference> ResolveFilespec(DirectoryReference DefaultDirectory, string DelimitedPatterns, Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet)
            List <string> ExcludePatterns = new List <string>();

            return(ResolveFilespecWithExcludePatterns(DefaultDirectory, DelimitedPatterns, ExcludePatterns, TagNameToFileSet));
コード例 #21
         * Notify stakeholders of the commandlet results
        void SendCompletionMessage(bool bWasSuccessful, String MessageBody)
            if (StakeholdersEmailAddresses != null)
                MailMessage Message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
                Message.Priority = MailPriority.High;
                Message.From     = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");

                string Branch = "Unknown";
                if (P4Enabled)
                    Branch = P4Env.Branch;

                foreach (String NextStakeHolder in StakeholdersEmailAddresses)
                    Message.To.Add(new MailAddress(NextStakeHolder));

                ConfigHierarchy Ini = ConfigCache.ReadHierarchy(ConfigHierarchyType.EditorPerProjectUserSettings, DirectoryReference.FromFile(ProjectFullPath), UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64);
                List <string>   Emails;
                Ini.GetArray("RebuildHLODSettings", "EmailNotification", out Emails);
                foreach (var Email in Emails)
                    Message.CC.Add(new MailAddress(Email));

                Message.Subject = String.Format("Nightly HLOD rebuild {0} for {1}", bWasSuccessful ? "[SUCCESS]" : "[FAILED]", Branch);
                Message.Body    = MessageBody;

                /*Attachment Attach = new Attachment();
                 * Message.Attachments.Add()*/
                                    #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Mono 4.6.x obsoletes this class
                    SmtpClient MailClient = new SmtpClient("smtp.epicgames.net");
                                    #pragma warning restore CS0618
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    LogError("Failed to send notify email to {0} ({1})", String.Join(", ", StakeholdersEmailAddresses.ToArray()), Ex.Message);
コード例 #22
        public TobiiGTOM(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
            PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

            PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]
                , "CoreUObject"
                , "Engine"
                , "Slate"
                , "SlateCore"
                , "UMG"
                , "HeadMountedDisplay"

            PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

            PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[]
                , "TobiiGTOM/Public/GTOMAwareUI"

            string             AssemblyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath);
            DirectoryReference RootDirectory    = new DirectoryReference(Path.Combine(AssemblyLocation, "..", "..", ".."));
            bool IsEnginePlugin = RootDirectory.GetDirectoryName() == "Engine";

            PublicDefinitions.Add("TOBII_COMPILE_AS_ENGINE_PLUGIN=" + (IsEnginePlugin ? 1 : 0));

            //Platform specific
            if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 || Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32)
                string PlatformString               = (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) ? "Win64" : "Win32";
                string PluginsPath                  = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "../../../");
                string TobiiRelativeAPIPath         = "TobiiEyetracking/ThirdParty/GameIntegration";
                string TobiiRelativeIncludePath     = Path.Combine(TobiiRelativeAPIPath, "include");
                string TobiiRelativeLibraryBasePath = Path.Combine(TobiiRelativeAPIPath, "lib");

                PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(PluginsPath, TobiiRelativeIncludePath));

                //Add libraries
                AddLibrary(Path.Combine(PluginsPath, TobiiRelativeLibraryBasePath, PlatformString, "tobii_g2om.lib"));
                AddLibrary(Path.Combine(PluginsPath, TobiiRelativeLibraryBasePath, PlatformString, "Tobii.GameIntegration.GTOM.lib"));

                //Add DLL
                string       RelativeG2OMDllPath = "";
                string       RelativeGTOMDllPath = "";
                const string G2OMDllName         = "tobii_g2om.dll";
                const string GTOMDllName         = "Tobii.GameIntegration.GTOM.dll";

                if (IsEnginePlugin)
                    RelativeG2OMDllPath = Path.Combine("Binaries/ThirdParty/TobiiEyetracking", PlatformString, G2OMDllName);
                    RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(EngineDir)/" + RelativeG2OMDllPath);

                    RelativeGTOMDllPath = Path.Combine("Binaries/ThirdParty/TobiiEyetracking", PlatformString, GTOMDllName);
                    RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(EngineDir)/" + RelativeGTOMDllPath);
                    RelativeG2OMDllPath = Path.Combine(TobiiRelativeLibraryBasePath, PlatformString, G2OMDllName);
                    RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(PluginsPath, RelativeG2OMDllPath));

                    RelativeGTOMDllPath = Path.Combine(TobiiRelativeLibraryBasePath, PlatformString, GTOMDllName);
                    RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(PluginsPath, RelativeGTOMDllPath));

                PublicDefinitions.Add("TOBII_G2OM_RELATIVE_DLL_PATH=R\"(" + RelativeG2OMDllPath + ")\"");

                PublicDefinitions.Add("TOBII_GTOM_RELATIVE_DLL_PATH=R\"(" + RelativeGTOMDllPath + ")\"");

コード例 #23
ファイル: BuildGraph.cs プロジェクト: LLChennn/UE4.21
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param>
        static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile)
            // Find all the assemblies containing tasks
            Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray();

            // Read documentation for each of them
            Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>();

            foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies)
                string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml");
                if (File.Exists(XmlFileName))
                    // Read the document
                    XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument();

                    // Parse all the members, and add them to the map
                    foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member"))
                        string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name");
                        MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element);

            // Create the output directory
            if (FileReference.Exists(OutputFile))

            // Write the output file
            LogInformation("Writing {0}...", OutputFile);
            using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName))
                Writer.WriteLine("  <head>");
                Writer.WriteLine("    <style>");
                Writer.WriteLine("      table { border-collapse: collapse }");
                Writer.WriteLine("      table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; }");
                Writer.WriteLine("    </style>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  </head>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  <body>");
                Writer.WriteLine("    <h1>BuildGraph Tasks</h1>");
                foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x))
                    // Get the task object
                    ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName];

                    // Get the documentation for this task
                    XmlElement TaskElement;
                    if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement))
                        // Write the task heading
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <h2>{0}</h2>", TaskName);
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <p>{0}</p>", TaskElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim());

                        // Start the parameter table
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <table>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("      <tr>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Attribute</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Type</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Usage</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Description</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("      </tr>");

                        // Document the parameters
                        foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys)
                            // Get the parameter data
                            ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName];

                            // Get the documentation for this parameter
                            XmlElement ParameterElement;
                            if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement))
                                string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name;
                                if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default)
                                    StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString());
                                    for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++)
                                        if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx]))
                                            NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' ');
                                    TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString();

                                Writer.WriteLine("      <tr>");
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", ParameterName);
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", TypeName);
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required");
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim());
                                Writer.WriteLine("      </tr>");

                        // Always include the "If" attribute
                        Writer.WriteLine("     <tr>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>If</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Condition</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Optional</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false.</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("     </tr>");

                        // Close the table
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <table>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  </body>");
コード例 #24
ファイル: BuildGraph.cs プロジェクト: LLChennn/UE4.21
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point for the BuildGraph command
        /// </summary>
        public override ExitCode Execute()
            // Parse the command line parameters
            string ScriptFileName        = ParseParamValue("Script", null);
            string TargetNames           = ParseParamValue("Target", null);
            string DocumentationFileName = ParseParamValue("Documentation", null);
            string SchemaFileName        = ParseParamValue("Schema", null);
            string ExportFileName        = ParseParamValue("Export", null);
            string PreprocessedFileName  = ParseParamValue("Preprocess", null);
            string SharedStorageDir      = ParseParamValue("SharedStorageDir", null);
            string SingleNodeName        = ParseParamValue("SingleNode", null);
            string TriggerName           = ParseParamValue("Trigger", null);

            string[] SkipTriggerNames          = ParseParamValue("SkipTrigger", "").Split(new char[] { '+', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray();
            bool     bSkipTriggers             = ParseParam("SkipTriggers");
            string   TokenSignature            = ParseParamValue("TokenSignature", null);
            bool     bSkipTargetsWithoutTokens = ParseParam("SkipTargetsWithoutTokens");
            bool     bResume               = SingleNodeName != null || ParseParam("Resume");
            bool     bListOnly             = ParseParam("ListOnly");
            bool     bShowDiagnostics      = ParseParam("ShowDiagnostics");
            bool     bWriteToSharedStorage = ParseParam("WriteToSharedStorage") || CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine;
            bool     bPublicTasksOnly      = ParseParam("PublicTasksOnly");
            string   ReportName            = ParseParamValue("ReportName", null);

            GraphPrintOptions PrintOptions = GraphPrintOptions.ShowCommandLineOptions;

            if (ParseParam("ShowDeps"))
                PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowDependencies;
            if (ParseParam("ShowNotifications"))
                PrintOptions |= GraphPrintOptions.ShowNotifications;

            // Parse any specific nodes to clean
            List <string> CleanNodes = new List <string>();

            foreach (string NodeList in ParseParamValues("CleanNode"))
                foreach (string NodeName in NodeList.Split('+', ';'))

            // Set up the standard properties which build scripts might need
            Dictionary <string, string> DefaultProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            DefaultProperties["Branch"]                 = P4Enabled ? P4Env.Branch : "Unknown";
            DefaultProperties["EscapedBranch"]          = P4Enabled ? CommandUtils.EscapePath(P4Env.Branch) : "Unknown";
            DefaultProperties["Change"]                 = P4Enabled ? P4Env.Changelist.ToString() : "0";
            DefaultProperties["CodeChange"]             = P4Enabled ? P4Env.CodeChangelist.ToString() : "0";
            DefaultProperties["RootDir"]                = CommandUtils.RootDirectory.FullName;
            DefaultProperties["IsBuildMachine"]         = IsBuildMachine ? "true" : "false";
            DefaultProperties["HostPlatform"]           = HostPlatform.Current.HostEditorPlatform.ToString();
            DefaultProperties["RestrictedFolderNames"]  = String.Join(";", RestrictedFolders.Names);
            DefaultProperties["RestrictedFolderFilter"] = String.Join(";", RestrictedFolders.Names.Select(x => String.Format(".../{0}/...", x)));

