private readonly char separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; // Directory separator. #endregion Fields #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CompareForm"/> class. /// </summary> public CompareForm() { InitializeComponent(); dirHelper = new DirectoryHelper(this); maxPathLength = (int)Math.Floor(groupBoxOriginal.Width / 5.5); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Params["path"] != null && Request.Params["type"] != null) { string path = Request.QueryString["path"]; string type = Request.QueryString["type"]; string message = ""; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "file": FileHelper.DeleteFile(path, ref message); Response.Write(message); break; case "folder": DirectoryHelper direcHelper = new DirectoryHelper(path); direcHelper.DeleteDirectory(ref message); Response.Write(message); break; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register script for pendingCallbacks repair ScriptHelper.FixPendingCallbacks(Page); // Handle export settings if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback() && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ExportSettings = GetNewSettings(); } if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { // Display BETA warning lblBeta.Visible = CMSVersion.IsBetaVersion(); lblBeta.Text = string.Format(GetString("export.BETAwarning"), CMSVersion.GetFriendlySystemVersion(false)); bool notTargetPermissions = false; bool notTempPermissions = false; ctrlAsync.OnFinished += ctrlAsync_OnFinished; ctrlAsync.OnError += ctrlAsync_OnError; // Init steps if (wzdExport.ActiveStepIndex < 2) { configExport.Settings = ExportSettings; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { configExport.SiteId = SiteId; } pnlExport.Settings = ExportSettings; // Ensure directories and check permissions try { DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(ExportSettings.TargetPath + "\\temp.file", ExportSettings.WebsitePath); notTargetPermissions = !DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(ExportSettings.TargetPath, true, true, false, false); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { notTargetPermissions = true; } catch (IOExceptions.IOException ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetErrorLabel(ex.Message); return; } try { DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath + "\\temp.file", ExportSettings.WebsitePath); notTempPermissions = !DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath, true, true, false, false); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { notTempPermissions = true; } catch (IOExceptions.IOException ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetErrorLabel(ex.Message); return; } } if (notTargetPermissions || notTempPermissions) { string folder = (notTargetPermissions) ? ExportSettings.TargetPath : ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath; pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetErrorLabel(String.Format(GetString("ExportSite.ErrorPermissions"), folder, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name)); pnlPermissions.Visible = true; lnkPermissions.Target = "_blank"; lnkPermissions.Text = GetString("Install.ErrorPermissions"); lnkPermissions.NavigateUrl = UIContextHelper.GetDocumentationTopicUrl(HELP_TOPIC_DISKPERMISSIONS_LINK); } else { // Try to delete temporary files from previous export if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { try { ExportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(ExportSettings, false); } catch (Exception ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetErrorLabel(GetString("ImportSite.ErrorDeletionTemporaryFiles") + ex.Message); return; } } PortalHelper.EnsureScriptManager(Page).EnablePageMethods = true; // Javascript functions string script = @"var exMessageText = ''; var exErrorText = ''; var exWarningText = ''; var exMachineName = '" + SystemContext.MachineName.ToLowerCSafe() + @"'; var getBusy = false; function GetExportState(cancel) { if (window.Activity) { window.Activity(); } if (getBusy) return; getBusy = true; setTimeout('getBusy = false;', 2000); var argument = cancel + ';' + exMessageText.length + ';' + exErrorText.length + ';' + exWarningText.length + ';' + exMachineName; " + Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "argument", "SetExportStateMssg", "argument", false) + @"; } function SetExportStateMssg(rValue, context) { getBusy = false; if (rValue!='') { var args = context.split(';'); var values = rValue.split('" + SiteExportSettings.SEPARATOR + @"'); var messageElement = document.getElementById('" + lblProgress.ClientID + @"'); var errorElement = document.getElementById('" + lblError.ClientID + @"'); var warningElement = document.getElementById('" + lblWarning.ClientID + @"'); var messageText = exMessageText; messageText = values[1] + messageText.substring(messageText.length - args[1]); if (messageText.length > exMessageText.length) { exMessageText = messageElement.innerHTML = messageText; } var errorText = exErrorText; errorText = values[2] + errorText.substring(errorText.length - args[2]); if (errorText.length > exErrorText.length) { exErrorText = errorElement.innerHTML = errorText; document.getElementById('" + pnlError.ClientID + @"').style.removeProperty('display'); } var warningText = exWarningText; warningText = values[3] + warningText.substring(warningText.length - args[3]); if (warningText.length > exWarningText.length) { exWarningText = warningElement.innerHTML = warningText; document.getElementById('" + pnlWarning.ClientID + @"').style.removeProperty('display'); } if ((values=='') || (values[0]=='F')) { StopExportStateTimer(); var actDiv = document.getElementById('actDiv'); if (actDiv != null) { = 'none'; } BTN_Enable('" + FinishButton.ClientID + @"'); try { BTN_Disable('" + CancelButton.ClientID + @"'); } catch(err) { } } } }"; // Register the script to perform get flags for showing buttons retrieval callback ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "GetSetExportState", ScriptHelper.GetScript(script)); // Add cancel button attribute CancelButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "BTN_Disable('" + CancelButton.ClientID + "'); return CancelExport();"); wzdExport.NextButtonClick += wzdExport_NextButtonClick; wzdExport.PreviousButtonClick += wzdExport_PreviousButtonClick; wzdExport.FinishButtonClick += wzdExport_FinishButtonClick; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { configExport.InitControl(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Handle storing single media file info into the DB. /// </summary> private void HandleSingleMediaFile() { string fileName = txtImportFileName.Text.Trim(); // Check if the filename is in correct format if (!ValidationHelper.IsFileName(fileName)) { SetupTexts(); // Inform user on error RaiseOnAction("importerror", GetString("media.rename.wrongformat")); return; } // Get info on current file path string currFileName = GetNextFileName(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currFileName)) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(currFileName); if (!MediaLibraryHelper.IsExtensionAllowed(ext.TrimStart('.'))) { RaiseOnAction("importerror", string.Format(GetString("attach.notallowedextension"), ext, MediaLibraryHelper.GetAllowedExtensions(SiteName).TrimEnd(';').Replace(";", ", "))); return; } } try { // Get info on current file path if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currFileName)) { string filePath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderPath)) ? currFileName : DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(FolderPath, currFileName); // Get file and library info FileInfo currFile = FileInfo.New(MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFilePath(SiteName, LibraryInfo.LibraryFolder, filePath)); if (currFile != null) { // Save media file info on current file RaiseOnSaveRequired(currFile, txtImportFileTitle.Text.Trim(), txtImportFileDescription.Text.Trim(), URLHelper.GetSafeFileName(fileName, SiteName, false), filePath); } } // Update file paths set and store updated version in the ViewState int indexOfDel = ImportFilePaths.IndexOf("|"); ImportFilePaths = (indexOfDel > 0 ? ImportFilePaths.Remove(0, indexOfDel + 1) : String.Empty); bool wasLast = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ImportFilePaths); if (wasLast) { FinishImport(); } else { RaiseOnAction("singlefileimported", null); // Increment current file index ImportCurrFileIndex++; } } catch (Exception ex) { SetupTexts(); // Inform user on error RaiseOnAction("importerror", ex.Message); } finally { SetupImport(); } }
public static async Task <bool> DumpToFile(byte[] videoBuffer, byte[] audioBuffer, string fileName, string ffmpegPath, int cameraIndex) { await Task.Delay(0); var dh = new DirectoryHelper(cameraIndex); var fullDir = dh.GetRootDirectory(fileName); var tempDir = dh.GetTempDirectory(fileName); // Compile the initial video file (without any audio). var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(ffmpegPath); startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; var argumentBuilder = new List <string>(); argumentBuilder.Add("-loglevel panic"); argumentBuilder.Add("-f h264"); argumentBuilder.Add("-i pipe:"); argumentBuilder.Add("-vsync vfr"); argumentBuilder.Add("-c:v libx264"); argumentBuilder.Add("-bf 0"); argumentBuilder.Add("-pix_fmt yuv420p"); argumentBuilder.Add($@"-vf ""drawtext=fontfile=C\\:/Windows/fonts/consola.ttf:fontsize=24:fontcolor='white':text='{fileName}':boxcolor=0x000000AA:box=1:x=10:y=20"""); argumentBuilder.Add("-an"); argumentBuilder.Add(tempDir); startInfo.Arguments = string.Join(" ", argumentBuilder.ToArray()); var _ffMpegProcess = new Process(); _ffMpegProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _ffMpegProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { Debug.WriteLine(e.Data); }; _ffMpegProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { Debug.WriteLine(e.Data); }; _ffMpegProcess.StartInfo = startInfo; Console.WriteLine($"\n[log] Starting write to {tempDir}..."); try { _ffMpegProcess.Start(); _ffMpegProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); _ffMpegProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("[log] Full video buffer: " + videoBuffer.Length); Console.WriteLine("[log] Full audio buffer: " + audioBuffer.Length); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(videoBuffer)) { memoryStream.CopyTo(_ffMpegProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream); } _ffMpegProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream.Close(); _ffMpegProcess.