コード例 #1
    // Edit or Create
    public override void DrawEditor(Rect box, bool newItem)
        if (!linkedTablesLoaded) {
            actionOptions = ServerOptionChoices.LoadAtavismChoiceOptions("Dialogue Action", false);
            linkedTablesLoaded = true;
        // Setup the layout
        Rect pos = box;
        pos.x += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y += ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.width -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.height = ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        // Draw the content database info
        if (newItem) {
            ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "Create a new Dialogue");
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        // Draw a button to go back to the previous dialogue
        if (editingDisplay.previousDialogueID != -1) {
            DialogueData dd = (DialogueData) dataRegister[editingDisplay.previousDialogueID];
            pos.width = pos.width * 2;
            if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Go back to " + dd.id + "." + dd.name)) {
                //editingDisplay = GetDialogue(editingDisplay.previousDialogueID);
                requestedDisplay = GetPositionOfPreviousDialogue(editingDisplay.previousDialogueID);
                state = State.Edit;
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            pos.width = pos.width / 2;

        editingDisplay.name = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Name:", editingDisplay.name, 0.5f);
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.width = pos.width / 2;
        editingDisplay.openingDialogue = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox(pos, "Opening Dialogue:", editingDisplay.openingDialogue);
        pos.x += pos.width;
        editingDisplay.repeatable = ImagePack.DrawToggleBox(pos, "Repeatable:", editingDisplay.repeatable);
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        int dialogueID = GetPositionOfDialogue(editingDisplay.prereqDialogue);
        dialogueID = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Prereq Dialogue:", dialogueID, dialogueList);
        editingDisplay.prereqDialogue = dialogueIds[dialogueID];
        pos.x += pos.width;
        int questID = GetPositionOfFaction(editingDisplay.prereqQuest);
        questID = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Prereq Quest:", questID, questList);
        editingDisplay.prereqFaction = factionIds[questID];
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        int factionID = GetPositionOfFaction(editingDisplay.prereqFaction);
        factionID = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Prereq Faction:", factionID, factionList);
        editingDisplay.prereqFaction = factionIds[factionID];
        pos.x += pos.width;
        int factionStance = GetPositionOfStance(editingDisplay.prereqFactionStance);
        factionStance = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Prereq Stance:", factionStance, FactionData.stanceOptions);
        editingDisplay.prereqFactionStance = FactionData.stanceValues[factionStance];
        pos.x -= pos.width;
        pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.width = pos.width * 2;
        editingDisplay.text = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Text:", editingDisplay.text, 0.75f, 60);
        pos.y += 3f * ImagePack.fieldHeight;

        // Only show actions if it has been saved due to complications of moving forward/back
        if (!newItem) {
            if (editingDisplay.entries.Count == 0) {
                editingDisplay.entries.Add(new DialogueActionEntry("", actionOptions[0], -1));
            for (int i = 0; i < editingDisplay.maxEntries; i++) {
                if (editingDisplay.entries.Count > i) {
                    ImagePack.DrawLabel (pos.x, pos.y, "Action " + (i+1));
                    pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
                    editingDisplay.entries[i].text = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "Text:", editingDisplay.entries[i].text, 1.4f);
                    pos.width = pos.width / 2;
                    pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
                    editingDisplay.entries[i].action = ImagePack.DrawSelector (pos, "Action Type:", editingDisplay.entries[i].action, actionOptions);
                    pos.x += pos.width;
                    if (editingDisplay.entries[i].action == "Dialogue") {
                        // Treat dialogues differently as the developer will be able to click to move onto the next one
                        if (editingDisplay.entries[i].actionID == -1) {
                            // No dialogue yet, click button to create a new one
                            if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Create Dialogue")) {
                                // Save dialogue first then lets go create a new one
                                UpdateEntry ();
                                int previousDialogueID = editingDisplay.id;
                                editingDisplay.previousDialogueID = previousDialogueID;
                                editingDisplay.previousActionPosition = i;
                                editingDisplay.openingDialogue = false;
                                this.state = State.New;
                        } else {
                            // Show dialogue with option to move forward
                            if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Edit Dialogue")) {
                                // Save dialogue first then lets go create a new one
                                UpdateEntry ();
                                dataRegister[editingDisplay.entries[i].actionID].previousDialogueID = editingDisplay.id;
                                requestedDisplay = GetPositionOfDialogue(editingDisplay.entries[i].actionID);
                                state = State.Edit;
                    } else {
                        editingDisplay.entries[i].actionID = ImagePack.DrawField (pos, "ActionID:", editingDisplay.entries[i].actionID);
                    pos.x -= pos.width;
                    pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
                    pos.width = pos.width * 2;
            if (editingDisplay.entries.Count < editingDisplay.maxEntries) {
                if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Add Action")) {
                    DialogueActionEntry actionEntry = new DialogueActionEntry("", actionOptions[0], -1);
        //pos.width = pos.width * 2;