            // Attempt to read existing Build Version information
            BuildVersion Version;

            if (BuildVersion.TryRead(BuildVersion.GetDefaultFileName(), out Version))
                DefaultProperties["EngineMajorVersion"]     = Version.MajorVersion.ToString();
                DefaultProperties["EngineMinorVersion"]     = Version.MinorVersion.ToString();
                DefaultProperties["EnginePatchVersion"]     = Version.PatchVersion.ToString();
                DefaultProperties["EngineCompatibleChange"] = Version.CompatibleChangelist.ToString();

            // Add any additional custom arguments from the command line (of the form -Set:X=Y)
            Dictionary <string, string> Arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (string Param in Params)
                const string Prefix = "set:";
                if (Param.StartsWith(Prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    int EqualsIdx = Param.IndexOf('=');
                    if (EqualsIdx >= 0)
                        Arguments[Param.Substring(Prefix.Length, EqualsIdx - Prefix.Length)] = Param.Substring(EqualsIdx + 1);
                        LogWarning("Missing value for '{0}'", Param.Substring(Prefix.Length));

            // Find all the tasks from the loaded assemblies
            Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask = new Dictionary <string, ScriptTask>();

            if (!FindAvailableTasks(NameToTask, bPublicTasksOnly))

            // Generate documentation
            if (DocumentationFileName != null)
                GenerateDocumentation(NameToTask, new FileReference(DocumentationFileName));

            // Create a schema for the given tasks
            ScriptSchema Schema = new ScriptSchema(NameToTask);

            if (SchemaFileName != null)
                FileReference FullSchemaFileName = new FileReference(SchemaFileName);
                LogInformation("Writing schema to {0}...", FullSchemaFileName.FullName);
                if (ScriptFileName == null)

            // Check there was a script specified
            if (ScriptFileName == null)
                LogError("Missing -Script= parameter for BuildGraph");

            // Read the script from disk
            Graph Graph;

            if (!ScriptReader.TryRead(new FileReference(ScriptFileName), Arguments, DefaultProperties, Schema, out Graph))

            // Create the temp storage handler
            DirectoryReference RootDir = new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot);
            TempStorage        Storage = new TempStorage(RootDir, DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDir, "Engine", "Saved", "BuildGraph"), (SharedStorageDir == null)? null : new DirectoryReference(SharedStorageDir), bWriteToSharedStorage);

            if (!bResume)
            foreach (string CleanNode in CleanNodes)

            // Convert the supplied target references into nodes
            HashSet <Node> TargetNodes = new HashSet <Node>();

            if (TargetNames == null)
                if (!bListOnly)
                    LogError("Missing -Target= parameter for BuildGraph");
                TargetNodes.UnionWith(Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes));
                foreach (string TargetName in TargetNames.Split(new char[] { '+', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim()))
                    Node[] Nodes;
                    if (!Graph.TryResolveReference(TargetName, out Nodes))
                        LogError("Target '{0}' is not in graph", TargetName);

            // Try to acquire tokens for all the target nodes we want to build
            if (TokenSignature != null)
                // Find all the lock files
                HashSet <FileReference> RequiredTokens = new HashSet <FileReference>(TargetNodes.SelectMany(x => x.RequiredTokens));

                // List out all the required tokens
                if (SingleNodeName == null)
                    CommandUtils.LogInformation("Required tokens:");
                    foreach (Node Node in TargetNodes)
                        foreach (FileReference RequiredToken in Node.RequiredTokens)
                            CommandUtils.LogInformation("  '{0}' requires {1}", Node, RequiredToken);

                // Try to create all the lock files
                List <FileReference> CreatedTokens = new List <FileReference>();
                if (!bListOnly)
                    CreatedTokens.AddRange(RequiredTokens.Where(x => WriteTokenFile(x, TokenSignature)));

                // Find all the tokens that we don't have
                Dictionary <FileReference, string> MissingTokens = new Dictionary <FileReference, string>();
                foreach (FileReference RequiredToken in RequiredTokens)
                    string CurrentOwner = ReadTokenFile(RequiredToken);
                    if (CurrentOwner != null && CurrentOwner != TokenSignature)
                        MissingTokens.Add(RequiredToken, CurrentOwner);

                // If we want to skip all the nodes with missing locks, adjust the target nodes to account for it
                if (MissingTokens.Count > 0)
                    if (bSkipTargetsWithoutTokens)
                        // Find all the nodes we're going to skip
                        HashSet <Node> SkipNodes = new HashSet <Node>();
                        foreach (IGrouping <string, FileReference> MissingTokensForBuild in MissingTokens.GroupBy(x => x.Value, x => x.Key))
                            LogInformation("Skipping the following nodes due to {0}:", MissingTokensForBuild.Key);
                            foreach (FileReference MissingToken in MissingTokensForBuild)
                                foreach (Node SkipNode in TargetNodes.Where(x => x.RequiredTokens.Contains(MissingToken) && SkipNodes.Add(x)))
                                    LogInformation("    {0}", SkipNode);

                        // Write a list of everything left over
                        if (SkipNodes.Count > 0)
                            LogInformation("Remaining target nodes:");
                            foreach (Node TargetNode in TargetNodes)
                                LogInformation("    {0}", TargetNode);
                            if (TargetNodes.Count == 0)
                                LogInformation("    None.");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, string> Pair in MissingTokens)
                            List <Node> SkipNodes = TargetNodes.Where(x => x.RequiredTokens.Contains(Pair.Key)).ToList();
                            LogError("Cannot run {0} due to previous build: {1}", String.Join(", ", SkipNodes), Pair.Value);
                        foreach (FileReference CreatedToken in CreatedTokens)

            // Cull the graph to include only those nodes

            // Collapse any triggers in the graph which are marked to be skipped
            HashSet <ManualTrigger> SkipTriggers = new HashSet <ManualTrigger>();

            if (bSkipTriggers)
                foreach (string SkipTriggerName in SkipTriggerNames)
                    ManualTrigger SkipTrigger;
                    if (!Graph.NameToTrigger.TryGetValue(TriggerName, out SkipTrigger))
                        LogError("Couldn't find trigger '{0}'", TriggerName);

            // If a report for the whole build was requested, insert it into the graph
            if (ReportName != null)
                Report NewReport = new Report(ReportName);
                NewReport.Nodes.UnionWith(Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes));
                Graph.NameToReport.Add(ReportName, NewReport);

            // Write out the preprocessed script
            if (PreprocessedFileName != null)
                FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = new FileReference(PreprocessedFileName);
                LogInformation("Writing {0}...", PreprocessedFileLocation);
                Graph.Write(PreprocessedFileLocation, (SchemaFileName != null)? new FileReference(SchemaFileName) : null);

            // Find the triggers which we are explicitly running.
            ManualTrigger Trigger = null;

            if (TriggerName != null && !Graph.NameToTrigger.TryGetValue(TriggerName, out Trigger))
                LogError("Couldn't find trigger '{0}'", TriggerName);

            // If we're just building a single node, find it
            Node SingleNode = null;

            if (SingleNodeName != null && !Graph.NameToNode.TryGetValue(SingleNodeName, out SingleNode))
                LogError("Node '{0}' is not in the trimmed graph", SingleNodeName);

            // If we just want to show the contents of the graph, do so and exit.
            if (bListOnly)
                HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage);
                Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions);

            // Print out all the diagnostic messages which still apply, unless we're running a step as part of a build system or just listing the contents of the file.
            if (SingleNode == null && (!bListOnly || bShowDiagnostics))
                IEnumerable <GraphDiagnostic> Diagnostics = Graph.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.EnclosingTrigger == Trigger);
                foreach (GraphDiagnostic Diagnostic in Diagnostics)
                    if (Diagnostic.EventType == LogEventType.Console)
                    else if (Diagnostic.EventType == LogEventType.Warning)
                if (Diagnostics.Any(x => x.EventType == LogEventType.Error))

            // Export the graph to a file
            if (ExportFileName != null)
                HashSet <Node> CompletedNodes = FindCompletedNodes(Graph, Storage);
                Graph.Print(CompletedNodes, PrintOptions);
                Graph.Export(new FileReference(ExportFileName), Trigger, CompletedNodes);

            // Execute the command
            if (!bListOnly)
                if (SingleNode != null)
                    if (!BuildNode(new JobContext(this), Graph, SingleNode, Storage, bWithBanner: true))
                    if (!BuildAllNodes(new JobContext(this), Graph, Storage))
コード例 #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds rules for files which match the given names
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="FileName">The filenames to rules for</param>
		/// <param name="BaseDirectoryName">Base directory for the rules</param>
		/// <param name="Type">Whether to add an include or exclude rule</param>
		public void AddRuleForFiles(IEnumerable<FileReference> Files, DirectoryReference BaseDirectory, FileFilterType Type)
			foreach (FileReference File in Files)
				AddRule("/" + File.MakeRelativeTo(BaseDirectory), Type);
コード例 #26
    public override bool PublishSymbols(DirectoryReference SymbolStoreDirectory, List <FileReference> Files, string Product, string BuildVersion = null)
        // Get the SYMSTORE.EXE path, using the latest SDK version we can find.
        FileReference SymStoreExe = GetSymStoreExe();

        List <FileReference> FilesToAdd = Files.Where(x => x.HasExtension(".pdb") || x.HasExtension(".exe") || x.HasExtension(".dll")).ToList();

        if (FilesToAdd.Count > 0)
            DateTime           Start           = DateTime.Now;
            DirectoryReference TempSymStoreDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDirectory, "Saved", "SymStore");

            if (DirectoryReference.Exists(TempSymStoreDir))

            string TempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                File.WriteAllLines(TempFileName, FilesToAdd.Select(x => x.FullName), Encoding.ASCII);

                // Copy everything to the temp symstore
                ProcessStartInfo StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                StartInfo.FileName        = SymStoreExe.FullName;
                StartInfo.Arguments       = string.Format("add /f \"@{0}\" /s \"{1}\" /t \"{2}\"", TempFileName, TempSymStoreDir, Product);
                StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                StartInfo.CreateNoWindow  = true;
                if (Utils.RunLocalProcessAndLogOutput(StartInfo) != 0)
            DateTime CompressDone = DateTime.Now;
            LogInformation("Took {0}s to compress the symbol files to temp path {1}", (CompressDone - Start).TotalSeconds, TempSymStoreDir);

            int CopiedCount = 0;