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[error] An error occurred writing the video file."); Console.WriteLine($"[error] {ex.Message}"); await FileHelper.SafeDelete(tempDir); await DumpToFile(videoBuffer, audioBuffer, fileName, ffmpegPath, cameraIndex); } argumentBuilder = new List <string>(); argumentBuilder.Add($"-i {tempDir}"); argumentBuilder.Add("-i pipe:"); argumentBuilder.Add($"{fullDir}"); startInfo.Arguments = string.Join(" ", argumentBuilder.ToArray()); var _ffMpegAudioProcess = new Process(); _ffMpegAudioProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _ffMpegAudioProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { Debug.WriteLine(e.Data); }; _ffMpegAudioProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { Debug.WriteLine(e.Data); }; _ffMpegAudioProcess.StartInfo = startInfo; Console.WriteLine($"[log] Starting mux audio to {tempDir}..."); try { _ffMpegAudioProcess.Start(); _ffMpegAudioProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); _ffMpegAudioProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("[log] Got access to the process input stream."); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(audioBuffer)) { memoryStream.CopyTo(_ffMpegAudioProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream); } Console.WriteLine("[log] Done writing input stream."); _ffMpegAudioProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream.Close(); _ffMpegAudioProcess.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine("[log] Deleting auxiliary video file..."); await FileHelper.SafeDelete(tempDir); Console.WriteLine($"[log] Final file production completed."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[error] An error occurred writing the audio file."); Console.WriteLine($"[error] {ex.Message}"); await FileHelper.SafeDelete(tempDir); await FileHelper.SafeDelete(fullDir); await DumpToFile(videoBuffer, audioBuffer, fileName, ffmpegPath, cameraIndex); } return(true); }
private async void SynchFiles(object sender = null) { var files = DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryFile(DirectoryHelper.SourcePath); await Sync(files, sender); }
private void uxDeleteEmptyFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var directoryHelper = new DirectoryHelper(); directoryHelper.DeleteEmptyDirectories(_sourceFolder); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(List <IFormFile> file) { List <CodeResponse> response = new List <CodeResponse>(); List <CodeResponse> existingCodeData = new List <CodeResponse>(); long size = file.Sum(f => f.Length); bool IsFileExists = false; string type, dirFullpath, nbPath, _url = string.Empty; // full path to file in temp location var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); foreach (var formFile in file) { dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); if (formFile.Length > 0) { //check if the file with the same name exists existingCodeData = CodePayload.Get(); if (existingCodeData.Count > 0) { // foreach (var record in existingCodeData) { if (record.Name == formFile.FileName) { IsFileExists = true; } } } existingCodeData.Clear(); // if (!IsFileExists) { var fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(formFile.FileName).Substring(1); if (fileExt.ToLower() == "ipynb") { dirFullpath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", "/"); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", string.Empty) + "/" + formFile.FileName); } else { _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName); } nbPath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName; //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirFullpath); } // upload file start using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(dirFullpath, formFile.FileName), FileMode.Create)) { //check file allowed extensions if (!extensions.Contains(fileExt.ToString().ToLower())) { return(BadRequest("File type not allowed")); } //file copy await formFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream); // upload file edn and start creating payload switch (fileExt.ToLower()) { case "py": type = "PYTHON"; break; case "ipynb": type = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK"; break; default: type = "UNRECOGNIZED"; break; } CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = formFile.FileName.Replace("." + fileExt, ""), Name = formFile.FileName, User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, MimeType = formFile.ContentType, Size = formFile.Length, Type = type, Url = _url, FilePath = nbPath, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); response.Add(newRecord); } } } IsFileExists = false; } if (response.Count > 0) { return(Ok(response)); } else { return(BadRequest("File already exists.")); } }
void STOR(string CmdArguments) { if (!ConnectedUser.CanStoreFiles) { SendMessage("426 Access Denied.\r\n"); return; } Stream FS = null; string Path = ConnectedUser.StartUpDirectory + DirectoryHelper.GetExactPath(CmdArguments, ConnectedUser); if (Path.EndsWith("/") || Path.EndsWith(@"\")) { Path = Path.Substring(0, Path.Length - 1); } try { FS = new FileStream(Path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); } catch (Exception Ex) { SendMessage("550 " + Ex.Message + "\r\n"); return; } Socket DataSocket = GetDataSocket(); if (DataSocket == null) { return; } try { int ReadBytes = 1; byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[10000]; do { ReadBytes = DataSocket.Receive(tmpBuffer); FS.Write(tmpBuffer, 0, ReadBytes); } while (ReadBytes > 0); tmpBuffer = null; SendMessage("226 Transfer Complete.\r\n"); // TODO // Parse this File And Save to Datebase if (Path.EndsWith(".helloworld")) { FS.Close(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Uploaded.Invoke(Path); }); } } catch (Exception ex) { SendMessage("426 Connection closed unexpectedly.\r\n"); } finally { if (DataSocket != null) { DataSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); DataSocket.Close(); DataSocket = null; } FS.Close(); FS = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register script for pendingCallbacks repair ScriptHelper.FixPendingCallbacks(Page); // Handle export settings if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback() && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { ExportSettings = GetNewSettings(); } if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { // Display BETA warning lblBeta.Visible = CMSVersion.IsBetaVersion(); lblBeta.Text = string.Format(GetString("export.BETAwarning"), CMSVersion.GetFriendlySystemVersion(false)); bool notTargetPermissions = false; bool notTempPermissions = false; ctrlAsyncSelection.OnFinished += CtrlAsyncSelectionOnFinished; ctrlAsyncSelection.OnError += CtrlAsyncSelectionOnError; ctlAsyncExport.OnCancel += ctlAsyncExport_OnCancel; // Init steps if (wzdExport.ActiveStepIndex < 2) { configExport.Settings = ExportSettings; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { configExport.SiteId = SiteId; } pnlExport.Settings = ExportSettings; // Ensure directories and check permissions try { DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(ExportSettings.TargetPath + "\\temp.file", ExportSettings.WebsitePath); notTargetPermissions = !DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(ExportSettings.TargetPath, true, true, false, false); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { notTargetPermissions = true; } catch (IOExceptions.IOException ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetAlertLabel(lblErrorBlank, ex.Message); return; } try { DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath + "\\temp.file", ExportSettings.WebsitePath); notTempPermissions = !DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath, true, true, false, false); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { notTempPermissions = true; } catch (IOExceptions.IOException ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetAlertLabel(lblErrorBlank, ex.Message); return; } } if (notTargetPermissions || notTempPermissions) { string folder = (notTargetPermissions) ? ExportSettings.TargetPath : ExportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath; pnlWrapper.Visible = false; pnlPermissions.Visible = true; SetAlertLabel(lblErrorBlank, String.Format(GetString("ExportSite.ErrorPermissions"), folder, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name)); lnkPermissions.Target = "_blank"; lnkPermissions.Text = GetString("Install.ErrorPermissions"); lnkPermissions.NavigateUrl = DocumentationHelper.GetDocumentationTopicUrl(HELP_TOPIC_DISKPERMISSIONS_LINK); } else { // Try to delete temporary files from previous export if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { try { ExportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(ExportSettings, false); } catch (Exception ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; SetAlertLabel(lblErrorBlank, GetString("ImportSite.ErrorDeletionTemporaryFiles") + " " + ex.Message); return; } } ControlsHelper.EnsureScriptManager(Page).EnablePageMethods = true; // Javascript functions string script = String.Format( @" function Finished(sender) {{ var errorElement = document.getElementById('{2}'); var errorText = sender.getErrors(); if (errorText != '') {{ errorElement.innerHTML = errorText; document.getElementById('{4}').style.removeProperty('display'); }} var warningElement = document.getElementById('{3}'); var warningText = sender.getWarnings(); if (warningText != '') {{ warningElement.innerHTML = warningText; document.getElementById('{5}').style.removeProperty('display'); }} var actDiv = document.getElementById('actDiv'); if (actDiv != null) {{ = 'none'; }} BTN_Disable('{0}'); BTN_Enable('{1}'); }} ", CancelButton.ClientID, FinishButton.ClientID, lblError.LabelClientID, lblWarning.LabelClientID, pnlError.ClientID, pnlWarning.ClientID ); // Register the script to perform get flags for showing buttons retrieval callback ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "Finished", ScriptHelper.GetScript(script)); // Add cancel button attribute CancelButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsyncExport.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;"); wzdExport.NextButtonClick += wzdExport_NextButtonClick; wzdExport.PreviousButtonClick += wzdExport_PreviousButtonClick; wzdExport.FinishButtonClick += wzdExport_FinishButtonClick; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { configExport.InitControl(); } } } }
