コード例 #1
ファイル: SheetControl.cs プロジェクト: sainaen/dokan-nfc
        private string title = "dwProperty"; // The title of the property page

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SheetControl()

            dlgProc = new DialogProc(PropPageDialogProc);
            callback = new PropSheetCallback(PropSheetPageProc);
コード例 #2
        public SheetControl()

            dlgProc  = new DialogProc(PropPageDialogProc);
            callback = new PropSheetCallback(PropSheetPageProc);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertyPageProxy"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyPage">The target property page.</param>
        internal PropertyPageProxy(SharpPropertySheet parent, SharpPropertyPage propertyPage)
            //  Set the target.
            Parent = parent;
            Target = propertyPage;

            //  set the proxy reference in the property page.
            propertyPage.PropertyPageProxy = this;

            //  Create the dialog proc delegate (as a class member so it won't be garbage collected).
            dialogProc   = new DialogProc(WindowProc);
            callbackProc = new PropSheetCallback(CallbackProc);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertyPageProxy"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyPage">The target property page.</param>
        internal PropertyPageProxy(SharpPropertySheet parent, SharpPropertyPage propertyPage)
            //  Set the target.
            Parent = parent;
            Target = propertyPage;

            //  set the proxy reference in the property page.
            propertyPage.PropertyPageProxy = this;

            //  Create the dialog proc delegate (as a class member so it won't be garbage collected).
            dialogProc = new DialogProc(WindowProc);
            callbackProc = new PropSheetCallback(CallbackProc);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// From Raymond Chen blog : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20050329-00/?p=36043
        /// </summary>
        private static IntPtr CreateDialogParam(
            SafeLibraryHandle hinst,
            int iTemplate,
            IntPtr hwndParent,
            DialogProc lpDlgProc,
            IntPtr dwInitParam)
            var hrsrc     = FindResource(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iTemplate), RT_DIALOG).Win32ThrowIfZero();
            var hglob     = LoadResource(hinst, hrsrc).Win32ThrowIfZero();
            var pTemplate = LockResource(hglob);

            if (pTemplate == null)
                throw new Win32Exception();

                                             (DLGTEMPLATE *)pTemplate, hwndParent, lpDlgProc,
コード例 #6
        // CPropPage - Constructor
        // Initialize all our member variables to invalid
        // values. We'll expect anybody that inherits us
        // to actually put good values in here.
        internal CPropPage()
            m_sTitle          = "Title-less";
            m_hWnd            = (IntPtr)0;
            m_hIcon           = (IntPtr)(-1);
            m_sHeaderTitle    = null;
            m_sHeaderSubTitle = null;
            m_iCookie         = -1;
            m_dlgHook         = null;
            m_dlgProc         = new DialogProc(PropPageDialogProc);
            m_fChanges        = false;
            m_uc           = null;
            m_pDlgTemplate = (IntPtr)0;
            System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(CPropPage));
            m_Size = ((System.Drawing.Size)(resources.GetObject("$this.Size")));

            // There's the possiblity that our helper DLL is not going to be on the
            // path, so when the runtime tries to do a loadlibrary for some P/Invoke calls,
            // we will fail. We'll get around this by loading the DLL into memory
            // (since we'll know where it is) and then when the runtime calls LoadLibrary,
            // windows will return the one we've already loaded

            if (!ms_fLoadedHelper)
                String sLocation = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(object)).Location;
                // This will return the location of mscorlib.dll. We are going to
                // be setup so mscortim.dll is in the same directory as mscorlib.dll.
                // We'll load that DLL now

