コード例 #1
        internal void UpdateText()
            if (Text == null)

            CanvasRoot.Height = Text.LineCount * LineHeight;

            GutterRoot.Text = this.Text;

            if (DiffMap != null)

            Text.ScrollToLineRequested -= Text_ScrollToLineRequested;
            Text.ScrollToLineRequested += Text_ScrollToLineRequested;
コード例 #2
    void LoadDiffMaps()
        Report("Loading Diff Maps", 1);
        morphShapesData  = new List <List <Vector3> >();
        morphShapesLinks = new List <List <int> > ();
        // First, get the UV data from the mesh...
        Vector2[] baseUVs;
        if (metaMorphSettings.UVLayerOne == true)
            baseUVs = mesh.uv;
            baseUVs = mesh.uv2;

        // let's cycle through all the diff maps in Diff_Maps.
        int diffMapLoopMax = diffMaps.Length;

        for (int diffMapLoop = 0; diffMapLoop < diffMapLoopMax; diffMapLoop++)
            // Temporary variables for building
            List <Vector3> loadDiffMap  = new List <Vector3> ();
            List <int>     loadDiffMapL = new List <int> ();

            if (diffMaps[diffMapLoop].scale == Vector3.zero)
                diffMaps[diffMapLoop].scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            // Set the name if it was not alreay set...
            if (diffMaps[diffMapLoop].name == "")
                diffMaps[diffMapLoop].name = diffMaps[diffMapLoop].image.name;

            // Grab the Diff Map data...
            DiffMap aDiffMap = diffMaps[diffMapLoop];

            // And get the parts of it we need for processing...
            Texture2D diffMapImage = aDiffMap.image;
            Vector3   diffMapScale = aDiffMap.scale;

            // We now read the mesh, uv, and Diff Map to get the shape data. and store it.
            for (int vert = 0; vert < baseUVs.Length; vert++)
                int UV_x = (int)Mathf.Round(baseUVs[vert].x * diffMapImage.width);
                int UV_y = (int)Mathf.Round(baseUVs[vert].y * diffMapImage.height);

                // These
                int test_x = (int)Mathf.Round((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).r - 0.5f) * 255);
                int test_y = (int)Mathf.Round((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).g - 0.5f) * 255);
                int test_z = (int)Mathf.Round((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).b - 0.5f) * 255);

                if (!(test_x == 0 && test_y == 0 && test_z == 0))
                    // Okay, now we grab the color data for the pixel under the UV point for this vert.  We then convert it to a number from -1.0 to 1.0, and multiply it by Diff_Map_Scale.
                    float UVC_r = ((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).r / 0.5f) - 1) * -1 * diffMapScale.x;                       // Why -1?  Because the relation to blender is reversed for some reason...
                    float UVC_g = ((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).g / 0.5f) - 1) * diffMapScale.y;
                    float UVC_b = ((diffMapImage.GetPixel(UV_x, UV_y).b / 0.5f) - 1) * diffMapScale.z;

                    Vector3 vert_xyz_shift = new Vector3(UVC_r, UVC_g, UVC_b);

            Report("Object " + name + ": Diff Map '" + diffMapImage.name + "' changes " + loadDiffMapL.Count + " out of " + baseMesh.Length + " verts...", 2);

            // This part stores not only the mesh modifications for this shape, but also the indexes of the array that are being changes in the mesh.
            // This data allows us to cycle through only the mesh points that will be changed, instead of running though all of points of the mesh.
            // Massive speed increase:  You only pay for the points you morph.

            morphShapesData.Add(loadDiffMap);              // We're storing an array into an array here.
            morphShapesLinks.Add(loadDiffMapL);            // We're storing an array into an array here.
コード例 #3
 private ScarifStructure(int version, NbtMap idMap, DiffMap diffMap) : this(idMap)
     Version      = version;
     BlockDiffMap = diffMap;
コード例 #4
 public ScarifStructure(NbtMap blockTranslationMap)
     BlockDiffMap        = new DiffMap();
     BlockTranslationMap = blockTranslationMap;
コード例 #5
        public static ScarifStructure Load(string filename)
            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filename))
                using (var bs = new BrotliStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                    using (var s = new BinaryReader(bs))
                        var idMap   = new NbtMap();
                        var diffMap = new DiffMap();

                        var identBytes = new byte[Magic.Length];
                        var read       = s.Read(identBytes, 0, identBytes.Length);
                        var ident      = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(identBytes);
                        if (ident != Magic || read != identBytes.Length)
                            throw new IOException("Input file not SCARIF structure");

                        var version         = s.ReadInt32();
                        var numChunks       = s.ReadInt32();
                        var numIdMapEntries = s.ReadInt32();