            // Take each new compressed file made and try and copy it to the real symstore.  Exclude any symstore admin files
            foreach (FileReference File in DirectoryReference.EnumerateFiles(TempSymStoreDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(File => IsSymbolFile(File)))
                string        RelativePath          = File.MakeRelativeTo(DirectoryReference.Combine(TempSymStoreDir));
                FileReference ActualDestinationFile = FileReference.Combine(SymbolStoreDirectory, RelativePath);

                // Try and add a version file.  Do this before checking to see if the symbol is there already in the case of exact matches (multiple builds could use the same pdb, for example)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BuildVersion))
                    FileReference BuildVersionFile = FileReference.Combine(ActualDestinationFile.Directory, string.Format("{0}.version", BuildVersion));
                    // Attempt to create the file. Just continue if it fails.
                        FileReference.WriteAllText(BuildVersionFile, string.Empty);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        LogWarning("Failed to write the version file, reason {0}", Ex.ToString());

                // Don't bother copying the temp file if the destination file is there already.
                if (FileReference.Exists(ActualDestinationFile))
                    LogInformation("Destination file {0} already exists, skipping", ActualDestinationFile.FullName);

                FileReference TempDestinationFile = new FileReference(ActualDestinationFile.FullName + Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    CommandUtils.CopyFile(File.FullName, TempDestinationFile.FullName);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    throw new AutomationException("Couldn't copy the symbol file to the temp store! Reason: {0}", Ex.ToString());
                // Move the file in the temp store over.
                    FileReference.Move(TempDestinationFile, ActualDestinationFile);
                    //LogVerbose("Moved {0} to {1}", TempDestinationFile, ActualDestinationFile);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    // If the file is there already, it was likely either copied elsewhere (and this is an ioexception) or it had a file handle open already.
                    // Either way, it's fine to just continue on.
                    if (FileReference.Exists(ActualDestinationFile))
                        LogInformation("Destination file {0} already exists or was in use, skipping.", ActualDestinationFile.FullName);
                    // If it doesn't exist, we actually failed to copy it entirely.
                        LogWarning("Couldn't move temp file {0} to the symbol store at location {1}! Reason: {2}", TempDestinationFile.FullName, ActualDestinationFile.FullName, Ex.ToString());
                // Delete the temp one no matter what, don't want them hanging around in the symstore
            LogInformation("Took {0}s to copy {1} symbol files to the store at {2}", (DateTime.Now - CompressDone).TotalSeconds, CopiedCount, SymbolStoreDirectory);

            FileReference PingmeFile = FileReference.Combine(SymbolStoreDirectory, "pingme.txt");
            if (!FileReference.Exists(PingmeFile))
                LogInformation("Creating {0} to mark path as three-tiered symbol location", PingmeFile);
                File.WriteAllText(PingmeFile.FullName, "Exists to mark this as a three-tiered symbol location");

    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        CommandUtils.LogInformation("************************* List Third Party Software");

        string ProjectPath = ParseParamValue("Project", String.Empty);

        //Add quotes to avoid issues with spaces in project path
        if (ProjectPath != String.Empty)
            ProjectPath = "\"" + ProjectPath + "\"";

        // Parse the list of targets to list TPS for. Each target is specified by -Target="Name|Configuration|Platform" on the command line.
        HashSet <FileReference> TpsFiles = new HashSet <FileReference>();

        foreach (string Target in ParseParamValues(Params, "Target"))
            // Get the path to store the exported JSON target data
            FileReference OutputFile = FileReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build", "ThirdParty.json");

            IProcessResult Result;

            Result = Run(UE4Build.GetUBTExecutable(), String.Format("{0} {1} -Mode=JsonExport -OutputFile=\"{2}\"", Target.Replace('|', ' '), ProjectPath, OutputFile.FullName), Options: ERunOptions.Default);

            if (Result.ExitCode != 0)
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to run UBT");

            // Read the exported target info back in
            JsonObject Object = JsonObject.Read(OutputFile);

            // Get the project file if there is one
            FileReference ProjectFile = null;
            string        ProjectFileName;
            if (Object.TryGetStringField("ProjectFile", out ProjectFileName))
                ProjectFile = new FileReference(ProjectFileName);

            // Get the default paths to search
            HashSet <DirectoryReference> DirectoriesToScan = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
            DirectoriesToScan.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Shaders"));
            DirectoriesToScan.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Content"));
            if (ProjectFile != null)
                DirectoriesToScan.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(ProjectFile.Directory, "Content"));

            // Add all the paths for each module, and its runtime dependencies
            JsonObject Modules = Object.GetObjectField("Modules");
            foreach (string ModuleName in Modules.KeyNames)
                JsonObject Module = Modules.GetObjectField(ModuleName);
                DirectoriesToScan.Add(new DirectoryReference(Module.GetStringField("Directory")));

                foreach (JsonObject RuntimeDependency in Module.GetObjectArrayField("RuntimeDependencies"))
                    string RuntimeDependencyPath;
                    if (RuntimeDependency.TryGetStringField("SourcePath", out RuntimeDependencyPath) || RuntimeDependency.TryGetStringField("Path", out RuntimeDependencyPath))
                        List <FileReference> Files = FileFilter.ResolveWildcard(DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Source"), RuntimeDependencyPath);
                        DirectoriesToScan.UnionWith(Files.Select(x => x.Directory));

            // Remove any directories that are under other directories, and sort the output list
            List <DirectoryReference> SortedDirectoriesToScan = new List <DirectoryReference>();
            foreach (DirectoryReference DirectoryToScan in DirectoriesToScan.OrderBy(x => x.FullName))
                if (SortedDirectoriesToScan.Count == 0 || !DirectoryToScan.IsUnderDirectory(SortedDirectoriesToScan[SortedDirectoriesToScan.Count - 1]))

            // Get the platforms to exclude
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> SupportedPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform> {
            string[] ExcludePlatformNames = Utils.MakeListOfUnsupportedPlatforms(SupportedPlatforms, bIncludeUnbuildablePlatforms: true).ToArray();

            // Find all the TPS files under the engine directory which match
            foreach (DirectoryReference DirectoryToScan in SortedDirectoriesToScan)
                foreach (FileReference TpsFile in DirectoryReference.EnumerateFiles(DirectoryToScan, "*.tps", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                    if (!TpsFile.ContainsAnyNames(ExcludePlatformNames, DirectoryToScan))

        // Also add any redirects
        List <string> OutputMessages = new List <string>();

        foreach (FileReference TpsFile in TpsFiles)
            string Message = TpsFile.FullName;
                string[] Lines = FileReference.ReadAllLines(TpsFile);
                foreach (string Line in Lines)
                    const string RedirectPrefix = "Redirect:";

                    int Idx = Line.IndexOf(RedirectPrefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (Idx >= 0)
                        FileReference RedirectTpsFile = FileReference.Combine(TpsFile.Directory, Line.Substring(Idx + RedirectPrefix.Length).Trim());
                        Message = String.Format("{0} (redirect from {1})", RedirectTpsFile.FullName, TpsFile.FullName);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                ExceptionUtils.AddContext(Ex, "while processing {0}", TpsFile);

        // Print them all out
        foreach (string OutputMessage in OutputMessages)
コード例 #28
    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        // Get the plugin filename
        string PluginParam = ParseParamValue("Plugin");

        if (PluginParam == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Plugin file name was not specified via the -plugin argument");

        // Read the plugin
        FileReference      PluginFile      = new FileReference(PluginParam);
        DirectoryReference PluginDirectory = PluginFile.Directory;
        PluginDescriptor   Plugin          = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(PluginFile);

        // Clean the intermediate build directory
        DirectoryReference IntermediateBuildDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(PluginDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build");

        if (CommandUtils.DirectoryExists(IntermediateBuildDirectory.FullName))

        // Create a host project for the plugin. For script generator plugins, we need to have UHT be able to load it - and that can only happen if it's enabled in a project.
        DirectoryReference HostProjectDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot), "HostProject");

        if (CommandUtils.DirectoryExists(HostProjectDirectory.FullName))

        DirectoryReference HostProjectPluginDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(HostProjectDirectory, "Plugins", PluginFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension());

        string[] CopyPluginFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(PluginDirectory.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray();
        foreach (string CopyPluginFile in CopyPluginFiles)
            CommandUtils.CopyFile(CopyPluginFile, CommandUtils.MakeRerootedFilePath(CopyPluginFile, PluginDirectory.FullName, HostProjectPluginDirectory.FullName));

        FileReference HostProjectPluginFile = FileReference.Combine(HostProjectPluginDirectory, PluginFile.GetFileName());
        FileReference HostProjectFile       = FileReference.Combine(HostProjectDirectory, "HostProject.uproject");

        File.WriteAllText(HostProjectFile.FullName, "{ \"FileVersion\": 3, \"Plugins\": [ { \"Name\": \"" + PluginFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "\", \"Enabled\": true } ] }");

        // Get any additional arguments from the commandline
        string AdditionalArgs = "";

        // Build the host platforms
        List <string>        ReceiptFileNames = new List <string>();
        UnrealTargetPlatform HostPlatform     = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform;

        if (!ParseParam("NoHostPlatform"))
            if (Plugin.bCanBeUsedWithUnrealHeaderTool)
                BuildPluginWithUBT(PluginFile, Plugin, null, "UnrealHeaderTool", TargetRules.TargetType.Program, HostPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ReceiptFileNames, String.Format("{0} -plugin {1}", AdditionalArgs, CommandUtils.MakePathSafeToUseWithCommandLine(HostProjectPluginFile.FullName)));
            BuildPluginWithUBT(PluginFile, Plugin, HostProjectFile, "UE4Editor", TargetRules.TargetType.Editor, HostPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ReceiptFileNames, AdditionalArgs);

