コード例 #1
        public async Task TestDigest()
            string authType       = DigestGenerator.AuthorizationHeaderMarker;
            string userName       = "******";
            string password       = "******";
            string relativeUri    = "/api/auth/digest";
            Uri    fullUri        = new Uri(baseUri, relativeUri);
            string initialRequest = CreateInitialRequest(fullUri);

            using (Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                socket.Connect("localhost", port);
                HttpResponse initialResponse = await SendRequestAndGetResponse(socket, initialRequest);

                Assert.That(initialResponse.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(401));

                string authHeader = GetDesiredAuthHeader(authType, initialResponse);
                Assert.That(authHeader, Is.Not.Null);

                DigestGenerator generator          = new DigestGenerator(userName, password, "GET", relativeUri, authHeader);
                string          authorizeRequest   = CreateRequest(fullUri, generator.GenerateAuthorizationHeader());
                HttpResponse    authorizedResponse = await SendRequestAndGetResponse(socket, authorizeRequest);

                Assert.That(authorizedResponse.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(200));
コード例 #2
        public void TestDigest()
            string          expectedHeaderValue = "Digest username=\"user.name\", realm=\"test.dev\", nonce=\"064af982c5b571cea6450d8eda91c20d\", uri=\"/login\", response=\"70eda34f1683041fd9ab72056c51b740\", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"61417766e50cb980\", algorithm=MD5, opaque=\"d8ea7aa61a1693024c4cc3a516f49b3c\"";
            DigestGenerator generator           = new DigestGenerator(userName, password, httpVerb, url, "61417766e50cb980", 1, authenticationHeader);
            string          expectedResponse    = "70eda34f1683041fd9ab72056c51b740";

            Assert.That(generator.GetAuthorizationValue(), Is.EqualTo(expectedResponse));
            Assert.That(generator.GenerateAuthorizationHeader(), Is.EqualTo(expectedHeaderValue));
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the OnResponseReceived for the proxy, which occurs after the response is
        /// received from the web server, but before it is forwarded on to the browser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">A <see cref="BenderProxy.ProcessingContext"/> object.</param>
        public override void OnResponseReceived(ProcessingContext context)
            // These are valid credentials and other necessary initial data
            // for the Digest case.
            string userName        = "******";
            string password        = "******";
            string httpMethod      = context.RequestHeader.Method;
            string hostHeaderValue = context.RequestHeader.Host;
            string requestUri      = context.RequestHeader.RequestURI;
            int    hostIndex       = requestUri.IndexOf(hostHeaderValue);

            if (hostIndex >= 0)
                requestUri = requestUri.Substring(hostIndex + hostHeaderValue.Length);

            // Only do any processing on the response if the response is 401,
            // or "Unauthorized".
            if (context.ResponseHeader != null && context.ResponseHeader.StatusCode == 401)
                // Read the headers from the response and finish reading the response
                // body, if any.
                Console.WriteLine("Received 401 - Unauthorized response");
                context.ServerStream.ReadTimeout  = 5000;
                context.ServerStream.WriteTimeout = 5000;
                StreamReader     reader       = new StreamReader(context.ServerStream);
                HttpHeaderReader headerReader = new HttpHeaderReader(reader);
                if (context.ResponseHeader.EntityHeaders.ContentLength != 0)
                    string drainBody = ReadFromStream(reader);

                // We do not want the proxy to do any further processing after
                // handling this message.

                // Read the WWW-Authenticate header. Because of the way the test
                // web app is configured, it returns multiple headers, with
                // different schemes. We need to select the correct one.
                string authHeader = GetAuthenticationHeader(context.ResponseHeader.WWWAuthenticate, DigestGenerator.AuthorizationHeaderMarker);
                Console.WriteLine("Processing WWW-Authenticate header: {0}", authHeader);

                // Calculate the value for the Authorization header, and resend
                // the request (with the Authorization header) to the server
                // using BenderProxy's HttpMessageWriter.
                Console.WriteLine("Generating authorization header value for user name '{0}' and password '{1}'", userName, password);
                DigestGenerator generator = new DigestGenerator(userName, password, httpMethod, requestUri, authHeader);
                string          authorizationHeaderValue = generator.GenerateAuthorizationHeader();
                Console.WriteLine("Resending request with Authorization header: {0}", authorizationHeaderValue);
                context.RequestHeader.Authorization = authorizationHeaderValue;
                HttpMessageWriter writer = new HttpMessageWriter(context.ServerStream);

                // Get the authorized response, and forward it on to the browser, using
                // BenderProxy's HttpHeaderReader and support classes.
                HttpResponseHeader header     = new HttpResponseHeader(headerReader.ReadHttpMessageHeader());
                string             body       = ReadFromStream(reader);
                Stream             bodyStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body));
                new HttpResponseWriter(context.ClientStream).Write(header, bodyStream, bodyStream.Length);