public virtual async Task CreateFileAsync([FromForm] FileUploadDto input) { // 检查文件大小 var fileSizeLimited = await SettingProvider .GetAsync( AbpFileManagementSettingNames.FileLimitLength, AbpFileManagementSettingNames.DefaultFileLimitLength); if (fileSizeLimited * 1024 * 1024 < input.TotalSize) { throw new UserFriendlyException(L["UploadFileSizeBeyondLimit", fileSizeLimited]); } // 采用分块模式上传文件 // 保存分块到临时目录 var fileName = input.FileName; // 文件扩展名 var fileExtensionName = FileHelper.GetExtension(fileName); var fileAllowExtension = await SettingProvider .GetOrNullAsync(AbpFileManagementSettingNames.AllowFileExtensions); if (fileAllowExtension.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { fileAllowExtension = AbpFileManagementSettingNames.DefaultAllowFileExtensions; } // 检查文件扩展名 if (!fileAllowExtension.Split(',') .Any(fe => fe.Equals(fileExtensionName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { throw new UserFriendlyException(L["NotAllowedFileExtensionName", fileExtensionName]); } // 以上传的文件名创建一个临时目录 var tempFilePath = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), "lingyun-abp-file-management", "upload", string.Concat(input.Path ?? "", input.FileName).ToMd5()); DirectoryHelper.CreateIfNotExists(tempFilePath); // 以上传的分片索引创建临时文件 var tempSavedFile = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, $"{input.ChunkNumber}.{fileExtensionName}"); try { if (HttpContext.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested) { // 如果取消请求,删除临时目录 Directory.Delete(tempFilePath, true); return; } if (input.File != null) { // 保存临时文件 using (var fs = new FileStream(tempSavedFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { // 写入当前分片文件 await input.File.CopyToAsync(fs); } } if (input.ChunkNumber == input.TotalChunks) { // 合并文件 var mergeSavedFile = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, $"{fileName}"); // 获取并排序所有分片文件 var mergeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(tempFilePath).OrderBy(f => f.Length).ThenBy(f => f); // 创建临时合并文件 input.Data = new byte[0]; foreach (var mergeFile in mergeFiles) { // 读取当前文件字节 var mergeFileBytes = await FileHelper.ReadAllBytesAsync(mergeFile); // 写入到合并文件流 input.Data = input.Data.Concat(mergeFileBytes).ToArray(); Array.Clear(mergeFileBytes, 0, mergeFileBytes.Length); // 删除已参与合并的临时文件分片 FileHelper.DeleteIfExists(mergeFile); } await FileSystemAppService.CreateFileAsync(input); // 文件保存之后删除临时文件目录 Directory.Delete(tempFilePath, true); } } catch { // 发生异常删除临时文件目录 Directory.Delete(tempFilePath, true); throw; } }
void RETR(string CmdArguments) { if (!ConnectedUser.CanCopyFiles) { SendMessage("426 Access Denied.\r\n"); return; } string ReturnMessage = string.Empty; FileStream FS = null; Socket DataSocket = null; try { string Path = ConnectedUser.StartUpDirectory + DirectoryHelper.GetExactPath(CmdArguments, ConnectedUser); Path = Path.Substring(0, Path.Length - 1); if (!ConnectedUser.CanViewHiddenFiles && (File.GetAttributes(Path) & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { SendMessage("550 Access Denied or invalid path.\r\n"); return; } FS = new FileStream(Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch { ReturnMessage = "550 Access denied or invalid path!\r\n"; goto FinaliseAll; } DataSocket = GetDataSocket(); if (DataSocket == null) { goto FinaliseAll; } try { byte[] data = new byte[(FS.Length > 100000) ? 100000 : (int)FS.Length]; while (DataSocket.Send(data, 0, FS.Read(data, 0, data.Length), SocketFlags.None) != 0) { ; } ReturnMessage = "226 Transfer Complete.\r\n"; } catch { ReturnMessage = "426 Transfer aborted.\r\n"; } FinaliseAll: if (FS != null) { FS.Close(); } FS = null; if (DataSocket != null && DataSocket.Connected) { DataSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); DataSocket.Close(); } DataSocket = null; SendMessage(ReturnMessage); }
public virtual async Task <IActionResult> DownloadFileAsync(FileSystemDownloadDto input) { var tempFileName = string.Concat(input.Path ?? "", input.Name); tempFileName = tempFileName.ToMd5() + Path.GetExtension(input.Name); // 以上传的文件名创建一个临时目录 var tempFilePath = Path.Combine( Path.GetTempPath(), "lingyun-abp-file-management", "download"); DirectoryHelper.CreateIfNotExists(tempFilePath); tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, tempFileName); long contentLength = 0L; // 单个分块大小 2MB int bufferSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; using (new DisposeAction(() => { // 最终下载完毕后,删除临时文件 if (bufferSize + input.CurrentByte > contentLength) { FileHelper.DeleteIfExists(tempFilePath); } })) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(tempFilePath)) { var blobStream = await FileSystemAppService.DownloadFileAsync(input); using (var tempFileStream = new FileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { blobStream.Position = 0; await blobStream.CopyToAsync(tempFileStream); } } // 读取缓存文件 using var fileStream = new FileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); // 得到文件扩展名 var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(input.Name); var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider(); // Http响应标头的文件类型 string memi = provider.Mappings[fileExt]; // 文件大小 contentLength = fileStream.Length; if (bufferSize > contentLength) { var currentTransferBytes = await fileStream.GetAllBytesAsync(); // 写入响应流 return(File(currentTransferBytes, memi, input.Name)); } else { // 当前分页传输字节 byte[] currentTransferBytes = new byte[bufferSize]; if (input.CurrentByte + bufferSize >= contentLength) { currentTransferBytes = new byte[contentLength - input.CurrentByte]; } // 读取文件流中的当前分块区段 fileStream.Seek(input.CurrentByte, SeekOrigin.Begin); await fileStream.ReadAsync(currentTransferBytes, 0, currentTransferBytes.Length); // 写入响应流 return(File(currentTransferBytes, memi, input.Name)); } } }
public void GenerateAirportCsvList(AirportList airportList) { var csvFile = XP2AFSConverterManager.Settings.XP2AFSConverterFolder + @"airports.csv"; var writer = new StreamWriter(csvFile); var csv = new CsvWriter(writer); csv.WriteHeader <AirportCsvListItem>(); csv.NextRecord(); int i = 0; foreach (var airport in airportList.Airports) { // Exclude sea runways, closed runways and helipads if (!airport.AirportName.StartsWith("[S]") && !airport.AirportName.StartsWith("[X]") && !airport.AirportName.StartsWith("[H]")) { var airportXPFullDirectory = DirectoryHelper.GetAirportXPFullDirectory(airport.AirportCode, XP2AFSConverterManager.Settings); var airportZipFilename = airportXPFullDirectory + @"\" + airport.AirportCode + ".zip"; var airportFilename = airportXPFullDirectory + @"\airport.xml"; var airportSceneryFilename = airportXPFullDirectory + @"\scenery.xml"; if (File.Exists(airportZipFilename)) { //if (airport.AirportCode == "") log.InfoFormat("Adding airport {0} of {1}", i + 1, airportList.Airports.Count); // Parse the DST and DAT files var datFileLoader = new DATFileLoader(); var datFile = datFileLoader.GetDATFileFromXPZip(airport.AirportCode, airportZipFilename); //var dsfFile = this.GetDSFFileFromXPZip(airport.AirportCode, airportZipFilename); var sceneryFile = DeserializeSceneryFile(airportSceneryFilename); // Create empty AFS files var tscFile = new TSCFile(); var tocFile = new TOCFile(); var datConverter = new DATConverter(); // Convert the X-Plane files datConverter.Convert(datFile, tscFile, tocFile); if (datFile.AirportHeader.AirportType == AirportType.Airport && datFile.LandRunways != null) { TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; AirportCsvListItem airportListItem = new AirportCsvListItem(); airportListItem.Code = airport.AirportCode; airportListItem.Name = textInfo.ToTitleCase(airport.AirportName.ToLower()); airportListItem.IsHelipad = false; if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("datum_lat")) { double lat; if (Double.TryParse(datFile.MetadataLookup["datum_lat"], out lat)) { airportListItem.Latitude = lat; } } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("datum_lon")) { double lon; if (Double.TryParse(datFile.MetadataLookup["datum_lon"], out lon)) { airportListItem.Longitude = lon; } } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("country")) { airportListItem.Country = datFile.MetadataLookup["country"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("state")) { airportListItem.Region = datFile.MetadataLookup["state"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("city")) { airportListItem.City = datFile.MetadataLookup["city"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("region_code")) { airportListItem.RegionCode = datFile.MetadataLookup["region_code"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("icao_code")) { airportListItem.ICAO = datFile.MetadataLookup["icao_code"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("iata_code")) { airportListItem.IATA = datFile.MetadataLookup["iata_code"]; } if (datFile.MetadataLookup.ContainsKey("faa_code")) { airportListItem.FAACode = datFile.MetadataLookup["faa_code"]; } if (datFile.Pavements == null || datFile.Pavements.Count == 0) { airportListItem.HasPavements = false; } else { airportListItem.HasPavements = true; } if (sceneryFile.Type == "3D") { airportListItem.Is3D = true; } else { airportListItem.Is3D = false; } foreach (var runway in datFile.LandRunways) { airportListItem.RunwaySurfaceType = (int)runway.SurfaceType; } airportListItem.RunwayCount = datFile.LandRunways.Count; // If we couldn't get a value from the metadata we need to get it elsewhere if (!airportListItem.Latitude.HasValue || !airportListItem.Longitude.HasValue) { airportListItem.Latitude = tscFile.Location.Latitude; airportListItem.Longitude = tscFile.Location.Longitude; } csv.WriteRecord(airportListItem); csv.NextRecord(); } } else { log.ErrorFormat("Could not find the data for airport {0} make sure it is downloaded", airport.AirportCode); } } i++; } writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); writer = null; }