                String sHelperLocation = sLocation.Replace("mscorlib.dll", "mscortim.dll");
                // Now we'll load that DLL
                if (LoadLibrary(sHelperLocation) != (IntPtr)0)
                    ms_fLoadedHelper = true;
                // Else... it failed. What should we do? This is not good... we'll just try
                // again sometime
        }// CPropPage
コード例 #7
ファイル: User32.cs プロジェクト: AArnott/pinvoke
 public static extern unsafe IntPtr CreateDialogIndirectParam(
     SafeLibraryHandle hInstance,
     DLGTEMPLATE* lpTemplate,
     IntPtr hWndParent,
     DialogProc lpDialogFunc,
     IntPtr lParamInit);
コード例 #8
 public static extern IntPtr CreateDialogParam(IntPtr hInstance, int idResource, IntPtr hwndParent, DialogProc lpDialogFunc, IntPtr dwInitParam);
コード例 #9
 public static extern IntPtr CreateDialogParam(IntPtr hInstance, string lpTemplateName, IntPtr hwndParent, DialogProc lpDialogFunc, IntPtr dwInitParam);
コード例 #10
 public ProcessPropertySheetPage()
     _dialogProc = this.DialogProc;
     _pagePageProc = this.PropPageProc;
コード例 #11
 public static extern IntPtr CreateDialogIndirectParam(IntPtr instance, IntPtr template, IntPtr parentWindow, DialogProc callback, IntPtr lParam);
コード例 #12
 public ProcessPropertySheetPage()
     _dialogProc   = this.DialogProc;
     _pagePageProc = this.PropPageProc;
コード例 #13
ファイル: User32Ex.cs プロジェクト: vbfox/PInvoke.Forms.Test
 public static extern IntPtr CreateDialogIndirectParam(
     SafeLibraryHandle hInstance,
     DLGTEMPLATE *lpTemplate,
     IntPtr hWndParent,
     DialogProc lpDialogFunc,
     IntPtr lParamInit);
コード例 #14
 static private extern IntPtr CreateDialogIndirectParam(IntPtr hInstance,    // handle to module
                                                        IntPtr lpTemplate,   // dialog box template name
                                                        IntPtr hWndParent,   // handle to owner window
                                                        DialogProc lpDialogFunc,
                                                        IntPtr dwInitParam); // dialog box procedure
コード例 #15
        void FindGoodSizes()
            IntPtr hwndDlg = IntPtr.Zero;

                // Ok, so here's the deal.

                // To convert from pixels to dialog units, we use the following formula
                // DUx = (4 * Pixelx) / (Average Character Width of System Font)
                // DUy = (8 * Pixely) / (Average Character Height of System Font)
                // So, figuring out the Average Character Width and Height of the System Font
                // seems to be almost an impossibity. You'll see people do crud like
                // width of "abcdefghi..." / 26. That works all fine and dandy with a Latin-based
                // character set, but once we get those nice Chinese and other Asia symbols, we
                // get messed up.
                // So, what do we do?
                // If we have a dialog created, there is a Win32 API that will convert from dialog
                // units to pixels. Not quite what we need, but close enough...
                // What we'll do is create a dummy dialog that we'll never show. Then we'll ask
                // Windows to compute some Pixel widths for us from some dialog units. That will
                // allow us to 'reverse engineer' the above equations and figure out what the
                // average width and height of the system font really is. Once we get those numbers,
                // we can to the translations.

                RECT r = new RECT();

                IntPtr hInst = LoadLibrary("COMCTL32");

                DialogProc dp = new DialogProc(myProc);

                // Find the dialog resource for a property sheet or wizard page.
                // These constants can be found at \\index2\w2krtm\private\shell\comctl32\rcids.h
                // They correspond to DLG_WIZARD and DLG_PROPSHEET

                IntPtr nTemplate = (this is CWizardPage)?(IntPtr)1020:(IntPtr)1006;

                // Get the Template from COMCTL32
                IntPtr hresinfo  = FindResource(hInst, nTemplate, 5);
                IntPtr h         = LoadResource(hInst, hresinfo);
                int    nSize     = SizeofResource(hInst, hresinfo);
                IntPtr pstr      = LockResource(h);
                Byte[] nResource = new Byte[nSize];

                Marshal.Copy(pstr, nResource, 0, nSize);

                // Remove the WS_VISIBLE from the styles attribute
                byte WS_VISIBLE = 0x10;
                nResource[3] &= (byte)(~WS_VISIBLE);

                IntPtr pResource = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nSize);
                Marshal.Copy(nResource, 0, pResource, nSize);

                hwndDlg = CreateDialogIndirectParam(hInst, pResource, CNodeManager.MMChWnd, dp, IntPtr.Zero);

                r.left   = 0;
                r.top    = 0;
                r.right  = 100;
                r.bottom = 100;

                MapDialogRect(hwndDlg, ref r);

                double nMagicXNumber = 4.0 * r.right / 100.0;
                double nMagicYNumber = 8.0 * r.bottom / 100.0;

                // Add the 1 to round up
                DlgWidth  = (int)((4.0 * PageSize.Width / nMagicXNumber) + 1);
                DlgHeight = (int)((8.0 * PageSize.Height / nMagicYNumber) + 1);
            catch (Exception)
            if (hwndDlg != IntPtr.Zero)
        }// FindGoodSizes