コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Basket()
            BasketViewModel vm = new BasketViewModel();

            if ((Reservation)Session["Reservation"] != null)
                reservation = (Reservation)Session["Reservation"];

            if (reservation != null)
                if (reservation.Tickets != null)
                    vm.Tickets = reservation.Tickets;

                if (reservation.PassParToutDays != null)
                    vm.Partoutdays = reservation.PassParToutDays;

                if (reservation.PassParToutWeek != null)
                    vm.ParToutWeek = reservation.PassParToutWeek;

                decimal totalPrice = 0;

                if (vm.Tickets != null)
                    foreach (BaseTicket bt in vm.Tickets)
                        if (bt is ConcertTicket)
                            ConcertTicket ct = bt as ConcertTicket;
                            totalPrice += ct.Ticket.Count * ct.Concert.Hall.Price;
                        if (bt is DinnerTicket)
                            DinnerTicket dt = bt as DinnerTicket;
                            totalPrice += dt.Ticket.Count * dt.Restaurant.Price;

                if (vm.Partoutdays != null)
                    foreach (PassParToutDay pd in vm.Partoutdays)
                        decimal dayPrice = passPartoutTypeRepository.GetPassPartoutType(1).Price;
                        totalPrice += pd.Count * dayPrice;

                if (vm.ParToutWeek != null)
                    decimal weekPrice = passPartoutTypeRepository.GetPassPartoutType(4).Price;

                    totalPrice += vm.ParToutWeek.Count * weekPrice;

                vm.TotalPrice = (double)totalPrice;

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Reservation(FormCollection collection)
            //check if session is already set and set of new reservation or load from session
            if (Session["Reservation"] != null)
                reservation = (Reservation)Session["Reservation"];
                reservation = new Reservation();

            DinnerSession selectedDinnerSession = new DinnerSession();

            //get input from user from the Collection that's passed from the view
            int      amount       = Convert.ToInt32(collection.Get("ticket-amount"));
            int      dayId        = Convert.ToInt32(collection.Get("day"));
            DateTime timeSlot     = Convert.ToDateTime(collection.Get("timeslot"));
            int      restaurantId = Convert.ToInt32(collection.Get("restaurantId"));
            string   remarks      = collection.Get("remarks");

            Restaurant restaurant = restaurantRepository.GetRestaurant(restaurantId);

            //get dinnerSessions by restaurantId and timeslot the customer selected
            List <DinnerSession> dinnerSession = dinnerSessionRepository.getDinnerSessionsByRestaurantAndStartTime(restaurantId, timeSlot).ToList();

            //check for each session in the dinnersession list if the dayId matches the selected dayId by the customer
            foreach (DinnerSession session in dinnerSession)
                if (session.DayId == dayId)
                    selectedDinnerSession = session;

            //fill dinnerTicket and PreTicket
            DinnerTicket dinnerTicket = new DinnerTicket
                Ticket = new PreTicket
                    Id      = 1,
                    EventId = selectedDinnerSession.EventId,
                    Event   = eventRepository.GetEvent(selectedDinnerSession.EventId),
                    Count   = amount
                Restaurant = restaurant,
                Remarks    = remarks,
                Count      = amount,
                Id         = selectedDinnerSession.EventId

            //create new list of Tickets if reservation doesn't contain any.
            if (reservation.Tickets == null)
                reservation.Tickets = new List <BaseTicket>();


            Session["Reservation"] = reservation;

            return(RedirectToAction("Basket", "Home"));