private void BWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { this.OnProgressStateChanged(new ProgressBarStateChangedEventArgs(Forms.MyMainMenu.ProgressBarVisibleState.Infinite)); WorkerParams wp = e.Argument as WorkerParams; string pso2Path = wp.PSO2Path; // Check if there is any prepatch files if (!wp.IgnorePrepatch) { string prepatchFolderData = Path.Combine(pso2Path, PrepatchManager.PrepatchManager.PrepatchFolderName, "data"); if (!DirectoryHelper.IsFolderEmpty(prepatchFolderData)) { // Ignore prepatch files if it's older than the current client version PSO2Version currentVersion = PSO2Version.Parse(MySettings.PSO2Version); PSO2Version prepatchVersion = PSO2Version.Parse(MySettings.PSO2PrecedeVersion.Version); if (prepatchVersion.CompareTo(currentVersion) > 0) { this.CurrentStep = LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2Updater_FoundValidPrepatch", "Found prepatch files which are ready to be used."); ValidPrepatchPromptEventArgs myEventArgs = new ValidPrepatchPromptEventArgs(); this.OnValidPrepatchPrompt(myEventArgs); if (myEventArgs.Use) { string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(prepatchFolderData, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); this.CurrentStep = LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2Updater_MovingPrepatchFiles", "Applying prepatch files."); this.ProgressTotal = filenames.Length; this.OnProgressStateChanged(new ProgressBarStateChangedEventArgs(Forms.MyMainMenu.ProgressBarVisibleState.Percent)); string str = null, maindatafolder = Path.Combine(pso2Path, "data"), targetfile = null; for (int i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++) { str = filenames[i]; targetfile = maindatafolder + str.Remove(0, prepatchFolderData.Length); File.Delete(targetfile); File.Move(str, targetfile); this.ProgressCurrent = i + 1; } // Check if it's empty again to remove it if (DirectoryHelper.IsFolderEmpty(prepatchFolderData)) { string prepatchfolder = Path.Combine(pso2Path, PrepatchManager.PrepatchManager.PrepatchFolderName); try { Directory.Delete(prepatchfolder, true); } catch { } } } } else { this.CurrentStep = LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2Updater_FoundInvalidPrepatch", "Found out-dated prepatch files which will be ignored. These files shouldn't be used and should be deleted."); InvalidPrepatchPromptEventArgs myEventArgs = new InvalidPrepatchPromptEventArgs(); this.OnInvalidPrepatchPrompt(myEventArgs); if (myEventArgs.Delete) { this.CurrentStep = LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2Updater_DeletingInvalidPrepatch", "Deleting out-dated prepatch files."); string prepatchfolder = Path.Combine(pso2Path, PrepatchManager.PrepatchManager.PrepatchFolderName); try { Directory.Delete(prepatchfolder, true); } catch { } } } } } this.OnProgressStateChanged(new ProgressBarStateChangedEventArgs(Forms.MyMainMenu.ProgressBarVisibleState.Infinite)); var patchinfo = this.CheckForUpdates(); if (this.GetFilesList(patchinfo)) { System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary <string, PSO2File> myPSO2filesList = ParseFilelist(this.myFileList, patchinfo); if (!myPSO2filesList.IsEmpty) { this.ProgressTotal = myPSO2filesList.Count; this.OnProgressStateChanged(new ProgressBarStateChangedEventArgs(Forms.MyMainMenu.ProgressBarVisibleState.Percent, new Forms.MyMainMenuCode.CircleProgressBarProperties(true))); string verstring = wp.NewVersionString; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(verstring)) { verstring = this.myWebClient.DownloadString(Leayal.UriHelper.URLConcat(patchinfo.PatchURL, "version.ver")); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(verstring)) { verstring = verstring.Trim(); } anothersmallthreadpool = new AnotherSmallThreadPool(pso2Path, myPSO2filesList); anothersmallthreadpool.StepChanged += Anothersmallthreadpool_StepChanged; anothersmallthreadpool.ProgressChanged += Anothersmallthreadpool_ProgressChanged; anothersmallthreadpool.KaboomFinished += Anothersmallthreadpool_KaboomFinished; this.CurrentStep = LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2Updater_BeginFileCheckAndDownload", "Begin the file check and download..."); anothersmallthreadpool.StartWork(new WorkerParams(pso2Path, verstring, wp.Installation, wp.IgnorePrepatch)); e.Result = null; } else { e.Result = new PSO2UpdateResult(UpdateResult.Failed); } } else { e.Result = new PSO2UpdateResult(UpdateResult.Unknown); throw new PSO2UpdateException(LanguageManager.GetMessageText("PSO2UpdateManager_GetPatchListFailed", "Failed to get PSO2's file list.")); } }
private void ensureLogDirectoryExists() { var directory = FileHelper.FolderFromFileFullPath(_logFileFullPath); DirectoryHelper.CreateDirectory(directory); }
void LIST(string CmdArguments) { string Path = ConnectedUser.StartUpDirectory + DirectoryHelper.GetExactPath(CmdArguments, ConnectedUser); if (!ConnectedUser.CanViewHiddenFolders && (new DirectoryInfo(Path).Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { SendMessage("550 Invalid path specified.\r\n"); return; } Socket DataSocket = GetDataSocket(); if (DataSocket == null) { return; } try { string[] FilesList = Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] FoldersList = Directory.GetDirectories(Path, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string strFilesList = ""; if (ConnectedUser.CanViewHiddenFolders) { foreach (string Folder in FoldersList) { string date = Directory.GetCreationTime(Folder).ToString("MM-dd-yy hh:mmtt"); strFilesList += date + " <DIR> " + Folder.Substring(Folder.Replace('\\', '/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "\r\n"; } } else { foreach (string Folder in FoldersList) { if ((new DirectoryInfo(Folder).Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { continue; } string date = Directory.GetCreationTime(Folder).ToString("MM-dd-yy hh:mmtt"); strFilesList += date + " <DIR> " + Folder.Substring(Folder.Replace('\\', '/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "\r\n"; } } if (ConnectedUser.CanViewHiddenFiles) { foreach (string FileName in FilesList) { string date = File.GetCreationTime(FileName).ToString("MM-dd-yy hh:mmtt"); strFilesList += date + " " + new FileInfo(FileName).Length.ToString() + " " + FileName.Substring(FileName.Replace('\\', '/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "\r\n"; } } else { foreach (string FileName in FilesList) { if ((File.GetAttributes(FileName) & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) { continue; } string date = File.GetCreationTime(FileName).ToString("MM-dd-yy hh:mmtt"); strFilesList += date + " " + new FileInfo(FileName).Length.ToString() + " " + FileName.Substring(FileName.Replace('\\', '/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "\r\n"; } } DataSocket.Send(Constant.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(strFilesList)); SendMessage("226 Transfer Complete.\r\n"); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { SendMessage("550 Invalid path specified.\r\n"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { SendMessage("426 权限不足.\r\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { SendMessage("426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.\r\n"); } finally { DataSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); DataSocket.Close(); DataSocket = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Reload data. /// </summary> public override void ReloadData() { try { treeElem.Nodes.Clear(); // Get root files string rootDir = RootFolderPath; rootDir = DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(rootDir, !String.IsNullOrEmpty(MediaLibraryPath) ? MediaLibraryPath : MediaLibraryFolder); // Get the file and directories count int dirCount = 0; int fileCount = 0; string[] files = null; string[] directories = null; if ((rootDir != null) && (Directory.Exists(rootDir))) { files = Directory.GetFiles(rootDir); directories = Directory.GetDirectories(rootDir); } if (files != null) { fileCount = files.Length; } if (directories != null) { // Each directory contains directory for thumbnails dirCount = directories.Length - 1; } // Create root tree node TreeNode root; if (DisplayFilesCount) { root = CreateNode("<span class=\"Name\">" + MediaLibraryFolder + " (" + fileCount + ")</span>", MediaLibraryFolder, null, dirCount, 0); } else { root = CreateNode("<span class=\"Name\">" + MediaLibraryFolder + "</span>", MediaLibraryFolder, null, dirCount, 0); } // Keep root expanded root.Expand(); // Add root node treeElem.Nodes.Add(root); // Bind tree nodes if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MediaLibraryPath)) { BindTreeView(RootFolderPath + MediaLibraryFolder, root, true); } else { BindTreeView(DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(RootFolderPath, MediaLibraryPath), root, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!IgnoreAccessDenied) { lblError.Text = GetString("FolderTree.FailedLoad") + ": " + ex.Message; lblError.ToolTip = EventLogProvider.GetExceptionLogMessage(ex); } } }
void CommandReceived(IAsyncResult arg) { #region Read and Parse commands int CommandSize = 0; try { CommandSize = ClientSocket.EndReceive(arg); } catch { } if (CommandSize == 0) { Disconnect(); return; } // Wait for the next command to be sent by the client try { ClientSocket.BeginReceive(BufferData, 0, BufferData.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(CommandReceived), null); } catch { Disconnect(); } LastInteraction = DateTime.Now; string CommandText = Constant.DefaultEncoding.GetString(BufferData, 0, CommandSize).TrimStart(' '); string CmdArguments = null, Command = null; int End = 0; if ((End = CommandText.IndexOf(' ')) == -1) { End = (CommandText = CommandText.Trim()).Length; } else { CmdArguments = CommandText.Substring(End).TrimStart(' '); } Command = CommandText.Substring(0, End).ToUpper(); #endregion #region Execute Commands if (CmdArguments != null && CmdArguments.EndsWith("\r\n")) { CmdArguments = CmdArguments.Substring(0, CmdArguments.Length - 2); } bool CommandExecued = false; switch (Command) { case "USER": if (CmdArguments != null && CmdArguments.Length > 0) { // WHY ??? 为什么在这里发送 string userName = CmdArguments; ConnectedUser.LoadProfile(userName); // 向客户端发送这句命令后客户端会马上发送密码信息过来 SendMessage("331 Password required!\r\n"); } CommandExecued = true; break; case "PASS": if (ConnectedUser.UserName == "") { SendMessage("503 Invalid User Name\r\n"); return; } if (ConnectedUser.Authenticate(CmdArguments)) { SendMessage("230 Authentication Successful\r\n"); } else { SendMessage("530 Authentication Failed!\r\n"); } CommandExecued = true; break; } if (!CommandExecued) { // ConnectedUser.IsAuthenticated if (ConnectedUser.IsAuthenticated) { Console.WriteLine("命令内容 " + Command + " 参数内容 " + CmdArguments); switch (Command) { case "CWD": // 确定目录是否存在 string dir = DirectoryHelper.GetExactPath(CmdArguments, ConnectedUser); //string dir = CmdArguments; if (ConnectedUser.ChangeDirectory(dir)) { SendMessage("250 CWD command successful.\r\n"); } else { SendMessage("550 System can't find directory '" + dir + "'.\r\n"); } break; case "PWD": // 确定成功后返回当前工作路径 string msg = "257 \"" + ConnectedUser.CurrentWorkingDirectory.Replace('\\', '/') + "\"\r\n"; SendMessage(msg); break; case "LIST": // 返回当前工作路径中所有的内容 LIST(CmdArguments); break; case "CDUP": // 获取上级目录地址设置到currentWorkdDirectory string curpath = DirectoryHelper.CDUP(ConnectedUser.CurrentWorkingDirectory); ConnectedUser.CurrentWorkingDirectory = curpath; SendMessage("250 CDUP command successful.\r\n"); break; case "QUIT": SendMessage("221 FTP server signing off\r\n"); Disconnect(); break; case "PORT": PORT(CmdArguments); break; case "PASV": PASV(CmdArguments); break; case "TYPE": TYPE(CmdArguments); break; case "RETR": // 下载文件 RETR(CmdArguments); break; case "STOR": // 上传文件 STOR(CmdArguments); break; case "APPE": APPE(CmdArguments); break; case "RNFR": // 重命名 RNFR(CmdArguments); break; case "RNTO": RNTO(CmdArguments); break; case "DELE": // 删除文件 DELE(CmdArguments); break; case "RMD": // 重命名文件夹 RMD(CmdArguments); break; case "MKD": // 创建文件夹 MKD(CmdArguments); break; case "NLST": NLST(CmdArguments); break; case "SYST": SendMessage("215 Windows_NT\r\n"); break; case "NOOP": SendMessage("200 OK\r\n"); break; default: SendMessage($"500 Unknown Command.