        // Add the game targets
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = Rocket.RocketBuild.GetTargetPlatforms(this, HostPlatform);

        foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform in TargetPlatforms)
            if (Rocket.RocketBuild.IsCodeTargetPlatform(HostPlatform, TargetPlatform))
                BuildPluginWithUBT(PluginFile, Plugin, HostProjectFile, "UE4Game", TargetRules.TargetType.Game, TargetPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, ReceiptFileNames, AdditionalArgs);
                BuildPluginWithUBT(PluginFile, Plugin, HostProjectFile, "UE4Game", TargetRules.TargetType.Game, TargetPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, ReceiptFileNames, AdditionalArgs);

        // Package the plugin to the output folder
        string PackageDirectory = ParseParamValue("Package");

        if (PackageDirectory != null)
            List <BuildProduct> BuildProducts = GetBuildProductsFromReceipts(UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, HostProjectDirectory, ReceiptFileNames);
            PackagePlugin(HostProjectPluginFile, BuildProducts, PackageDirectory);
コード例 #29
 public virtual bool PublishSymbols(DirectoryReference SymbolStoreDirectory, List<FileReference> Files, string Product)
     Log.TraceWarning("PublishSymbols() has not been implemented for {0}", CppPlatform.ToString());
     return false;
コード例 #30
 public virtual bool PublishSymbols(DirectoryReference SymbolStoreDirectory, List <FileReference> Files, string Product)
     CommandUtils.LogWarning("PublishSymbols() has not been implemented for {0}", PlatformType.ToString());
コード例 #31
 static public void InvalidateCachedDirectory(DirectoryReference Directory)
コード例 #32
 public override bool PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(UnrealTargetConfiguration Config, FileReference ProjectFile, string InProjectName, DirectoryReference InProjectDirectory, string InExecutablePath, DirectoryReference InEngineDir, bool bForDistribution, string CookFlavor, bool bIsDataDeploy, bool bCreateStubIPA)
     return(TVOSExports.PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(Config, ProjectFile, InProjectName, InProjectDirectory, InExecutablePath, InEngineDir, bForDistribution, CookFlavor, bIsDataDeploy, bCreateStubIPA));
コード例 #33
    public static bool CanCreateMapPaks(ProjectParams Param)
        bool UseAsyncLevelLoading = false;
        var  ConfigCache          = UnrealBuildTool.ConfigCache.ReadHierarchy(ConfigHierarchyType.Engine, DirectoryReference.FromFile(Param.RawProjectPath), UnrealTargetPlatform.HTML5);

        ConfigCache.GetBool("/Script/HTML5PlatformEditor.HTML5TargetSettings", "UseAsyncLevelLoading", out UseAsyncLevelLoading);

        if (Param.Run)

コード例 #34
 public override bool DeployGeneratePList(FileReference ProjectFile, UnrealTargetConfiguration Config, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, bool bIsUE4Game, string GameName, string ProjectName, DirectoryReference InEngineDir, DirectoryReference AppDirectory, out bool bSupportsPortrait, out bool bSupportsLandscape, out bool bSkipIcons)
     return(TVOSExports.GeneratePList(ProjectFile, Config, ProjectDirectory, bIsUE4Game, GameName, ProjectName, InEngineDir, AppDirectory, out bSupportsPortrait, out bSupportsLandscape, out bSkipIcons));
コード例 #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		public XcodeSourceFile(FileReference InitFilePath, DirectoryReference InitRelativeBaseFolder)
			: base(InitFilePath, InitRelativeBaseFolder)
			FileGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			FileRefGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
コード例 #36
    public override void GetFilesToDeployOrStage(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        //		if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
            // copy the icons/launch screens from the engine
                DirectoryReference SourcePath = DirectoryReference.Combine(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Binaries", "TVOS", "AssetCatalog");
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "Assets.car", false, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, true, false);

            // copy any additional framework assets that will be needed at runtime
                DirectoryReference SourcePath = DirectoryReference.Combine((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.EngineRoot), "Intermediate", "TVOS", "FrameworkAssets");
                if (DirectoryReference.Exists(SourcePath))
                    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "*.*", true, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, true, false);

            // copy the icons/launch screens from the game (may stomp the engine copies)
                DirectoryReference SourcePath = DirectoryReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, "Binaries", "TVOS", "AssetCatalog");
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "Assets.car", false, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, true, false);

            // copy the plist (only if code signing, as it's protected by the code sign blob in the executable and can't be modified independently)
            if (GetCodeSignDesirability(Params))
                DirectoryReference SourcePath      = DirectoryReference.Combine((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.EngineRoot), "Intermediate", "TVOS");
                FileReference      TargetPListFile = FileReference.Combine(SourcePath, (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game") + "-Info.plist");
                //				if (!File.Exists(TargetPListFile))
                    // ensure the plist, entitlements, and provision files are properly copied
                    Console.WriteLine("CookPlat {0}, this {1}", GetCookPlatform(false, false), ToString());
                    if (!SC.IsCodeBasedProject)

                    if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count != 1)
                        throw new AutomationException("iOS is currently only able to package one target configuration at a time, but StageTargetConfigurations contained {0} configurations", SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count);

                    var TargetConfiguration = SC.StageTargetConfigurations[0];

                    bool bSupportsPortrait  = false;
                    bool bSupportsLandscape = false;
                    bool bSkipIcons         = false;
                    DeployGeneratePList(SC.RawProjectPath, TargetConfiguration, (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.EngineRoot), !SC.IsCodeBasedProject, (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game"), SC.ShortProjectName, SC.EngineRoot, DirectoryReference.Combine((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.EngineRoot), "Binaries", "TVOS", "Payload", (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game") + ".app"), out bSupportsPortrait, out bSupportsLandscape, out bSkipIcons);

                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, TargetPListFile.GetFileName(), false, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, false, false, "Info.plist");

        // copy the movies from the project
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, DirectoryReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, "Build/TVOS/Resources/Movies"), "*", false, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, true, false);
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, DirectoryReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content/Movies"), "*", true, null, StagedDirectoryReference.Root, true, false);
コード例 #37
	public void StageAppLocalDependencies(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC, string PlatformDir)
		string BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath = Path.IsPathRooted(Params.AppLocalDirectory) ? CombinePaths(Params.AppLocalDirectory, PlatformDir) : CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, Params.AppLocalDirectory, PlatformDir);
		if (Directory.Exists(BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath))
			string ProjectBinaryPath = new DirectoryReference(SC.ProjectBinariesFolder).MakeRelativeTo(new DirectoryReference(CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "..")));
			string EngineBinaryPath = CombinePaths("Engine", "Binaries", PlatformDir);

			Log("Copying AppLocal dependencies from {0} to {1} and {2}", BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath, ProjectBinaryPath, EngineBinaryPath);

			foreach (string DependencyDirectory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath))
				SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, DependencyDirectory, "*", false, null, ProjectBinaryPath);
				SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, DependencyDirectory, "*", false, null, EngineBinaryPath);
			throw new AutomationException("Unable to deploy AppLocalDirectory dependencies. No such path: {0}", BaseAppLocalDependenciesPath);
コード例 #38
    public override void GetFilesToDeployOrStage(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        if (SC.bStageCrashReporter)
            FileReference ReceiptFileName = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "CrashReportClient", SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, null);
            if (FileReference.Exists(ReceiptFileName))
                DirectoryReference EngineDir  = CommandUtils.EngineDirectory;
                DirectoryReference ProjectDir = DirectoryReference.FromFile(Params.RawProjectPath);
                TargetReceipt      Receipt    = TargetReceipt.Read(ReceiptFileName, EngineDir, ProjectDir);
                SC.StageBuildProductsFromReceipt(Receipt, true, false);

        // Stage all the build products
        Console.WriteLine("Staging all {0} build products", SC.StageTargets.Count);
        int BuildProductIdx = 0;

        foreach (StageTarget Target in SC.StageTargets)
            Console.WriteLine(" Product {0}: {1}", BuildProductIdx, Target.Receipt.TargetName);
            SC.StageBuildProductsFromReceipt(Target.Receipt, Target.RequireFilesExist, Params.bTreatNonShippingBinariesAsDebugFiles);

        FileReference SplashImage = FileReference.Combine(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content", "Splash", "Splash.bmp");

        if (FileReference.Exists(SplashImage))
            SC.StageFile(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SplashImage);

        // Stage the bootstrap executable
        if (!Params.NoBootstrapExe)
            foreach (StageTarget Target in SC.StageTargets)
                BuildProduct Executable = Target.Receipt.BuildProducts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == BuildProductType.Executable);
                if (Executable != null)
                    // only create bootstraps for executables
                    string FullExecutablePath = Path.GetFullPath(Executable.Path.FullName);
                    if (Executable.Path.FullName.Replace("\\", "/").Contains("/" + TargetPlatformType.ToString() + "/"))
                        string BootstrapArguments = "";
                        if (!ShouldStageCommandLine(Params, SC))
                            if (!SC.IsCodeBasedProject)
                                BootstrapArguments = String.Format("\\\"../../../{0}/{0}.uproject\\\"", SC.ShortProjectName);
                                BootstrapArguments = SC.ShortProjectName;

                        string BootstrapExeName;
                        if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count > 1)
                            BootstrapExeName = Path.GetFileName(Executable.Path.FullName);
                        else if (Params.IsCodeBasedProject)
                            BootstrapExeName = Target.Receipt.TargetName;
                            BootstrapExeName = SC.ShortProjectName;

                        List <StagedFileReference> StagePaths = SC.FilesToStage.NonUFSFiles.Where(x => x.Value == Executable.Path).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
                        foreach (StagedFileReference StagePath in StagePaths)
                            StageBootstrapExecutable(SC, BootstrapExeName + ".sh", FullExecutablePath, StagePath.Name, BootstrapArguments);
コード例 #39
    public Noesis(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        Type = ModuleType.External;

        string NoesisBasePath    = ModuleDirectory + "/NoesisSDK/";
        string NoesisIncludePath = NoesisBasePath + "Include/";
        string NoesisInteractivityIncludePath = NoesisBasePath + "Src/Packages/App/Interactivity/Include/";


        // Let's try to make sure the right version of the SDK is in the right place.
        const string RequiredVersionName = "2.2.5";

