/// <summary> /// Shows the form as a modal dialog box with the specified owner. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">Any object that implements <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window" /> that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. </param> /// <param name="xmlDefinitionFile">The XML definition file name.</param> public static void ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner, string xmlDefinitionFile) { try { var data = DictionaryPackage.GetXmlDefinitionDataFromDefinitionFile(xmlDefinitionFile); var assemblyName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlDefinitionFile) ?? string.Empty, data.lib); var version = ""; try { var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyName); version = assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log the exception.. ExceptionLogger.LogError(ex); } var form = new FormDialogCustomSpellCheckerInfo { tbName = { Text = data.name }, tbLibrary = { Text = data.lib }, tbCompany = { Text = data.company }, tbCopyright = { Text = data.copyright }, tbCulture = { Text = data.cultureName }, tbCultureDescription = { Text = data.cultureDescription }, tbCultureDescriptionNative = { Text = data.cultureDescriptionNative }, lbUrlValue = { Text = data.url }, lbSpdxLicenseLinkValue = { Text = data.spdxLicenseId, Tag = NuGetLicenseUrl + data.spdxLicenseId }, tbAssemblyVersion = { Text = version }, }; using (form) { form.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // log the exception.. ExceptionLogger.LogError(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads a custom spell checking assembly if defined in the settings file. /// </summary> public static void Load() { if (FormSettings.Settings.EditorSpellUseCustomDictionary) { try { var data = DictionaryPackage.GetXmlDefinitionDataFromDefinitionFile(FormSettings.Settings .EditorSpellCustomDictionaryDefinitionFile); ExternalSpellChecker.LoadSpellCheck(Path.GetDirectoryName(FormSettings.Settings .EditorSpellCustomDictionaryDefinitionFile), data.lib); } catch (Exception ex) { // log the exception.. ExceptionLogAction?.Invoke(ex); } } }
private void DisplayXmlData(string fileName, bool fromXmlFile) { try { var data = fromXmlFile ? DictionaryPackage.GetXmlDefinitionDataFromDefinitionFile(fileName) : DictionaryPackage.GetXmlDefinitionData(fileName); tbName.Text = data.name; tbLibrary.Text = data.lib; tbCompany.Text = data.company; tbCopyright.Text = data.copyright; tbCulture.Text = data.cultureName; tbCultureDescription.Text = data.cultureDescription; tbCultureDescriptionNative.Text = data.cultureDescriptionNative; tbSpdxLicense.Text = data.spdxLicenseId; tbUrl.Text = data.url; } catch (Exception ex) { DisplayException(ex); } }