\r\n"); break; // case "STAT": // break; // case "HELP": // break; // case "REIN": // break; // case "STOU": // break; // case "REST": // break; // case "ABOR": // break; } } else { SendMessage("530 Access Denied! Authenticate first\r\n"); } } #endregion }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Application.runInBackground = true; assetPacker = GetComponent <AssetPacker>(); currentState = UpdateWaitingForResourcesLoaded; #if UNITY_EDITOR skinDirectory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).ToString(), skinDirectory); #else skinDirectory = Path.Combine(DirectoryHelper.GetMainDirectory(), skinDirectory); #endif Debug.Log("Loading skin from directory " + skinDirectory); if (Directory.Exists(skinDirectory)) { SetupResourcesToLoad(); // Collect all the files string[] filepaths = GetAllFiles(skinDirectory).ToArray(); Dictionary <string, string> filepathsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); int bgCount = 0; foreach (string path in filepaths) { string assetKey = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); if (!filepathsDictionary.ContainsKey(assetKey)) { filepathsDictionary.Add(assetKey, path); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Found a duplicate custom asset with under a different file extenstion. Ignoring asset " + path); continue; } // Checking if the file provided is a background. We have no limit on the amount of backgrounds we can load, so we can't pre-define them like we do above. if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(assetKey, @"background-[0-9]+").Success) { resources.Add(new CustomTexture(assetKey, 1920, 1080)); ++bgCount; } } Debug.Log("Total backgrounds: " + bgCount); foreach (CustomResource resource in resources) { if (resource.InitWWW(filepathsDictionary)) { resourcesLoading.Add(resource); resourcesDictionary.Add(, resource); } } } else { Debug.LogError("Custom Resources not found"); } }
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming public void Resources_UnitTest_PluginPathsAndNames_WorkflowServicesAreIncluded() // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming { //Isolate PathsAndNames for workflows as a functional unit var workspaceID = Guid.NewGuid(); var workspacePath = EnvironmentVariables.GetWorkspacePath(workspaceID); try { const int Modulo = 4; const int TotalResourceCount = 9; for (var i = 0; i < TotalResourceCount; i++) { var resource = new Resource { ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(), ResourceName = string.Format("My Name {0}", i), ResourcePath = string.Format("My Path {0}\\{1}", i, string.Format("My Name {0}", i)) }; switch (i % Modulo) { case 0: resource.ResourcePath = ResourceType.WorkflowService + "\\" + resource.ResourceName; resource.ResourceType = ResourceType.WorkflowService; break; case 1: resource.ResourcePath = ResourceType.DbService + "\\" + resource.ResourceName; resource.ResourceType = ResourceType.DbService; break; case 2: resource.ResourcePath = ResourceType.PluginService + "\\" + resource.ResourceName; resource.ResourceType = ResourceType.PluginService; break; case 3: resource.ResourcePath = ResourceType.ServerSource + "\\" + resource.ResourceName; resource.ResourceType = ResourceType.ServerSource; break; } ResourceCatalog.Instance.SaveResource(workspaceID, resource); } var resources = new Resources(); const string ExpectedJson = "{\"Names\":[\"My Name 3\",\"My Name 7\"],\"Paths\":[\"ServerSource\"]}"; //Run PathsAndNames var actualJson = resources.PathsAndNames("ServerSource", workspaceID, Guid.Empty); //Assert CorrectListReturned Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedJson, actualJson, "Incorrect list of names and paths for workflow services"); } finally { if (Directory.Exists(workspacePath)) { DirectoryHelper.CleanUp(workspacePath); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ModifyFilenameAsync(string id) { string newFileName = ""; string newDirFullPath = ""; string dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); string reqBody = ""; await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0); // try { //read request body using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body)) { var body = reader.ReadToEnd(); reqBody = body.ToString(); } //get new filename if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqBody)) { var content = JObject.Parse(reqBody); newFileName = (string)content["newName"]; newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, "[\n\r\t]", string.Empty); newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, @"\s", string.Empty); } //if same name exist - BadRequest foreach (var record in codeResponse) { if (record.Id.ToLower() == newFileName.ToLower()) { return(BadRequest(new { message = "File with same name already exists." })); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newFileName)) { //rename the file and/or folder foreach (var record in codeResponse) { if (record.Id.ToString() == id) { if (record.Type == "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK") { //check if folder path exists...if not then move folder newDirFullPath = $"{dirFullpath}{newFileName}"; if (!Directory.Exists(newDirFullPath)) { Directory.Move($"{dirFullpath}{id}", newDirFullPath); FileFolderHelper.RenameFile($"{newDirFullPath}/{id}.{record.Extension}", $"{newDirFullPath}/{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"); newDirFullPath = $"{newDirFullPath}/{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"; } else { return(BadRequest(new { message = "Folder with same name already exists. Please choose different file/folder name." })); } } else { newDirFullPath = record.FilePath.Replace($"{id}.{record.Extension}", $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"); FileFolderHelper.RenameFile(record.FilePath, newDirFullPath); } //update GlobalStorage dictionary CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = newFileName, Name = $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}", User = "", Created_on = record.Created_on, Edited_on = record.Edited_on, Extension = record.Extension, MimeType = record.MimeType, Size = record.Size, Type = record.Type, Url = record.Url.Replace(id, newFileName), FilePath = newDirFullPath, DateCreated = record.DateCreated }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); CodePayload.RemoveOnlyFromCodePayload(id); return(Json(newRecord)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed.", exception = ex.StackTrace })); } return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed." })); }
public DirectoryM Get(string id) { var dirM = DirectoryHelper.GetDirectoryModelByPath(id); return(dirM); }
public void BuildContent() { try { Assets assets = new Assets(SourceFile); string relativePath = SourceFile.Replace(Program.Arguments.WorkingDirectory, "").Trim('/', '\\'); string relativePathWithoutExtension = relativePath.Contains(".") ? relativePath.Remove(relativePath.LastIndexOf('.')) : relativePath; string relativeDirWithoutExtension = relativePath.Contains("/") || relativePath.Contains("\\") ? relativePath.Remove(relativePath.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '\\' })) : ""; string tempImporter = null; string tempProcessor = null; Dictionary <string, string> tempProcessorParam = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!FirstBuild) { tempImporter = Importer; tempProcessor = Processor; tempProcessorParam.Union(ProcessorParam); ProcessorParam.Clear(); if (!File.Exists(SourceFile)) { DeleteFlag = true; } else if (!BuildTool.Equals(Program.Arguments.BuildTool.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { BuildTool = Program.Arguments.BuildTool.ToString(); RebuildFlag = true; } else { string newHash; using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) newHash = fileStream.ToMD5(); if (!MetaHash.Equals(newHash, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { MetaHash = newHash; RebuildFlag = true; } else { List <string> fileToCheck = new List <string>(); if (DestinationFile != null) { fileToCheck.Add(DestinationFile.GetFullPath()); } fileToCheck = fileToCheck.Union(BuildOutput).Union(BuildAsset).ToList(); foreach (string file in fileToCheck) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { RebuildFlag = true; break; } } } } } else { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) MetaHash = fileStream.ToMD5(); } #if MonoGame if (assets.IsEffectAssets()) { // Effect Importer - MonoGame string temp; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), Encoding.UTF8)) temp = reader.ReadToEnd(); temp = temp.Replace("vs_1_1", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "vs_2_0" : "vs_4_0"); temp = temp.Replace("vs_2_0", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "vs_2_0" : "vs_4_0"); temp = temp.Replace("vs_4_0", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "vs_2_0" : "vs_4_0"); temp = temp.Replace("ps_1_1", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "ps_2_0" : "ps_4_0"); temp = temp.Replace("ps_2_0", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "ps_2_0" : "ps_4_0"); temp = temp.Replace("ps_4_0", Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "ps_2_0" : "ps_4_0"); using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(SourceFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), Encoding.UTF8) { AutoFlush = true }) Writer.Write(temp); temp = null; Importer = "EffectImporter"; Processor = "EffectProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("DebugMode", "Auto"); } else if (assets.IsFbxModelAssets()) { // Fbx Importer - MonoGame Importer = "FbxImporter"; Processor = "ModelProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyColor", "0,0,0,0"); ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("DefaultEffect", "BasicEffect"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateMipmaps", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateTangentFrames", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyTextureAlpha", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyVertexColors", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("ResizeTexturesToPowerOfTwo", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationX", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationY", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationZ", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("Scale", "1"); ProcessorParam.Add("SwapWindingOrder", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } else if (assets.IsXModelAssets()) { // X Importer - MonoGame Importer = "XImporter"; Processor = "ModelProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyColor", "0,0,0,0"); ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("DefaultEffect", "BasicEffect"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateMipmaps", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateTangentFrames", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyTextureAlpha", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyVertexColors", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("ResizeTexturesToPowerOfTwo", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationX", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationY", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationZ", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("Scale", "1"); ProcessorParam.Add("SwapWindingOrder", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } else if (assets.IsOpenModelAssets()) { // Open Asset Import Library - MonoGame Importer = "OpenAssetImporter"; Processor = "ModelProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyColor", "0,0,0,0"); ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("DefaultEffect", "BasicEffect"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateMipmaps", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateTangentFrames", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyTextureAlpha", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyVertexColors", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("ResizeTexturesToPowerOfTwo", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationX", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationY", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("RotationZ", "0"); ProcessorParam.Add("Scale", "1"); ProcessorParam.Add("SwapWindingOrder", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } else if (assets.IsSpriteFontAssets()) { // Sprite Font Importer - MonoGame Importer = "FontDescriptionImporter"; Processor = "FontDescriptionProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } else if (assets.IsTextureAssets()) { // Texture Importer - MonoGame if (assets.IsFontAssets()) { Importer = "TextureImporter"; Processor = "FontTextureProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("FirstCharacter", " "); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyAlpha", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } else { Importer = "TextureImporter"; Processor = "TextureProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyColor", "255,0,255,255"); ProcessorParam.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("GenerateMipmaps", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("PremultiplyAlpha", "True"); ProcessorParam.Add("ResizeToPowerOfTwo", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("MakeSquare", "False"); ProcessorParam.Add("TextureFormat", "Color"); } } else if (assets.IsMp3Assets()) { // Mp3 Importer - MonoGame if (assets.IsMusicAssets()) { Importer = "Mp3Importer"; Processor = "SongProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } else if (assets.IsSoundAssets()) { Importer = "Mp3Importer"; Processor = "SoundEffectProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } } else if (assets.IsOggAssets()) { // Ogg Importer - MonoGame if (assets.IsMusicAssets()) { Importer = "OggImporter"; Processor = "SongProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } else if (assets.IsSoundAssets()) { Importer = "OggImporter"; Processor = "SoundEffectProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } } else if (assets.IsWavAssets()) { // Wav Importer - MonoGame if (assets.IsMusicAssets()) { Importer = "WavImporter"; Processor = "SongProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } else if (assets.IsSoundAssets()) { Importer = "WavImporter"; Processor = "SoundEffectProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } } else if (assets.IsWmaAssets()) { // Wma Importer - MonoGame if (assets.IsMusicAssets()) { Importer = "WmaImporter"; Processor = "SongProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } else if (assets.IsSoundAssets()) { Importer = "WmaImporter"; Processor = "SoundEffectProcessor"; ProcessorParam.Add("Quality", "Low"); } } else if (assets.IsMp4Assets()) { // H.264 Video - MonoGame Importer = "H264Importer"; Processor = "VideoProcessor"; } else if (assets.IsWmvAssets()) { // Wmv Importer - MonoGame Importer = "WmvImporter"; Processor = "VideoProcessor"; } else if (assets.IsXMLAssets()) { // Xml Importer - MonoGame Importer = "XmlImporter"; Processor = "PassThroughProcessor"; } if (!FirstBuild) { if (Importer != null && Processor != null) { if (!tempImporter.Equals(Importer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || !tempProcessor.Equals(Processor, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || tempProcessorParam.Select(a => a.Key + "=" + a.Value).Join(";").Equals(ProcessorParam.Select(a => a.Key + "=" + a.Value).Join(";"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { RebuildFlag = true; } } tempImporter = null; tempProcessor = null; tempProcessorParam = null; } #endif if (RebuildFlag || DeleteFlag) { CleanFile(); } if (Importer.IsNullOrEmpty() || Processor.IsNullOrEmpty()) { DestinationFile = (Program.Arguments.OutputDirectory + "/" + relativePath).GetFullPath(); } else { DestinationFile = (Program.Arguments.OutputDirectory + "/" + relativePathWithoutExtension + ".xnb").GetFullPath(); } if (RebuildFlag || Program.Arguments.Rebuild) { if (Importer.IsNullOrEmpty() || Processor.IsNullOrEmpty()) { DirectoryHelper.CreateDirectoryIfNotExists((Program.Arguments.OutputDirectory + "/" + relativeDirWithoutExtension).GetFullPath()); if (!Program.Arguments.Quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Copying: " + relativePath); } using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream((Program.Arguments.OutputDirectory + "/" + relativePath).GetFullPath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)) fileStream.CopyTo(fileStream2); } BuildSuccess = true; } else { #if MonoGame PipelineManager manager = new PipelineManager(Program.Arguments.WorkingDirectory, Program.Arguments.OutputDirectory, Program.Arguments.IntermediateDirectory) { CompressContent = Program.Arguments.Compress }; if (Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("DesktopGL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { manager.Platform = TargetPlatform.DesktopGL; } else if (Program.Arguments.Platform.Equals("Windows", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { manager.Platform = TargetPlatform.Windows; } if (Program.Arguments.Profile.Equals("Reach", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { manager.Profile = GraphicsProfile.Reach; } else if (Program.Arguments.Profile.Equals("HiDef", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { manager.Profile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; } OpaqueDataDictionary Param = new OpaqueDataDictionary(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in ProcessorParam) { Param.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } try { if (!Program.Arguments.Quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Building: " + relativePath); } PipelineBuildEvent buildResult = manager.BuildContent(SourceFile, null, Importer, Processor, Param); BuildAsset = buildResult.BuildAsset; BuildOutput = buildResult.BuildOutput; BuildSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { if (!Program.Arguments.Quiet) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Content Error (" + relativePath + "): " + ex.Message); } BuildSuccess = false; } #endif } } else if (DeleteFlag) { BuildSuccess = true; } else { if (!Program.Arguments.Quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Skip: " + relativePath); } BuildSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets invoked after the execution of the entire pex process /// </summary> public void AfterExecution() { try { //, "Begin of PexMePostProcessor.AfterExecution() method"); DirectoryHelper.CheckExistsOrCreate(PexMeConstants.PexMeStorageDirectory); //Filter covered locations from uncovered locations this.pmd.FilterOutCoveredCodeLocations(); var currPUTSignature = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod); //Suggest factory methods SafeSet <Method> allSuggestedNewPUTs; bool bHasSomeCoveredLocation, bAllAreNewLocations, bNoneAreNewLocations; this.GuessFactorymethods(out allSuggestedNewPUTs, currPUTSignature, out bHasSomeCoveredLocation, out bAllAreNewLocations, out bNoneAreNewLocations); var filename = Path.Combine(PexMeConstants.PexMeStorageDirectory, PexMeConstants.ReExecutionStatusFile); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename)) { //nestingdepth == null represents that this is not run from the Perl //script. So, ignoring the generation of alternative PUTs. if (allSuggestedNewPUTs.Count == 0 || this.ndepth == -1 || this.ndepth >= PexMeConstants.MAX_ALLOWED_NESTED_DEPTH) { this.pmd.PendingExplorationMethods.Remove(currPUTSignature); //Decide to re-execute or stop. So update all sequences //within uncovered locations with new suggestions and prepare for re-execute this.UpdateUncoveredLocationsWithNewSuggestions(currPUTSignature); //Check whether there is a need to further continue based on requirement //in uncovered locations in factory suggestion store. Used to communicate to outside //process for re-execution if (this.pmd.NeedReExecute(bHasSomeCoveredLocation, bAllAreNewLocations, bNoneAreNewLocations)) { sw.WriteLine("REEXECUTE"); } else { sw.WriteLine("STOP"); //Marks a successful exploration of this PUT this.pmd.AllExploredMethods.Add(currPUTSignature); //Remove all PUT specific sequences from the permanent store this.EndOfPUTCleanUp(currPUTSignature); } } else { //Set up new targets for additional explorations which are required for achieving //the current target. var newCommandFile = "PexMe." + System.Environment.TickCount + ".txt"; this.GenerateNestedCommandFile(allSuggestedNewPUTs, newCommandFile); sw.WriteLine("NESTEDEXECUTE"); sw.WriteLine(newCommandFile); //Putting all current information on uncovered locations to dormant //stage. Will be re-activated when required and when this PUT is again //brought to action. var currPUT = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod); this.SendToDormant(currPUT); } } this.pdw.DumpDynamicDatabase(this.pmd as PexMeDynamicDatabase); this.pdw.DumpStaticDatabase(this.psd as PexMeStaticDatabase); } catch (Exception ex) {, WikiTopics.MissingWikiTopic, "postprocessor", ex.StackTrace); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register script for pendingCallbacks repair ScriptHelper.FixPendingCallbacks(Page); // Handle Import settings if (!Page.IsCallback && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { // Initialize virtual path provider VirtualPathHelper.Init(Page); // Initialize import settings ImportSettings = GetNewSettings(); } if (!Page.IsCallback) { if (!CMS.SettingsProvider.SettingsKeyProvider.UsingVirtualPathProvider) { lblWarning.Visible = true; lblWarning.Text = GetString("ImportSite.VirtualPathProviderNotRunning"); } ctrlAsync.OnFinished += ctrlAsync_OnFinished; ctrlAsync.OnError += ctrlAsync_OnError; bool notTempPermissions = false; if (wzdImport.ActiveStepIndex < 3) { stpConfigImport.Settings = ImportSettings; stpSiteDetails.Settings = ImportSettings; stpImport.Settings = ImportSettings; // Ensure directory DirectoryHelper.EnsureDiskPath(ImportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath + "\\temp.file", ImportSettings.WebsitePath); // Check permissions notTempPermissions = !DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(ImportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath, true, true, false, false); } if (notTempPermissions) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Format(GetString("ImportSite.ErrorPermissions"), ImportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); pnlPermissions.Visible = true; lnkPermissions.Target = "_blank"; lnkPermissions.Text = GetString("Install.ErrorPermissions"); lnkPermissions.NavigateUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSMessages/ConfigurePermissions.aspx"); } else { if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { // Delete temporary files try { // Delete only folder structure if there is not special folder bool onlyFolderStructure = !Directory.Exists(DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(ImportSettings.TemporaryFilesPath, ImportExportHelper.FILES_FOLDER)); ImportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(ImportSettings, onlyFolderStructure); } catch (Exception ex) { pnlWrapper.Visible = false; lblError.Text = GetString("ImportSite.ErrorDeletionTemporaryFiles") + ex.Message; return; } } // Javascript functions string script = "var imMessageText = '';\n" + "var imErrorText = '';\n" + "var imWarningText = '';\n" + "var imMachineName = '" + SqlHelperClass.MachineName.ToLower() + "';\n" + "var getBusy = false;\n" + "function GetImportState(cancel)\n" + "{ if(window.Activity){window.Activity();} if (getBusy && !cancel) return; getBusy = true; setTimeout(\"getBusy = false;\", 2000); var argument = cancel + ';' + imMessageText.length + ';' + imErrorText.length + ';' + imWarningText.length + ';' + imMachineName; return " + Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "argument", "SetImportStateMssg", "argument", true) + " }\n"; script += "function SetImportStateMssg(rValue, context)\n" + "{\n" + " getBusy = false;\n" + " if(rValue != '')\n" + " {\n" + " var args = context.split(';');\n" + " var values = rValue.split('" + SiteExportSettings.SEPARATOR + "');\n" + " var messageElement = document.getElementById('" + lblProgress.ClientID + "');\n" + " var errorElement = document.getElementById('" + lblError.ClientID + "');\n" + " var warningElement = document.getElementById('" + lblWarning.ClientID + "');\n" + " var messageText = imMessageText;\n" + " messageText = values[1] + messageText.substring(messageText.length - args[1]);\n" + " if(messageText.length > imMessageText.length){ imMessageText = messageElement.innerHTML = messageText; }\n" + " var errorText = imErrorText;\n" + " errorText = values[2] + errorText.substring(errorText.length - args[2]);\n" + " if(errorText.length > imErrorText.length){ imErrorText = errorElement.innerHTML = errorText; }\n" + " var warningText = imWarningText;\n" + " warningText = values[3] + warningText.substring(warningText.length - args[3]);\n" + " if(warningText.length > imWarningText.length){ imWarningText = warningElement.innerHTML = warningText; }\n" + " if((values=='') || (values[0]=='F'))\n" + " {\n" + " StopImportStateTimer();\n" + " BTN_Disable('" + CancelButton.ClientID + "');\n" + " BTN_Enable('" + FinishButton.ClientID + "');\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; // Register the script to perform get flags for showing buttons retrieval callback ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "GetSetImportState", ScriptHelper.GetScript(script)); // Add cancel button attribute CancelButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "BTN_Disable('" + CancelButton.ClientID + "');" + "return CancelImport();"); wzdImport.NextButtonClick += wzdImport_NextButtonClick; wzdImport.PreviousButtonClick += wzdImport_PreviousButtonClick; wzdImport.FinishButtonClick += wzdImport_FinishButtonClick; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { stpConfigImport.InitControl(); } } } }
private void btnFindDBPath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsServiceClass.IsService) { string path = AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(txtDBPath.Text + "\\"); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Explorer.frmExplorer = new Explorer(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig(), "Archive database path", DirectoryHelper.IsServerPath(txtDBPath.Text), DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(path), string.Empty, null, AppConfigHelper.UbuntuPrefix()); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; Explorer.frmExplorer.ShowDialog(); if (Explorer.frmExplorer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { txtDBPath.Text = Explorer.PresentServerPath + Explorer.PresentLocalPath; // One of these is empty. } Explorer.frmExplorer = null; } else { VistaFolderBrowserDialog ofn = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); ofn.Description = "Archive database path"; ofn.SelectedPath = AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(txtDBPath.Text); ofn.ShowNewFolderButton = true; ofn.UseDescriptionForTitle = true; if (ofn.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel) { //if (!ofn.SelectedPath.Trim().StartsWith(AppConfigHelper.UbuntuPrefix())) //{ // MessageBox.Show("The backup database path must be in the Linux file system.", "Wrong file system", MessageBoxButtons.OK); // return; //} txtDBPath.Text = ofn.SelectedPath.Trim(); } } }
public async Task <TemplateFile> GetAsync( string name, string type, string version = null, string templateSource = null) { DirectoryHelper.CreateIfNotExists(CliPaths.TemplateCache); string latestVersion; #if DEBUG latestVersion = await GetLatestSourceCodeVersionAsync(name, type, $"{CliUrls.WwwRocketIoProduction}api/download/{type}/get-version/"); #else latestVersion = await GetLatestSourceCodeVersionAsync(name, type); #endif if (version == null) { if (latestVersion == null) { Logger.LogWarning("The remote service is currently unavailable, please specify the version."); Logger.LogWarning(string.Empty); Logger.LogWarning("Find the following template in your cache directory: "); Logger.LogWarning("\t Template Name\tVersion"); var templateList = GetLocalTemplates(); foreach (var cacheFile in templateList) { Logger.LogWarning($"\t {cacheFile.TemplateName}\t\t{cacheFile.Version}"); } Logger.LogWarning(string.Empty); throw new CliUsageException("Use command: rocket new Acme.BookStore -v version"); } version = latestVersion; } string nugetVersion; #if DEBUG nugetVersion = version; #else nugetVersion = (await GetTemplateNugetVersionAsync(name, type, version)) ?? version; #endif if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(templateSource) && !IsNetworkSource(templateSource)) { Logger.LogInformation("Using local " + type + ": " + name + ", version: " + version); return(new TemplateFile(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(templateSource, name + "-" + version + ".zip")), version, latestVersion, nugetVersion)); } var localCacheFile = Path.Combine(CliPaths.TemplateCache, name + "-" + version + ".zip"); #if DEBUG if (File.Exists(localCacheFile)) { return(new TemplateFile(File.ReadAllBytes(localCacheFile), version, latestVersion, nugetVersion)); } #endif if (Options.CacheTemplates && File.Exists(localCacheFile) && templateSource.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { Logger.LogInformation("Using cached " + type + ": " + name + ", version: " + version); return(new TemplateFile(File.ReadAllBytes(localCacheFile), version, latestVersion, nugetVersion)); } Logger.LogInformation("Downloading " + type + ": " + name + ", version: " + version); var fileContent = await DownloadSourceCodeContentAsync( new SourceCodeDownloadInputDto { Name = name, Type = type, TemplateSource = templateSource, Version = version } ); if (Options.CacheTemplates && templateSource.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { File.WriteAllBytes(localCacheFile, fileContent); } return(new TemplateFile(fileContent, version, latestVersion, nugetVersion)); }
static void FindPatchFiles(IList <string> patchFiles, string sourcePath, string inputPath, string outputPath, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate, string ignoreDirectories, string ignoreFiles, string ignoreBinaries) { if (inputPath.LastIndexOf("\\") == inputPath.Length - 1) { inputPath = inputPath.Substring(0, inputPath.Length - 1); } if (outputPath.LastIndexOf("\\") == outputPath.Length - 1) { outputPath = outputPath.Substring(0, outputPath.Length - 1); } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath); string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(inputPath); foreach (string file in files) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); if (ignoreFiles.IndexOf(fileInfo.Extension.ToLower() + ";") > -1 || ignoreFiles.IndexOf(fileInfo.Name.ToLower() + ";") > -1) { continue; } if (fileInfo.Directory.Name == "bin" && ignoreBinaries.IndexOf(fileInfo.Name.ToLower() + ";") > -1) { continue; } // 判断更新时间 if (File.GetLastWriteTime(file) >= beginDate && File.GetLastWriteTime(file) <= endDate) { patchFiles.Add(file); string sourceFileName = file; string destFileName = file.Replace(inputPath, outputPath); string destPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(destFileName); if (!Directory.Exists(destPath)) { DirectoryHelper.Create(destPath); } if (File.Exists(destFileName)) { File.SetAttributes(destFileName, System.IO.FileAttributes.Normal); } File.Copy(sourceFileName, destFileName, true); Console.WriteLine(file.Replace(sourcePath, string.Empty)); } } foreach (string directory in directories) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory); string relativePath = directoryInfo.FullName.Replace(sourcePath, string.Empty).ToLower() + "\\"; if (ignoreDirectories.IndexOf(relativePath + ";") > -1 || ignoreDirectories.IndexOf(directoryInfo.Name.ToLower() + ";") > -1) { continue; } FindPatchFiles(patchFiles, sourcePath, directory, string.Format("{0}\\{1}", outputPath, directoryInfo.Name), beginDate, endDate, ignoreDirectories, ignoreFiles, ignoreBinaries); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles storing of multiple media files at once. /// </summary> private void HandleMultipleMediaFiles() { try { string[] filePaths = ImportFilePaths.Split('|'); if (filePaths.Length > 0) { bool first = true; string description = txtImportFileDescription.Text.Trim(); string title = txtImportFileTitle.Text.Trim(); string name = txtImportFileName.Text.Trim(); // Check if the filename is in correct format if (!ValidationHelper.IsFileName(name)) { SetupTexts(); // Inform user on error RaiseOnAction("importerror", GetString("media.rename.wrongformat")); return; } // Go through the files and save one by one foreach (string path in filePaths) { if (path.Trim() != "") { string filePath = DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(FolderPath, path); string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath); if (!MediaLibraryHelper.IsExtensionAllowed(ext.TrimStart('.'))) { RaiseOnAction("importerror", string.Format(GetString("attach.notallowedextension"), ext, MediaLibraryHelper.GetAllowedExtensions(SiteName).TrimEnd(';').Replace(";", ", "))); return; } // Get file and library info FileInfo currFile = FileInfo.New(RootFolderPath + DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(LibraryInfo.LibraryFolder, filePath)); if (currFile != null) { if (first) { // Save media file info on current file RaiseOnSaveRequired(currFile, title, description, URLHelper.GetSafeFileName(name, SiteName, false), filePath); first = false; } else { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currFile.Name); // Save media file info on current file where title = file name RaiseOnSaveRequired(currFile, fileName, description, URLHelper.GetSafeFileName(fileName, SiteName, false), filePath); } } } } FinishImport(); } else { // Inform user on error RaiseOnAction("importnofiles", null); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetupTexts(); // Inform user on error RaiseOnAction("importerror", ex.Message); } finally { SetupImport(); } }
public void AppDataFolderTest() { var folder = DirectoryHelper.AppDataFolder(); Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) == false); }
/// <summary> /// 生成服务方法 /// 生成服务接口,与服务方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> public static void CreateApiController(Type type, string idType, string entityPath) { // type = typeof(WidgetHistory); //if (type.BaseType.FullName != typeof(MongoEntity).FullName) throw new ValidException("非Mongodb实体方法,不支持服务方法生成"); if (!type.BaseType.FullName.Contains("Entities")) { throw new ValidException("命名空间必须包含Entities"); } var testBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var filePath = BaseTemplate.GetFilePath(type, "Controllers", entityPath); DirectoryHelper.CreateIfNotExists(filePath); var fileName = filePath + $"\\Api{type.Name}Controller.cs"; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { testBuilder.AppendLine( "using System;using Alabo.Domains.Repositories.EFCore;using Alabo.Domains.Repositories.Model;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using System.Linq;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Domains.Entities;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Framework.Core.WebApis.Filter;"); testBuilder.AppendLine(""); testBuilder.AppendLine("using MongoDB.Bson;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Framework.Core.WebApis.Controller;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.RestfulApi;using ZKCloud.Open.ApiBase.Configuration;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Domains.Services;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Web.Mvc.Attributes;"); testBuilder.AppendLine("using Alabo.Web.Mvc.Controllers;"); testBuilder.AppendLine($"using {type.Namespace};"); testBuilder.AppendLine($"using {type.Namespace.Replace("Entities", "Services")};"); if (testBuilder.ToString().IndexOf(type.Namespace, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { testBuilder.AppendLine($"using {type.Namespace};"); } testBuilder.AppendLine(); testBuilder.AppendLine( $"namespace {type.Namespace.Replace("Entities", "Controllers").Replace("Domain.", "")} {{"); testBuilder.AppendLine("\t\t[ApiExceptionFilter]"); testBuilder.AppendLine($"\t\t[Route(\"Api/{type.Name}/[action]\")]"); testBuilder.AppendLine( $"\t\tpublic class Api{type.Name}Controller : ApiBaseController<{type.Name},{idType}> {{"); testBuilder.AppendLine( $" public Api{type.Name}Controller() : base() "); testBuilder.AppendLine("\t{ "); testBuilder.AppendLine($"\t\tBaseService = Resolve<I{type.Name}Service>();"); testBuilder.AppendLine("\t}"); testBuilder.AppendLine(); testBuilder.AppendLine("\t}"); testBuilder.AppendLine("}"); //创建文件 using (var stream = File.Create(fileName)) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { writer.Write(testBuilder); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Saves modified image data. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Image name</param> /// <param name="extension">Image extension</param> /// <param name="mimetype">Image mimetype</param> /// <param name="title">Image title</param> /// <param name="description">Image description</param> /// <param name="binary">Image binary data</param> /// <param name="width">Image width</param> /// <param name="height">Image height</param> private void SaveImage(string name, string extension, string mimetype, string title, string description, byte[] binary, int width, int height) { // Process media file if (mfi == null) { mfi = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFileInfo(mediafileGuid, CurrentSiteName); } if (mfi != null) { MediaLibraryInfo mli = MediaLibraryInfoProvider.GetMediaLibraryInfo(mfi.FileLibraryID); if (mli != null) { string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(MediaLibraryInfoProvider.GetMediaLibraryFolderPath(mli.LibraryID), mfi.FilePath)); bool permissionsOK = DirectoryHelper.CheckPermissions(path, false, true, true, true); // Check file write permissions FileInfo file = FileInfo.New(MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFilePath(mfi.FileLibraryID, mfi.FilePath)); if (file != null) { permissionsOK = permissionsOK && !file.IsReadOnly; } if (permissionsOK) { MediaFileInfo originalMfi = mfi.Clone(true); try { // Ensure object version SynchronizationHelper.EnsureObjectVersion(mfi); if (isPreview && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PreviewPath)) { SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(mfi.FileSiteID); if (si != null) { string previewExt = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extension) && (extension != OldPreviewExt)) ? extension : OldPreviewExt; string previewName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PreviewPath); string previewFolder = MediaLibraryHelper.EnsurePath(DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(mfi.FilePath).TrimEnd('/'), MediaLibraryHelper.GetMediaFileHiddenFolder(si.SiteName))); // Delete old preview files with thumbnails MediaFileInfoProvider.DeleteMediaFilePreview(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, mli.LibraryID, mfi.FilePath, false); MediaFileInfoProvider.DeleteMediaFilePreviewThumbnails(mfi); // Save preview file MediaFileInfoProvider.SaveFileToDisk(si.SiteName, mli.LibraryFolder, previewFolder, previewName, previewExt, mfi.FileGUID, binary, false, false); // Log synchronization task SynchronizationHelper.LogObjectChange(mfi, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateObject); } } else { string newExt = null; string newName = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { newExt = extension; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mimetype)) { mfi.FileMimeType = mimetype; } mfi.FileTitle = title; mfi.FileDescription = description; if (width > 0) { mfi.FileImageWidth = width; } if (height > 0) { mfi.FileImageHeight = height; } if (binary != null) { mfi.FileBinary = binary; mfi.FileSize = binary.Length; } // Test all parameters to empty values and update new value if available if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { newName = name; } // If filename changed move preview file and remove all ald thumbnails if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) && (mfi.FileName != newName)) || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(newExt) && (mfi.FileExtension.ToLowerCSafe() != newExt.ToLowerCSafe()))) { SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(mfi.FileSiteID); if (si != null) { string fileName = (newName != null ? newName : mfi.FileName); string fileExt = (newExt != null ? newExt : mfi.FileExtension); string newPath = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFilePath(mfi.FileLibraryID, DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(mfi.FilePath), fileName) + fileExt); string filePath = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFilePath(mfi.FileLibraryID, mfi.FilePath); // Rename file only if file with same name does not exsists if (!File.Exists(newPath)) { // Ensure max length of file path if (newPath.Length < 260) { // Remove old thumbnails MediaFileInfoProvider.DeleteMediaFileThumbnails(mfi); MediaFileInfoProvider.DeleteMediaFilePreviewThumbnails(mfi); // Move media file MediaFileInfoProvider.MoveMediaFile(si.SiteName, mli.LibraryID, mfi.FilePath, DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(mfi.FilePath), fileName) + fileExt, false); // Set new file name or extension mfi.FileName = fileName; mfi.FileExtension = fileExt; // Ensure new binary if (binary != null) { mfi.FileBinary = binary; mfi.FileSize = binary.Length; } } else { throw new IOExceptions.PathTooLongException(); } } else { baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.Visible = true; baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.ResourceString = "img.errors.fileexists"; SavingFailed = true; return; } } } else { // Remove old thumbnails MediaFileInfoProvider.DeleteMediaFileThumbnails(mfi); // Remove original media file before save string filePath = MediaFileInfoProvider.GetMediaFilePath(mfi.FileLibraryID, mfi.FilePath); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); } } // Save new data MediaFileInfoProvider.SetMediaFileInfo(mfi, false); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log exception EventLogProvider ev = new EventLogProvider(); ev.LogEvent("ImageEditor", "Save file", e); baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.Visible = true; baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.ResourceString = "img.errors.processing"; ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed, e.Message, "help"); SavingFailed = true; // Save original media file info MediaFileInfoProvider.SetMediaFileInfo(originalMfi, false); } } else // User hasn't permissions for save file { baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.Visible = true; baseImageEditor.LblLoadFailed.ResourceString = "img.errors.filesystempermissions"; SavingFailed = true; } } } }