        PublicDefinitions.Add("NOESIS_VERSION_NAME=\"" + RequiredVersionName + "\"");
        if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath))
            throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK in " + NoesisBasePath + ". Minimum required version is " + RequiredVersionName);

        if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Bin"))
            throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Bin directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Bin. Minimum required version is " + RequiredVersionName);

        if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Include"))
            throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Include directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Include. Minimum required version is " + RequiredVersionName);

        if (!Directory.Exists(NoesisBasePath + "Lib"))
            throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK Lib directory in " + NoesisBasePath + "Lib. Minimum required version is " + RequiredVersionName);

        string NoesisSdkVersionInfo;

            NoesisSdkVersionInfo = File.ReadAllText(NoesisBasePath + "version.txt");
        catch (Exception)
            throw new BuildException("Could not find NoesisGUI SDK version.txt in " + NoesisBasePath + "version.txt. Minimum required version is " + RequiredVersionName);

        string[] LineSplit        = NoesisSdkVersionInfo.Split('\n');
        string[] SplitVersion     = LineSplit[1].Split(' ');
        Version  InstalledVersion = new Version(SplitVersion[0]);
        Version  RequiredVersion  = new Version(RequiredVersionName);

        if (InstalledVersion != RequiredVersion)
            throw new BuildException("Wrong version of the NoesisGUI SDK installed in " + NoesisBasePath + ". Required version is " + RequiredVersionName);


        if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Lib/windows_x86_64/";

            string NoesisDllPath       = "/NoesisSDK/Bin/windows_x86_64/Noesis.dll";
            string NoesisDllTargetPath = "/Binaries/Win64/Noesis.dll";

            if (Target.ProjectFile != null)
                CopyNoesisDll(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDllPath, DirectoryReference.FromFile(Target.ProjectFile).ToString() + NoesisDllTargetPath);

            CopyNoesisDll(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDllPath, ModuleDirectory + "/../.." + NoesisDllTargetPath);

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(Target.RelativeEnginePath + NoesisDllTargetPath))
                System.IO.File.Delete(Target.RelativeEnginePath + NoesisDllTargetPath);

            if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic)
                RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(ProjectDir)" + NoesisDllTargetPath);
                RuntimeDependencies.Add("$(EngineDir)" + NoesisDllTargetPath);
        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Bin/osx/";
            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisLibPath + "Noesis.dylib");

            string NoesisDylibPath = "/NoesisSDK/Bin/osx/Noesis.dylib";
            RuntimeDependencies.Add(ModuleDirectory + NoesisDylibPath);
        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Lib/ios/";

        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Bin/android_arm/";
            string NoesisLib64Path = NoesisBasePath + "Bin/android_arm64/";

            string NoesisAplPath = "/Noesis_APL.xml";
            AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add("AndroidPlugin", ModuleDirectory + NoesisAplPath);
        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Lib/ps4/";
            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisLibPath + "Noesis.a");
        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Bin/xbox_one/";
        else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.HTML5)
            string NoesisLibPath = NoesisBasePath + "Bin/wasm/";
            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(NoesisLibPath + "Noesis.bc");
コード例 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute all tests according to the provided context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ExitCode RunTests(UnrealTestOptions ContextOptions)
            if (ContextOptions.Verbose)
                Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.Verbose;

            if (ContextOptions.VeryVerbose)
                Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.VeryVerbose;

            if (ParseParam("log"))
                if (!Directory.Exists(ContextOptions.LogDir))

                // include test names and timestamp in log filename as multiple (parallel or sequential) Gauntlet tests may be outputting to same directory
                string LogPath = Path.Combine(ContextOptions.LogDir, string.Format("GauntletLog{0}-{1}.txt", ContextOptions.TestList.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (SB, T) => SB.AppendFormat("-{0}", T.ToString())).ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm.ss")));
                Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Writing Gauntlet log to {0}", LogPath);

            // prune our temp folder
            Utils.SystemHelpers.CleanupMarkedDirectories(ContextOptions.TempDir, 7);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextOptions.Build))
                throw new AutomationException("No builds specified. Use -builds=p:\\path\\to\\build");

            if (typeof(UnrealBuildSource).IsAssignableFrom(ContextOptions.BuildSourceType) == false)
                throw new AutomationException("Provided BuildSource type does not inherit from UnrealBuildSource");

            // make -test=none implicit if no test is supplied

            if (ContextOptions.TestList.Count == 0)
                Gauntlet.Log.Info("No test specified, creating default test node");

            bool EditorForAllRoles = Globals.Params.ParseParam("editor") || string.Equals(Globals.Params.ParseValue("build", ""), "editor", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (EditorForAllRoles)
                Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use Editor for all roles");

            Dictionary <UnrealTargetRole, UnrealTestRoleContext> RoleContexts = new Dictionary <UnrealTargetRole, UnrealTestRoleContext>();

            // Default platform to the current os
            UnrealTargetPlatform      DefaultPlatform      = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform;
            UnrealTargetConfiguration DefaultConfiguration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;

            DirectoryReference UnrealPath = new DirectoryReference(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            // todo, pass this in as a BuildSource and remove the COntextOption params specific to finding builds
            UnrealBuildSource BuildInfo = (UnrealBuildSource)Activator.CreateInstance(ContextOptions.BuildSourceType, new object[] { ContextOptions.ProjectPath, UnrealPath, ContextOptions.UsesSharedBuildType, ContextOptions.Build, ContextOptions.SearchPaths });

            // Setup accounts

            List <ITestNode> AllTestNodes = new List <ITestNode>();

            bool InitializedDevices = false;

            HashSet <UnrealTargetPlatform> UsedPlatforms = new HashSet <UnrealTargetPlatform>();

            // for all platforms we want to test...
            foreach (ArgumentWithParams PlatformWithParams in ContextOptions.PlatformList)
                string PlatformString = PlatformWithParams.Argument;

                // combine global and platform-specific params
                Params CombinedParams = new Params(ContextOptions.Params.AllArguments.Concat(PlatformWithParams.AllArguments).ToArray());

                UnrealTargetPlatform PlatformType = UnrealTargetPlatform.Parse(PlatformString);

                if (!InitializedDevices)
                    // Setup the devices and assign them to the executor
                    SetupDevices(PlatformType, ContextOptions);
                    InitializedDevices = true;

                //  Create a context for each process type to operate as
                foreach (UnrealTargetRole Type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetRole)))
                    UnrealTestRoleContext Role = new UnrealTestRoleContext();

                    // Default to these
                    Role.Type          = Type;
                    Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                    Role.Configuration = DefaultConfiguration;

                    // globally, what was requested (e.g -platform=PS4 -configuration=Shipping)
                    UnrealTargetPlatform      RequestedPlatform      = PlatformType;
                    UnrealTargetConfiguration RequestedConfiguration = ContextOptions.Configuration;

                    // look for FooConfiguration, FooPlatform overrides.
                    // e.g. ServerConfiguration, ServerPlatform
                    string PlatformRoleString = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Platform", null);
                    string ConfigString       = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Configuration", null);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlatformRoleString) == false)
                        RequestedPlatform = UnrealTargetPlatform.Parse(PlatformRoleString);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigString) == false)
                        RequestedConfiguration = (UnrealTargetConfiguration)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration), ConfigString, true);

                    // look for -clientargs= and -editorclient etc
                    Role.ExtraArgs = Globals.Params.ParseValue(Type.ToString() + "Args", "");
                    bool UsesEditor = EditorForAllRoles || Globals.Params.ParseParam("Editor" + Type.ToString());

                    if (UsesEditor)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use Editor for role {0}", Type);

                    Role.Skip = Globals.Params.ParseParam("Skip" + Type.ToString());

                    if (Role.Skip)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Will use NullPlatform to skip role {0}", Type);

                    // TODO - the below is a bit rigid, but maybe that's good enough since the "actually use the editor.." option
                    // is specific to clients and servers

                    // client can override platform and config
                    if (Type.IsClient())
                        Role.Platform      = RequestedPlatform;
                        Role.Configuration = RequestedConfiguration;

                        if (UsesEditor)
                            Role.Type          = UnrealTargetRole.EditorGame;
                            Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                            Role.Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;
                    else if (Type.IsServer())
                        // server can only override config
                        Role.Configuration = RequestedConfiguration;

                        if (UsesEditor)
                            Role.Type          = UnrealTargetRole.EditorServer;
                            Role.Platform      = DefaultPlatform;
                            Role.Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;

                    Gauntlet.Log.Verbose("Mapped Role {0} to RoleContext {1}", Type, Role);

                    RoleContexts[Type] = Role;


                UnrealTestContext Context = new UnrealTestContext(BuildInfo, RoleContexts, ContextOptions);

                IEnumerable <ITestNode> TestNodes = CreateTestList(Context, CombinedParams, PlatformWithParams);


            bool AllTestsPassed = ExecuteTests(ContextOptions, AllTestNodes);

            // dispose now, not during shutdown gc, because this runs commands...


            return(AllTestsPassed ? ExitCode.Success : ExitCode.Error_TestFailure);
コード例 #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the dependency cache path and filename for the specified target.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Target">Current build target</param>
		/// <returns>Cache Path</returns>
		public static FileReference GetDependencyCachePathForTarget(UEBuildTarget Target)
			DirectoryReference PlatformIntermediatePath;
			if (Target.ProjectFile != null)
				PlatformIntermediatePath = DirectoryReference.Combine(Target.ProjectFile.Directory, BuildConfiguration.PlatformIntermediateFolder);
				PlatformIntermediatePath = new DirectoryReference(BuildConfiguration.PlatformIntermediatePath);
			return FileReference.Combine(PlatformIntermediatePath, Target.GetTargetName(), "FlatCPPIncludes.bin");
コード例 #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
        /// <param name="BuildProducts">Set of build products produced by this node.</param>
        /// <param name="TagNameToFileSet">Mapping from tag names to the set of files they include</param>
        public override void Execute(JobContext Job, HashSet <FileReference> BuildProducts, Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet)
            // Get the project path, and check it exists
            FileReference ProjectFile = Parameters.Project;

            if (Parameters.Project != null && !FileReference.Exists(ProjectFile))
                throw new AutomationException("Couldn't find project '{0}'", ProjectFile.FullName);

