static void Main(string[] args) { // Launch Debugger Debugger(); Clocker.AddAndStartClock("TotalClock"); Clocker.AddAndStartClock("PipeClock"); if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Pipe requires only one argument"); return; } PipeClient pipeClient = new PipeClient(args[0]); pipeClient.Init(); int ySize; int zSize; int xSize; Differ differ; // Biome, HeightMap, WaterMask and TreeMask arrays/bitmap Biomes[][] biomes; int[][] heightMap; int[][] waterMap; int[][] treeMap; float[][] deltaMap; bool[][] acceptableMap; int[][] villageMap; int[][] houseMap; int[][] roadMap; int[][] mainRoadMap; bool[][] lavaMap; using (BinaryReader reader = pipeClient.ReadMemoryBlock()) { Material[][][] blocks; ySize = reader.ReadInt16(); zSize = reader.ReadInt16(); xSize = reader.ReadInt16(); Console.WriteLine($"Y: {ySize} Z: {zSize} X: {xSize}"); blocks = new Material[ySize][][]; for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) { blocks[y] = new Material[zSize][]; for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) { blocks[y][z] = new Material[xSize]; for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) { blocks[y][z][x] = AlphaMaterials.Set.GetMaterial(reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt16()); } } } differ = new Differ(blocks); // Biome, HeightMap, WaterMask and TreeMask arrays/bitmap biomes = new Biomes[zSize][]; heightMap = new int[zSize][]; waterMap = new int[zSize][]; treeMap = new int[zSize][]; deltaMap = new float[zSize][]; acceptableMap = new bool[zSize][]; villageMap = new int[zSize][]; houseMap = new int[zSize][]; roadMap = new int[zSize][]; mainRoadMap = new int[zSize][]; lavaMap = new bool[zSize][]; for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) { biomes[z] = new Biomes[xSize]; heightMap[z] = new int[xSize]; waterMap[z] = new int[xSize]; treeMap[z] = new int[xSize]; deltaMap[z] = new float[xSize]; acceptableMap[z] = new bool[xSize]; villageMap[z] = new int[xSize]; houseMap[z] = new int[xSize]; roadMap[z] = new int[xSize]; mainRoadMap[z] = new int[xSize]; lavaMap[z] = new bool[xSize]; for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) { biomes[z][x] = (Biomes)reader.ReadInt16(); heightMap[z][x] = reader.ReadInt16(); waterMap[z][x] = reader.ReadInt16(); treeMap[z][x] = 0; deltaMap[z][x] = 0; } } } Clocker.PauseClock("PipeClock"); Console.WriteLine("Ora pro nobis"); Clocker.AddAndStartClock("AlgorithmClock"); { Tasker.WorkChunk[] workChunks = { (int zStart, int zEnd, int xStart, int xEnd) => { HeightMap.FixBoxHeights(differ.World,heightMap, treeMap, zStart, xStart, zEnd, xEnd); } }; Tasker.Run2DTasks(zSize, xSize, workChunks, null); } { // Delta Map & Lava Map Tasker.WorkBlock[] workBlocks = { (int z, int x) => { DeltaMap.CalculateDeltaMap(heightMap, waterMap, deltaMap, z, x); TreeMap.ExpandTreeBlock(z, x, treeMap); lavaMap[z][x] = LavaMap.isAcceptableLavaMapBlock(heightMap,differ.World, z, x); } }; Tasker.Run2DTasks(zSize, xSize, null, workBlocks); } { // Acceptable Map Tasker.WorkBlock[] isAcceptable = { (int z, int x) => { acceptableMap[z][x] = DeltaMap.IsAcceptableBlock(deltaMap, z, x) && HeightMap.IsAcceptableTreeMapBlock(treeMap, z, x) && waterMap[z][x] != 1 && !lavaMap[z][x]; } }; Tasker.Run2DTasks(zSize, xSize, null, isAcceptable); } WaterAnalyzer.WaterAnalysis waterAnalysis; { int minWaterSize = 20; waterAnalysis = WaterAnalyzer.AnalyzeWater(waterMap, minWaterSize); Console.WriteLine($"Min Water Body Size {minWaterSize}"); Console.WriteLine($"Found {waterAnalysis.WaterBodies.Count} valid Water Bodies and {waterAnalysis.InvalidWaterBodies.Count} Invalid ones"); Console.WriteLine("Valid Water Bodies Sizes"); foreach (var waterBody in waterAnalysis.WaterBodies) { Console.WriteLine($"\tSize {waterBody.Points.Count}"); } Console.WriteLine("Invalid Water Bodies Sizes"); foreach (var waterBody in waterAnalysis.InvalidWaterBodies) { Console.WriteLine($"\tSize {waterBody.Points.Count}"); } } DataQuadTree <Vector2Int> roadQT = new DataQuadTree <Vector2Int>(new Vector2Int(), new Vector2Int(zSize - 1, xSize - 1)); List <VillageMarker> villages; List <List <Vector2Int> > roads = new List <List <Vector2Int> >(); { int numberOfTries = 1000; int expectedVillageSize = 2500; int radius = 4; int villageCount = 3; int maxVillageCount = 3; villages = VillageDistributor.DistributeVillageMarkers( acceptableMap, villageMap, waterAnalysis, villageCount, maxVillageCount, numberOfTries, radius, expectedVillageSize ); bool mainRoadPlaced = false; int mainRoadVillageStart = -1, mainRoadVillageEnd = -1; if (villages.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < villages.