        // Save data
        pos.x -= ImagePack.innerMargin;
        pos.y += 1.4f * ImagePack.fieldHeight;
        pos.width /=3;
        if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Save Data")) {
            if (newItem)
                InsertEntry ();
                UpdateEntry ();

            state = State.Loaded;

        // Delete data
        if (!newItem) {
            pos.x += pos.width;
            if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Delete Data")) {
                DeleteEntry ();
                newSelectedDisplay = 0;
                state = State.Loaded;

        // Cancel editing
        pos.x += pos.width;
        if (ImagePack.DrawButton (pos.x, pos.y, "Cancel")) {
            editingDisplay = originalDisplay.Clone();
            if (newItem)
                state = State.New;
                state = State.Loaded;

        if (resultTimeout != -1 && resultTimeout > Time.realtimeSinceStartup) {
            pos.y += ImagePack.fieldHeight;
            ImagePack.DrawText(pos, result);

        if (!newItem)
            EnableScrollBar(pos.y - box.y + ImagePack.fieldHeight + 28);
            EnableScrollBar(pos.y - box.y + ImagePack.fieldHeight);
コード例 #2
    // Load Database Data
    public override void Load()
        if (!dataLoaded) {
            // Clean old data
            dataRegister.Clear ();
            displayKeys.Clear ();

            // Read all entries from the table
            string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;

            // If there is a row, clear it.
            if (rows != null)
                rows.Clear ();

            // Load data
            rows = DatabasePack.LoadData (DatabasePack.contentDatabasePrefix, query);
            // Read all the data
            if ((rows!=null) && (rows.Count > 0)) {
                foreach (Dictionary<string,string> data in rows) {
                    //foreach(string key in data.Keys)
                    //	Debug.Log("Name[" + key + "]:" + data[key]);
                    DialogueData display = new DialogueData ();
                    display.id = int.Parse (data ["id"]);
                    display.name = data ["name"];
                    display.openingDialogue = bool.Parse (data ["openingDialogue"]);
                    display.repeatable = bool.Parse (data ["repeatable"]);
                    display.prereqDialogue = int.Parse (data ["prereqDialogue"]);
                    display.prereqQuest = int.Parse (data ["prereqQuest"]);
                    display.prereqFaction = int.Parse (data ["prereqFaction"]);
                    display.prereqFactionStance = int.Parse (data ["prereqFactionStance"]);
                    display.reactionAutoStart = bool.Parse (data ["reactionAutoStart"]);
                    display.text = data ["text"];
                    for (int i = 1; i <= display.maxEntries; i++) {
                        string text = data ["option" + i + "text"];
                        if (text != null && text.Length != 0) {
                            string action = data ["option" + i + "action"];
                            int actionID = int.Parse (data ["option" + i + "actionID"]);
                            DialogueActionEntry entry = new DialogueActionEntry(text, action, actionID);

                    display.isLoaded = true;
                    //Debug.Log("Name:" + display.name  + "=[" +  display.id  + "]");
                    dataRegister.Add (display.id, display);
                    displayKeys.Add (display.id);
            dataLoaded = true;