private void ShowSolutionDialogue(params string[] text) { var form = new DialogueCreator(OnSubmitDialogue); form.AddControl("tbSolution", "Возможное решение", typeof(TextBox), text[0]); form.AddControl("tbParam", "Параметр воздействия", typeof(TextBox), text[1]); form.AddControl("tbSolSensID", "Идентификатор датчика", typeof(TextBox), text[2]); form.AddControl("tbSolNumber", "Номер по регламенту", typeof(TextBox), text[3]); form.ShowDialog(); }
private void ShowReasonDialogue(params string[] text) { var form = new DialogueCreator(OnSubmitDialogue); form.AddControl("tbReason", "Описание причины", typeof(TextBox), text[0]); form.AddControl("tbSensor", "Идентификатор датчика", typeof(TextBox), text[1]); form.AddControl("tbReasRule", "Условие", typeof(TextBox), text[2]); form.AddControl("tbReasValue", "Значение", typeof(TextBox), text[3]); form.AddControl("tbProb", "Веротность возникновения", typeof(TextBox), text[4]); form.AddControl("tbReasNumber", "Номер по регламенту", typeof(TextBox), text[5]); form.ShowDialog(); }
private void ShowRulesDialogue(params string[] text) { var form = new DialogueCreator(OnSubmitDialogue); form.AddControl("tbSensId", "Идентификатор датчика", typeof(TextBox), text[0]); form.AddControl("tbCondition", "Условие", typeof(TextBox), text[1]); form.AddControl("tbValue", "Значение", typeof(TextBox), text[2]); form.AddControl("tbBoundValue", "Граница", typeof(TextBox), text[3]); form.AddControl("tbProblem", "Описание проблемы", typeof(TextBox), text[4]); form.AddControl("tbNumber", "Номер по регламенту", typeof(TextBox), text[5]); form.ShowDialog(); }
static void ShowEditor() { DialogueCreator editor = EditorWindow.GetWindow <DialogueCreator>(); }
void OnGUI() { //AudioClip au = Resources.Load<AudioClip>("Audio/LF Mix"); //AudioSource as = new AudioSource(); // Editor ed = Editor.CreateEditor(au); // ed.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(new Rect(350, 250, 100, 100), EditorStyles.inspectorDefaultMargins); if (clearAudio) { ClearAudioObjects(); } //set current scroll position and start scroll area scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height), scrollPos, new Rect(0, 0, 500f, 1000f), true, true); lastSelection = fileSelection; fileSelection = EditorGUILayout.Popup(fileSelection, files, GUILayout.Width(250)); //file dropdown if (lastSelection != fileSelection) { ClearAudioObjects(); } //selection is to create new if (fileSelection == 0) { dialogueCreator = null; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); createName = GUILayout.TextField(createName, GUILayout.Width(250)); if (GUILayout.Button("Create", GUILayout.Width(250))) { //check to see if filename is already in use if (DialogueCreator.CheckForFile(createName)) { Debug.Log("This filename is already in use, use new name or delete dialogue file."); } else { dialogueCreator = new DialogueCreator(createName, false); tree = dialogueCreator.GetTree(); refNode = tree.GetRoot(); files = FindDialogueFiles(); int ct = 0; foreach (string s in files) { if (s == createName) { fileSelection = ct; } ct++; } } createName = ""; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } //selection is to open file else if ((dialogueCreator == null || lastSelection != fileSelection) && fileSelection != 0) { dialogueCreator = new DialogueCreator(files[fileSelection], true); tree = dialogueCreator.GetTree(); refNode = tree.GetRoot(); } //save changes to tree if (GUILayout.Button("Save", GUILayout.Width(250)) && dialogueCreator != null) { dialogueCreator.Save(); } //if tree is set, render tree if (dialogueCreator != null && dialogueCreator.tree != null && dialogueCreator.tree.GetRoot() != null) { title = dialogueCreator.dialogueID; GUILayout.Label(title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("(Always Set Statement After Response)", EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel); DrawSpeakerForm(); GenerateTree(); //make graphical representation of dialogue tree } GUI.EndScrollView(); }