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < villages.Count; j++) { List <Vector2Int> road = RoadGenerator.FirstRoad( villages[i].Seed.Z, villages[i].Seed.X, villages[j].Seed.Z, villages[j].Seed.X, acceptableMap, deltaMap, waterMap, roadMap, treeMap, houseMap ); if (road.Count > 0) { mainRoadPlaced = true; mainRoadVillageStart = i; mainRoadVillageEnd = j; Console.WriteLine("Main Road length: " + road.Count); roads.Add(road); foreach (Vector2Int roadPoint in road) { roadQT.Insert(roadPoint, roadPoint); mainRoadMap[roadPoint.Z][roadPoint.X] = 1; } break; } } if (mainRoadPlaced) { break; } } } if (mainRoadPlaced) { for (int i = 0; i < villages.Count; ++i) { if (i != mainRoadVillageStart && i != mainRoadVillageEnd) { Console.WriteLine($"Connecting village: {i} to roads"); List <Vector2Int> road = RoadGenerator.PointToRoad( villages[i].Seed.Z, villages[i].Seed.X, acceptableMap, deltaMap, waterMap, roadMap, treeMap, houseMap, roadQT ); roads.Add(road); foreach (Vector2Int roadPoint in road) { roadQT.Insert(roadPoint, roadPoint); } } } //RoadPlacer.RoadsPlacer(roads, roadMap, heightMap, waterMap, biomes, differ); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to Place all the roads"); } } DataQuadTree <RectInt> villagesQT = new DataQuadTree <RectInt>(new Vector2Int(0, 0), new Vector2Int(zSize, xSize)); foreach (VillageMarker village in villages) { HouseDistributor.FillVillage(deltaMap, heightMap, acceptableMap, houseMap, roadMap, villageMap, waterMap, treeMap, biomes, village, differ.World, new Vector2Int(8, 8), differ, villagesQT, roadQT, ref roads); } RoadPlacer.RoadsPlacer(roads, roadMap, heightMap, waterMap, biomes, differ); { // Drawing Mapper.SaveMapInfo[] saveMapInfos = { new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "villagemap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (villageMap[z][x] >= 1) { return(Color.Yellow); } else if (acceptableMap[z][x] && villageMap[z][x] <= 0) { return(Color.Orange); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = (Mapper.ColorApplier colorApplier) => { for (int i = 0; i < villages.Count; i++) { colorApplier.Invoke(villages[i].Seed.Z, villages[i].Seed.X, Color.Blue); } } }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "acceptablemap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (acceptableMap[z][x]) { return(Color.Green); } else { return(Color.Red); } }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "deltamap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (0 <= deltaMap[z][x] && deltaMap[z][x] <= DeltaMap.kMaxDelta) { float tVal = 1.0f - deltaMap[z][x] / DeltaMap.kMaxDelta; return(Color.FromRgba(0, (byte)(255.0f * tVal + 100.0f * (1.0f - tVal)), 0, 255)); } else if (deltaMap[z][x] > DeltaMap.kMaxDelta) { return(Color.Red); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "treemap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (treeMap[z][x] == 1) { return(Color.Green); } else if (treeMap[z][x] == 2) { return(Color.Brown); } else if (treeMap[z][x] == 3) { return(Color.DarkSeaGreen); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "heightmap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (heightMap[z][x] >= 0) { return(Color.FromRgba((byte)heightMap[z][x], (byte)heightMap[z][x], (byte)heightMap[z][x], 255)); } else { return(Color.Red); } }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "watermap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (waterMap[z][x] == 1) { return(Color.Blue); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "houseMap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (houseMap[z][x] == 1) { return(Color.Brown); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "roadMap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ switch (roadMap[z][x]) { case RoadGenerator.MainRoadMarker: return(Color.PaleVioletRed); case RoadGenerator.RoadMarker: return(Color.Purple); case RoadGenerator.BridgeMarker: return(Color.Brown); case RoadGenerator.MainBridgeMarker: return(Color.BurlyWood); default: return(Color.Transparent); } }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "mainRoadMap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (mainRoadMap[z][x] == 1) { return(Color.Turquoise); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null }, new Mapper.SaveMapInfo { zSize = zSize, xSize = xSize, name = "lavaMap", colorWork = (int z, int x) =>{ if (lavaMap[z][x]) { return(Color.DarkRed); } return(Color.Transparent); }, specialColors = null } }; Mapper.SaveMaps(saveMapInfos); } // Write Data Back to Python { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream())) { differ.SerializeChanges(writer); // Return data To Python Console.WriteLine(writer.BaseStream.Length); pipeClient.WriteMemoryBlock((MemoryStream)writer.BaseStream); } } // Close Pipe pipeClient.DeInit(); Clocker.PauseClock("AlgorithmClock"); Clocker.PauseClock("TotalClock"); double pipeTime = Clocker.GetTime("PipeClock", true); double algoTime = Clocker.GetTime("AlgorithmClock", true); double totalTime = Clocker.GetTime("TotalClock", true); Clocker.PrintAllTime(true, true, true); Clocker.RemoveClock("PipeClock", true, true, true); Clocker.RemoveClock("AlgorithmClock", true, true, true); Clocker.RemoveClock("TotalClock", true, true, true); Console.WriteLine($"Pipe Percentage of Time: {pipeTime / totalTime * 100.0}% ({pipeTime} secs)"); Console.WriteLine($"Algorithm Percentage of Time: {algoTime / totalTime * 100.0}% ({algoTime} secs)"); }