public ActionResult Delete(int? id, bool? saveChangesError = false) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (saveChangesError.GetValueOrDefault()) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Delete failed. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."; } UserProfileDTO userProfileDTO = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile(id); if (userProfileDTO == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } var userProfile = _mapper.Map<UserProfileDTO, UserProfileViewModel>(userProfileDTO); DirectionDTO directionDTO = _directionService.GetDirection(userProfileDTO.DirectionId); var direction = _mapper.Map<DirectionDTO, DirectionViewModel>(directionDTO); ViewBag.Direction = direction.Name; return View(userProfile); }
public void AddDirection(ILocation Location, Object callback = null, bool CopyToAction = false) { String id = null; CallbackDTO cdo = new CallbackDTO(); PropertyInfo Name = null; PropertyInfo Description = null; if (callback != null) { Description = callback.GetType().GetProperty("Description"); var t = callback.GetType().GetProperty("t"); var c = callback.GetType().GetProperty("c"); Name = callback.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); if (c != null) { id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); cdo.c = (Action)c.GetValue(callback, null); cdo.Scene = Location.Scene; cdo.CurrentScene = data.CurrentScene; } if (t != null) { id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); cdo.t = Convert.ToInt32(t.GetValue(callback, null).ToString()); cdo.Scene = Location.Scene; cdo.CurrentScene = data.CurrentScene; } if (id != null) { sc.Callbacks.Add(id, cdo); } } DirectionDTO ddt = new DirectionDTO() { id = id, Name = (Name != null) ? Name.GetValue(callback, null).ToString() : Location.Name, Description = (Description != null) ? Description.GetValue(callback, null).ToString() : Location.Description, Scene = Location.Scene }; sc.Directions.Add(ddt); if (CopyToAction) { ActionDTO adto = new ActionDTO() { id = id, Name = (Name != null) ? Name.GetValue(callback, null).ToString() : Location.Name, Description = (Description != null) ? Description.GetValue(callback, null).ToString() : Location.Description, Scene = Location.Scene }; sc.Actions.Add(adto); } }
public void Update(DirectionDTO direction) { var _direction = Database.Directions.GetById(direction.DirectionId); if (_direction != null) { _mapper.Map(direction, _direction); Database.Save(); } }
public void Save(DirectionDTO direction) { var _direction = new Direction { Name = direction.Name, Description = direction.Description, UserProfiles = _mapper.Map <List <UserProfileDTO>, ICollection <UserProfile> >(direction.UserProfiles.ToList()) }; Database.Directions.Create(_direction); Database.Save(); }
public ActionResult Details(int? id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } UserProfileDTO userProfileDTO = _userProfileService.GetUserProfile(id); if (userProfileDTO == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } var userProfile = _mapper.Map<UserProfileDTO, UserProfileViewModel>(userProfileDTO); DirectionDTO directionDTO = _directionService.GetDirection(userProfileDTO.DirectionId); var direction = _mapper.Map<DirectionDTO, DirectionViewModel>(directionDTO); ViewBag.Direction = direction.Name; return View(userProfile); }