            // Get the directories used for staging this project
            DirectoryReference SourceEngineDir  = CommandUtils.EngineDirectory;
            DirectoryReference SourceProjectDir = (ProjectFile == null)? SourceEngineDir : ProjectFile.Directory;

            // Get the output directories. We flatten the directory structure on output.
            DirectoryReference TargetDir        = Parameters.ToDir;
            DirectoryReference TargetEngineDir  = DirectoryReference.Combine(TargetDir, "Engine");
            DirectoryReference TargetProjectDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(TargetDir, ProjectFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension());

            // Get the path to the receipt
            FileReference ReceiptFileName = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(SourceProjectDir, Parameters.Target, Parameters.Platform, Parameters.Configuration, Parameters.Architecture);

            // Try to load it
            TargetReceipt Receipt;

            if (!TargetReceipt.TryRead(ReceiptFileName, out Receipt))
                throw new AutomationException("Couldn't read receipt '{0}'", ReceiptFileName);

            // Stage all the build products needed at runtime
            HashSet <FileReference> SourceFiles = new HashSet <FileReference>();

            foreach (BuildProduct BuildProduct in Receipt.BuildProducts)
            foreach (RuntimeDependency RuntimeDependency in Receipt.RuntimeDependencies.Where(x => x.Type != StagedFileType.UFS))

            // Get all the target files
            List <FileReference> TargetFiles = new List <FileReference>();

            foreach (FileReference SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                // Get the destination file to copy to, mapping to the new engine and project directories as appropriate
                FileReference TargetFile;
                if (SourceFile.IsUnderDirectory(SourceEngineDir))
                    TargetFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetEngineDir, SourceFile.MakeRelativeTo(SourceEngineDir));
                    TargetFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetProjectDir, SourceFile.MakeRelativeTo(SourceProjectDir));

                // Fixup the case of the output file. Would expect Platform.DeployLowerCaseFilenames() to return true here, but seems not to be the case.
                if (Parameters.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4)
                    TargetFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetDir, TargetFile.MakeRelativeTo(TargetDir).ToLowerInvariant());

                // Only copy the output file if it doesn't already exist. We can stage multiple targets to the same output directory.
                if (Parameters.Overwrite || !FileReference.Exists(TargetFile))
                    CommandUtils.CopyFile(SourceFile.FullName, TargetFile.FullName);
                    // Force all destination files to not readonly.
                    CommandUtils.SetFileAttributes(TargetFile.FullName, ReadOnly: false);

                // Add it to the list of target files

            // Apply the optional tag to the build products
            foreach (string TagName in FindTagNamesFromList(Parameters.Tag))
                FindOrAddTagSet(TagNameToFileSet, TagName).UnionWith(TargetFiles);

            // Add the target file to the list of build products
コード例 #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Applies the filter to each element in a sequence, and returns the list of files that match
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="FileNames">List of filenames</param>
		/// <returns>List of filenames which match the filter</returns>
		public IEnumerable<FileReference> ApplyTo(DirectoryReference BaseDirectory, IEnumerable<FileReference> FileNames)
			return FileNames.Where(x => Matches(x.MakeRelativeTo(BaseDirectory)));
コード例 #44
    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        // Get the plugin filename
        string PluginParam = ParseParamValue("Plugin");

        if (PluginParam == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Missing -Plugin=... argument");

        // Check it exists
        FileReference PluginFile = new FileReference(PluginParam);

        if (!FileReference.Exists(PluginFile))
            throw new AutomationException("Plugin '{0}' not found", PluginFile.FullName);

        // Get the output directory
        string PackageParam = ParseParamValue("Package");

        if (PackageParam == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Missing -Package=... argument");

        // Make sure the packaging directory is valid
        DirectoryReference PackageDir = new DirectoryReference(PackageParam);

        if (PluginFile.IsUnderDirectory(PackageDir))
            throw new AutomationException("Packaged plugin output directory must be different to source");
        if (PackageDir.IsUnderDirectory(DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, "Engine")))
            throw new AutomationException("Output directory for packaged plugin must be outside engine directory");

        // Clear the output directory of existing stuff
        if (DirectoryReference.Exists(PackageDir))

        // Create a placeholder FilterPlugin.ini with instructions on how to use it
        FileReference SourceFilterFile = FileReference.Combine(PluginFile.Directory, "Config", "FilterPlugin.ini");

        if (!FileReference.Exists(SourceFilterFile))
            List <string> Lines = new List <string>();
            Lines.Add("; This section lists additional files which will be packaged along with your plugin. Paths should be listed relative to the root plugin directory, and");
            Lines.Add("; may include \"...\", \"*\", and \"?\" wildcards to match directories, files, and individual characters respectively.");
            Lines.Add("; Examples:");
            Lines.Add(";    /README.txt");
            Lines.Add(";    /Extras/...");
            Lines.Add(";    /Binaries/ThirdParty/*.dll");
            CommandUtils.WriteAllLines_NoExceptions(SourceFilterFile.FullName, Lines.ToArray());

        // Create a host project for the plugin. For script generator plugins, we need to have UHT be able to load it, which can only happen if it's enabled in a project.
        FileReference HostProjectFile       = FileReference.Combine(PackageDir, "HostProject", "HostProject.uproject");
        FileReference HostProjectPluginFile = CreateHostProject(HostProjectFile, PluginFile);

        // Read the plugin
        CommandUtils.Log("Reading plugin from {0}...", HostProjectPluginFile);
        PluginDescriptor Plugin = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(HostProjectPluginFile, false);

        // Compile the plugin for all the target platforms
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> HostPlatforms = ParseParam("NoHostPlatform")? new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>() : new List <UnrealTargetPlatform> {
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = GetTargetPlatforms(this, BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform);

        FileReference[] BuildProducts = CompilePlugin(HostProjectFile, HostProjectPluginFile, Plugin, HostPlatforms, TargetPlatforms, "");

        // Package up the final plugin data
        PackagePlugin(HostProjectPluginFile, BuildProducts, PackageDir);

        // Remove the host project
        if (!ParseParam("NoDeleteHostProject"))
コード例 #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds a list of files within a given directory which match the filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="DirectoryName">File to match</param>
		/// <returns>List of files that pass the filter</returns>
		public List<FileReference> ApplyToDirectory(DirectoryReference DirectoryName, string PrefixPath, bool bIgnoreSymlinks)
			List<FileReference> MatchingFileNames = new List<FileReference>();
			FindMatchesFromDirectory(new DirectoryInfo(DirectoryName.FullName), PrefixPath.Replace('\\', '/').TrimEnd('/') + "/", bIgnoreSymlinks, MatchingFileNames);
			return MatchingFileNames;
コード例 #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param>
        static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile)
            // Find all the assemblies containing tasks
            Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray();

            // Read documentation for each of them
            Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>();

            foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies)
                string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml");
                if (File.Exists(XmlFileName))
                    // Read the document
                    XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument();

                    // Parse all the members, and add them to the map
                    foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member"))
                        string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name");
                        MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element);

            // Create the output directory
            Log("Writing {0}...", OutputFile);

            // Parse the engine version
            BuildVersion Version;

            if (!BuildVersion.TryRead(out Version))
                throw new AutomationException("Couldn't read Build.version");

            // Write the output file
            using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName))
                Writer.WriteLine("Availability: NoPublish");
                Writer.WriteLine("Title: BuildGraph Predefined Tasks");
                Writer.WriteLine("Crumbs: %ROOT%, Programming, Programming/Development, Programming/Development/BuildGraph, Programming/Development/BuildGraph/BuildGraphScriptTasks");
                Writer.WriteLine("Description: This is a procedurally generated markdown page.");
                Writer.WriteLine("version: {0}.{1}", Version.MajorVersion, Version.MinorVersion);
                foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x))
                    // Get the task object
                    ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName];

                    // Get the documentation for this task
                    XmlElement TaskElement;
                    if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement))
                        // Write the task heading
                        Writer.WriteLine("### {0}", TaskName);

                        // Document the parameters
                        List <string[]> Rows = new List <string[]>();
                        foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys)
                            // Get the parameter data
                            ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName];

                            // Get the documentation for this parameter
                            XmlElement ParameterElement;
                            if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement))
                                string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name;
                                if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default)
                                    StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString());
                                    for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++)
                                        if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx]))
                                            NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' ');
                                    TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString();

                                string[] Columns = new string[4];
                                Columns[0] = ParameterName;
                                Columns[1] = TypeName;
                                Columns[2] = Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required";
                                Columns[3] = ConvertToMarkdown(ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary"));

                        // Always include the "If" attribute
                        string[] IfColumns = new string[4];
                        IfColumns[0] = "If";
                        IfColumns[1] = "Condition";
                        IfColumns[2] = "Optional";
                        IfColumns[3] = "Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false.";

                        // Get the width of each column
                        int[] Widths = new int[4];
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < 4; Idx++)
                            Widths[Idx] = Rows.Max(x => x[Idx].Length);

                        // Format the markdown table
                        string Format = String.Format("| {{0,-{0}}} | {{1,-{1}}} | {{2,-{2}}} | {{3,-{3}}} |", Widths[0], Widths[1], Widths[2], Widths[3]);
                        Writer.WriteLine(Format, "", "", "", "");
                        Writer.WriteLine(Format, new string('-', Widths[0]), new string('-', Widths[1]), new string('-', Widths[2]), new string('-', Widths[3]));
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Rows.Count; Idx++)
                            Writer.WriteLine(Format, Rows[Idx][0], Rows[Idx][1], Rows[Idx][2], Rows[Idx][3]);

                        // Blank line before next task
コード例 #47
		/// <summary>
		/// Check for the default configuration
		/// return true if the project uses the default build config
		/// </summary>
		public override bool HasDefaultBuildConfig(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectoryName)
			string[] BoolKeys = new string[] {
				"bDevForArmV7", "bDevForArm64", "bDevForArmV7S", "bShipForArmV7", 
				"bShipForArm64", "bShipForArmV7S", "bShipForBitcode", "bGeneratedSYMFile",
			string[] StringKeys = new string[] {

