private static void Main(string[] args) { var game_process = GetProcess("csgo", 5000); var overlay = new StickyOverlayWindow(game_process.MainWindowHandle, new OverlayCreationOptions { BypassTopmost = true, WindowTitle = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11) }); overlay.OnWindowBoundsChanged += Overlay_OnWindowBoundsChanged; gfx = new Direct2DRenderer(new RendererOptions { AntiAliasing = true, Hwnd = overlay.WindowHandle, MeasureFps = true, VSync = false }); font = gfx.CreateFont("Arial", 22); brush = gfx.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255); backgroundBrush = gfx.CreateBrush(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 80); var timer = new FrameTimer(60); timer.OnFrameStart += Timer_OnFrameStart; timer.FPS = 900; timer.Start(); Console.WriteLine("drawing..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void OverlayControl() { try { // and our font var font = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 11); // Check Window State if (IsGameRunning) { #region Scan Memory & Draw Players MainScan(); #endregion #region Drawing Menu if (bMenuControl) { DrawMenu(10, 10); } #endregion if (OPTIONS_ShowFPS) { d2d.DrawTextWithBackground($"Cheat FPS: {d2d.FPS}", 20, 20, font, d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255), d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255)); } } CalculateFrameRate(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteOnLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - OVERLAY ERROR : " + ex); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight / 2; Console.WindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth / 2; OverlayCreationOptions overlayOptions = new OverlayCreationOptions() { BypassTopmost = true, Height = 600, Width = 600, WindowTitle = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11), X = Console.WindowLeft, Y = Console.WindowTop }; StickyOverlayWindow overlay = new StickyOverlayWindow(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle, overlayOptions); overlay.OnWindowBoundsChanged += Overlay_OnWindowBoundsChanged; RendererOptions rendererOptions = new RendererOptions() { AntiAliasing = true, Hwnd = overlay.WindowHandle, MeasureFps = true, VSync = false }; gfx = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions); font = gfx.CreateFont("Arial", 22); brush = gfx.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255); backgroundBrush = gfx.CreateBrush(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 80); FrameTimer timer = new FrameTimer(60); timer.OnFrameStart += Timer_OnFrameStart; timer.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); timer.Stop(); gfx.Dispose(); overlay.Dispose(); }
static void example() { var overlay = new OverlayWindow(0, 0, 800, 600); var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions() { AntiAliasing = true, Hwnd = overlay.WindowHandle, MeasureFps = true, VSync = false }; var d2d = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions); var whiteSmoke = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 100); var blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255); var redBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255); var greenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255); var blueBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255); var font = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 22); while (true) { d2d.BeginScene(); d2d.ClearScene(whiteSmoke); d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("FPS: " + d2d.FPS, 20, 40, font, greenBrush, blackBrush); d2d.BorderedRectangle(300, 40, 100, 200, 4, redBrush, blackBrush); d2d.DrawHorizontalBar(100, 290, 40, 2, 200, 4, greenBrush, blackBrush); d2d.DrawHorizontalBar(100, 280, 40, 2, 200, 4, blueBrush, blackBrush); d2d.DrawCrosshair(CrosshairStyle.Gap, 400, 300, 25, 4, redBrush); d2d.EndScene(); } }
public OverlayManager(IntPtr parentWindowHandle, out OverlayWindow overlay, out Direct2DRenderer d2d) { Direct2DRendererOptions options = new Direct2DRendererOptions() { AntiAliasing = true, Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero, MeasureFps = true, VSync = false }; setupInstance(parentWindowHandle, options); overlay = Window; d2d = Graphics; d2d.whiteSmoke = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 100); d2d.blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255); d2d.redBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255); d2d.lightRedBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 100, 100, 255); d2d.greenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255); d2d.blueBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255); d2d.font = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 22); }
private void Nampham() { rect.left = 0; // rect.right = 1366; // = 21; // rect.bottom = 726; // int Width = rect.right - rect.left; int Height = rect.bottom -; int Width2 = 1382; // int Height2 = 744; // var overlay = new OverlayWindow(rect.left,, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -; var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions() { AntiAliasing = false, Hwnd = overlay.WindowHandle, MeasureFps = true, VSync = true }; var d2d = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions); var trains = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 0); var blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255); var redBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(242, 14, 14, 255); var greenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(33, 208, 43, 255); var whiteBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 200); var blueBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255); var grenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(33, 208, 43, 180); var greenBrush2 = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 188, 0, 255); var font = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 8, true); var bigfont = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 14, true); Vector2 center = new Vector2(); while (true) { center.X = Width / 2; center.Y = (Height / 2) + 20; d2d.BeginScene(); d2d.ClearScene(trains); if (Showbone) { var m_pWorld = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.PyGame + 0x410); List <LUPPI.NP.Word> modal = new List <NP.Word>(); var m_pSceneContext = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x8); var cameraBase = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pSceneContext + 0x4); var viewMatrix = Mem.ReadMatrix <float>(cameraBase + 0xC4, 16); var pSkeletonList = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x290); int visibleCount = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x278); int coutene = 0; for (int i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++) { int r_pModel = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(pSkeletonList + i); int m_pAnimator = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(r_pModel + 0x328); if (m_pAnimator > 1) { var intt = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pAnimator + 0x528); //var bon = Mem.ReadMemory<int>(m_pAnimator + 0x970); var name = Mem.ReadString(intt, 35); //float[] b = Mem.ReadMatrix<float>(r_pModel + 0x3B0, 16); if (name.Contains("_male")) { coutene += 1; modal.Add(new NP.Word() { baseAdd = m_pAnimator, baseModal = r_pModel, isMen = true }); } else if (name.Contains("_female")) { coutene += 1; modal.Add(new NP.Word() { baseAdd = m_pAnimator, baseModal = r_pModel, isMen = false }); } } } d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("ENERMY : " + (coutene - 1) + " 💩", 10, 400, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush); for (int i = 0; i < modal.Count; i++) { if (i == 0)//LOCALPLAYER POS { var m_Position1 = modal[i].pos; MyPosition.X = m_Position1[12]; MyPosition.Y = m_Position1[13]; MyPosition.Z = m_Position1[14]; } //string name = modal[i].TypeName; //if (name.Contains("dataosha_male") || name.Contains("dataosha_female")) { var m_Position = modal[i].pos; Vector3 position; position.X = m_Position[12]; position.Y = m_Position[13]; position.Z = m_Position[14]; var p = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 0xE80; j += 0x40) { var ab = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(modal[i].baseAdd + 0x970); var boneMatrix = Mem.ReadMatrix <float>(ab + j, 16); var bone4 = new LUPPI.NP.Matrix(boneMatrix); var bone24 = new LUPPI.NP.Matrix(m_Position); var result = LUPPI.NP.Matrix.Multiply(bone4, bone24); var vec3a = new Vector3(result.M41, result.M42, result.M43); Maths.WorldToScreen3(vec3a, viewMatrix, out var testeee, Width, Height); d2d.DrawText(p.ToString(), testeee.X, testeee.Y, font, whiteBrush); p++; } Maths.WorldToScreen(position, out var testee2, Width, Height); int khoangCach = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, position, 20); string tea = "[" + khoangCach + "m]"; if (khoangCach < 150) { d2d.DrawText(tea, testee2.X - tea.Length, testee2.Y, font, greenBrush2); } else { d2d.DrawText(tea, testee2.X - tea.Length, testee2.Y, font, whiteBrush); } } } } if (isBoxEsp) { Vector2 vector3; LocalPlayer = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.LocalPlayer); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 0x22); MyPosition = GetEncryptedPosition(LocalPlayer); List <Entity> ls = ReadAllEntity(); d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("ENERMY : " + enemyCount.ToString() + " 💩", 10, 400, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("AIM LEG: " + aimLeg.ToString(), 10, 370, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { //ls[i].Coordinates.Y += 15f; ls[i].Coordinates = ls[i].GetEncryptedPosition(); if (Maths.WorldToScreen(ls[i].Coordinates, out vector3, Width2, Height2)) { int khoangCach = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, ls[i].Coordinates, 10); var widthhp = 0f; var widthhp2 = 0f; float numaim = 2f; if (ls[i].isPlayer && ls[i].hp > 0) { float heiadd = 0f; bool flag3 = ls[i].pose == Pose.Standing; if (flag3) { heiadd += 18.5f; } bool flag4 = ls[i].pose == Pose.Prone; if (flag4) { heiadd += 12.5f; numaim = 1.6f; } bool flag5 = ls[i].pose == Pose.Crouching; if (flag5) { heiadd += 4f; numaim = 1.1f; } Vector2 line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8; if (isBoxEsp) { var a1 = ls[i].Coordinates.X; var a2 = ls[i].Coordinates.Y; var a3 = ls[i].Coordinates.Z; var v7 = a1 - 5.5f; var v8 = a2 - 2.5f; var v9 = a3 - 5.5f; var v10 = a1 + 5.5f; var v12 = a3 + 5.5f; if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v8, v9), out line1, Width, Height)) { var v4 = a2 + heiadd; var v11 = a2 + heiadd; var v13 = v4; var v14 = v4; if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v4, v12), out line2, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v8, v9), out line3, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v11, v9), out line4, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v8, v12), out line5, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v13, v12), out line6, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v8, v12), out line7, Width, Height)) { if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v14, v9), out line8, Width, Height)) { d2d.DrawLine(line1.X, line1.Y, line4.X, line4.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line3.X, line3.Y, line8.X, line8.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line7.X, line7.Y, line2.X, line2.