                        for (var entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numIdMapEntries; entryIdx++)
                            var id   = s.ReadInt16();
                            var name = ReadNullTerminatedString(s);
                            idMap.Add(id, name);

                        for (var chunkIdx = 0; chunkIdx < numChunks; chunkIdx++)
                            var chunkX    = s.ReadInt32();
                            var chunkZ    = s.ReadInt32();
                            var numBlocks = s.ReadInt32();

                            var blocks = new BlockDiffEntry[numBlocks];

                            for (var blockIdx = 0; blockIdx < numBlocks; blockIdx++)
                                // Format:
                                // 0x 0000 1111
                                //    xxxx zzzz
                                var xz = s.ReadByte();

                                var x = (byte)((xz & 0xF0) >> 4);
                                var z = (byte)(xz & 0x0F);
                                var y = s.ReadByte();

                                var id    = s.ReadInt16();
                                var flags = (ScarifBlock.BlockFlags)s.ReadByte();

                                byte    metadata = 0;
                                NbtTree tileTag  = null;

                                if (flags.Has(ScarifBlock.BlockFlags.Metadata))
                                    metadata = s.ReadByte();
                                if (flags.Has(ScarifBlock.BlockFlags.Nbt))
                                    var len = s.ReadInt32();
                                    if (len <= 0)
                                        throw new IOException("Zero-length NBT present");
                                    var bytes = s.ReadBytes(len);
                                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                                        tileTag = new NbtTree(ms);

                                if (idMap.ContainsKey(id))
                                    blocks[blockIdx] = new BlockDiffEntry(new BlockPosition(x, y, z), new ScarifBlock(id, metadata, tileTag));
                                    throw new IOException($"Unknown block ID found: {id}");

                            diffMap.Add(new ChunkPosition(chunkX, chunkZ), blocks);

                        return(new ScarifStructure(version, idMap, diffMap));
コード例 #6
        private void canvas_RegionsInvalidated(CanvasVirtualControl sender, CanvasRegionsInvalidatedEventArgs args)
            if (Text == null)

            // Update the diff map
            if (_parentScrollViewer == null)
                _parentScrollViewer = VisualTreeHelper.FindParent <ScrollViewer>(this);
                if (_parentScrollViewer != null)
                    _parentScrollViewer.ViewChanged += (s, e) =>
                        if (DiffMap != null)

                    // Force update once
                    if (DiffMap != null)

            if (_language == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileExtension))
                _language = Languages.FindById(FileExtension);

            foreach (Windows.Foundation.Rect region in args.InvalidatedRegions)
                using (CanvasDrawingSession ds = sender.CreateDrawingSession(region))

                    int startLine = (int)Math.Clamp(Math.Floor(region.Top / LineHeight), 0, Text.LineCount);

                    // add 2 to the end line count. we want to "overdraw" a bit if the line is going to be cut-off
                    int endLine = (int)Math.Clamp(Math.Ceiling(region.Bottom / LineHeight) + 2, 0, Text.LineCount);

                    StringBuilder stringRegion = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++)
                        ITextLine line = Text.GetLine(i);
                        if (line is DiffTextLine diffLine)
                            if (diffLine.ChangeType == DiffLineType.Empty)
                                stringRegion.AppendLine(); // null line

                    using (var canvasText = new CanvasTextLayout(ds, stringRegion.ToString(), _textFormat, 9999, (float)region.Height))
                        // Handle the diff line background colors
                        int index = 0;
                        for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++)
                            var line = Text.GetLine(i);

                            if (line is DiffTextLine diffLine)
                                switch (diffLine.ChangeType)
                                case DiffLineType.Insert:
                                    ds.FillRectangle(0, i * LineHeight, (float)this.ActualWidth, MathF.Ceiling(LineHeight), _addedBackgroundColor);
                                    if (_language == null)
                                        canvasText.SetBrush(index, line.Length, _addedForegroundBrush);

                                case DiffLineType.Remove:
                                    ds.FillRectangle(0, i * LineHeight, (float)this.ActualWidth, MathF.Ceiling(LineHeight), _removedBackgroundColor);
                                    if (_language == null)
                                        canvasText.SetBrush(index, line.Length, _removedForegroundBrush);

                                case DiffLineType.Empty:
                                    ds.FillRectangle(0, i * LineHeight, (float)this.ActualWidth, MathF.Ceiling(LineHeight), _nullBrush);

                                case DiffLineType.Unchanged:

                            index += line.Length + 2; // add for newline

                        // Syntax highlight
                        if (_language != null)
                            _colorizer.FormatLine(_language, CanvasRoot, canvasText, stringRegion.ToString());

                        // Draw the text
                        ds.DrawTextLayout(canvasText, 0, startLine * LineHeight, _defaultForegroundBrush);