			// look up iOS specific settings
			if (!DoProjectSettingsMatchDefault(Platform, ProjectDirectoryName, "/Script/IOSRuntimeSettings.IOSRuntimeSettings",
					BoolKeys, null, StringKeys))
				return false;

			// check the base settings
			return base.HasDefaultBuildConfig(Platform, ProjectDirectoryName);
コード例 #48
		static public IEnumerable<DirectoryReference> EnumerateDirectories(DirectoryReference Directory)
			DirectoryCache FoundDirectoryCache = FindOrCreateDirectoryCache(Directory);
			return FoundDirectoryCache.EnumerateDirectories();
コード例 #49
    private static void FindOutputFilesHelper(HashSet<FileReference> OutputFiles, DirectoryReference BaseDir, string SearchPrefix, PhysXTargetLib TargetLib)

        foreach (FileReference FoundFile in BaseDir.EnumerateFileReferences(SearchPrefix))
            string FileNameUpper = FoundFile.GetFileName().ToString().ToUpper();
            bool bIncludeFile = false;
            if(TargetLib == PhysXTargetLib.APEX)
                bIncludeFile = FileGeneratedByAPEX(FileNameUpper);
                bIncludeFile = !FileGeneratedByAPEX(FileNameUpper);

コード例 #50
 public virtual DirectoryReference GetProjectRootForStage(DirectoryReference RuntimeRoot, StagedDirectoryReference RelativeProjectRootForStage)
     return(DirectoryReference.Combine(RuntimeRoot, RelativeProjectRootForStage.Name));
コード例 #51
		public virtual void GenerateGameProperties(UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration, StringBuilder VCProjectFileContent, TargetRules.TargetType TargetType, DirectoryReference RootDirectory, FileReference TargetFilePath)
			// Do nothing
コード例 #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all targets for the project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Properties">Project properties.</param>
        /// <param name="ExtraSearchPaths">Additional search paths.</param>
        private static void DetectTargetsForProject(ProjectProperties Properties, List <string> ExtraSearchPaths = null)
            Properties.Targets = new Dictionary <TargetType, SingleTargetProperties>();
            FileReference TargetsDllFilename;
            string        FullProjectPath = null;

            var GameFolders = new List <DirectoryReference>();
            var RulesFolder = new DirectoryReference(GetRulesAssemblyFolder());

            if (Properties.RawProjectPath != null)
                CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Looking for targets for project {0}", Properties.RawProjectPath);

                TargetsDllFilename = FileReference.Combine(RulesFolder, String.Format("UATRules{0}.dll", Properties.RawProjectPath.GetHashCode()));

                FullProjectPath = CommandUtils.GetDirectoryName(Properties.RawProjectPath.FullName);
                GameFolders.Add(new DirectoryReference(FullProjectPath));
                CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Searching for target rule files in {0}", FullProjectPath);
                TargetsDllFilename = FileReference.Combine(RulesFolder, String.Format("UATRules{0}.dll", "_BaseEngine_"));

            // the UBT code assumes a certain CWD, but artists don't have this CWD.
            var  SourceDir = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Source");
            bool DirPushed = false;

            if (CommandUtils.DirectoryExists_NoExceptions(SourceDir))
                DirPushed = true;
            var ExtraSearchDirectories = (ExtraSearchPaths == null)? null : ExtraSearchPaths.Select(x => new DirectoryReference(x)).ToList();
            var TargetScripts          = RulesCompiler.FindAllRulesSourceFiles(RulesCompiler.RulesFileType.Target, GameFolders: GameFolders, ForeignPlugins: null, AdditionalSearchPaths: ExtraSearchDirectories, bIncludeEnterprise: false);

            if (DirPushed)

            if (!CommandUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetScripts))
                // We only care about project target script so filter out any scripts not in the project folder, or take them all if we are just doing engine stuff
                var ProjectTargetScripts = new List <FileReference>();
                foreach (var TargetScript in TargetScripts)
                    if (FullProjectPath == null || TargetScript.IsUnderDirectory(new DirectoryReference(FullProjectPath)))
                TargetScripts = ProjectTargetScripts;

            if (!CommandUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetScripts))
                CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Found {0} target rule files:", TargetScripts.Count);
                foreach (var Filename in TargetScripts)
                    CommandUtils.LogVerbose("  {0}", Filename);

                // Check if the scripts require compilation
                bool DoNotCompile = false;
                if (!CommandUtils.IsBuildMachine && !CheckIfScriptAssemblyIsOutOfDate(TargetsDllFilename, TargetScripts))
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Targets DLL {0} is up to date.", TargetsDllFilename);
                    DoNotCompile = true;
                if (!DoNotCompile && CommandUtils.FileExists_NoExceptions(TargetsDllFilename.FullName))
                    if (!CommandUtils.DeleteFile_NoExceptions(TargetsDllFilename.FullName, true))
                        DoNotCompile = true;
                        CommandUtils.LogVerbose("Could not delete {0} assuming it is up to date and reusable for a recursive UAT call.", TargetsDllFilename);

                CompileAndLoadTargetsAssembly(Properties, TargetsDllFilename, DoNotCompile, TargetScripts);
コード例 #53
		static public IEnumerable<DirectoryReference> EnumerateDirectoriesRecursively(DirectoryReference Directory)
			DirectoryCache FoundDirectoryCache = FindOrCreateDirectoryCache(Directory);
			foreach (DirectoryReference SubDirectory in FoundDirectoryCache.EnumerateDirectories())
				yield return SubDirectory;

				foreach (DirectoryReference ChildSubDirectory in EnumerateDirectoriesRecursively(SubDirectory))
					yield return ChildSubDirectory;
コード例 #54
ファイル: TagReceiptTask.cs プロジェクト: amigo92/Americano
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
        /// <param name="BuildProducts">Set of build products produced by this node.</param>
        /// <param name="TagNameToFileSet">Mapping from tag names to the set of files they include</param>
        /// <returns>True if the task succeeded</returns>
        public override bool Execute(JobContext Job, HashSet <FileReference> BuildProducts, Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet)
            // Set the Engine directory
            DirectoryReference EngineDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, "Engine");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.EngineDir))
                EngineDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, Parameters.EngineDir);

            // Set the Project directory
            DirectoryReference ProjectDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, "Engine");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.ProjectDir))
                ProjectDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, Parameters.ProjectDir);

            // Resolve the input list
            IEnumerable <FileReference> TargetFiles          = ResolveFilespec(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, Parameters.Files, TagNameToFileSet);
            HashSet <FileReference>     Files                = new HashSet <FileReference>();
            HashSet <string>            WildcardDependencies = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (FileReference TargetFile in TargetFiles)
                // check all files are .target files
                if (TargetFile.GetExtension() != ".target")
                    CommandUtils.LogError("Invalid file passed to TagReceipt task ({0})", TargetFile.FullName);

                // Read the receipt
                TargetReceipt Receipt;
                if (!TargetReceipt.TryRead(TargetFile.FullName, out Receipt))
                    CommandUtils.LogWarning("Unable to load file using TagReceipt task ({0})", TargetFile.FullName);

                // Convert the paths to absolute
                Receipt.ExpandPathVariables(EngineDir, ProjectDir);

                if (Parameters.BuildProducts)
                    foreach (BuildProduct BuildProduct in Receipt.BuildProducts)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.BuildProductType) || BuildProduct.Type == BuildProductType)
                            Files.Add(new FileReference(BuildProduct.Path));

                if (Parameters.RuntimeDependencies)
                    foreach (RuntimeDependency RuntimeDependency in Receipt.RuntimeDependencies)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.StagedFileType) || RuntimeDependency.Type == StagedFileType)
                            // If it doesn't contain any wildcards, just add the pattern directly
                            if (FileFilter.FindWildcardIndex(RuntimeDependency.Path) == -1)
                                // Only add files that exist as dependencies are assumed to always exist
                                FileReference DependencyPath = new FileReference(RuntimeDependency.Path);
                                if (FileReference.Exists(DependencyPath))
                                    // Give a warning about files that don't exist so that we can clean up build.cs files
                                    CommandUtils.LogWarning("File listed as RuntimeDependency in {0} does not exist ({1})", TargetFile.FullName, DependencyPath.FullName);

                if (Parameters.PrecompiledBuildDependencies)
                    foreach (string PrecompiledBuildDependency in Receipt.PrecompiledBuildDependencies)
                        // If it doesn't contain any wildcards, just add the pattern directly
                        if (FileFilter.FindWildcardIndex(PrecompiledBuildDependency) == -1)
                            // Only add files that exist as dependencies are assumed to always exist
                            FileReference DependencyPath = new FileReference(PrecompiledBuildDependency);
                            if (FileReference.Exists(DependencyPath))
                                // Give a warning about files that don't exist so that we can clean up build.cs files
                                CommandUtils.LogWarning("File listed as PrecompiledBuildDependency in {0} does not exist ({1})", TargetFile.FullName, DependencyPath.FullName);

                if (Parameters.PrecompiledRuntimeDependencies)
                    foreach (string PrecompiledRuntimeDependency in Receipt.PrecompiledRuntimeDependencies)
                        // If it doesn't contain any wildcards, just add the pattern directly
                        if (FileFilter.FindWildcardIndex(PrecompiledRuntimeDependency) == -1)
                            // Only add files that exist as dependencies are assumed to always exist
                            FileReference DependencyPath = new FileReference(PrecompiledRuntimeDependency);
                            if (FileReference.Exists(DependencyPath))
                                // Give a warning about files that don't exist so that we can clean up build.cs files
                                CommandUtils.LogWarning("File listed as PrecompiledRuntimeDependency in {0} does not exist ({1})", TargetFile.FullName, DependencyPath.FullName);

            // Turn any wildcards into a file list
            Files.UnionWith(ResolveFilespecWithExcludePatterns(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, WildcardDependencies.ToList(), new List <string>(), TagNameToFileSet));

            // Apply the tag to all the matching files
            FindOrAddTagSet(TagNameToFileSet, Parameters.With).UnionWith(Files);