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line5.X, line5.Y, line6.X, line6.Y, 1, whiteBrush); //Chan d2d.DrawLine(line1.X, line1.Y, line3.X, line3.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line3.X, line3.Y, line7.X, line7.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line7.X, line7.Y, line5.X, line5.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line5.X, line5.Y, line1.X, line1.Y, 1, whiteBrush); //Dau d2d.DrawLine(line4.X, line4.Y, line8.X, line8.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line8.X, line8.Y, line2.X, line2.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line2.X, line2.Y, line6.X, line6.Y, 1, whiteBrush); d2d.DrawLine(line6.X, line6.Y, line4.X, line4.Y, 1, whiteBrush); widthhp = (float)Helper.GetDistance2(line4, line2, 1); widthhp2 = (float)Helper.GetDistance2(line6, line8, 1); if (widthhp < widthhp2) { widthhp = widthhp2; } } } } } } } } } } var dy = ls[i].Coordinates.X; var dy_4 = ls[i].Coordinates.Y; var v46 = ls[i].Coordinates.Z; var v27 = dy_4 + 27.0f; Vector2 aimpoint, aimpoint2; if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v27, v46), out aimpoint, Width, Height)) { string tea = ls[i].PlayerName + " [" + khoangCach + " m]"; if (khoangCach < 150) { d2d.DrawText(tea, aimpoint.X - tea.Length * 2, aimpoint.Y - 10, font, redBrush); } else { d2d.DrawText(tea, aimpoint.X - tea.Length * 2, aimpoint.Y - 10, font, whiteBrush); } //Player HP if (ls[i].hp == 100) { d2d.DrawVerticalBar(ls[i].hp, aimpoint.X - widthhp / 2, aimpoint.Y - 15f, widthhp, 1, 3, greenBrush2, blackBrush); } else { d2d.DrawVerticalBar(ls[i].hp, aimpoint.X - widthhp / 2, aimpoint.Y - 15f, widthhp, 1, 3, redBrush, blackBrush); } } if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v27, v46), out aimpoint, Width, Height2)) { var v41 = dy_4 + heiadd; if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v41, v46), out aimpoint2, Width, Height2)) { if ((Maths.InsideCircle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, 80, (int)aimpoint2.X, (int)aimpoint2.Y))) { if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LShiftKey)) { Cursor.Position = new Point((int)(aimpoint2.X), (int)(aimpoint2.Y)); if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LButton)) { Cursor.Position = new Point((int)(aimpoint2.X), (int)(aimpoint2.Y + ls[i].Pitch)); } } } } } } if (ls[i].isItem) { if (ls[i].dropID == 1001 || ls[i].dropID == 1002 || ls[i].dropID == 1007 || ls[i].dropID == 1026) { d2d.DrawText2("[GUN]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2); } else if (ls[i].dropID == 1273 || ls[i].dropID == 1274 || ls[i].dropID == 1275) { d2d.DrawText2("[SCOPE]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2); } else if (khoangCach < 100) { //d2d.DrawText("[I]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush); } } if (ls[i].isItemDie && khoangCach < 100) { d2d.DrawText2("[DIE]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2); } } } } d2d.EndScene(); //Thread.Sleep(1); } }
private void Update(object sender) { // set up our colours for drawing var blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255); var redBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(153, 0, 0, 128); var yellowBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(153, 153, 0, 128); var orangeBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 200, 0, 255); var darkOrangeBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 100, 0, 255); var greenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255); var blueBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255); var whiteBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(250, 250, 250, 128); var vehicleBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(243, 243, 255, 128); var heroVisBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(240, 0, 255, 255); var heroBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(120, 0, 120, 255); // and our font var font = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 9); Direct2DBrush brush; Console.WriteLine("Initialising..."); // initialise the GameManager class that handles the player data gameManager = new GameManager(process, new Rectangle(0, 0, overlay.Width, overlay.Height)); Console.WriteLine("Ready."); // main loop while (IsGameRunning) { if (gameManager.UpdateFrame(new Rectangle(0, 0, overlay.Width, overlay.Height))) { d2d.BeginScene(); d2d.ClearScene(clearBrush); if (OPTIONS_ShowFPS) { d2d.DrawTextWithBackground($"FPS: {d2d.FPS}", 20, 20, font, greenBrush, blackBrush); } foreach (Player player in gameManager.AllPlayers) { if (!player.IsDead) { if (player.IsVisible) { if (player.MaxHealth < 400) { brush = yellowBrush; } else { brush = heroVisBrush; } } else { if (player.MaxHealth < 400) { brush = redBrush; } else { brush = heroBrush; } } if (!player.InVehicle) { /*if (!player.IsVisible)*/ DrawAABB(player.TransformAABB, brush); } else { brush = vehicleBrush; DrawAABB(player.TransformAABB, brush); } var name = player.Name; var dist = $"{(int)player.Distance}m"; Vector3 textPos = new Vector3(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z); if (gameManager.WorldToScreen(textPos, out textPos)) { var textPosX = textPos.X - ((name.Length * font.FontSize) / 4); d2d.DrawText(name, textPosX - 1, textPos.Y - 1, font, blackBrush); d2d.DrawText(name, textPosX, textPos.Y, font, whiteBrush); textPosX = textPos.X - ((dist.Length * font.FontSize) / 4); var textPosY = textPos.Y + font.FontSize; d2d.DrawText(dist, textPosX - 1, textPosY - 1, font, blackBrush); d2d.DrawText(dist, textPosX, textPosY, font, whiteBrush); } } } d2d.EndScene(); } } // clean up if the game has closed RPM.CloseProcess(); Environment.Exit(0); }