コード例 #55
    static List <BuildProduct> GetBuildProductsFromReceipts(DirectoryReference EngineDir, DirectoryReference ProjectDir, List <string> ReceiptFileNames)
        List <BuildProduct> BuildProducts = new List <BuildProduct>();

        foreach (string ReceiptFileName in ReceiptFileNames)
            TargetReceipt Receipt;
            if (!TargetReceipt.TryRead(ReceiptFileName, out Receipt))
                throw new AutomationException("Missing or invalid target receipt ({0})", ReceiptFileName);
            Receipt.ExpandPathVariables(EngineDir, ProjectDir);
コード例 #56
ファイル: CopyTask.cs プロジェクト: ragnarula/ActionRPGEngine
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
        /// <param name="BuildProducts">Set of build products produced by this node.</param>
        /// <param name="TagNameToFileSet">Mapping from tag names to the set of files they include</param>
        public override void Execute(JobContext Job, HashSet <FileReference> BuildProducts, Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet)
            // Parse all the source patterns
            FilePattern SourcePattern = new FilePattern(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, Parameters.From);

            // Parse the target pattern
            FilePattern TargetPattern = new FilePattern(CommandUtils.RootDirectory, Parameters.To);

            // Apply the filter to the source files
            HashSet <FileReference> Files = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.Files))
                SourcePattern = SourcePattern.AsDirectoryPattern();
                Files         = ResolveFilespec(SourcePattern.BaseDirectory, Parameters.Files, TagNameToFileSet);

            // Build the file mapping
            Dictionary <FileReference, FileReference> TargetFileToSourceFile = FilePattern.CreateMapping(Files, ref SourcePattern, ref TargetPattern);

            //  If we're not overwriting, remove any files where the destination file already exists.
            if (!Parameters.Overwrite)
                TargetFileToSourceFile = TargetFileToSourceFile.Where(File =>
                    if (FileReference.Exists(File.Key))
                        CommandUtils.Log("Not copying existing file {0}", File.Key);
                }).ToDictionary(Pair => Pair.Key, Pair => Pair.Value);

            // Check we got some files
            if (TargetFileToSourceFile.Count == 0)
                CommandUtils.Log("No files found matching '{0}'", SourcePattern);

            // If the target is on a network share, retry creating the first directory until it succeeds
            DirectoryReference FirstTargetDirectory = TargetFileToSourceFile.First().Key.Directory;

            if (!DirectoryReference.Exists(FirstTargetDirectory))
                const int MaxNumRetries = 15;
                for (int NumRetries = 0;; NumRetries++)
                        if (NumRetries == 1)
                            Log.TraceInformation("Created target directory {0} after 1 retry.", FirstTargetDirectory);
                        else if (NumRetries > 1)
                            Log.TraceInformation("Created target directory {0} after {1} retries.", FirstTargetDirectory, NumRetries);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        if (NumRetries == 0)
                            Log.TraceInformation("Unable to create directory '{0}' on first attempt. Retrying {1} times...", FirstTargetDirectory, MaxNumRetries);

                        Log.TraceLog("  {0}", Ex);

                        if (NumRetries >= 15)
                            throw new AutomationException(Ex, "Unable to create target directory '{0}' after {1} retries.", FirstTargetDirectory, NumRetries);


            // Copy them all
            KeyValuePair <FileReference, FileReference>[] FilePairs = TargetFileToSourceFile.ToArray();
            CommandUtils.Log("Copying {0} file{1} from {2} to {3}...", FilePairs.Length, (FilePairs.Length == 1)? "" : "s", SourcePattern.BaseDirectory, TargetPattern.BaseDirectory);
            CommandUtils.ThreadedCopyFiles(FilePairs.Select(x => x.Value.FullName).ToList(), FilePairs.Select(x => x.Key.FullName).ToList(), bQuiet: true);

            // Update the list of build products

            // Apply the optional output tag to them
            foreach (string TagName in FindTagNamesFromList(Parameters.Tag))
                FindOrAddTagSet(TagNameToFileSet, TagName).UnionWith(TargetFileToSourceFile.Keys);
コード例 #57
		static public bool DirectoryExists(DirectoryReference Directory)
			DirectoryCache FoundDirectoryCache = FindOrCreateDirectoryCache(Directory);
			return FoundDirectoryCache.Exists;
コード例 #58
    static void PackagePlugin(FileReference SourcePluginFile, IEnumerable <FileReference> BuildProducts, DirectoryReference TargetDir)
        DirectoryReference SourcePluginDir = SourcePluginFile.Directory;

        // Copy all the files to the output directory
        FileReference[] SourceFiles = FilterPluginFiles(SourcePluginFile, BuildProducts).ToArray();
        foreach (FileReference SourceFile in SourceFiles)
            FileReference TargetFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetDir, SourceFile.MakeRelativeTo(SourcePluginDir));
            CommandUtils.CopyFile(SourceFile.FullName, TargetFile.FullName);
            CommandUtils.SetFileAttributes(TargetFile.FullName, ReadOnly: false);

        // Get the output plugin filename
        FileReference    TargetPluginFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetDir, SourcePluginFile.GetFileName());
        PluginDescriptor NewDescriptor    = PluginDescriptor.FromFile(TargetPluginFile, false);

        NewDescriptor.bEnabledByDefault = false;
        NewDescriptor.bInstalled        = true;
        NewDescriptor.Save(TargetPluginFile.FullName, false);
コード例 #59
		/// <summary>
		/// UBT startup order is fairly fragile, and relies on globals that may or may not be safe to use yet.
		/// This function is for super early startup stuff that should not access Configuration classes (anything loaded by XmlConfg).
		/// This should be very minimal startup code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Arguments">Cmdline arguments</param>
		private static void DoStartupStuffThatCannotAccessConfigurationClasses(string[] Arguments)
			// Helpers used for stats tracking.
			StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

			// Do super early log init as a safeguard. We'll re-init with proper config options later.

			// ensure we can resolve any external assemblies that are not in the same folder as our assembly.

			// Copy off the arguments to allow checking for command-line arguments elsewhere
			CmdLine = new List<string>(Arguments);

			// Grab the environment.
			InitialEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
			if (InitialEnvironment.Count < 1)
				throw new BuildException("Environment could not be read");

			// Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are likely running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
			// This is critical to be done early so any code that relies on the current directory being Engine/Source will work.
			// UEBuildConfiguration.PostReset is susceptible to this, so we must do this before configs are loaded.
			string EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation()), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Source");

			//@todo.Rocket: This is a workaround for recompiling game code in editor
			// The working directory when launching is *not* what we would expect
			if (Directory.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory) == false)
				// We are assuming UBT always runs from <>/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/...
				EngineSourceDirectory = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetOriginalLocation();
				EngineSourceDirectory = EngineSourceDirectory.Replace("\\", "/");
				Int32 EngineIdx = EngineSourceDirectory.IndexOf("/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
				if (EngineIdx != 0)
					EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineSourceDirectory.Substring(0, EngineIdx), "Engine", "Source");
			if (Directory.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory)) // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
コード例 #60
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(FileReference RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms, bool AssetNativizationRequested)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source", RawProjectPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ".Target.cs")))
            else if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")))
                // wasn't one in the main Source directory, let's check all sub-directories
                //@todo: may want to read each target.cs to see if it has a target corresponding to the project name as a final check
                FileInfo[] Files = (new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath.FullName), "Source")).GetFiles("*.Target.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                if (Files.Length > 0)

            // once we reach this point, we can surmise that this is an asset-
            // only (code free) project

            if (AssetNativizationRequested)
                // we're going to be converting some of the project's assets
                // into native code, so we require a distinct target (executable)
                // be generated for this project

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms != null)
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform ClientPlatform in ClientTargetPlatforms)
                    EncryptionAndSigning.CryptoSettings Settings = EncryptionAndSigning.ParseCryptoSettings(RawProjectPath.Directory, ClientPlatform);
                    if (Settings.IsAnyEncryptionEnabled() || Settings.bEnablePakSigning)

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
            DirectoryReference oldCWD = DirectoryReference.GetCurrentDirectory();

                DirectoryReference EngineSourceDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Source");
                if (!DirectoryReference.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory))                 // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
                    EngineSourceDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, "Binaries");

                // Read the project descriptor, and find all the plugins available to this project
                ProjectDescriptor Project          = ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(RawProjectPath);
                List <PluginInfo> AvailablePlugins = Plugins.ReadAvailablePlugins(CommandUtils.EngineDirectory, RawProjectPath, Project.AdditionalPluginDirectories);

                // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
                bool RetVal = false;
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                    if (!Automation.IsEngineInstalled() && !PlatformExports.HasDefaultBuildConfig(RawProjectPath, TargetPlatformType))
                        RetVal = true;

                    // find if there are any plugins enabled or disabled which differ from the default
                    foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in AvailablePlugins)
                        bool bPluginEnabledForProject = Plugins.IsPluginEnabledForProject(Plugin, Project, TargetPlatformType, TargetType.Game);
                        if ((bPluginEnabledForProject != Plugin.EnabledByDefault) || (bPluginEnabledForProject && Plugin.Descriptor.bInstalled))
                            // NOTE: this code was only marking plugins that compiled for the platform to upgrade to code project, however
                            // this doesn't work in practice, because the runtime code will look for the plugin, without a .uplugin file,
                            // and will fail. This is the safest way to make sure all platforms are acting the same. However, if you
                            // whitelist the plugin in the .uproject file, the above UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject check won't pass
                            // so you won't get in here. Leaving this commented out code in there, because someone is bound to come looking
                            // for why a non-whitelisted platform module is causing a project to convert to code-based.
                            // As an aside, if you run the project with UE4Game (not your Project's binary) from the debugger, it will work
                            // _in this case_ because the .uplugin file will have been staged, and there is no needed library
                            // if(Plugin.Descriptor.Modules.Any(Module => Module.IsCompiledInConfiguration(TargetPlatformType, TargetType.Game, bBuildDeveloperTools: false, bBuildEditor: false)))
                                RetVal = true;
                // Change back to the original directory